Elder Scrolls Megathread - Adoring Fan Edition



  • edited December 2011
    Fear is an awesome spell.

    Illusion in general is mega awesome.
    Is it? I have 96 in Illusion due to my extensive use of Clairvoyance and Invisibility, but that's about it(I used "Muffle" to powerlevel my Illusion skill to the required 75 points to buy the Invisibility spell). I need invisibility because I'm a vampire, and I need Clairvoyance because I'm an idiot, but otherwise I find the school fairly unimportant, even playing as a pure mage.
  • edited December 2011
    Wait vampire?

    How does that work?
  • edited December 2011
    Mr. Wizard Lizard is a vampire? I didn't know that reptiles could even become vampires.
  • edited December 2011
    Mr. Wizard Lizard is a vampire? I didn't know that reptiles could even become vampires.

    It's only 50% disease-resistance in Skyrim. And even then you can lower it further.
  • edited December 2011
    Is it? I have 96 in Illusion due to my extensive use of Clairvoyance and Invisibility, but that's about it(I used "Muffle" to powerlevel my Illusion skill to the required 75 points to buy the Invisibility spell). I need invisibility because I'm a vampire, and I need Clairvoyance because I'm an idiot, but otherwise I find the school fairly unimportant, even playing as a pure mage.

    You're playing as a vampire?! In the name of Azeroth, why? It's such a pain in the arse, I thought everyone hated it because of the severe penalties. At least play as a werewolf, that shit is sweet and there's only one, very minor penalty.
  • edited December 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    You're playing as a vampire?! In the name of Azeroth, why? It's such a pain in the arse, I thought everyone hated it because of the severe penalties. At least play as a werewolf, that shit is sweet and there's only one, very minor penalty.

    -Up to 100% frost resistance
    -25% more difficult to see while sneaking
    -25% more powerful Illusion spells
    -Infinitely reusable Night Vision power
    -While the penalty for being in the sunlight is listed as Health, Magicka, and Stamina not regenerating, it's actually a 100% debuff, so increasing your regen rates allows them to regenerate(more slowly, but the vast majority of enemies you have to worry about are indoors, where the penalty isn't a problem)
    -The 100% weaker to Fire is, honestly, only a problem when fighting a few dragons. And honestly, once you get the Dragonrend shout and have the attack animation-interrupting staggering Destruction spell power, you can pretty easily kill just about any dragon. Also, their attack animations are relatively slow and easy to predict.
    -As I said, I had invisibility. I could be a stage four vampire which will make most "friendly" NPCs hostile, and use invisibility to easily sneak into a place and feed.

    Also, I was a full mage planning on doing Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild. Invisibility helps with those, sure, but the heightened sneaking buff and a way to see in the dark without creating light seemed like a good way to go. Honestly, "Weakness to Fire" is the only penalty that really means anything to me. Stage 4 making friendlies hostile is slightly annoying, but I can deal with it pretty easily.

    Oh, also, I got the disease, wondered if I should cure it, and thought "Eh, why the hell not?" I have a filled black soul gem sitting in every single house I own and the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary(they let me walk about at stage 4 and don't care), just in case I ever want to turn back, so I have an exit strategy.
  • edited December 2011

    -Up to 100% frost resistance
    -25% more difficult to see while sneaking
    -25% more powerful Illusion spells
    -Infinitely reusable Night Vision power
    -While the penalty for being in the sunlight is listed as Health, Magicka, and Stamina not regenerating, it's actually a 100% debuff, so increasing your regen rates allows them to regenerate(more slowly, but the vast majority of enemies you have to worry about are indoors, where the penalty isn't a problem)
    -The 100% weaker to Frost is, honestly, only a problem when fighting a few dragons. And honestly, once you get the Dragonrend shout and have the attack animation-interrupting staggering Destruction spell power, you can pretty easily kill just about any dragon. Also, their attack animations are relatively slow and easy to predict.
    -As I said, I had invisibility. I could be a stage four vampire which will make most "friendly" NPCs hostile, and use invisibility to easily sneak into a place and feed.

    Also, I was a full mage planning on doing Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild. Invisibility helps with those, sure, but the heightened sneaking buff and a way to see in the dark without creating light seemed like a good way to go. Honestly, "Weakness to Fire" is the only penalty that really means anything to me. Stage 4 making friendlies hostile is slightly annoying, but I can deal with it pretty easily.

