I did it because I wanted to, because I it was something I could do that would be of some use. Hell, I'll still do it if no-one else does, just later than usual. But if others want to step in and post first, I'm happy to let them. It's less me giving up the role than it becoming more open-source. Or something. I dunno.
Appreciate the applause. It's more than I deserve, and yet still nowhere what I'm worth.
I find it frankly hilarious that a German is speaking with a Canadian accent now.
Also, I'd question your 'worst puzzle ever' choice. I can think of at least two other candidates (one from the same developers as The Next BIG Thing!), seventeen if you let me count the first Discworld.
I really can't watch YouTube videos where the camera quality is that bad. Can't do it! SO amateurish! Also, the dude used Comic Sans on the title. This means he is officially a douche and should be slapped with a wet fish.
(Also, I'm off today, so I'll do the Deals tonight)
I really can't watch YouTube videos where the camera quality is that bad. Can't do it! SO amateurish! Also, the dude used Comic Sans on the title. This means he is officially a douche and should be slapped with a wet fish.
I know, right. It's horrible.
Be glad I didn't link a video of him kissing one of his Miley-posters.
I love the first one. Finished the base game twice.
They combine RPG elements with base building strategy games.
The base game is REALLY good (at least the German version is). Both add ons are punishingly hard. I have no idea about the second one. I had quite enough with the first game.
You can choose what ever class you want but the game is called Spellforce for a reason. Go with a mage. They are a solid choice in this game.
The games are on sale a lot. There's no real loss in picking the first one now and the other ones later if you like it.
Pretty damn good price for that. And before any n00bs ask: no, buying it on Steam does not mean you get a copy direct from Telltale as well, nor vice versa.
Oh, thank you. I needed that.
I did it because I wanted to, because I it was something I could do that would be of some use. Hell, I'll still do it if no-one else does, just later than usual. But if others want to step in and post first, I'm happy to let them. It's less me giving up the role than it becoming more open-source. Or something. I dunno.
Appreciate the applause. It's more than I deserve, and yet still nowhere what I'm worth.
£7.49 // $ 7.49 // € 7.49
Bad publisher! Y U NO convert prices?
The game is good though. (apart from that one puzzle I'd call the worst puzzle in adventure game history)
I have no idea what you are talking aboot.
Also, I'd question your 'worst puzzle ever' choice. I can think of at least two other candidates (one from the same developers as The Next BIG Thing!), seventeen if you let me count the first Discworld.
I found this horribly Miley Cyrus-fan on youtube and... you don't really want to hear the rest. He made a few videos aboot Canada lately.
How do we sound? I know there's a distinct Newfie accent, but how do the rest of us sound?
Now suffer!
Also: Facts about Canada.
(Also, I'm off today, so I'll do the Deals tonight)
"Delicacy" and "poutine" in the same sentence cracked me up.
I know, right. It's horrible.
Be glad I didn't link a video of him kissing one of his Miley-posters.
£7.49ish / $9.99 each. No bundle for the pair, sadly.
Midweek Madness:
Yes, Magicka's on offer again. What is this, the 20th time or something? Christ.
If they put the Builder and the climax of Crusade(from 2)into the first one, no one would ever even consider buying the second.
I love the first one. Finished the base game twice.
They combine RPG elements with base building strategy games.
The base game is REALLY good (at least the German version is). Both add ons are punishingly hard. I have no idea about the second one. I had quite enough with the first game.
You can choose what ever class you want but the game is called Spellforce for a reason. Go with a mage. They are a solid choice in this game.
The games are on sale a lot. There's no real loss in picking the first one now and the other ones later if you like it.
£6.24 // $ 8.74 // € 8.24
The Deal:
75% off
£3.74 // $ 4.99 // € 4.74
Weekend Deal:
LOL at X-Blades, one of the worst demos I've ever played.
Maybe it was Train Simulator 2013 though.
£1.99 // $ 2.49 // € 1.99
The UK gets the worst price by far.
(You know I'm just teasing, right?)
£2.49ish / $3.74 / €3.49ish. I think. My math is a little rusty.
Remember - Renegade Ops uses the same engine as Just Cause 2, so it'll only work on Vista or newer. No WinXP.
I'm actually hooked on Welshy's SAW videos. (2 are on TGWTG, but on his blip there are 4 already).
While I'm mad and crying in a corner. Of course.
...until Monday. You can have it back then.
£1.74 / $2.49 / €2.24ish.
£6.79 // $ 10.19 // € 8.49
You guys forgot the new prequel to the sleeper game GARSHASP.
It's called GARSHASP: TEMPLE of the DRAGON
I'm a sucker for these God Of War-clone slash n' death games.