Call of Duty: Black Ops - 50% off
Cities in Motion
Disciples III
F.E.A.R. franchise - 50% off
Gothic franchise
Prince of Persia franchise
Solar 2
Star Wars franchise
Stronghold 3 - 33% off
Warhammer 40,000 - Dawn of War II franchise - 66% off
I also got E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy to trade too.
(I crafted it from my second set of 7 coal)
Hell I'll trade someone both just for Red Faction: Armageddon
EDIT: I'll throw in Star Wars Battlefront 2 on top for Red Faction: Armageddon + Orcs Must Die/Dungeon Defenders (if someone has an extra copy of that)
EDIT 2: Hmm... maybe I should try this sort of thing on Reddit or something...
(Most people here would already have this stuff! XD)
As always, unless noted otherwise, the following are 75% off.
Assassin's Creed - Various Reductions
Dead Space series
Dungeon Defenders
Hearts of Iron III
Homefront (with its lazy-ass price conversion)
Revenge of the Titans
Section 8: Prejudice
Serious Sam franchise - Various Reductions
SPAZ - Space Pirates and Zombies)
Tomb Raider series
Two Worlds franchise - 66% off
Also worth noting the price for the Assassin's Creed Pack hasn't updated to take the reduced prices into account, so (in the UK, at least) it's cheaper to buy them individually.
Of course Ive heard of neither
Drakensang and The First Templar - Steam Special Edition.
Anyone heard of them/want to trade for games I want?
EDIT:And I saw/bought Dungeon Defenders, and THEN noticed I had games to trade, so thats lovely.
EDIT:Wait, the DLC for DD AND Sanctum are on sale. I may break my rule I made to only spend $10.
Wait, you didn't get that one indie bundle with the Binding of Isaac?
To be honest, the only reason I bought the pack was because of Voxatron, but Blocks That Matter would have been a great incentive also if I didn't already have the bundle itself.
EDIT: You don't already have LOOM?! Dude, you definitely should have LOOM.
Wait, you didn't get that one indie bundle with the Binding of Isaac?
To be honest, the only reason I bought the pack was because of Voxatron, but Blocks That Matter would have been a great incentive also if I didn't already have the bundle itself.
EDIT: You don't already have LOOM?! Dude, you definitely should have LOOM.
Barely go for the humble indie bundles, as for loom... I dont have that big of an explanation for.
Wait, you didn't get that one indie bundle with the Binding of Isaac?
To be honest, the only reason I bought the pack was because of Voxatron, but Blocks That Matter would have been a great incentive also if I didn't already have the bundle itself.
EDIT: You don't already have LOOM?! Dude, you definitely should have LOOM.
Thanks for Isaac, do you want one of the games I was trading for it?
Why not just give the gift of game like others do? :mad:
Well, all I wanted was Isaac which I did get, you still want Drakensang? Ill keep the other in my inventory for a bit since no one else seems to want it.
You really should try trading on the Steam forums. It is a mad house, but I still got Rock of Ages and AaaAAaah for trading (AaaAAaah was just for trading away 22 vintage crates I had lying about)
You really should try trading on the Steam forums. It is a mad house, but I still got Rock of Ages and AaaAAaah for trading (AaaAAaah was just for trading away 22 vintage crates I had lying about)
Ill just hold onto them, if someone wants them, Id rather it be claimed/traded here instead of SPUF.
Hey, guess what? No really, guess. You'll never get it.
Told you ya wouldn't get it.
Left 4 Dead franchise (on offer, but I don't know what the offer is yet)
Lord of the Rings: War in the North - 33% off
Mafia franchise
Men of War franchise
Quake franchise
Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter - 50% off
The Binding of Isaac
Total War franchise
Wasteland Angel
...there's also another one, but I can't tell what it is because it's not available in my region. Which is bullshit, but whatever. If the 12 deals on the front page apply to the hours on a clock, can anyone tell me what 4 o'clock is?
Anyone got a spare game to trade for it?
Would like Dungeon Defenders, Orcs must die, or Red Faction: Armageddon, (since thats on sale today).
Just hit me up with a PM. Steam name is same as this one.
Again, unless I mention otherwise, it's 75% off.
Call of Duty: Black Ops - 50% off
Cities in Motion
Disciples III
F.E.A.R. franchise - 50% off
Gothic franchise
Prince of Persia franchise
Solar 2
Star Wars franchise
Stronghold 3 - 33% off
Warhammer 40,000 - Dawn of War II franchise - 66% off
Still waiting for Dungeon Defenders to hit daily deal.
