Voucher wise, I have 25% off Valve games, 50% off Tales of Monkey Island, 33% off CitiesXL 2012, 50% off Storm: Frontline Nation and 33% off Dungeon Siege III. Anyone wants them, they're yours. Not like I'll do anything with 'em.
Voucher wise, I have 25% off Valve games, 50% off Tales of Monkey Island, 33% off CitiesXL 2012, 50% off Storm: Frontline Nation and 33% off Dungeon Siege III. Anyone wants them, they're yours. Not like I'll do anything with 'em.
Hmm. Dwarves I do have interest in, and Flight Control has a holiday achievement.
Sounds like a good deal, but Ill think about it.
EDIT:Sure, send me a trade request.
Hey, guess what? No really, guess. You'll never get it.
Told you ya wouldn't get it.
Left 4 Dead franchise (on offer, but I don't know what the offer is yet)
Lord of the Rings: War in the North - 33% off
Mafia franchise
Men of War franchise
Quake franchise
Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter - 50% off
The Binding of Isaac
Total War franchise
Wasteland Angel
...there's also another one, but I can't tell what it is because it's not available in my region. Which is bullshit, but whatever. If the 12 deals on the front page apply to the hours on a clock, can anyone tell me what 4 o'clock is?
Not sure which is it but comparing the deals on Steam to your list it looks like you're missing two: Two Tribes pack at 66% (£3.22) with each of the three games (Toki Tori, RUSH & EDGE) also at 66% (£1.86 each) and Dungeon Siege Complete (1, 2, 3 & 3's dlc) is 60% off (£15.19) with Dungeon Siege III itself and it's DLC also at 60% off (£11.99 & £3.19). Looks like DS I & II not available separately. Oh and the Left 4 Dead franchise is at 75% off.
I've been lurking here for a bit now, so yes. This is the perfect thing to start again with!
So anyway, anyone want any of the following?
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
50% off Tiny Bang Story
50% off The Wonderful End of the World
50% off Men of War: Vietnam
25% off Deus Ex: Human Revolution
33% off Driver San Francisco
50% off Lightfish
1 coal if anyone really wants one.
On topic of the sale: Nothing really catching my attention right now. Lots of good offers at the start IMO, but there isn't much now. On the last day I may pick up Deathspank or something. At least I got a good few games for cheap.
Not sure which is it but comparing the deals on Steam to your list it looks like you're missing two: Two Tribes pack at 66% (£3.22) with each of the three games (Toki Tori, RUSH & EDGE) also at 66% (£1.86 each) and Dungeon Siege Complete (1, 2, 3 & 3's dlc) is 60% off (£15.19) with Dungeon Siege III itself and it's DLC also at 60% off (£11.99 & £3.19). Looks like DS I & II not available separately. Oh and the Left 4 Dead franchise is at 75% off.
EDGE! That's the one that wasn't available in my region. It is now though. Weird.
Also, both the Two Tribes pack and Dungeon Siege are on the front page now, which they weren't before. That's why I didn't include them on my list. Thanks for mentioning them, I'd have missed them otherwise.
EDGE! That's the one that wasn't available in my region. It is now though. Weird.
Also, both the Two Tribes pack and Dungeon Siege are on the front page now, which they weren't before. That's why I didn't include them on my list. Thanks for mentioning them, I'd have missed them otherwise.
Oh look. It is more offers. I did not see that coming.
Civilization V (+ DLC) - 66% off
Command & Conquer series
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (+ DLC) - 66% off
Driver: San Francisco - 50% off
Fallout: New Vegas (+ DLC)
Grand Theft Auto series
Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 (+ DLC) - 60% off
Puzzle Agent series
Super Meat Boy
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
universe sandbox
As a side note, $5 for New Vegas is amazing and people who don't own it should really consider it. It's a great RPG, has tens of hours of content, and some really amazing writing(it's Chris Avellone, after all, the man is a GOD among RPG writers). Playing on Hard with Hardcore Mode on creates a really solid experience that I'd recommend to anybody.
Anyone played Universe Sandbox and can tell me if the game is any good or not?
Universe Sandbox isn't a game so much as it is...well, what it says it is. It's a physics simulator. There aren't goals, points, or anything like that. You load up universal models or build your own and see what happens if you, for example, increase the mass of the earth by double or you set two galaxies on a crash course. It's fun to dick around with but you do have to realize that there really isn't much there.
