It's nice that someone actually understands it. There's lots more you can draw from the genre but if you take it too seriously, you turn into a lying wussy kleptomaniac that bothers people a lot with the same questions over and over, not to mention talking to yourself.
Hahaha, you are great. love it.
This is why I like coming to adventure game forums. Likeminded fans. You are my people. I feel at home.:p
I've never actually played a Leisure Suit Larry game before, but he made an appearance in "The Great Fusion", which is a german P&C adventure game you can get on Android devices. I've just completed it, and was surprised to see him in it. And George Stobbart too.
Very good question. I was looking for one, then got sidetracked. If anyone has a link to one, please post... but only if it is legal and not against the rules to do so. The session might have had a rule about not recording it. Wouldn't you want to get in trouble with the moderators here either. The score still needed to be remastered and all that. Sigh, I really wanted to hear the performances. :-( I hear that Melora Hardin's voice sounded terrific in the song, though. Guess I'll have to wait a month or two for when the final version is released.
Al Lowe recently confirmed that work has begun on Larry 2 Reloaded, which is expected to be quite a serious overhaul. Also, Larry 8 is still in the works. Great news, all around!
Digital Trends caught up with Al Lowe during his European vacation to talk about Reloaded and what’s next for the series. Turns out that work on Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded 2 is already underway.
“We’re busting our butts to get this one out the door,” Lowe told us, “But we’ve begun working on Larry 2 also. I would hope it will be by Christmas, but I suspect it will be 2014.”
Replay Games president Paul Trowe told Digital Trends earlier this spring that there was some contention as to what game to make after work finished on Reloaded. It was down to either an HD remake of Leisure Suit Larry 2, or the long lost sequel Leisure Suit Larry 8. It appears that Lowe got his way with the immediate sequel in the works, but that doesn’t mean the adventure game maker has forgotten about continuing the series. “Our fans deserve to see how Larry’s life plays out!” said Lowe, saying Leisure Suit Larry 8 is “absolutely” still in the works.
I wonder how they're going to reconcile Larry 8 with the 3D Larry games. Maybe have them all be a horrible dream Larry was having while being probed by the aliens.
I wonder how they're going to reconcile Larry 8 with the 3D Larry games. Maybe have them all be a horrible dream Larry was having while being probed by the aliens.
Probably just ignore them, which would be easy as proper Larry isn't the main character in those games.
Exactly. Those games star his nephew Larry Loveage, and Larry Laffer was barely in those games (and, even when he was he was never the protaganist). There's no real reason why they have to even talk about those events in Larry 8, since Larry Laffer's experience in those games is basically just visiting his nephew on his time off between his own adventures.
If they want to tie the two series together, they might have Larry mention his nephew in passing. But, there's really no reason that they need to do that.
If they want to tie the two series together, they might have Larry mention his nephew in passing. But, there's really no reason that they need to do that.
And, having played both 3D games, no reason to want to either.
EDIT: According to the latest Kickstarter update, the LSL1 Beta should be out on May 6th.
Leisure Suit Larry Cover Box Art (e-tailer) contest:
Please help spread the word (on Twitter, online forums, etc.) to all the talented artists out there. This is your chance to maybe contribute to some of the official online promotion for the awesome new Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded game. Let's give Larry's big comeback the kind of epic, slick or otherwise memorable cover art it deserves. I know there are some excellent artists out there in the adventure game community.
We’ve been sending the Collector’s Box art to various e-tailers who, although selling only a non-boxed digital version of the game, like to – or insist on – a mocked-up box for their websites. Since a lot of people have seen the Collector’s Box art and thought we shouldn’t be using it for marketing purposes, we’re going to start a contest (today or tomorrow) for all aspiring commercial artists. Details for the contest can – or shortly will be – available on the Replay forums, There will be a separate subforum just for this contest; there, you’ll be able to find the exact rules, and you’re free to post your submissions on the forum for critique (although official entries will need to be sent directly to Replay per the rules you’ll find on the Contest subforum).