    Oh, also, I got the disease, wondered if I should cure it, and thought "Eh, why the hell not?" I have a filled black soul gem sitting in every single house I own and the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary(they let me walk about at stage 4 and don't care), just in case I ever want to turn back, so I have an exit strategy.

    Well, that certainly answered my question.

    On the subject of exit strategies regarding vampirism, I simply became a werewolf because you can't be both at the same time.;)
  • edited December 2011
    LOL... Serious gamers, chat serious gamer speak, in this thread.
  • edited December 2011
    Wow, the Companions are boring. I kind of wanted to finish all the "main" guild questlines and get to level 50 before finishing off the main quest, but DAMN this questline is dull, and I've even restored the thieves' guild to its former glory(a task which, mainly, seems to serve to pad out the thieves' guild's nothing of a questline).
  • edited December 2011
    Should have saved the Dark Brotherhood for last...
  • edited December 2011
    Just popping my head in here. A lot of my friends are telling me how awesome Skyrim is, yada yada, whatever. Just trying to get a general consensus on what my next game purchase should be. Is Skyrim worth the money?
  • edited December 2011
    I don't even own it and I'd say it is. I'd buy it if I had either the time or money. I played a few hours on my brother's copy over Thanksgiving and it was excellent and I was very sad when I had to stop to go eat and sleep.
  • edited December 2011
    Just popping my head in here. A lot of my friends are telling me how awesome Skyrim is, yada yada, whatever. Just trying to get a general consensus on what my next game purchase should be. Is Skyrim worth the money?

    It's more than worth the money considering that you should easily be able to get at least 100 hours of gameplay out of it. It's one of those awesome games that actually seems too cheap at full price.

    I suppose the price you pay is less to do with monetary value and more to do with losing your social life.
  • edited December 2011
    Is it? I have 96 in Illusion due to my extensive use of Clairvoyance and Invisibility, but that's about it(I used "Muffle" to powerlevel my Illusion skill to the required 75 points to buy the Invisibility spell). I need invisibility because I'm a vampire, and I need Clairvoyance because I'm an idiot, but otherwise I find the school fairly unimportant, even playing as a pure mage.

    Fear, Frenzy, Courage.

    Very nice spells.
  • edited December 2011
    I've played fifty hours and am at level 25. Mind you this is coming from someone that hates playing games longer than 20 hours. Just defeated the Wolf Queen which was one of my favorite missions so far and wraps us a long time Elder Scrolls story.
  • edited December 2011
    Regretting getting the PS3 version with all the issues. The patch only alleviated the problem slightly, making it take a tiny bit longer to get to the unplayable stage.

    (For those who don't know what issues I'm on about, just look at this - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-vs-ps3-skyrim-lag )
  • edited December 2011
    Rawr wrote: »
    Regretting getting the PS3 version with all the issues. The patch only alleviated the problem slightly, making it take a tiny bit longer to get to the unplayable stage.

    (For those who don't know what issues I'm on about, just look at this - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-vs-ps3-skyrim-lag )

    Well now. That's terrible. I think I'll wait until I hear that Bethesda has fixed the problem somehow. And here I was thinking I could pick this game up with my first paycheck. I only see framerate that bad trying to play a game on my stone-age laptop at high graphics.
  • edited December 2011
    Rawr wrote: »
    Regretting getting the PS3 version with all the issues. The patch only alleviated the problem slightly, making it take a tiny bit longer to get to the unplayable stage.

    (For those who don't know what issues I'm on about, just look at this - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-vs-ps3-skyrim-lag )

    Are these glitches in the 360 version?

    Im getting the PC version anyway(when I can), but I kind of want to know if its a console wide or PS3 only problem.
  • edited December 2011
    Mostly a PS3 problem because of the way it handles memory.
  • edited December 2011
    The only glitches on 360 I remember reading about is that when you install the game to the hard drive distant textures don't increase in detail when you get close to them.
  • edited December 2011
    ALWAYS buy Elder Scroll games on PC... for all the player created content...
  • edited December 2011
    It can happen on the 360 too, however it is far harder and takes far longer to get to that stage. To put it simply, the engine wasn't designed with the PS3 in mind. The PS3 has split ram, 256MB for the graphics, and 256MB for the system. 360 on the other hand is just 512MB unified. Consequently, the amount of RAM available for graphics/system isn't as flexible.