I took tons of screenshots when I played, so there's an idea of what the experience is kind of like.
As a side note, $5 for New Vegas is amazing and people who don't own it should really consider it. It's a great RPG, has tens of hours of content, and some really amazing writing(it's Chris Avellone, after all, the man is a GOD among RPG writers). Playing on Hard with Hardcore Mode on creates a really solid experience that I'd recommend to anybody.
That is tempting He DID make Planescape: Torment, which is my fav RPG of all time.
The Civilisation V Game of the Year Edition is about the same price as getting all the DLC alone here in the UK
(So I ended up getting that with Puzzle Agent 2. Can't complain personally, as I got Civ 5 for ridiculously cheap a little after it came out. This basically balances it out)
EDIT: It appears getting the GOTY edition just adds all the DLC to the current Civ 5 installation.
This is actually good in my opinion, as I have the Mongols retail DLC, and I was worried I couldn't Ghengis Khan the shit out of everyone.
First TTG game I bought from Steam instead of the Telltale Store, but there's no DVD for it anyway and it's only one Library entry so it's not irreversibly cluttering my Steam Library with ~5 entries for just one game.
First TTG game I bought from Steam instead of the Telltale Store, but there's no DVD for it anyway and it's only one Library entry so it's not irreversibly cluttering my Steam Library with ~5 entries for just one game.
I got the DLC for Magic: The Gathering 2012. It's actually cheaper to buy each of the decks individually; each deck costs 39 cents, but a deck pack, which includes 2 decks costs $1.19. What's the deal?
Oh and Dark Heavens + Forest's Fury is not on special, which is completely incomprehensible.
May as well offer here too; seven coal from me for New Vegas 'Lonesome Road' or 'Honest Hearts' DLC from you (currently $2.50, averages roughly 35 cents a coal). Add me if we're not already friends.
So I crafted another 7 coal and this time I got a TF2 item - The B.M.O.C.
Also, still trying to give away Braid & Defcon (preferably to someone who actually wants to play one or both of them, not just people just wanting stuff for nothing (though further confusion can result from the fact that I don't actually want anything for these games))
So I crafted another 7 coal and this time I got a TF2 item - The B.M.O.C.
That is ridiculously valuable - pop on over to the SPUF and you can easily trade it for a game of value anywhere from $40-50. Or you could trade it for like 90 coal.
So I crafted another 7 coal and this time I got a TF2 item - The B.M.O.C.
Also, still trying to give away Braid & Defcon (preferably to someone who actually wants to play one or both of them, not just people just wanting stuff for nothing (though further confusion can result from the fact that I don't actually want anything for these games))
That is the full name - it's an abbreviated of Big Man of Christmas, it is the single most rare item in the whole Gift Pile - there is no way to get it other than the gift pile. It's a hat that looks like a Santa Hat.
That is the full name - it's an abbreviated of Big Man of Christmas, it is the single most rare item in the whole Gift Pile - there is no way to get it other than the gift pile. It's a hat that looks like a Santa Hat.
Thats odd, so there is this one TF2 item you can get. Thats cool.
Ok, so I gather the achievement for The Binding of Isaac is kinda hard.
Well, within 30 minutes of playing The Binding of Isaac I lucked out and saw (and defeated) Krampus, then picked up the coal he dropped... and Steam didn't give me the achievement.
Hell, that's probably the only achievement I'll ever get, and I didn't get it. Grr!
Ok, so I gather the achievement for The Binding of Isaac is kinda hard.
It's less "hard" than "entirely based off luck". I played for ten hours before I finally saw Krampus. Krampus himself is an easier version of a late-game boss, The Fallen, who is only available after you defeat Mom the first time and is a sub-boss to Satan in the level added by the Halloween update.
Whatever. Easy or not, point is that I've beaten Krampus and picked up his coal twice now and I still don't have the sodding achievement. This thing is screwed up.
I can tell you that AAAAaaaaAAAAaaaa! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity is a ton of fun though. Anybody wants it, they can have the coupon (50% off)
I have 33% off valve, 50% off Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, 50% off Garshap:The monster Slayer, and 50% off Dungeon Defenders.
Please dont take them just for the heck of it.
And Divisonten, what game? All I can think of is L4D2.
