Thanks for covering these. I know I kind of went from doing most of them to doing none with the operation and all. Doing better now, just dealing with the pain and such that comes with recovery.
While I do not recall all of these being previous sales(means nothing, I've been out of it), they're pretty crappy ones.
I don't think any of them has been a deal yet, but Little Inferno lost the community choice to the Orcs Must Die franchise about a week ago. Is it really that crappy or is it just not much of a game per se?
Is it really that crappy or is it just not much of a game per se?
You burn stuff in an oven to grind for money that lets you burn more stuff and try to find combinations.
I personally love burning stuff and since I no longer have an oven this was really relaxing to me. I enjoyed it a lot but I don't thing this game is for everyone.
You burn stuff in an oven to grind for money that lets you burn more stuff and try to find combinations.
I personally love burning stuff and since I no longer have an oven this was really relaxing to me. I enjoyed it a lot but I don't thing this game is for everyone.
So it's basically a variation of games like Alchemy only with a bit of story and burning things? I think that sounds promising. I do have an oven but I usually only throw logs in it too avoid getting too much soot and ashes. And while it's good for keeping my home warm, it really doesn't provide too much entertainment and I can't operate it from the couch.
OK, who was it who wanted the Bond games to go on sale? Well... too late, it seems, as the Bond games have been removed from Steam and other digital distribution sources.
Ugh. One last set of flash deals remaining, and one last chance to see Primordia pop up as something other than a Community Choice candidate nobody voted for.
Ace of Spades
ARMA II: Combined Operations
Anno 2070
Batman: Arkham franchise
Borderlands franchise
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Civilization V
Counter-Strike franchise
Dark Souls
Darksiders franchise
Dead Island
Football Manager 2013
Hitman franchise
Natural Selection II
Portal franchise
Saints Row: The Third
The Elder Scrolls franchise
The Sims 3
The THQ Collection
The Walking Dead
The Witcher franchise
Torchlight franchise
X-Com: Enemy Unknown (spoiler: the enemy are aliens)
I find it odd that the titles that sold the best - ie: the ones that people have already bought and therefore won't want to buy again - are the ones being repeated. Hey ho.
I find it odd that the titles that sold the best - ie: the ones that people have already bought and therefore won't want to buy again - are the ones being repeated. Hey ho.
Somehow we skipped the daily deal yesterday, which was Postal 2 Complete. Pretty sure that was one of the first deals in the X-Mas sale though, so I doubt it was particularly missed.
If you’ve already got a copy of the game for PC, Mac or Linux, you can send us an email with your receipt and we’ll do our very best to get you a Steam key as soon as possible. If you got the game from IndieRoyale or IndieGameStand we will send your key automagically, just be patient
A lot of us probably got it from last years Indie Royale Summer Bundle.
Spellforce Complete 75% off
Payday 75% off
Yeah that's what I'm guessing.
Overlord Complete Pack 75% off
Dead Island 66% off
AVSEQ 75% off
(OK, Dead Island maybe. But 2/3 ain't bad.)
Age of Empires III - 75% off
Blood Bowl: franchise - various% off
Fallen Enchantress - 50% off
Daily Deals (fair warning - most of these are repeats of earlier deals):
Bastion - 75% off
Civilization V - various% off
Football Manager 2013 - 50% off
I Am Alive - 66% off
Thief franchise - 75% off
Tropico 4 - 80% off
The Overpriced Spiderman 50% off
To The Moon 66% off (Recommended!)
Little Inferno 50% off
Rocksmith 50% off
Guns Of Icarus Online 66% off
While I do not recall all of these being previous sales(means nothing, I've been out of it), they're pretty crappy ones.
I don't think any of them has been a deal yet, but Little Inferno lost the community choice to the Orcs Must Die franchise about a week ago. Is it really that crappy or is it just not much of a game per se?
You burn stuff in an oven to grind for money that lets you burn more stuff and try to find combinations.
I personally love burning stuff and since I no longer have an oven this was really relaxing to me. I enjoyed it a lot but I don't thing this game is for everyone.
Ace Of Spades 50% off
Symphony 66% off
So it's basically a variation of games like Alchemy only with a bit of story and burning things? I think that sounds promising. I do have an oven but I usually only throw logs in it too avoid getting too much soot and ashes. And while it's good for keeping my home warm, it really doesn't provide too much entertainment and I can't operate it from the couch.
Bioshock Franchise 75% off
Babel Rising 50% off
Evochrone Mercenary 75% off
RAGE 75% off
Sleeping Dogs 66% off
Forge 50% off
Amnesia 75% off
Crysis Franchise 75% off
Trine Franchise 75% off
Today may be the last of the daily deals, but this weekend, there will be two full days of encore daily deals.
Oh well, let's see what Steam considers "the most sought after" titles.
I think ARMA II CO and Skyrim will be in there. Those are just constantly selling very well.
Hell Yeah! - 75% off
R.U.S.E. - 75% off
The Witcher franchise - 75% off
LEGO LOTR 33% off
Dishonored 50% off
The Walking Dead 50% off
Ace of Spades
ARMA II: Combined Operations
Anno 2070
Batman: Arkham franchise
Borderlands franchise
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Civilization V
Counter-Strike franchise
Dark Souls
Darksiders franchise
Dead Island
Football Manager 2013
Hitman franchise
Natural Selection II
Portal franchise
Saints Row: The Third
The Elder Scrolls franchise
The Sims 3
The THQ Collection
The Walking Dead
The Witcher franchise
Torchlight franchise
X-Com: Enemy Unknown (spoiler: the enemy are aliens)
Giiiiiiiift Caaaaaards...
€2,49 / $2.49 / £1.74
I think it looks like an interesting puzzler with a charming art style, but it's only got a metascore of 65/100, so I don't know.
The soundtrack edition is also on sale for €2,99 / $2.99 / £1.99.
£3.49/ $4.99/ €4.49
Also, there's the Midweek Madness:
God, I've missed doing those.
Oh, and The Journey Down is on Steam now. Huzzah!
And if you already got it elsewhere you will get a Steam key according to the developer:
A lot of us probably got it from last years Indie Royale Summer Bundle.