Well, think about it. They gave away a lifetime of games JUST to have some kid's legal name be "Dovahkiin" at birth. That was pretty dumb of Bethesda, considering they won't really get anything out of it.
Honestly, I think the kid will have an interesting, unique name that most people won't even attach to this game by the time he's old enough to be teased in school. It's not like naming your kid Mario or anything. He'll probably go by Dovak or something anyway.
Well, think about it. They gave away a lifetime of games JUST to have some kid's legal name be "Dovahkiin" at birth. That was pretty dumb of Bethesda, considering they won't really get anything out of it.
Yeah. And once they move on to the next game the dragons will not even be there any more. And think of the money they could have made from Skyrim DLC of that family alone.
Honestly, I think the kid will have an interesting, unique name that most people won't even attach to this game by the time he's old enough to be teased in school. It's not like naming your kid Mario or anything. He'll probably go by Dovak or something anyway.
Or Tom. His second name that is actually worse because of Tom Cruise.
I really don't think it's that bad of a name. First of all, it rolls off the toung very well. And if he doesn't like it his middle name is Thomas. So There's that to fall back on for a nick name.
Anyway, it's a cool name. Side note: Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda.
Well, think about it. They gave away a lifetime of games JUST to have some kid's legal name be "Dovahkiin" at birth. That was pretty dumb of Bethesda, considering they won't really get anything out of it.
They're losing a few thousand dollars absolute tops for a pile of publicity and hype. Whether it's good publicity or not is debatable.
But aye, the loss of income for a company the size of Betheseda is minimal really.
So I want to state that oblivion is trying to kill me. The police arrest me for defendning my self from a murderer. Plus anyone that attacks me seem to one shot me.
So I want to state that oblivion is trying to kill me. The police arrest me for defendning my self from a murderer. Plus anyone that attacks me seem to one shot me.
That sounds great. But I doubt that you are level 40 already where that one-shotting would be normal.Where are you in the game? still in the character creation dungeon?
I don't think so. Just always remember that the guards are always at a higher level than you are so you don't really stand a chance. And depending on what character you chose you might have weaknesses towards certain kinds of damage.
I'm going to have to make a proper attempt to play through Morrowind. Just debating whether to play the vanilla version or the Morroblivion version. Will probably end up going for the latter, because I've already got it installed and everything so might as well use it.
Well after a quick go with Morroblivion I've decided to just play the original version, how it was meant to be. I'm not that bothered about it being better looking and what clinched it was when I talked to someone and I didn't even have time to read what they said. There's probably a way to fix that but frankly I can't be bothered with the chew on so I've got rid of that and I'm just sticking with the vanilla Morrowind. Of course, I may look to mod one part of it which is to make it support widescreen but that's only if I get annoyed by the current choice of resolutions and how they look.
Anybody else starting to get lag. I know they have said that the PS3 version gets lag after your save file starts to get larger. I'm starting to get a lot of lag that i did not encounter when I first started playing. I hope that patch comes out soon that they were talking about.
Ok in Skyrim, Farkas tells you a plot spoiling secret I won't spoil. Anyway, he tells you "It's a secret to everybody". Zelda reference I'm guessing?
Yeah it is...it was from the first game when you would find a secret rupee worth a certain amount the moblin. would say. "Shhh...It's a secret to everybody."
I went and played a little of Skyrim because my brother bought it. Absolutely brilliant, I must say. I got sucked into it faster than the other Elder Scrolls games I've tried. My favorite part so far was when I got the Dark Brotherhood note that said they were going to assassinate me. My character's name is None. Next time, I'm going to switch my name to Nobody and then take a screencap of the result.
* Joined the Companions and done half of their quests.
* Joined the Mages Guild and done half of their quests.
* Uncovered half of the map and explored countless dungeons etc.
* Purchased a fully decked out house in Whiterun.
* Become the Thane of two cities.
* Am currently at level 30. With destruction at 75, one-handed at 65, restoration at 52, archery at 65.
... All in all, I've been playing for over 50 hours and have barely scratched the surface. I've hardly touched upon the main quest.
I'm saving the Dark Brotherhood till last. Does anyone know if it's as fun to partake in as it was in Oblivion?
I think I'm going to start over with a new character that's more suited to my play style. I'm not much of tank type of player and that seems to be what I built for Oblivion. I prefer to have someone ELSE do the attacking and then sneak around and stab the enemy in the back.
Either that or just sit back and through fireballs until everything stops moving.
The wonderful peeps over at Spill.com have started a let's play of Skyrim. I highly recommend viewing it as you'll find none finer (or more hilarious). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_nKvxkmafM
Yeah. And once they move on to the next game the dragons will not even be there any more. And think of the money they could have made from Skyrim DLC of that family alone.
Or Tom. His second name that is actually worse because of Tom Cruise.
Anyway, it's a cool name. Side note: Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda.
They're losing a few thousand dollars absolute tops for a pile of publicity and hype. Whether it's good publicity or not is debatable.
But aye, the loss of income for a company the size of Betheseda is minimal really.
Brynjolf = The Medic (Robin Atkin Downes)
Alduin = Turbo Man from Jingle all the Way (Mind blown)
So what are the downsides? Do you have to kill every night?
Im not. May just need to figure out the game a bit more, might just be that I suck.
He is 3 hours in. I doubt that this is the problem.
I beat one dungeon boss by dragging it to a city and letting the guards assault it.
Also, playing this game on Ultra settings. Veeery nice.
Word, brutha.
Oh, unless you're just saying Oblivion is already there so you might as well just try it. If you like Oblivion's gameplay style, then go for it.
Would that even count. Morrowind is a lot harder than Oblivion. But it will get a lot easier as you level up.
Sheer awesome.
Yeah it is...it was from the first game when you would find a secret rupee worth a certain amount the moblin. would say. "Shhh...It's a secret to everybody."
Anyway I finally got to level 50, time for a new character.
* Joined the Companions and done half of their quests.
* Joined the Mages Guild and done half of their quests.
* Uncovered half of the map and explored countless dungeons etc.
* Purchased a fully decked out house in Whiterun.
* Become the Thane of two cities.
* Am currently at level 30. With destruction at 75, one-handed at 65, restoration at 52, archery at 65.
... All in all, I've been playing for over 50 hours and have barely scratched the surface. I've hardly touched upon the main quest.
I'm saving the Dark Brotherhood till last. Does anyone know if it's as fun to partake in as it was in Oblivion?
I recommend getting some illumination magic ASAP.
I think I'm going to start over with a new character that's more suited to my play style. I'm not much of tank type of player and that seems to be what I built for Oblivion. I prefer to have someone ELSE do the attacking and then sneak around and stab the enemy in the back.
Either that or just sit back and through fireballs until everything stops moving.
*Listens to the beautiful voice* Hubba hubba!
*Looks at the pretty face* Hubba hu... woah, she looks like my sister!:eek:
*Goes to toilet to throw up*
Illusion in general is mega awesome.