The only people saying that would be Steam themselves. Other sources still say today. Doesn't matter, I preordered, put the code in, and they removed the game from my list.
If not contact Steam support or the store where you bought the game to check if/why the key was removed.
It's listed under my Store Transactions as "The Cave Retail", so I assume I'll get it when the game officially launches, which has been changed to "whenever it comes out".
Ron said over twitter that he's the one that will be flipping the switch for the PC version, and that The Cave will be releasing late afternoon PST. The timer is just wrong.
50% off. Seems to have been on sale a lot lately. Hmm.
Also - I know it's not Steam, and I know most of us have negative opinions of the service, but I have to point it out anyway: There's some amazing deals over at Origin at the moment. Like, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Batman: Arkham City GOTY Edition, Crysis 2: Maximum Edition and Two Worlds II GOTY Edition for £5 each.
check with greenman and retry the code. Maybe there was something wrong with the payment and they blacklisted the key.
I don't think that's it. I asked around, and it turns out some other people have had the game removed from their accounts, and they bought it directly from Steam.
66% off. I think it was that during the Christmas Sale as well, so if you missed it then, it's worth checking out.
The Weekend Deals, as previously mentioned, are:
Next, we have the Squeenix Weekend. There's 50% off the entire Square-Enix catalogue. The main franchises included are Deus Ex, Hitman, Thief and Tomb Raider. Each day there's an extra saving, and today's is...
The entire Tomb Raider series (except the new one, obviously) is 75% off.
True, was Absolution any good? I've heared mixed reviews on it.
If you have nver played a Hitman game it's the most beginner friendly one. But you may have a good enough time with Blood Money as well. The first 2 games are a little bit on the harder side.
OK, this whole thing with Steam and The Cave is starting to get on my nerves. The closest thing to an answer we, the people who did NOT receive their copies, are getting are to "delete all your Steam files and reinstall it" or "just wait for the game to be released". Apparently they can't just give us our copies, even if we provide proof of purchase.
Ooo, useful. Might do that next time they have something I actually want.
The service they cite is somewhat overkill, if you want to make it easy follow the suggestion they wedged in there about adding a hotel's address to the account.
haven't they pushed it to the 24th?
Today's daily deal is Chaos on De-Pony-A. 66% off
The only people saying that would be Steam themselves. Other sources still say today. Doesn't matter, I preordered, put the code in, and they removed the game from my list.
It was there, now it's gone. I assume that's because I redeemed the code early.
no. have you checked the option to show all games (not only installed games)?
have you used the search field?
Also check your account page:
the game should be listed there.
If not contact Steam support or the store where you bought the game to check if/why the key was removed.
It's listed under my Store Transactions as "The Cave Retail", so I assume I'll get it when the game officially launches, which has been changed to "whenever it comes out".
It doesn't for me. I can even put it in my cart to buy it again, and it will let me.
Not mine. I even tried logging off, then back on, and nothing.
Edit: So, it's released now, apparently, and I still don't have my copy. Who do I talk to about this?
Yeah, I sent them a message, so now I have to hope that they'll get back to me sometime this year.
Where did you buy the game by the way?
Green Man Gaming, but since they gave me the code, and it did work, I assume my problem is on Steam's end.
check with greenman and retry the code. Maybe there was something wrong with the payment and they blacklisted the key.
50% off. Seems to have been on sale a lot lately. Hmm.
Also - I know it's not Steam, and I know most of us have negative opinions of the service, but I have to point it out anyway: There's some amazing deals over at Origin at the moment. Like, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Batman: Arkham City GOTY Edition, Crysis 2: Maximum Edition and Two Worlds II GOTY Edition for £5 each.
I don't think that's it. I asked around, and it turns out some other people have had the game removed from their accounts, and they bought it directly from Steam.
First, the Daily Deal:
66% off. I think it was that during the Christmas Sale as well, so if you missed it then, it's worth checking out.
The Weekend Deals, as previously mentioned, are:
Next, we have the Squeenix Weekend. There's 50% off the entire Square-Enix catalogue. The main franchises included are Deus Ex, Hitman, Thief and Tomb Raider. Each day there's an extra saving, and today's is...
The entire Tomb Raider series (except the new one, obviously) is 75% off.
Finally, something a little different.
It's 25% off and looks pretty damn good.
Ok I'm sold, which ones should I get? I know Blood Money is a really good Hitman, which others?
Daily Deal's Skyrim, which is half price.
True, was Absolution any good? I've heared mixed reviews on it.
If you have nver played a Hitman game it's the most beginner friendly one. But you may have a good enough time with Blood Money as well. The first 2 games are a little bit on the harder side.
Daily Deal:
75% off, as is the DLC and Soundtrack.
Yeah. That's really all I can do at this point, except maybe wait for a 75% off sale and re-buy it...
66% off. Does NOT include any of the DLC.
Also, here's the Midweek Madness: