I just finished writing a story about a group of Catholic teenagers who live on an abandoned farm after fleeing from an orphanage. One night, a 13 year old boy goes exploring, an happens upon a young female vampire. She tells the boy to bring her fresh blood every night or she will go to the farm and slaughter his 8 year old brother. The 13 year old does so, every night for a week, until finally he stops when the vampire demands that he bring her his brother. He instead brings another boy, whose neck the 13 year old had secretly coated with holy water. When the vampire goes to bite, her lips burn. She then swears that she will have revenge, and disappears. The next night, the boy finds the vampire about to feast on his brother, and he impales her with a hayfork. As the boy kneels down to see if the brother is okay, the brother awakes, showing silvery eyes, indicating that he is also a vampire.
Holy crap, that's some Twilight Zone vibe there! And not the mystical kind, even. In other words, well done!
Also didn't see the ending coming.
Anyway, I do have another idea for you, but I'm really hesitant to post it here, because it would most definitely push you in a certain direction. Not to mention the premise is pretty retarded.
Well, post it anyway (unless it's really embarrassing or something).
Awesome indeed. You are the champion of short stories. Each have everything a story should have: well-described characters and scenes, unpredictable but believable twists (that make for a captivating read), solid plots...
Aw, thanks! (Do I get an Olympic medal now? )
Incidentally, I've been thinking of trying to sell some of those short stories to online magazines... but I'm not sure about the legality, since the original ideas weren't mine. I think probably an idea can't be copyrighted, but I'll have to look into that... or you guys could just promise not to sue me.
Also, I promise I won't sue. Ideas might not be yours, but the stories themselves are. And, technically it's not entirely infringement of copyrights as you always find a way to twist the idea into something that we really did not expect.
That, and most ideas are vague enough that they could apply to already existing stories anyway.
Ah... I've never watched their show though, so that might be a problem...
Also, I promise I won't sue. Ideas might not be yours, but the stories themselves are. And, technically it's not entirely infringement of copyrights as you always find a way to twist the idea into something that we really did not expect.
That, and most ideas are vague enough that they could apply to already existing stories anyway.
Hmmm, yes, you're right. Still not sure about querying magazines though (too much work for possibly zero payout), but I've been thinking of compiling a few e-book anthologies into a physical anthology, once I've amassed enough material. While the e-books would remain free, I'm planning on selling the physical editions.
All you need to know is that Britt is the bonde one and Ymke the hot one. I mean the one with glasses. And they're both fairly dumb as a rock, from what I've gathered. Never watched any of their shows either.
All you need to know is that Britt is the bonde one and Ymke the hot one. I mean the one with glasses. And they're both fairly dumb as a rock, from what I've gathered. Never watched any of their shows either.
EDIT: Just take hints from the TV Kantine.
Hmmm... sounds like I might have to write that in Dutch, actually, but maybe I'll give it a go anyway. I've searched for information of them online though, and it looks to me like they're not real. As in, it's all one big act... so that would make it fan fiction, which I'm not fond of. But we'll see.
Well, I've finally finished another story. This one's not from an idea that was posted here, but I thought you guys might like to read it anyway, especially since it features Chief Inspector Jewel Friedman (and there's some info in the introduction about my plans to compile stories into paid anthologies rather than gratis ones).
A few typos near the beginning but otherwise yet another outstanding effort. Erm...you weren't trying to do mine at the same time, were you?
Thanks. It's always a bit difficult to figure out where things stand with a first draft... so any feedback is welcome, positive (preferably) or negative.
And no, I wasn't trying to tie in your suggestion with this, although I can see how that would work with the rock band. I'll try to think of something sufficiently different for your story, which is three stories away at the moment. (But I've resolved to focus more on writing, so hopefully that'll show in the rate at which I produce new content.)
The reason I took so long was because I've been keeping busy with my upcoming new book, for which I'm running an IndieGoGo campaign that you should all check out! Please. http://www.indiegogo.com/mothered
So this is what, the third or fourth story I've gotten idea into? In any case, I found it quite funny.
EDIT. Due to the unreasonable attractiveness of your beard, I will be donating to your book as soon as I've got cash to do so. in the meantime, mind if I share it around?
Very well done on executing what was a very stupid overcomplicated plot guide. I gave it 5 stars because of what you did with it, but if you do choose only the best stories for a chronicle, my advice would be to leave it out. That's just my opinion, though.
EDIT. Due to the unreasonable attractiveness of your beard, I will be donating to your book as soon as I've got cash to do so. in the meantime, mind if I share it around?