1. The dimensions of the front of the mock box should be 10.25 x 8.75. The top and left side should also be visible. Four separate files should be sent in PSD or other high-res format:
a. Complete 3-D Box mock-up;
b. Front of the box;
c. Side of the box;
d. Top flap of the box
2. Please include contact information with each entry.
3. All submissions must be sent to by midnight on 5/8/2013 to qualify.
4. The decisions of the judges are final.
5. The winner will be awarded a special credit in the game AND will have a choice of having either Al Lowe or Josh Mandel record the greeting on the winner's answering machine or voicemail. No further prizes will be awarded.
6. We can not guarantee that the winning entry will be used on any/all particular e-tailer websites. However, the prizes will be awarded independent of whether and how much the winning entry is used.
7. All entries become the sole property of Replay Games, Inc.
8. All artists are encouraged to sign their work!
SOME BACKGROUND: A Replay Games forum thread discussing the collector's edition box art, where some people express concerns about that art and other art being used to promote Larry Reloaded online:
(a good read)
The Larry Reloaded beta is now coming May 13th, and they're aiming for a May 31st date for the release of the final!
Apparently, the beta is the nearly finished product (everything's in place, including all the recorded lines of dialog), and the release is meant to find the last remaining bugs (and to give the higher tiers their promised beta reward of course ).
The alpha already was pretty promising, and I honestly didn't expect that the beta would be pretty much the finished product, but it's great that it is. Now I really can't wait to play the beta. Plus the news that the beta is so closed to finished, meaning the final is finally coming out really soon is great news as well.
I hope the soundtrack to this gets released a couple of days after the release of the game. That would rule. Not to mention it would be a great add to my jazz collection.
For those interested, the winner of the box cover art contest was announced.
Here it is, by artist Tom King:
Personally, I think it looks cheap and babyish. Like a "Muppet Babies" version of the Larry character. Apparently this artist worked on the collector's box that many hated and thought wasn't up to the standard of being able to be used for online marketing. Hmmm.
Here is another entry posted on their forum, from someone with screen name TAHR:
This one looks so much more professional to me. But perhaps they felt bad for the other artist getting his other work so badly rejected the first time. Still, seems like they ended up not choosing the best box art, for reasons only they can answer.
I haven't been to those forums for a while but didn't Irishmile contribute anything? I'd imagine anything made by him would look a lot better than the winning entry.
I haven't been to those forums for a while but didn't Irishmile contribute anything? I'd imagine anything made by him would look a lot better than the winning entry.
I saw a post from Irishmile on their forum where he explained that he had too many things going on and didn't have time to produce an entry. I, too, would have liked to have seen something from him.
The choice of winner just seems fishy to me, given the fact that the winning artist had worked on the terrible collector's box that led to people calling for a replacement. I think the team members resented the criticism of that box. You aren't going to tell me the winner (shown above) is better than the other entry I posted right below it. What's more, the artist who produced the superior entry above (which didn't win) was actually one of the backers who had been critical of the original collector's box and who had advocated on the forum for better marketing art... and Josh Mandel had responded somewhat rudely to him at the time. So this whole thing kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's a shame that they are going with the cover art they are, when they had something much better handed to them.
I agree that the second box art you posted is much better than the first. They should have let the fans choose the cover.
I'm a big supporter of this project, but I think they dropped the ball with regard to the box art. It seems they have a tendency to use inadequate art to promote the game. And have you seen the banner art they are using on Amazon and Steam?
Yikes. If people have played the alpha or beta versions, they know this art doesn't reflect the game's quality.
One thing I learned from following all this is that backer contests can be a great way to save money and get excellent promotional art in return. I think smaller-budget adventure game projects ought to consider something like this. It's fun, gets backers engaged, and can result in some great art to promote the game.
Due to the sheer number of bugs found by beta testers, the game's been delayed once again to the end of June.
Not sure what to think about this, but the first thought that popped into my head was "Jesus, how many bugs did people find? That's one unstable game they've got!" and honestly, I think that's a valid point.
Due to the sheer number of bugs found by beta testers, the game's been delayed once again to the end of June.
Not sure what to think about this, but the first thought that popped into my head was "Jesus, how many bugs did people find? That's one unstable game they've got!" and honestly, I think that's a valid point.
