Orcs Must Die!, Orcs Must Die! - Artifacts of Power DLC, Orcs Must Die! - Lost Adventures DLC, Sanctum Holiday DLC, Winter Sale 2011: Double Fine Pack, Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods, Dungeon Defenders Etherian Holiday Extravaganza, Defense Grid: The Awakening DLC: You Monster!, The Polynomial, Swords and Soldiers HD, Demolition, Inc., Worms Reloaded: The "Pre-order Forts and Hats" DLC Pack, Worms Reloaded Puzzle Pack, Worms Reloaded Fort Booster Pack, Worms Reloaded Time Attack Pack, Worms Reloaded Retro Pack, Worms Ultimate Mayhem, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Greed Corp, Sequence, Edge, Universe Sandbox, Puzzle Agent 2, HOARD: Complete Pack, Tobe's Vertical Adventure, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes - I am the Boss DLC, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, Serious Sam: The Random Encounter, Inside a Star Filled Sky.
Was gifted/won/traded:
Trine 2, Aaaaaaa! Awesome, Rock of Ages, EYE: Divine Cybermancy, Space Pirates and Zombies(SPAZ). Xotic, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.
I've only bought a few games: Demolition Inc, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Universal Sandbox, Puzzle Agent 2 and Bit.Trip.Beat. Got gifted Rage during the Secret Santa, and I won Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (gifted away), Braid & Defcon.
Trying to trade Braid & Defcon on the SPUF, got one decent offer for Defcon which I'll try and accept but just the one offer of coal for Braid which is akin to just giving it away and I only want to do that on here. So someone surely can't have Braid yet and wants it on here!
I've only bought a few games: Demolition Inc, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Universal Sandbox, Puzzle Agent 2 and Bit.Trip.Beat. Got gifted Rage during the Secret Santa, and I won Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (gifted away), Braid & Defcon.
Trying to trade Braid & Defcon on the SPUF, got one decent offer for Defcon which I'll try and accept but just the one offer of coal for Braid which is akin to just giving it away and I only want to do that on here. So someone surely can't have Braid yet and wants it on here!
I don't have Braid yet, and I could give you Half Life 2 episode 2 and a shiteload of coupons.
I don't have Braid yet, and I could give you Half Life 2 episode 2 and a shiteload of coupons.
I've already got Half-Life 2: Episode 3 (Arsenal 1) and it depends on what coupons you have. But anyway, that doesn't even matter as I don't want anything (from anyone on here at least) for it so you can have it if you want it.
As predicted, it is indeed a recap day. Oh well! Here's the list anyway:
Assassin's Creed series - Various Reductions
Batman: Arkham City - 50% off
Bastion - 66% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - 25% off (so now it's the price it should have started out out :rolleyes:)
Dead Island - 50% off
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (+ DLC) - 66% off
Dungeon Defenders (+ DLC) - 75% off
L.A. Noire - 75% off (absurdly cheap!)
Magicka (+ DLC) - 75% off
Orcs Must Die! - 75% off
Portal series - 75% off
Saints Row: The Third - 33% off
Serious Sam franchise - Various Reductions
Terraria - 75% off
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - 33% off
Total War franchise - 75% off
...and as for what I got... wait until tomorrow, when I'll be picking up a few more items at reduced prices and I'll let you know the list. You'll just have to wait 'til then!
I bought:
Gundemonium Collection
Action Indie Pack
Dungeon Siege 1 2 and 3
Space Pirates and Zombies
Hard Reset
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Dungeons of Dredmor DLC
Bunch of Heroes
Max Payne Bundle
Pendulo Adventure Pack
And the day before the sale started, I went in on the Dead Island 4 pack with JedEx, and another guy that no one here knows other than us.
