Seems DarthieBaby is sleeping or working again.
Daily Deal:
£7.49 / $9.99 / €9.49
And we have another publisher weekend. Thistime the scumbags of THQ again which lock the language to German for me. May they die in hell and choke on my foot.
£11.39 / $14.99 / €13.49ish. It's not a bad game, but I still think that's too much for it. There's also a DLC pack that's on offer, as well as the Limited Edition (which includes the DLC and a few other bits).
THQ Deal Tat:
£3.74 / $4.99 / €2.49. That's definitely worth it, especially the Euro price!
£4.74 / $6.24 / €6.24 :rolleyes:. Get if if you don't already have it.
THQ Tat Thing:
66% off everything to do with Saints Row: The Third. Including DLC.
(If you're wondering, the actual mission DLC packs are Gangstas in Space, Genkibowl VII and The Trouble With Clones - aka: The three included in the Season Pass, which is slightly better value, hence me linking it)
...and with that, I hand the reigns of this thread back over to Ketzer, since I'm back at work tomorrow, and they've changed my hours again, so I can actually keep doing this! Yay, or something.
Yep, it's half price already, down to £6.49 / $7.49 / €7.49.
The frankly insulting DLC is also reduced (to 39p / 49c / 49c), though it's really not worth it since each piece of DLC literally just maxes out a character's stats, something you can do by, y'know, actually playing the fucking game.
The frankly insulting DLC is also reduced (to 39p / 49c / 49c), though it's really not worth it since each piece of DLC literally just maxes out a character's stats, something you can do by, y'know, actually playing the fucking game.
Well yes but the game is so bad that the DLC might be the best option. This way you maxed out everything and no longer play the game. I think this might be worth it.
Time for another invisible Steam sale. Ooh, I love these. This time, we get major discounts on the Double Fine games. 50% off Psychonauts, Costume Quest and Stacking, and 33% off Iron Brigade.
Time for another invisible Steam sale. Ooh, I love these. This time, we get major discounts on the Double Fine games. 50% off Psychonauts, Costume Quest and Stacking, and 33% off Iron Brigade.
The whole series is 75% off at £9.99 / $12.49 / €12.49.
There's no way to get the first game on its own - it's only available as part of the entire franchise or the 'universe' pack of the first three games in the series. THAT is £4.49 / $4.99 / €4.99, and is the one I'd recommend if you're not a die-hard "I must own the entire series" type, since after the third game, they really start going downhill.
Also, the stand-alone expansion for the third game - Forsaken Gods - is the only one not 75% off individually. Could they possibly be telling us something? Like "it's shit"? Eh, I dunno.
It's even worse than Gothic 3.
Recommendation: Just get Gothic Universe for G1+2+NotR and ignore that Gothic 3 exists on your account.
Then again, this is coming from the guy who thought Two Worlds was "okay".
I guess it depends on when Gothic 3 was bought. I played it when it was released and it was the worst christmas present I ever got. I'd have prefered a lump of coal.
I guess it depends on when Gothic 3 was bought. I played it when it was released and it was the worst christmas present I ever got. I'd have prefered a lump of coal.
Then again, this is coming from the guy who thought Two Worlds was "okay".
Never played Two Worlds, but Two Worlds II wasn't that bad, and I hear it wasn't all that different from the first, so...
But yeah. Gothic 2 + NotR is probably the greatest action RPG of all time (assuming you can deal with the difficulty and somewhat wonky controls) so it's worth it just for that. The first game is pretty good as well, just with extra wonky.
Angry Joe is a poor supplemental source of criticism at the best of times, in the world of RPGs his opinions aren't just worthless, they're harmful.
God yes. You could give him Gothic 2 and he would complain about it all day. How you're not a epic hero #1 chopping up everything at ease how the quests you start with aren't spectacular enough etc. He ripped Risen 1+2 apart for that. I agree on the 360 port of the first game though.
He cannot look at a game in a objective way. And yeah. He should stay with genres he actually likes to play if he cannot do that.
He said that Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning wasn't that great on the story and the NPCs aren't very memorable--however that the game is still great and the combat is better than the combat of Skyrim. Is he wrong?
He said that Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning wasn't that great on the story and the NPCs aren't very memorable--however that the game is still great and the combat is better than the combat of Skyrim. Is he wrong?
I suffered through the Amalur demo to unlock items in Mass Effect 3 (just in case it finally gets released on Steam) and I hated every second of it. I didn't like anything about it.
But hey that might just be me wanting a challenge. Was the combat system better than in Skyrim? I have no idea. The combat in Skyrim is quite bad but better than I expected after Morrowind and Oblivion.
I'm kinda on the fence about Risen 2. Would you guys say it's worth it at the current (reduced) price?
Fuck it. Bought it along with Divinity 2. I HAVE NO WILLPOWER.
Oh, fucking hell. There's two Weekend Deals, one less painful to explain then the others.
The first is...
The other is up to 75% off various titles published by Focus Home Interactive. SO many good deals here it's insane. I'll list off what I think are the best.
One for Coolsome:
Includes Nemesis, Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper, The Awakened (Remastered edition), The Mystery of the Mummy, The Mystery of the Persian Carpet and The Silver Earring. £7.49 / $8.74 / €8.74. Fucking hell, that's good value.
Another one I'd recommend if you don't already have it:
The three Runaway games, The Next BIG Thing and Yesterday. £11.24 / $14.99 / €14.99. SO much cheaper than buying them individually.