I beta tested. The game itself ran fine, and was entirely playable -- the few bugs I found were mostly graphical in nature, though I know others have run into small sound bugs.
It's good that they actually care about quality control, unlike EA. Telltale used to be spot-on with QA too but they caved in to the incessant nagging of impatient whiners.
Due to the sheer number of bugs found by beta testers, the game's been delayed once again to the end of June.
Not sure what to think about this, but the first thought that popped into my head was "Jesus, how many bugs did people find? That's one unstable game they've got!" and honestly, I think that's a valid point.
Josh Mandel seemed to go out of his way to contradict this explanation by Paul Trowe. Below is what he posted on the Replay forum. So, who knows?
I just posted this on the Kickstarter page, and I'm repeating it again here because it certainly warrants repeating!
The bugs we've found in the game are actually VERY small and NOT very plentiful at all. Compared to most games in beta, this game is amazingly clean and solid. It's actually shippable at this point. It's more a matter of adding elements of polish that we've talked over with N-Fusion. Most of the things our testers -- both internal and external -- have found in the game are extremely low-level bugs or not even bugs at all, they're examples of "I wish it worked this way."
N-Fusion has done an ABSOLUTELY REMARKABLE job with this game, and even though they could easily have said, "We think this is absolutely ready to ship," they wanted to go even farther than they have so far. We're unimaginably lucky to have a developer who wants to go the extra mile to improve an already-terrific game. That is extremely rare in this industry. Most developers would say, "This is shippable, so ship it."
We are insanely lucky.
Also, to Jennifer: what were your thoughts on the beta release? You gave a very thorough, even-keeled write-up on the Alpha version a few months back.
Also, to Jennifer: what were your thoughts on the beta release? You gave a very thorough, even-keeled write-up on the Alpha version a few months back.
For some reason, I forgot about the beta until just yesterday.
I'm playing through it now (and doing so more thoroughly than the alpha, since this one is feature complete), so I haven't played through much yet.
But, so far my opinion is very favorable. The voice acting is really good (Jan Robson hasn't lost any of his Larryness over the years, and Brad Venable as the narrator is good too - it's different, but it works well), and I really like the new puzzles. I think I went into this a bit for the alpha, but it bears saying again. The new puzzles just put a twist on the old ones. All of the objectives are the same, sometimes you just have to go about doing things a bit differently (and I like that a lot). It makes it feel different, even if you've completed LSL AGI and/or SCI a hundred times.
I also liked the new death scene that replaced the Sierra character workshop. This wasn't in the alpha, and I was wondering what they were going to do since Codemasters only owns Larry and Activision owns the other Sierra characters. I do miss the humor of the original, but it's completely understandable. Their solution kept the spirit of the scene, and I liked that.
They do use the dodgy cover art for the menu (the one that they held the contest to replace), but since this is just a beta, and judging from all the fan complaints about that cover, they might replace it for the final. Like most people, I'm not a fan of it (the proportions are off, making it look more like a work in progress than a final), so hopefully that will be the case.
I haven't gotten too far yet, so I can't comment on how they handled the women in the game (and especially the new woman, I'm quite curious about that one). I'll let you know what I think about the rest of the beta once I finish it.
Okay, I've gotta admit, although I grew up with LA's and Sierra's adventures, I'm feeling a bit lost with the Larry Beta (haven't played the original in ages). Was it always this "thrown in at the deep end" start of the game? I have no idea what my goals are... sure, I can roam around, pick up stuff, talk to people... but is there actually a motivation to the story? I remember Larry 6 and 7 pretty much giving you some initial tasks which motivate you going forward, opening up the storyline along the way.
But with this one, I don't even know where to start. I manage to solve the first bunch of puzzles
I'm now in the hooker's room upstairs of Lefty's
, but I don't see any purpose to it... have I just grown old without taking the old adventure game spirit with me, or is Larry 1 just a convoluted "figure it out yourself, punk!" kinda game?