I also got E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy to trade too.
(I crafted it from my second set of 7 coal)
Hell I'll trade someone both just for Red Faction: Armageddon
EDIT: I'll throw in Star Wars Battlefront 2 on top for Red Faction: Armageddon + Orcs Must Die/Dungeon Defenders (if someone has an extra copy of that)
EDIT 2: Hmm... maybe I should try this sort of thing on Reddit or something...
(Most people here would already have this stuff! XD)
I also already have E.Y.E. and Battlefront II, so the prospect of the trade doesn't come off as nicely as it would if I didn't.
I was asleep!
Welp. Since no-one on reddit was interested, I'll let you have Achron if you want it.
Ah what the hell, anyone else who wants E.Y.E or Battlefront II can have it.
Just send me a PM and add me on Steam.
I'm feelin' generous.
EDIT: RatherDashing has got his Achron.
The other two are still available.
EDIT 2: Battlefront II taken.
Just E.Y.E to give away now.
Don't forget to add me on Steam so I can gift it to you!
(Username is RetroVortex)
(I don't think I have added you before. Have I?
EDIT: All gone now!
As always, unless noted otherwise, the following are 75% off.
Assassin's Creed - Various Reductions
Dead Space series
Dungeon Defenders
Hearts of Iron III
Homefront (with its lazy-ass price conversion)
Revenge of the Titans
Section 8: Prejudice
Serious Sam franchise - Various Reductions
SPAZ - Space Pirates and Zombies)
Tomb Raider series
Two Worlds franchise - 66% off
Also worth noting the price for the Assassin's Creed Pack hasn't updated to take the reduced prices into account, so (in the UK, at least) it's cheaper to buy them individually.
About time, something I wanted came on sale there... XD
I won two free games from achievements.
Of course Ive heard of neither
Drakensang and The First Templar - Steam Special Edition.
Anyone heard of them/want to trade for games I want?
EDIT:And I saw/bought Dungeon Defenders, and THEN noticed I had games to trade, so thats lovely.
EDIT:Wait, the DLC for DD AND Sanctum are on sale. I may break my rule I made to only spend $10.
Another game I own.
Anyone wanna trade?
(Wouldn't mind SPAZ for it, since its almost the same price at the moment. Already bought DD just now)
sell it to someone who thinks they can still get a max's head out of it
To be honest, the only reason I bought the pack was because of Voxatron, but Blocks That Matter would have been a great incentive also if I didn't already have the bundle itself.
EDIT: You don't already have LOOM?! Dude, you definitely should have LOOM.
Barely go for the humble indie bundles, as for loom... I dont have that big of an explanation for.
I do. You must be a horrible person. :mad:
Thanks for Isaac, do you want one of the games I was trading for it?
Actually, just about every sale I do that.
It's a mental disease.
Odd but ok then. I will not complain:D
Still have both of those games to trade then peoples. Just send an offer.
Why not just give the gift of game like others do? :mad:
Well, all I wanted was Isaac which I did get, you still want Drakensang? Ill keep the other in my inventory for a bit since no one else seems to want it.
Ill just hold onto them, if someone wants them, Id rather it be claimed/traded here instead of SPUF.
Edit: Does anybody here have any interest in the German version of Fallout 3? I just got for crafting 7 coal. Should have kept that coal.
Told you ya wouldn't get it.
Left 4 Dead franchise (on offer, but I don't know what the offer is yet)
Lord of the Rings: War in the North - 33% off
Mafia franchise
Men of War franchise
Quake franchise
Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter - 50% off
The Binding of Isaac
Total War franchise
Wasteland Angel
...there's also another one, but I can't tell what it is because it's not available in my region. Which is bullshit, but whatever. If the 12 deals on the front page apply to the hours on a clock, can anyone tell me what 4 o'clock is?
Yes I get it Valve, you read my comment and are giving me free games, can they be what I want?
P.S. my comment on this being unfair is still standing.
EDIT:Also I still have the First Templar for trade.
EDIT: Y'know, if Steam ever actually shows that I have them.
Uhh Deal I guess.
I was interested in Dwarves if its the one I have in mind.
No I was just trying to remember Dwarfs.
This one
If so then I'll trade for it, Id much rather play this than Two Worlds Two.
Let me research waht flight control is and Ill see.