Give idea, get story (now with 20% more Haggis!) - Update: Hardback cover book
Hi everyone, I know I haven't been here in, like, forever, but I've got something that may be of interest. Basically, you give me an idea (a subject, setting, a few lines), and I write a story for you!
If you want to get an idea of what I mean, you can find two sample stories (ideas courtesy of SilverWolfPet) here:
Enjoy, and feel free to ask for a story in this thread!
If you want to get an idea of what I mean, you can find two sample stories (ideas courtesy of SilverWolfPet) here:
Enjoy, and feel free to ask for a story in this thread!

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Wait thats been done before.... ;D
But twould be nice to see your interpretation of it!
Here's the result, I hope you like it:
Well, I do like to challenge the brain somewhat.
And you have done an excellent job!
Any more ideas I come up with probably won't be so heavy, but I'm sure I'll keep it interesting.
In fact, I have already come up with something:
- Illness
- Embarassment
- Supernatural
But if anyone else wants to have a go then feel free to do so.
Actually thats a little too easy lets throw in a prop:
- Sock puppets!
-Forgotten Winter Nights.
-Evil Cheese
I love how we all fixated on the 'three words' prompt, instead of better ones like 'Coolsome's Origin Story', but of course it's too amazing to be put in words.
I thought he was talking about his origin story! XD
I really like how you took that prompt and did something about familial love rather than the obvious romantic love. Nice!
(please don't make him a child in a delusional pirate fantasy.)
He was raised by Orcas, and used to see pirate ships sail past his beach as a child.
He thought it was pretty neat, and he wanted to be a pirate.
One day he got bored of eating fish and went into the local town, where he met Peg Leg Pete, who told him of island of Melee, where the Grog was fresh, and treasure was plenty.
So he "borrowed" Pete's map, snuck aboard a fishing ship, and set off on adventure! XD
- Atheism
- Tragedy
Awesome it had a I have no mouth and I must scream feel.
Fantastic work, you managed to go in a direction I never considered.
Very creative work, excellent stuff.
I like how you sucessfully managed to intergrate a random prop into a story,
So much so that the next challenge, (should you choose to accept it!
List of props:
- Glass of Milk
- Rock
- ipad
- Gentleman's Magazine
- Loin Cloth
- Plasma Rifle
- Brocolli
- Hammer
- A DVD of Happy Feet
There is one logical way I have thought of including all these elements, and it would involve a short story about maybe a modern couple fighting over whether to watch TV, (a bit of channel surfing), a DVD, or to play Halo 3, which could then escelate to other petty argument, maybe even a major argument, and an eventual resolution.
However, thats too easy.
Which is why you have to also include this:
- Surrealism
(Feel free to take as much time as you like on this one. Even skipping over it if necessary. I think its a doozy! >: D)
-"Well, that's what I call a difficult seal to club."
-"You cannot conquer the galaxy without the space crystal!"
-"So are you and Mark still together?"
-A revolver
-A purple balloon
-A politician announcing an affair with his mistress
Yep he's real.
I misread as Marik and thought you wanted a Yugioh Abridged fanfic.
Tow truck
Wait, that sounds too much like a Country song. We can't have that, so let me also throw in...
Hoho! Fantastic!
Looks like its time for a new challenge from me then.
Alright, this one should be tough.
You can write any story, but!
You must include the word "cake" exactly 21 times.
Yes. That should work. (Do this and I shall use the full limits of my creative to test yours.)
It has to include a talking Mexican cheeseburger vampire with an eyepatch who has a job as an Elvis impersonator.
Also, Strong Bad must make an appearance as a French poodle with a lisp.
A screwdriver handle with no driver head
a wobbling picture frame
a safe with a lock that has sixteen unmarked buttons
You may NOT include a burglar, spy. or thief of any kind.
(And you can now give them a rating, please do so!)
Edit: And I've added two more stories:
Team Fortress 2 Characters... playing Team fortress 2. haha >:D
I like your style.
Here's another prompt;
-An author struggling to find a point to his writing.
-Written entirely using personification.
And another one:
Oh, and here's a new one!
Well then:
- a girl named Mortal
- her best friend Beetle, the Parrot
- cliffhanger ending
Now, I don't want to post without another story idea, so think about this one:
But may not mention the word "sin" (or any other form, like "sins").