Okay, I've gotta admit, although I grew up with LA's and Sierra's adventures, I'm feeling a bit lost with the Larry Beta (haven't played the original in ages). Was it always this "thrown in at the deep end" start of the game? I have no idea what my goals are... sure, I can roam around, pick up stuff, talk to people... but is there actually a motivation to the story? I remember Larry 6 and 7 pretty much giving you some initial tasks which motivate you going forward, opening up the storyline along the way.
But with this one, I don't even know where to start. I manage to solve the first bunch of puzzles
I'm now in the hooker's room upstairs of Lefty's
, but I don't see any purpose to it... have I just grown old without taking the old adventure game spirit with me, or is Larry 1 just a convoluted "figure it out yourself, punk!" kinda game?
In the original,
the hooker scene was to get the candy for Fawn (the girl in the disco). Fawn tied you to the bed, which gave you the rope (provided you bought the knife off the bum outside the Quickie Mart) to get from the hooker's balcony to where the pills were, which you used to drug Faith (the security guard to the Lost Wages penthouse suite) so you could meet Eve and complete the game. Hell, I don't think you even need to shag the hooker in the original. We just do out of habit and it seemed the obvious thing to do first time around. But there again, she might not let you grab the candy or climb out of her window to get the pills if you don't shag her first. I don't know because I've never tried it.
Austin Wintory's Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded soundtrack is now up on Bandcamp.
If you didn't pledge high enough to get a download of this (or didn't pledge at all), it's only $6 US. And well worth it. The live interpretations of the old Larry songs are simply amazing. :eek:
I guess we'll have to wait and see what Replay says in their next update.
posted earlier by Replay Games forum moderator indendant s:
August 25th is certainly not the correct date. Larry will be released on June 27th. And I don't know why Amazon listed the game as "Teen". I've played the beta extensively and the original charm of Larry is still there. Definitely nothing to suggest a watered-down game. There's plenty of jokes and easter eggs to warrant LSL:R as a mature game. There looks like a lot of misinformation on the Amazon page. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Sorry, meant to post that but got distracted by... other things. *COUGH*N7*COUGH*
Steam has informed us that, since they would prefer that there actually be humans in their offices when a new game is released, the game will NOT be going live on Steam until 10:00am PDT tomorrow.
Looks like they have a massive winner. Will write more later, but the first major Kickstarter-funded game to be released (LSL Reloaded) appears to have hit the bullseye.
The extra time spent to polish the thing was well worth it.
Hahaha, you are great.
This is why I like coming to adventure game forums. Likeminded fans. You are my people.
Very good question. I was looking for one, then got sidetracked. If anyone has a link to one, please post... but only if it is legal and not against the rules to do so. The session might have had a rule about not recording it. Wouldn't you want to get in trouble with the moderators here either. The score still needed to be remastered and all that. Sigh, I really wanted to hear the performances. :-( I hear that Melora Hardin's voice sounded terrific in the song, though. Guess I'll have to wait a month or two for when the final version is released.
If they want to tie the two series together, they might have Larry mention his nephew in passing. But, there's really no reason that they need to do that.
EDIT: According to the latest Kickstarter update, the LSL1 Beta should be out on May 6th.
Please help spread the word (on Twitter, online forums, etc.) to all the talented artists out there. This is your chance to maybe contribute to some of the official online promotion for the awesome new Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded game. Let's give Larry's big comeback the kind of epic, slick or otherwise memorable cover art it deserves. I know there are some excellent artists out there in the adventure game community.
from Josh Mandel's latest game update:
Official rules:
SOME BACKGROUND: A Replay Games forum thread discussing the collector's edition box art, where some people express concerns about that art and other art being used to promote Larry Reloaded online:
(a good read)
Apparently, the beta is the nearly finished product (everything's in place, including all the recorded lines of dialog), and the release is meant to find the last remaining bugs (and to give the higher tiers their promised beta reward of course
The alpha already was pretty promising, and I honestly didn't expect that the beta would be pretty much the finished product, but it's great that it is. Now I really can't wait to play the beta.
Here it is, by artist Tom King:
Personally, I think it looks cheap and babyish. Like a "Muppet Babies" version of the Larry character. Apparently this artist worked on the collector's box that many hated and thought wasn't up to the standard of being able to be used for online marketing. Hmmm.
