Haggis, I picked those lines PRECISELY because doing a Sam and Max fanfiction would be the easy way out. I wanted to see what you;d do with them. Nice work!
I'm sorry for taking so long, but I've been hard at work editing my book! I'm not quite done with that yet, but today I felt like taking a short break from that to return to my story-writing, so I bring you another one: http://bouffonbooks.com/2011/11/22/a-question-of-loyalty/
An affair.
A dirty cop.
A thrill killer.
A half-empty bottle of Wild Turkey.
An unloaded revolver.
A corpse.
A treacherous blonde or brunette.
A guy that wears a trench coat and a fedora.
People mysteriously following other people.
A big boss with gun toting servants.
San Francisco, Chicago or Los Angeles.
If you need an example, I suggest Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammet, or Erle Stanley Gardener.
Preparing it for publication would be nearer the mark... as if Wolfy wouldn't know.
But yeah, I sincerely apologize for the lack of stories lately. I shall return to working on my backlog when the book is done and things have calmed down a bit, I promise!
Spicy beef needs to factor in somewhere here, as well as Sam aversion to being called McGruff and pinkbellies. Oh and also, the lengthwise cucumber equation. 42. That is all.
Preparing it for publication would be nearer the mark... as if Wolfy wouldn't know.
But yeah, I sincerely apologize for the lack of stories lately. I shall return to working on my backlog when the book is done and things have calmed down a bit, I promise!
Did you mention the title of your book somewhere? In case somebody would be foolish enough to want to buy it?
Did you mention the title of your book somewhere? In case somebody would be foolish enough to want to buy it?
It's Struglend Tales, and I do hope some of you are crazy enough to spend your hard-earned cash on it! Will post about it here when it's up for purchase... that is, if that won't get me banned for spamming.
I must admit I left you with no place to hide and that it would fit a gloomy novel more than a short story. However, what you ended up with was very good. Thank you for not chickening out on it, which it sounded like you were tempted to do. I would have understood if you had. I'm sorry for putting focus on an area you would rather avoid.
I must admit I left you with no place to hide and that it would fit a gloomy novel more than a short story. However, what you ended up with was very good. Thank you for not chickening out on it, which it sounded like you were tempted to do. I would have understood if you had. I'm sorry for putting focus on an area you would rather avoid.
No problem, getting out of my comfort zone helps improve my writing! And ultimately art is about exploring themes that are not always equally pleasant. In the end I am pleased with the result, and I'm glad you are too.
Sooooo wait, there are English-language publishers in the Netherlands?
Yes. Me. I'm going to self-publish it. Besides the problem that I wouldn't ever be able to find an English-language publisher here, the whole publishing industry is something of a dinosaur. Writers are better off these days just going indie, especially since 99% of the traditionally published books don't get any marketing anyway. The big publishers only invest in best sellers. So it's kind of like the games industry, where indie games offer a blow of fresh air. Incidentally, I hope Telltale will always retain a bit of that indie spirit, even as they grow bigger.
Also trying to bump the topic a bit so that Haggis won't think, hey, where's this thread I made that was supposedly on the General Chat board?
Came back after a long time not posting and found you wrote my idea! That's awesome! Though I couldn't find the second sentence from Birdhouse In Your Soul.
Came back after a long time not posting and found you wrote my idea! That's awesome! Though I couldn't find the second sentence from Birdhouse In Your Soul.
No way into the room or out of the room without being seen.
The victim was shot in the back while sitting at a desk facing the wall.
No one was seen going into the room before or after the murder.
No weapons are kept inside the house.
The staff were actually very fond of their boss, the victim.
There are no real clues to the murder except a message on the phone involving a love affair.
No way into the room or out of the room without being seen.
The victim was shot in the back while sitting at a desk facing the wall.
No one was seen going into the room before or after the murder.
No weapons are kept inside the house.
The staff were actually very fond of their boss, the victim.
There are no real clues to the murder except a message on the phone involving a love affair.
The boss was shot prior to entering the room, on the way to work, and then he walked into the room and took a poison pill. Simples.
Another awesome story that took some thinking out of the box. Have you ever read An Inspector Calls, by JB Priestley? The ending is somewhat...similar...
I dunno. At some point on the Banned Game thread, someone referred to me as Haggis. I'll try and dig up the post for you.
-High explosives
-Odd reference to Will Wright
-Must be kept serious.
...good luck.
An affair.
A dirty cop.
A thrill killer.
A half-empty bottle of Wild Turkey.
An unloaded revolver.
A corpse.
A treacherous blonde or brunette.
A guy that wears a trench coat and a fedora.
People mysteriously following other people.
A big boss with gun toting servants.
San Francisco, Chicago or Los Angeles.
If you need an example, I suggest Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammet, or Erle Stanley Gardener.
That was not what I imagined at all. And it was BEAUTIFUL!
Haggis, what are you doing man?!
But yeah, I sincerely apologize for the lack of stories lately. I shall return to working on my backlog when the book is done and things have calmed down a bit, I promise!
Slave Trade
Bald tattooed woman
One thing you have to include is that the snake is part of the Slave traders death.
(Preferable not by a bite, but it's entirely your choice).
Did you mention the title of your book somewhere? In case somebody would be foolish enough to want to buy it?
...then again, if the mod team would be sponsored with free cookies... hm... hint hint
Kidding... but hurry up with that book!!
Oh, and here's another story... finally... http://bouffonbooks.com/2011/12/21/spaced-out/
Hell, I'm just gonna buy it outright!
Also trying to bump the topic a bit so that Haggis won't think, hey, where's this thread I made that was supposedly on the General Chat board?
No problem, getting out of my comfort zone helps improve my writing! And ultimately art is about exploring themes that are not always equally pleasant. In the end I am pleased with the result, and I'm glad you are too.
Yes. Me.
Don't worry, I'll always return to this thread when I have a new story to share! And yes, I do have a new one, actually: http://bouffonbooks.com/2012/01/10/dueling-guitars/
Anyway, I was just writing a new story when you posted that. Here it is: http://bouffonbooks.com/2012/01/17/chaos/
New pitch thing yay:
-Cannot use the letter 'P'
Which was the sentence you did find?
Also, here's a new story. Fair warning: it's a bit risqué. http://bouffonbooks.com/2012/01/28/love/
No way into the room or out of the room without being seen.
The victim was shot in the back while sitting at a desk facing the wall.
No one was seen going into the room before or after the murder.
No weapons are kept inside the house.
The staff were actually very fond of their boss, the victim.
There are no real clues to the murder except a message on the phone involving a love affair.
The boss was shot prior to entering the room, on the way to work, and then he walked into the room and took a poison pill. Simples.
Hahaha, Haggis writing for a movie?? Animation or not, who would be crazy enough to let Haggis be a scriptwriter? Hahaha! You guys are funny!
Well, I only found 1 sentence from Birdhouse in Your Soul, which was "Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch."
-Horror theme
-Stereotypical monster/ bad guy is a perfectly normal narwhal
-Minimum 2 idiotic vacationers must be killed by said normal narwhal.
...Good luck.