I gifted:
Bunch of Heroes x3
EYE x3
Day of Defeat Source
D&D Daggerdale
Serious Sam The Random Encounter
Serious Sam HD Double Pack
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
I was gifted:
Jack Keane
Universe Sandbox
Alice Madness Returns
Anomaly Warzone Earth
Bulletstorm - $4.99
id Complete Pack - $44.99 (I am looking forward to trying out RAGE)
L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition - $12.49
Left 4 Dead Bundle - $7.49
Max Payne Bundle - $3.74
Psychonauts - $2.49 (I also own the CD retail version)
Terraria - $2.50
Bunch of Heroes - SHODANFreeman
Day of Defeat: Source - SHODANFreeman
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - SHODANFreeman
Trapped Dead - SHODANFreeman
Dec 16th: Magicka DLC: Gamer Bundle, Holiday Spirit Item Pack, Horror Props Item Pack, The Stars Are Left Dec 19th: Bunch of Heroes, Bunch of Heroes Halloween DLC (that was actually free, IIRC), Falble the Lost Chapters, Singularity Dec 20th: Costume Quest, Dark Void, Dark Void Zero, Secret Files: Tunguska, Secret Files: Puritas COrdis Dec 21st: Grotesque Tactics II: Dungeons & Donuts, Jurrasic Park: The Game + Secret Santa items Dec 22nd: Torchlight Dec 23rd: E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy Dec 24th: Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror, Broken Sword III: The Sleeping Dragon Dec 25th: Prototype Dec 26th: Red Faction: Armageddon: Path to War (DLC), Sonic Generations, Worms Crazy Golf Dec 27th: Prince of Persia SOT series (The Sands of Time, Forgotten Sands, Warrior Within, Two Thrones), Star Wars: Republic Commando Dec 28th: ArcaniA: Fall of Setarrif, Assassin's Creed I, Assassin's Creed II
Also purchased Mafia II DLC packs (Greaser, Renegade, Vegas and War Hero) and The Binding of Isaac (with OST), though they've not appeared on my Store Transactions list. Dec 29th: Two Worlds (Epic Edition), Xotic Dec 31st: BIT.TRIP BEAT, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, L.A. Noire, Rochard (+ OST) Jan 2nd: Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime (+ DLC), Infernal, MDK I, MDK II, Silverfall, Silverfall: Earth Awakening
Gifted/Traded: Hard Reset (Fhqwhgod), Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals (Other Person), The Longest Journey + Dreamfall (Secret Santa), Two Worlds II (Gman5852)
Total number of games/DLC packs purchased: 50 (not counting Secret Santa)
EDIT: Where's the Secret Santa thread go? I was looking forward to seeing who got what for who.
EDIT 2: Today's Daily Deal (yep, we're back to those!) is Airline Tycoon 2. 10.20, whatever your currency. I'd be angry, but it's on a nothingy game I've no interest in getting anyway, so I don't really care.
I Bought:
Portal 2 - $7.49
Universe Sandbox - $2.49
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals - $2.49
Emerald City Confidential - $3.99
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World - $3.99
Syberia Collection - $7.49
LA Noire: The Complete Collection - $12.49
Sherlock Holmes Collection - $17.49
All but Portal 2 and Universe Sandbox were purchased today.
I Was Gifted:
Frozen Synapse Bundle (from my Secret Santa)
I Gifted:
Longest Journey and Dreamfall (to my Secret Santa person)
I Won:
Fate of the World (which I already had in an indie bundle)
11 pieces of of coal (7 of which I used and got FotW)
Amazing Daily Deal today: The entire X-Com series for £3.05 / $5.09. Buy it. NOW.
Also, the Weekend Deal is Age of Empires III Complete at £14.99 / $19.99.
But yeah, X-Com. Seriously, that's about a dollar for each game in the series. You simply cannot argue with value like that. Hell, I don't even like the genre and I'm getting them.
Also forgot to mention that in the UK (and possibly other countries, I couldn't say) Back to the Future: The Game is completely free to Playstation Plus subscribers.
Also forgot to mention that in the UK (and possibly other countries, I couldn't say) Back to the Future: The Game is completely free to Playstation Plus subscribers.
That's a bit expensive for what you get, isn't it?
Amazing Daily Deal today: The entire X-Com series for £3.05 / $5.09. Buy it. NOW.
Also, the Weekend Deal is Age of Empires III Complete at £14.99 / $19.99.
But yeah, X-Com. Seriously, that's about a dollar for each game in the series. You simply cannot argue with value like that. Hell, I don't even like the genre and I'm getting them.
I can't recommend X-Com enough. At least, the first three. If buying the first three is cheaper then buying the pack with Interceptor and Enforcer then I totally recommend that.
Especially with the news today that Firaxis is developing a new strategic X-Com to be released in addition to the FPS that 2K Games is working on. I am very excite!
Seriously, though... yes, BTTF is eye-rollingly brain-dead easy; but no, berating it isn't entertaining anymore.
I tend to disagree. The last few posts were refreshingly hilarious despite the pounding of the proverbial dead horse. Bravo, people! Way to play it light!
Damn, so many gifts here. Shouldn't have abandoned you community people .
Then again cheap myself, only gifted E.Y.E. to a friend who wanted it when it was on sale... so maybe I wouldn't make an ideal Secret Santa...
Also won absolutely nothing . Only coupons I got where the welcoming gift, -50% Valve and -50% AaaaaAaAAaAAAaA! both useless.
11 coal (3 of which where traded for Risen).
Today's Daily Deal is Lead and Gold. £3.49 / $4.99
Also, I remember someone asking about it, so here you are. Lego Harry Potter: Years 5 - 7 is now up on Steam, and there's an opening offer of 15% off, which makes it £16.99 / $25.49 for the next few days.
Oh, I also got Limbo a while ago from my brother. And the new AVP.
Orcs Must Die!, Orcs Must Die! - Artifacts of Power DLC, Orcs Must Die! - Lost Adventures DLC, Sanctum Holiday DLC, Winter Sale 2011: Double Fine Pack, Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods, Dungeon Defenders Etherian Holiday Extravaganza, Defense Grid: The Awakening DLC: You Monster!, The Polynomial, Swords and Soldiers HD, Demolition, Inc., Worms Reloaded: The "Pre-order Forts and Hats" DLC Pack, Worms Reloaded Puzzle Pack, Worms Reloaded Fort Booster Pack, Worms Reloaded Time Attack Pack, Worms Reloaded Retro Pack, Worms Ultimate Mayhem, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Greed Corp, Sequence, Edge, Universe Sandbox, Puzzle Agent 2, HOARD: Complete Pack, Tobe's Vertical Adventure, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes - I am the Boss DLC, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, Serious Sam: The Random Encounter, Inside a Star Filled Sky.
Was gifted/won/traded:
Trine 2, Aaaaaaa! Awesome, Rock of Ages, EYE: Divine Cybermancy, Space Pirates and Zombies(SPAZ). Xotic, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.
Trying to trade Braid & Defcon on the SPUF, got one decent offer for Defcon which I'll try and accept but just the one offer of coal for Braid which is akin to just giving it away and I only want to do that on here. So someone surely can't have Braid yet and wants it on here!
I don't have Braid yet, and I could give you Half Life 2 episode 2 and a shiteload of coupons.
I've already got Half-Life 2: Episode 3 (Arsenal 1) and it depends on what coupons you have. But anyway, that doesn't even matter as I don't want anything (from anyone on here at least) for it so you can have it if you want it.
Assassin's Creed series - Various Reductions
Batman: Arkham City - 50% off
Bastion - 66% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - 25% off (so now it's the price it should have started out out :rolleyes:)
Dead Island - 50% off
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (+ DLC) - 66% off
Dungeon Defenders (+ DLC) - 75% off
L.A. Noire - 75% off (absurdly cheap!)
Magicka (+ DLC) - 75% off
Orcs Must Die! - 75% off
Portal series - 75% off
Saints Row: The Third - 33% off
Serious Sam franchise - Various Reductions
Terraria - 75% off
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - 33% off
Total War franchise - 75% off
...and as for what I got... wait until tomorrow, when I'll be picking up a few more items at reduced prices and I'll let you know the list. You'll just have to wait 'til then!