Thank you, I appreciate it! And please, do share it around!
Very well done on executing what was a very stupid overcomplicated plot guide. I gave it 5 stars because of what you did with it, but if you do choose only the best stories for a chronicle, my advice would be to leave it out. That's just my opinion, though.
Cheers. And yeah, I've thought about only having stories in the next anthology that can stand on their own, without the explanation of an underlying prompt.
Very well done, once again. There was only one typo that I could find. Where you mention putting the hat back on his head, you say hat instead of head. That is all. One for the compendium, methinks.
Very well done, once again. There was only one typo that I could find. Where you mention putting the hat back on his head, you say hat instead of head. That is all. One for the compendium, methinks.
Thanks! I just fixed the error. Being a non-native speaker, sometimes I get my homonyms mixed up when I'm not paying enough attention...
Is my story next? *leans forward*
Why, yes, it is. I'm looking forward to it myself as well, since it has Jewel Friedman (and thus will be featured in an anthology of its own). Speaking of which, if anyone has any story ideas for her, send them my way!
I'm trying to think of a Jewel Friedman idea, but it's hard to think of something outrageous enough that hasn't already been done.
No worries - if you think of something, great! If not, don't force it. I'm already very grateful for all these lovely ideas you people are lobbing at me!
This is probably the last story I'll write this year, after which I'll compile the best Bouffon Stories into an anthology, and the 5 Jewel Friedman stories into a separate anthology of their own. Both e-books will be available for $ 0.99, but I'll make sure the people who contributed ideas will get a copy for free, if they want one.
Finally, thanks everyone for a lovely year of stories, I hope the next one will be even better!
Two rather fitting uses for the Metal anthem. Well written (reminded me too much of a rather topical dead man aftermath in the British media at the moment) but your seeming bunny-from-a-hat conclusions seem now to be following a pattern, to the point where they're predictable. You have no red herrings in your tales. I have no idea how this can be solved in short stories, though. I gave you 4 stars rather than the usual 5 because I did still think it very good.
your seeming bunny-from-a-hat conclusions seem now to be following a pattern, to the point where they're predictable. You have no red herrings in your tales. I have no idea how this can be solved in short stories, though. I gave you 4 stars rather than the usual 5 because I did still think it very good.
Thanks! I agree about the predictability, that's a bit of a problem... I think part of it is because I only have one plot twist (because the stories are so short). When you know the story isn't over yet, you just know that the apparent solution is actually not the real solution at all, because it's still a while before the end.
It's not a problem I have a simple solution to though. I also have it when reading detective novels, or when I watch an episode of Poirot or Monk, for instance. I hope that the comedic elements and the story itself can offset it a little - I don't want to throw in too many red herrings, since the stories are more in the cosy mystery genre than truly mind-boggling puzzles.
That said, another option would be a novel-length story, and that's something I definitely want to do after I finish writing my current book (the sequel to Struglend Tales). I could throw in some more red herrings and plot twists that way, as well as develop the characters better.
It's 99 cents, but if one of your stories is in there, you'll get a free copy. I already notified many of you by PM, but some people that got a story in there couldn't be reached in that way, so let me know if you want a copy of the e-book.
I hope to be able to return to writing stories again soon... I just think I'll skip the Britt and Ymke prompt though (sorry Gary, but I'm in danger of permanently damaging my IQ if I write a story featuring those two ).
Yeah, I was just going to say skip that one, I'll come up with a better suggestion :P
And now I've forgotten what that suggestion was.
EDIT: Remembered what it was.
Something Dutch.
This is a very open theme, as you can go in several directions, like, in a literary way (imitate Dutch literature in just a short story), or it could be a story that has a lot of Dutch culture references, even the writing style could be Dutch (as most Dutch novels have a distinct style of build-up). I don't know. You can make it as obvious or as subtle as you want even. It's a hard one, it will challenge your creativity, but it's also a very open one, and I'm really curious as to what you could do with that.
Whew... I finally made a new story. I decided to write Gary's story first, because I skipped his Britt and Ymke idea... it turned out to be rather long: http://bouffonbooks.com/2013/05/04/millerbaker/
Next up will be hangingwithmonkeys' story, which is also the last one in the queue for now.
Wow, that was actually pretty damn beautiful. And actually, that is exactly what Dutch literature is. Dutch literature always hangs in a sort of melancholy, the feeling of wanting to go back to how things were, yet on the other hand, it's all about change, and mostly also about fate, how it's unavoidable. Most Dutch literature also has a bittersweet end to it, never truly a happy one, if there even is one. Most of the times it presents itself as a happy ending, yet if one reads truly, there isn't really one.
Thanks, glad you liked it. I do actually think that the bittersweetness is more of a universal thing - for this story I was actually partly inspired by Guy de Maupassant (who was of course French), whose stories I'm reading at the moment. I also found the same melancholia in a lot of Russian literature.
Well, post it anyway (unless it's really embarrassing or something).
Aw, thanks! (Do I get an Olympic medal now?
Incidentally, I've been thinking of trying to sell some of those short stories to online magazines... but I'm not sure about the legality, since the original ideas weren't mine. I think probably an idea can't be copyrighted, but I'll have to look into that... or you guys could just promise not to sue me.
Road trip...
In space...
With Britt and Ymke.
Also, I promise I won't sue. Ideas might not be yours, but the stories themselves are. And, technically it's not entirely infringement of copyrights as you always find a way to twist the idea into something that we really did not expect.
That, and most ideas are vague enough that they could apply to already existing stories anyway.
Hmmm, yes, you're right. Still not sure about querying magazines though (too much work for possibly zero payout), but I've been thinking of compiling a few e-book anthologies into a physical anthology, once I've amassed enough material. While the e-books would remain free, I'm planning on selling the physical editions.
Oh, and I added the story you wrote to the site: http://bouffonbooks.com/2012/08/13/suitcase/
EDIT: Just take hints from the TV Kantine.
Hmmm... sounds like I might have to write that in Dutch, actually, but maybe I'll give it a go anyway. I've searched for information of them online though, and it looks to me like they're not real. As in, it's all one big act... so that would make it fan fiction, which I'm not fond of. But we'll see.
A few typos near the beginning but otherwise yet another outstanding effort. Erm...you weren't trying to do mine at the same time, were you?
And no, I wasn't trying to tie in your suggestion with this, although I can see how that would work with the rock band. I'll try to think of something sufficiently different for your story, which is three stories away at the moment. (But I've resolved to focus more on writing, so hopefully that'll show in the rate at which I produce new content.)
The reason I took so long was because I've been keeping busy with my upcoming new book, for which I'm running an IndieGoGo campaign that you should all check out! Please. http://www.indiegogo.com/mothered
EDIT. Due to the unreasonable attractiveness of your beard, I will be donating to your book as soon as I've got cash to do so. in the meantime, mind if I share it around?
Is my story next? *leans forward*
Why, yes, it is.
I'm trying to think of a Jewel Friedman idea, but it's hard to think of something outrageous enough that hasn't already been done.
Where do I sign?
That would be totally fantastic on so many levels.
This is probably the last story I'll write this year, after which I'll compile the best Bouffon Stories into an anthology, and the 5 Jewel Friedman stories into a separate anthology of their own. Both e-books will be available for $ 0.99, but I'll make sure the people who contributed ideas will get a copy for free, if they want one.
Finally, thanks everyone for a lovely year of stories, I hope the next one will be even better!
It's not a problem I have a simple solution to though. I also have it when reading detective novels, or when I watch an episode of Poirot or Monk, for instance. I hope that the comedic elements and the story itself can offset it a little - I don't want to throw in too many red herrings, since the stories are more in the cosy mystery genre than truly mind-boggling puzzles.
That said, another option would be a novel-length story, and that's something I definitely want to do after I finish writing my current book (the sequel to Struglend Tales). I could throw in some more red herrings and plot twists that way, as well as develop the characters better.
So. It has come to this.
It's 99 cents, but if one of your stories is in there, you'll get a free copy. I already notified many of you by PM, but some people that got a story in there couldn't be reached in that way, so let me know if you want a copy of the e-book.
I hope to be able to return to writing stories again soon... I just think I'll skip the Britt and Ymke prompt though (sorry Gary, but I'm in danger of permanently damaging my IQ if I write a story featuring those two
And now I've forgotten what that suggestion was.
EDIT: Remembered what it was.
Something Dutch.
This is a very open theme, as you can go in several directions, like, in a literary way (imitate Dutch literature in just a short story), or it could be a story that has a lot of Dutch culture references, even the writing style could be Dutch (as most Dutch novels have a distinct style of build-up). I don't know. You can make it as obvious or as subtle as you want even. It's a hard one, it will challenge your creativity, but it's also a very open one, and I'm really curious as to what you could do with that.
Next up will be hangingwithmonkeys' story, which is also the last one in the queue for now.