    I'd recommend anyone who is interested to read this post. The lead developer of New Vegas commented on how the game stores data, and how this causes problems for the ps3. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1303536-new-vegas-developer-comments-on-ps3-lag-issues/
    Irishmile wrote: »
    ALWAYS buy Elder Scroll games on PC... for all the player created content...
    I like to be able to play my rpgs in comfort and on my TV. :/
  • edited December 2011
    Most video cards have HDMI output now. And pretty much all PC games (especially those on consoles as well) support the 360 controller.
  • edited December 2011
    Most video cards have HDMI output now. And pretty much all PC games (especially those on consoles as well) support the 360 controller.

    Like mine does... but I still just play it on my monitor... but I have a decent monitor... But I COULD use a better computer chair.
  • edited December 2011
    Not all of us have space for a massive desktop next to the TV. ;)
  • edited December 2011
    Either way, sounds like this game's gonna be a pass for me. Shame too, it looked to have plenty of potential for fun for me.
  • edited December 2011
    Mind you. It's worth noting, while the above issue could be a factor, it may not be the underlying cause. Digital Foundry/Eurogamer, which I posted before, seems to suggest a memory leak going on somewhere. As if you quit out of your main character which is experiencing the issues, and then load up the new char without exiting the game, the bad frame rate seems to continue. Which again, would connect with the PS3 memory issue, because the PS3 memory will fill up quicker.
  • edited December 2011
    Meh, just caved and bought the 360 version for £20(Gamestation deal + reward points). Will probably sell the PS3 version on ebay or something.
  • edited December 2011
    Glorious PC Gaming Master Race.
  • edited December 2011
    I like PC gaming because I've reached the point where, if I keep my maintenance up, I may never have to buy another computer all at once ever again. Of course, in three years they'll come up with something that isn't compatible with any of my current equipment and then I'll have to start over and relearn everything.
  • edited December 2011
    My PS3 copy of Skyrim is experiencing the lag issues, that makes me a saaaaaad panda!
  • edited December 2011
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Glorious PC Gaming Master Race.
    Bah, I have a pc that can max Skyrim. I just want to play on my nice TV. Is that too much to ask for!? :(
  • edited December 2011
    Rawr wrote: »
    Bah, I have a pc that can max Skyrim. I just want to play on my nice TV. Is that too much to ask for!? :(
    If you have a PC that can max Skyrim, and you have a "nice" TV, HDMI is your friend.
  • edited December 2011
    If you have a PC that can max Skyrim, and you have a "nice" TV, HDMI is your friend.

    Heck, Im pretty sure some TVs are wireless on that.
  • edited December 2011
    Right now... My neighborhood looks a little like parts of Skyrim...

  • edited December 2011
    There's only one thing for it, you must go searching for dragons to slay.
  • edited December 2011
    If you have a PC that can max Skyrim, and you have a "nice" TV, HDMI is your friend.
    We already discussed this about 6 posts above. xD
    Rawr wrote: »
    Not all of us have space for a massive desktop next to the TV. ;)

    Not to mention, if I did have my pc hooked up to the TV, then I would have to have the keyboard and mouse on my lap or something, which isn't really ideal for browsing or playing mouse/keyboard pc games.
  • edited December 2011
    Rawr wrote: »
    Not to mention, if I did have my pc hooked up to the TV, then I would have to have the keyboard and mouse on my lap or something, which isn't really ideal for browsing or playing mouse/keyboard pc games.
    I've rigged a PS3 controller to play Skyrim when I hook the tower up to the television. Plays just like the PS3 version, no problems.
  • edited December 2011
    I've rigged a PS3 controller to play Skyrim when I hook the tower up to the television. Plays just like the PS3 version, no problems.

    Wait, so when you hook it up to your TV and plug in a PS3 controller, your FPS suddenly slows to 0? :p
  • edited December 2011
    I got home late today and the mail greeted me. Skyrim was finally in it and is updating now before I can play. *nosleepuntiljanuary*
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