There's also Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight Saga, both Game of Thrones titles (which both suck, so ignore them), Cities XL 2011 and 2012 and, best of all, FARMING SIMULATOR 2013, at 75% off.
(Oh, and the fourth episode of something called The Walking Dead is out as well. No, me neither)
There's even one for getting one hundred ERRORS.
The way most people code this should be one of the easier ones.
£4.99 / $8.49 / €6.66ish.
Daily Deal:
£7.49 / $9.99 / €9.49
And we have another publisher weekend. Thistime the scumbags of THQ again which lock the language to German for me. May they die in hell and choke on my foot.
This day's special Company Of Heroes 75%off
And don't call me Baby. NOBODY calls me baby.
£11.39 / $14.99 / €13.49ish. It's not a bad game, but I still think that's too much for it. There's also a DLC pack that's on offer, as well as the Limited Edition (which includes the DLC and a few other bits).
THQ Deal Tat:
£3.74 / $4.99 / €2.49. That's definitely worth it, especially the Euro price!
£7.49 / $10.20 / €8.50
The THQ Tat:
(It's actually the entire Dawn of War series, not just the original)
The problem with the Euro price is that there are at least 2 tiers. I'll always post the one in Germany which is normally the higher one.
I personally use the Steam store itself for that. Changing it's region in the URL.
For the UK:
£4.74 / $6.24 / €6.24 :rolleyes:. Get if if you don't already have it.
THQ Tat Thing:
66% off everything to do with Saints Row: The Third. Including DLC.
(If you're wondering, the actual mission DLC packs are Gangstas in Space, Genkibowl VII and The Trouble With Clones - aka: The three included in the Season Pass, which is slightly better value, hence me linking it)
...and with that, I hand the reigns of this thread back over to Ketzer, since I'm back at work tomorrow, and they've changed my hours again, so I can actually keep doing this! Yay, or something.
Yep, it's half price already, down to £6.49 / $7.49 / €7.49.
The frankly insulting DLC is also reduced (to 39p / 49c / 49c), though it's really not worth it since each piece of DLC literally just maxes out a character's stats, something you can do by, y'know, actually playing the fucking game.
Well yes but the game is so bad that the DLC might be the best option. This way you maxed out everything and no longer play the game. I think this might be worth it.
Daily Deal:
£3.99 / $4.99 / €4.99. There's also a DLC pack which is half price as well.
Midweek Madness:
Anyone played or heard anything about this one? It has my attention.
WTF is Babel Rising?
No ability upgrade, urgh. I'll stick to Cat God vs Sun King.
Even outside of Steam, all the Double Fine games are on sale
Daily Deal:
The whole series is 75% off at £9.99 / $12.49 / €12.49.
There's no way to get the first game on its own - it's only available as part of the entire franchise or the 'universe' pack of the first three games in the series. THAT is £4.49 / $4.99 / €4.99, and is the one I'd recommend if you're not a die-hard "I must own the entire series" type, since after the third game, they really start going downhill.
It's even worse than Gothic 3.
Recommendation: Just get Gothic Universe for G1+2+NotR and ignore that Gothic 3 exists on your account.
Then again, this is coming from the guy who thought Two Worlds was "okay".
I guess it depends on when Gothic 3 was bought. I played it when it was released and it was the worst christmas present I ever got. I'd have prefered a lump of coal.
But yeah. Gothic 2 + NotR is probably the greatest action RPG of all time (assuming you can deal with the difficulty and somewhat wonky controls) so it's worth it just for that. The first game is pretty good as well, just with extra wonky.
I'll pass.
Angry Joe is pretty good with fighters and to be honest thats what he should really stick to.
An Angry Joe review is the same sort of entertainment you get when you sit back and watch a crazy homeless guy rant on to the world.
You know its a little shameful, but you can't help but find a bit of enjoyment out of it.
God yes. You could give him Gothic 2 and he would complain about it all day. How you're not a epic hero #1 chopping up everything at ease how the quests you start with aren't spectacular enough etc. He ripped Risen 1+2 apart for that. I agree on the 360 port of the first game though.
He cannot look at a game in a objective way. And yeah. He should stay with genres he actually likes to play if he cannot do that.
Seriously, I haven't played the game.
I suffered through the Amalur demo to unlock items in Mass Effect 3 (just in case it finally gets released on Steam) and I hated every second of it. I didn't like anything about it.
But hey that might just be me wanting a challenge. Was the combat system better than in Skyrim? I have no idea. The combat in Skyrim is quite bad but better than I expected after Morrowind and Oblivion.
Fuck it. Bought it along with Divinity 2. I HAVE NO WILLPOWER.
Daily Deal:
£1.49 / $1.99 / €1.99
The first is...
The other is up to 75% off various titles published by Focus Home Interactive. SO many good deals here it's insane. I'll list off what I think are the best.
One for Coolsome:
Includes Nemesis, Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper, The Awakened (Remastered edition), The Mystery of the Mummy, The Mystery of the Persian Carpet and The Silver Earring.
£7.49 / $8.74 / €8.74. Fucking hell, that's good value.
Another one I'd recommend if you don't already have it:
The three Runaway games, The Next BIG Thing and Yesterday.
£11.24 / $14.99 / €14.99. SO much cheaper than buying them individually.
There's also Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight Saga, both Game of Thrones titles (which both suck, so ignore them), Cities XL 2011 and 2012 and, best of all, FARMING SIMULATOR 2013, at 75% off.
(Oh, and the fourth episode of something called The Walking Dead is out as well. No, me neither)