Gundemonium Collection
Action Indie Pack
Dungeon Siege 1 2 and 3
Space Pirates and Zombies
Hard Reset
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Dungeons of Dredmor DLC
Bunch of Heroes
Max Payne Bundle
Pendulo Adventure Pack
And the day before the sale started, I went in on the Dead Island 4 pack with JedEx, and another guy that no one here knows other than us.
I gifted:
Bunch of Heroes x3
EYE x3
Day of Defeat Source
D&D Daggerdale
Serious Sam The Random Encounter
Serious Sam HD Double Pack
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
I was gifted:
Jack Keane
Universe Sandbox
Alice Madness Returns
Anomaly Warzone Earth
I won:
ArcaniA: Gothic 4
Emphasis entirely on Steam's part.
Bulletstorm - $4.99
id Complete Pack - $44.99 (I am looking forward to trying out RAGE)
L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition - $12.49
Left 4 Dead Bundle - $7.49
Max Payne Bundle - $3.74
Psychonauts - $2.49 (I also own the CD retail version)
Terraria - $2.50
Bunch of Heroes - SHODANFreeman
Day of Defeat: Source - SHODANFreeman
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - SHODANFreeman
Trapped Dead - SHODANFreeman
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack + Unfinished Business
...and a bunch of useless coupons.
Bundle (With Steam Keys)
Humble Indie Bundle #4 + Humble Indie Bundle #3 - $5.06
Indie Gala - $1.74
Indie Royale #4: The Xmas Bundle - $3.99
Thanks again to SHODANFreeman for the items listed under Gift! I sent you a little something in return.
December 16, 2011
Magicka: The Stars Are Left - $1.49
Magicka: Holiday Spirit Item Pack - $0.49
Magicka: Horror Props Item Pack - $0.74
December 20, 2011
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey - $4.99
EDGE - $3.99
Psychonauts - $2.49
Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods - $0.74
December 26, 2011
Sonic Generations - $10.19
December 30, 2011
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - $16.99 (gift for Rather Dashing)
December 12, 2011: The Last Express - $2.99
December 6, 2011: IndieGala - $2.50
December 10, 2011: IndieRoyale Xmas Bundle - $3.99
December 13, 2011: Humble Indie Bundle 4 - $5.00
EDIT: Oh wow, I now have 275 games in my Steam list.
Dec 16th: Magicka DLC: Gamer Bundle, Holiday Spirit Item Pack, Horror Props Item Pack, The Stars Are Left
Dec 19th: Bunch of Heroes, Bunch of Heroes Halloween DLC (that was actually free, IIRC), Falble the Lost Chapters, Singularity
Dec 20th: Costume Quest, Dark Void, Dark Void Zero, Secret Files: Tunguska, Secret Files: Puritas COrdis
Dec 21st: Grotesque Tactics II: Dungeons & Donuts, Jurrasic Park: The Game
+ Secret Santa items
Dec 22nd: Torchlight
Dec 23rd: E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
Dec 24th: Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror, Broken Sword III: The Sleeping Dragon
Dec 25th: Prototype
Dec 26th: Red Faction: Armageddon: Path to War (DLC), Sonic Generations, Worms Crazy Golf
Dec 27th: Prince of Persia SOT series (The Sands of Time, Forgotten Sands, Warrior Within, Two Thrones), Star Wars: Republic Commando
Dec 28th: ArcaniA: Fall of Setarrif, Assassin's Creed I, Assassin's Creed II
Also purchased Mafia II DLC packs (Greaser, Renegade, Vegas and War Hero) and The Binding of Isaac (with OST), though they've not appeared on my Store Transactions list.