Here's Flight Control HD.
Voucher wise, I have 25% off Valve games, 50% off Tales of Monkey Island, 33% off CitiesXL 2012, 50% off Storm: Frontline Nation and 33% off Dungeon Siege III. Anyone wants them, they're yours. Not like I'll do anything with 'em.
Hmm. Dwarves I do have interest in, and Flight Control has a holiday achievement.
Sounds like a good deal, but Ill think about it.
EDIT:Sure, send me a trade request.
Not sure which is it but comparing the deals on Steam to your list it looks like you're missing two: Two Tribes pack at 66% (£3.22) with each of the three games (Toki Tori, RUSH & EDGE) also at 66% (£1.86 each) and Dungeon Siege Complete (1, 2, 3 & 3's dlc) is 60% off (£15.19) with Dungeon Siege III itself and it's DLC also at 60% off (£11.99 & £3.19). Looks like DS I & II not available separately. Oh and the Left 4 Dead franchise is at 75% off.
I have AaaAaa for the awesome, the sequel to A Reckless Disregard for Gravity that I mentioned. The Reckless Disregard coupon is what I am offering.
So anyway, anyone want any of the following?
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
50% off Tiny Bang Story
50% off The Wonderful End of the World
50% off Men of War: Vietnam
25% off Deus Ex: Human Revolution
33% off Driver San Francisco
50% off Lightfish
1 coal if anyone really wants one.
On topic of the sale: Nothing really catching my attention right now. Lots of good offers at the start IMO, but there isn't much now. On the last day I may pick up Deathspank or something. At least I got a good few games for cheap.
Also, both the Two Tribes pack and Dungeon Siege are on the front page now, which they weren't before. That's why I didn't include them on my list. Thanks for mentioning them, I'd have missed them otherwise.
EDIT: Yay, new game. Thanks GMan.
And thanks to you too.
Civilization V (+ DLC) - 66% off
Command & Conquer series
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (+ DLC) - 66% off
Driver: San Francisco - 50% off
Fallout: New Vegas (+ DLC)
Grand Theft Auto series
Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 (+ DLC) - 60% off
Puzzle Agent series
Super Meat Boy
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
universe sandbox
God fucking dammit. What a time to not have $16. =/
They picked the "beat the christmas levels in one go" achievement for Super Meat Boy.
I am NOT attempting that achievement for anything less than a valve complete pack.
It looks like Ill get it and Puzzle Agent 2.
I took tons of screenshots when I played, so there's an idea of what the experience is kind of like.
That is tempting
(So I ended up getting that with Puzzle Agent 2. Can't complain personally, as I got Civ 5 for ridiculously cheap a little after it came out. This basically balances it out)
EDIT: It appears getting the GOTY edition just adds all the DLC to the current Civ 5 installation.
This is actually good in my opinion, as I have the Mongols retail DLC, and I was worried I couldn't Ghengis Khan the shit out of everyone.
Plus I don't have to redownload the whole game.
First TTG game I bought from Steam instead of the Telltale Store, but there's no DVD for it anyway and it's only one Library entry so it's not irreversibly cluttering my Steam Library with ~5 entries for just one game.
Same here. I just couldn't argue with the price.
Oh and Dark Heavens + Forest's Fury is not on special, which is completely incomprehensible.
I will take your coal.
For the game thing, or just taking it?
I thought you didn't have enough games installed.
Also, I hate Binding of Isaac. And Super Meat Boy.
Also, still trying to give away Braid & Defcon (preferably to someone who actually wants to play one or both of them, not just people just wanting stuff for nothing (though further confusion can result from the fact that I don't actually want anything for these games))
That is ridiculously valuable - pop on over to the SPUF and you can easily trade it for a game of value anywhere from $40-50. Or you could trade it for like 90 coal.
Full name please?
That is the full name - it's an abbreviated of Big Man of Christmas, it is the single most rare item in the whole Gift Pile - there is no way to get it other than the gift pile. It's a hat that looks like a Santa Hat.
Thats odd, so there is this one TF2 item you can get. Thats cool.
Well, within 30 minutes of playing The Binding of Isaac I lucked out and saw (and defeated) Krampus, then picked up the coal he dropped... and Steam didn't give me the achievement.
Hell, that's probably the only achievement I'll ever get, and I didn't get it. Grr!