Here is another entry posted on their forum, from someone with screen name TAHR:
This one looks so much more professional to me. But perhaps they felt bad for the other artist getting his other work so badly rejected the first time. Still, seems like they ended up not choosing the best box art, for reasons only they can answer.
Nevertheless, the game itself is looking great!
I saw a post from Irishmile on their forum where he explained that he had too many things going on and didn't have time to produce an entry. I, too, would have liked to have seen something from him.
The choice of winner just seems fishy to me, given the fact that the winning artist had worked on the terrible collector's box that led to people calling for a replacement. I think the team members resented the criticism of that box. You aren't going to tell me the winner (shown above) is better than the other entry I posted right below it. What's more, the artist who produced the superior entry above (which didn't win) was actually one of the backers who had been critical of the original collector's box and who had advocated on the forum for better marketing art... and Josh Mandel had responded somewhat rudely to him at the time. So this whole thing kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's a shame that they are going with the cover art they are, when they had something much better handed to them.
I'm a big supporter of this project, but I think they dropped the ball with regard to the box art. It seems they have a tendency to use inadequate art to promote the game. And have you seen the banner art they are using on Amazon and Steam?
Yikes. If people have played the alpha or beta versions, they know this art doesn't reflect the game's quality.
One thing I learned from following all this is that backer contests can be a great way to save money and get excellent promotional art in return. I think smaller-budget adventure game projects ought to consider something like this. It's fun, gets backers engaged, and can result in some great art to promote the game.
Not sure what to think about this, but the first thought that popped into my head was "Jesus, how many bugs did people find? That's one unstable game they've got!" and honestly, I think that's a valid point.
I beta tested. The game itself ran fine, and was entirely playable -- the few bugs I found were mostly graphical in nature, though I know others have run into small sound bugs.
Full list here:
Josh Mandel seemed to go out of his way to contradict this explanation by Paul Trowe. Below is what he posted on the Replay forum. So, who knows?
Also, to Jennifer: what were your thoughts on the beta release? You gave a very thorough, even-keeled write-up on the Alpha version a few months back.
I'm playing through it now (and doing so more thoroughly than the alpha, since this one is feature complete), so I haven't played through much yet.
But, so far my opinion is very favorable. The voice acting is really good (Jan Robson hasn't lost any of his Larryness over the years, and Brad Venable as the narrator is good too - it's different, but it works well), and I really like the new puzzles. I think I went into this a bit for the alpha, but it bears saying again. The new puzzles just put a twist on the old ones. All of the objectives are the same, sometimes you just have to go about doing things a bit differently (and I like that a lot). It makes it feel different, even if you've completed LSL AGI and/or SCI a hundred times.
I also liked the new death scene that replaced the Sierra character workshop. This wasn't in the alpha, and I was wondering what they were going to do since Codemasters only owns Larry and Activision owns the other Sierra characters. I do miss the humor of the original, but it's completely understandable. Their solution kept the spirit of the scene, and I liked that.
They do use the dodgy cover art for the menu (the one that they held the contest to replace), but since this is just a beta, and judging from all the fan complaints about that cover, they might replace it for the final. Like most people, I'm not a fan of it (the proportions are off, making it look more like a work in progress than a final), so hopefully that will be the case.
I haven't gotten too far yet, so I can't comment on how they handled the women in the game (and especially the new woman, I'm quite curious about that one). I'll let you know what I think about the rest of the beta once I finish it.
But with this one, I don't even know where to start. I manage to solve the first bunch of puzzles
In the original,
If you didn't pledge high enough to get a download of this (or didn't pledge at all), it's only $6 US. And well worth it. The live interpretations of the old Larry songs are simply amazing. :eek:
I guess we'll have to wait and see what Replay says in their next update.
posted earlier by Replay Games forum moderator indendant s:
The extra time spent to polish the thing was well worth it.
Interested to hear all you guys' thoughts.
But but but...the puzzles are all different, there's new lines and a new girl! It's like a new game but with the same plot!