Dec 29th: Two Worlds (Epic Edition), Xotic
Dec 31st: BIT.TRIP BEAT, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, L.A. Noire, Rochard (+ OST)
Jan 2nd: Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime (+ DLC), Infernal, MDK I, MDK II, Silverfall, Silverfall: Earth Awakening
Gifted/Traded: Hard Reset (Fhqwhgod), Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals (Other Person), The Longest Journey + Dreamfall (Secret Santa), Two Worlds II (Gman5852)
Total number of games/DLC packs purchased: 50 (not counting Secret Santa)
EDIT: Where's the Secret Santa thread go? I was looking forward to seeing who got what for who.
EDIT 2: Today's Daily Deal (yep, we're back to those!) is Airline Tycoon 2. 10.20, whatever your currency. I'd be angry, but it's on a nothingy game I've no interest in getting anyway, so I don't really care.
Portal 2 - $7.49
Universe Sandbox - $2.49
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals - $2.49
Emerald City Confidential - $3.99
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World - $3.99
Syberia Collection - $7.49
LA Noire: The Complete Collection - $12.49
Sherlock Holmes Collection - $17.49
All but Portal 2 and Universe Sandbox were purchased today.
I Was Gifted:
Frozen Synapse Bundle (from my Secret Santa)
I Gifted:
Longest Journey and Dreamfall (to my Secret Santa person)
I Won:
Fate of the World (which I already had in an indie bundle)
11 pieces of of coal (7 of which I used and got FotW)
But I was gifted Dreamkiller from my secret santa.
Got the 50% of Valve games, that I am not going to use.
And some coal.
And that was about it.
Today's Daily Deal is Puzzle Chronicles.£2.71 / $3.39
Also, this week's Midweek madness is PAM: Post Apocalyptic Mayhem. £1.49 / $2.49
Universe Sandbox
The Polynomial
Magicka: The Stars Are Left
Gifted to me:
Aliens VS Predator
Gifted to others:
Sonic Generations
Traded (for coal):
Prizes I got (and still have):
-50% Valve coupon
-25% Valve coupon
-50% DEFCON coupon
-75% Empire Total War coupon
Also, the Weekend Deal is Age of Empires III Complete at £14.99 / $19.99.
But yeah, X-Com. Seriously, that's about a dollar for each game in the series. You simply cannot argue with value like that. Hell, I don't even like the genre and I'm getting them.
Every. Fucking. Time.
You just will not leave that game alone, will you. You can't just let it slide. Even when it's completely free, you have to insult it.
We get it. You don't like it. Hell, we got it 6 months ago. You don't have to keep ramming it down our throats.
I can't recommend X-Com enough. At least, the first three. If buying the first three is cheaper then buying the pack with Interceptor and Enforcer then I totally recommend that.
Especially with the news today that Firaxis is developing a new strategic X-Com to be released in addition to the FPS that 2K Games is working on. I am very excite!
Game? What game? I thought we were talking about that interactive movie.
Its funny because the game is so easy!
Seriously, though... yes, BTTF is eye-rollingly brain-dead easy; but no, berating it isn't entertaining anymore.
See, THIS guy knows what we're talking about!
We can both play the same cards here, Rather Dashing.
Dawble poost.
Super Crossfire for the Indie Royale Bundle has a key for Desura, not for Steam.
How would you compare Desura to, say Steam or GOG? I'm not sure I want to bother installing another game download service.
I tend to disagree. The last few posts were refreshingly hilarious despite the pounding of the proverbial dead horse. Bravo, people! Way to play it light!
Then again cheap myself, only gifted E.Y.E. to a friend who wanted it when it was on sale... so maybe I wouldn't make an ideal Secret Santa...
Also won absolutely nothing
11 coal (3 of which where traded for Risen).
If you like indie games and mods, it's amazing beyond reason. If not, meh.
Today's Daily Deal is Lead and Gold. £3.49 / $4.99
Also, I remember someone asking about it, so here you are. Lego Harry Potter: Years 5 - 7 is now up on Steam, and there's an opening offer of 15% off, which makes it £16.99 / $25.49 for the next few days.