Looks cool, but I can't justify spending 20 bucks to play Baldur's Gate without the fog of war... unless... are there quest markers?
The enhanced edition has become a bit less pointless with all the patches and a few mods to improve the horribly ugly new GUI (oh the irony), but it still adds very little of value over using BGT other than removing the need to install mods. If you have the inclination to deal with mods (which are frankly pretty simple on Infinity Engine games now), then you're far better off just getting BG1 and 2 from GoG for the same price as the Enhanced Edition and using BGT.
The enhanced edition has become a bit less pointless with all the patches and a few mods to improve the horribly ugly new GUI (oh the irony), but it still adds very little of value over using BGT other than removing the need to install mods. If you have the inclination to deal with mods (which are frankly pretty simple on Infinity Engine games now), then you're far better off just getting BG1 and 2 from GoG for the same price as the Enhanced Edition and using BGT.
I figured as much. Luckily I already have those games through GOG, so I'll just do that. Thank you.
Can someone tell me what the differerence is between King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY on GOG and King's Bounty: Crossworlds on Steam? The Steam page for Crossworlds says it's an expansion of Armored Princess, but it doesn't say it requires Armored Princess to play.
It almost seems to me like Armored Princess ($20) + Crossworlds ($20) on Steam is the same thing as Crossworlds GOTY ($25) on GOG. If that's true, and you also don't Armored Princess to buy the expansion on Steam, then it sounds like Steam's game files for both games together would take up significantly more space (as they would each be separately playable) than GOG's bundled GOTY game files would.
Can someone tell me what the differerence is between King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY on GOG and King's Bounty: Crossworlds on Steam? The Steam page for Crossworlds says it's an expansion of Armored Princess, but it doesn't say it requires Armored Princess to play.
It almost seems to me like Armored Princess ($20) + Crossworlds ($20) on Steam is the same thing as Crossworlds GOTY ($25) on GOG. If that's true, and you also don't Armored Princess to buy the expansion on Steam, then it sounds like Steam's game files for both games together would take up significantly more space (as they would each be separately playable) than GOG's bundled GOTY game files would.
That... is a very good question. I looked at Wikipedia, but I don't think even they know. It sounds like it's Armored Princess plus some expansions and rebalancing patches.
Can someone tell me what the differerence is between King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY on GOG and King's Bounty: Crossworlds on Steam? The Steam page for Crossworlds says it's an expansion of Armored Princess, but it doesn't say it requires Armored Princess to play.
It almost seems to me like Armored Princess ($20) + Crossworlds ($20) on Steam is the same thing as Crossworlds GOTY ($25) on GOG. If that's true, and you also don't Armored Princess to buy the expansion on Steam, then it sounds like Steam's game files for both games together would take up significantly more space (as they would each be separately playable) than GOG's bundled GOTY game files would.
It's a bit confusing, but Crossworlds is a straight expansion of the main game. When you start up the expansion campaign, you start at the beginning of Armored Princess, and there is new content in the main game. I'm pretty sure (based on running Crossworlds right now w/out Armored Princess separately installed) if you buy just Crossworlds you will also be getting Armored Princess.
From what I gather on 1C's website, the standard version of Crossworlds requires Armored Princess to also be installed.
If that's true, then Steam offering The Legend, Armored Princess, and Crossworlds in their Platinum Edition is misleading because they're selling 2 games not 3, but one of them is being sold twice when you only really need the one version that has more content.
EDIT: I asked on GOG, and a mod there seems to think AP needs to be installed for Steam's copy of Crossworlds to work.
What confuses me is that most expansions on Steam have this:
or similar, while Crossworlds does not say this on its store page. Also, I'm reading from multiple sources that Armored Princess is required, and yet Kuro tells me it's not.
or similar, while Crossworlds does not say this on its store page. Also, I'm reading from multiple sources that Armored Princess is required, and yet Kuro tells me it's not.
I dunno, maybe it's better to be safe. I bought the platinum edition or whatever it is on Steam, so I do have AP, though I only actually installed Crossworlds.
EDIT: And if I may put things to rest, here's the difference between the King's Bounty: Crossroads standard and GOTY editions.
The GOTY version includes Crossroads (and its two mini-expansions Champion of the Arena & Defender of the Crown), as well as Armoured Princess. However, AP also has its own mini-expansion, Orcs on the March, and THAT does not appear to be available anywhere else.
As it is, the GOTY version on GOG is rather overpriced, since the exclusive mini-expansion isn't all that amazing and the Platinum collection (both titles plus the first game in the series) is frequently on sale on Steam.
has Lego Lord Of The Rings on offer (Steam key)
and you can use their current 20% off coupon to lower the price even more.
And bought. I've watched that game streamed around the time it was released and it convinced me to eventually get it for myself. Don't immediately dismiss it because it's a Lego game, it's honestly good.
Most Lego <INSERT FRANCHISE HERE> games are good, to be honest. Indy 2 and Batman 2 are the only ones I'd say aren't, and even then they aren't bad, per se. They jjust have a few design issues.
Daily Deal:
50% off. I hear it's not bad, though I'm not a fan of stealth, so I guess I'll never know.
Most Lego <INSERT FRANCHISE HERE> games are good, to be honest. Indy 2 and Batman 2 are the only ones I'd say aren't, and even then they aren't bad, per se. They jjust have a few design issues.
Lego Indy 2 was the only Lego game I played, and it turned me off from the Lego games since I didn't like it that much. Hmm... maybe I should give them another chance with a different game.
Oh, I did play and I really like Lego Rock Band, but that one doesn't really count as it's just a Rock Band game with a Lego makeover.
I've spent a lot of time on both Lego Harry Potters with my wife and a friend of mine, and loved it. Tried Lego Star Wars after a colleague recommended it to me, but we didn't really like it. Partially because it didn't seem near as puzzle oriented as Harry Potter, but mostly because no split screen made it really annoying to play.
Lego Lord of the Rings will be the first Lego game I play solo. It will be interesting to see what I think of it, since much of the fun of the Harry Potters was the social aspect of playing with others.
You have to bear in mind that the games got better and more technically advanced as they went along. I believe Lego Indy was the first one with split-screen co-op, while Lego Batman introduced us to the selectable targeting system (though I could be wrong with those), so the games that came out before them feel much more basic by comparison.
Let's see if I can remember the releases in order...
Lego Star Wars
Lego Star Wars II
Lego Indiana Jones
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Lego Batman
Lego Indiana Jones II
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
Lego Star Wars III
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7
Lego Batman II
Lego Lord of the Rings
...and the forthcoming Lego Marvel Superheroes, which I'm actually rather excited for. Lego Deadpool FTW!
So yeah, the earlier in the list you go, the more basic the games seem.
That being said, I prefer LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy over LEGO Harry Potter 1-4, though I like LEGO Harry Potter 1-4 over LEGO Star Wars 1 (the is all probably because I love the SW OOT and dislike the prequels).
I have LEGO LOTR on Steam and LEGO Batman for Wii, but I haven't played them yet.
I've got them all on the Wii and I've played most of them on the 360 for achievements. Like I say, I've only really got problems with two of them, but the evolution of the gameplay is very obvious if you try them all.
Daily Deal is Portal 2, which is 75% off. I don't feel that this particular deal deserves an image, since it's hardly the first time it's been on offer and I seriously doubt it won't be again.
Daily Deal's Terraria, which is 75% off. Get it if you don't already have it, etc.
Midweek Madness:
As has already been mentioned, it's been possible to get Lego LotR cheaper from GreenManGaming, so I guess if you wanted it on Steam, then you've already got it from there.
And yes, I have them all. Even the recent one, which means people can call dibs on certain games.
EDIT: It was the Summer Bundle.
As I already wrote.
It's called The Cave, and it is supposed to open our minds or something.
Retro City Rampage 50% off
Weekend Deals:
66% off. Took me a while to remember where I knew this from - the intro was on Unskippable.
Take flight 815 for 50% off.
75% off
More importantly, Aliens: Colonial Marines went up for presale today.
Personally, I pre-ordered for the PS3 Collector's Edition, but to each their own.
50% off, and still overpriced, since none of the DLC is reduced.
Midweek Madness:
66% off.
Like ON Steam.
Just do what everybody does. Wait for a sale. If I want to play Baldur's gate I still have my CDs. But I'd love to get rid of them.
I figured as much. Luckily I already have those games through GOG, so I'll just do that. Thank you.
It almost seems to me like Armored Princess ($20) + Crossworlds ($20) on Steam is the same thing as Crossworlds GOTY ($25) on GOG. If that's true, and you also don't Armored Princess to buy the expansion on Steam, then it sounds like Steam's game files for both games together would take up significantly more space (as they would each be separately playable) than GOG's bundled GOTY game files would.
That... is a very good question. I looked at Wikipedia, but I don't think even they know. It sounds like it's Armored Princess plus some expansions and rebalancing patches.
From what I gather on 1C's website, the standard version of Crossworlds requires Armored Princess to also be installed.
If that's true, then Steam offering The Legend, Armored Princess, and Crossworlds in their Platinum Edition is misleading because they're selling 2 games not 3, but one of them is being sold twice when you only really need the one version that has more content.
EDIT: I asked on GOG, and a mod there seems to think AP needs to be installed for Steam's copy of Crossworlds to work.
What confuses me is that most expansions on Steam have this:
or similar, while Crossworlds does not say this on its store page. Also, I'm reading from multiple sources that Armored Princess is required, and yet Kuro tells me it's not.
Daily deal
Never heard of it.
66% off.
EDIT: And if I may put things to rest, here's the difference between the King's Bounty: Crossroads standard and GOTY editions.
The GOTY version includes Crossroads (and its two mini-expansions Champion of the Arena & Defender of the Crown), as well as Armoured Princess. However, AP also has its own mini-expansion, Orcs on the March, and THAT does not appear to be available anywhere else.
As it is, the GOTY version on GOG is rather overpriced, since the exclusive mini-expansion isn't all that amazing and the Platinum collection (both titles plus the first game in the series) is frequently on sale on Steam.
has Lego Lord Of The Rings on offer (Steam key)
and you can use their current 20% off coupon to lower the price even more.
Ah well, I can still get Dark Void Zero for under a quid. That'll make up for it, I guess.
EDIT: Fuck! I already OWN Dark Void Zero! Well, that's going in the Goodwill Thread then...
And bought. I've watched that game streamed around the time it was released and it convinced me to eventually get it for myself. Don't immediately dismiss it because it's a Lego game, it's honestly good.
Daily Deal:
50% off. I hear it's not bad, though I'm not a fan of stealth, so I guess I'll never know.
50% off. Funny how a Green-lit game is on sale so quickly, isn't it?
Oh, I did play and I really like Lego Rock Band, but that one doesn't really count as it's just a Rock Band game with a Lego makeover.
Lego Lord of the Rings will be the first Lego game I play solo. It will be interesting to see what I think of it, since much of the fun of the Harry Potters was the social aspect of playing with others.
Let's see if I can remember the releases in order...
Lego Star Wars
Lego Star Wars II
Lego Indiana Jones
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Lego Batman
Lego Indiana Jones II
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
Lego Star Wars III
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7
Lego Batman II
Lego Lord of the Rings
...and the forthcoming Lego Marvel Superheroes, which I'm actually rather excited for. Lego Deadpool FTW!
So yeah, the earlier in the list you go, the more basic the games seem.
I have LEGO LOTR on Steam and LEGO Batman for Wii, but I haven't played them yet.
Midweek Madness:
As has already been mentioned, it's been possible to get Lego LotR cheaper from GreenManGaming, so I guess if you wanted it on Steam, then you've already got it from there.