Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a 'Doctor Who' game made by Telltale?
If you ask me, I think there's potential in making this kind of game, especially a point-and-click adventure game, because trust me, trying to make an 'action packed' 'Doctor Who' game generally doesn't work.
Think about it, can you think of a good 'Doctor Who' game off the top of your head? (Although I'd argue 'Destiny of the Doctors' was average to say the least)
No, not really. Even 'The Eternity Clock' was just plain awful, by the way, if you managed to mod a US PS3 to play region 2 games (because it was only a region 2 game, unless you bought the game on Steam, in that case, never mind) then it must've been a waste of time playing through all those tedious puzzles...but I digress.
'Doctor Who' is all about investigating and immersing into alien worlds and strange atmospheres, it wasn't always about action (which is what I hate about the new series), it was kind of like mystery and suspense, granted there were some action sequences, but that wasn't the main focus of the show/the series.
This would be ideal for a point-and-click adventure game because it would properly immerse players into the 'Doctor Who' universe (or "Who-niverse" as some people call them), they could play as the Doctor solving puzzles, gathering clues and evidence, investigating hostile aliens and monsters, and when the time's right, there could be some intense action sequences like 1 on 1 situations with the Doctor against the monsters (i.e. the Daleks) thrown in to make the game perfect.
Wouldn't it be cool if Telltale Games got hold of the license to make these games? We'd finally have some good 'Doctor Who' games for once. Although, only time will tell.
Please, don't delete, but I got an idea.
Seing as such a good comic/TV title as Walking Dead is made a good game, I think you could do games based on Carpenter's most suspense and thrilling films - Assault on precinct 13 (1976) and The Thing (1982). Both are great and would do great for a game kind of Walking Dead episodes, plus, if apply some diversity to base material, there is plenty of possibilities.
I saw an article where you guys said you wished you could work on a lot of different franchises like Star Wars, Half Life, and other games, but with your engine and a focus on story like with Walking Dead and BTTF.
Have you guys ever thought about one in the Batman universe? I don't mean one where the player plays Batman because a lack of action would make it feel out of place and quicktime events may seem forced. I was thinking about a story that revolved around Commissioner Gordon and a long involved mystery (or several) as you work with the Batman to bring down a (some) high tier villains in Gotham. It'd work perfectly with your engine and storytelling style.
You could even make it primarily noir style. Black and white could even further allow you to capture the feeling while also reducing the graphical budget. Since it's comic based, it'd translate as well as The Walking Dead did.
Well, Telltale is doing a DC Comics-based game already.
But yeah, I can't see Telltale doing a superhero game of any kind, especially since I don't think there's much demand for a game where you play as Commissioner Gordon.
The only superhero I could picture Telltale working well with is The Question, and he's still too much on the obscure side to warrant his own game.
Well, Telltale is doing a DC Comics-based game already.
But yeah, I can't see Telltale doing a superhero game of any kind, especially since I don't think there's much demand for a game where you play as Commissioner Gordon.
The only superhero I could picture Telltale working well with is The Question, and he's still too much on the obscure side to warrant his own game.
Indeed, but it's not a superhero game. It's a Noir game that would be based in Gotham city and closely related to a superhero without actually playing the superhero. I think there'd be a lot of story that could be told there and it'd be fun to experience the Gotham universe from that perspective. Also, Gordon's actually an extremely popular character in the Batman world with his own cult following; the Batman universe, in general, is in demand right now, and the latest movies and games have sold really well (including the Noir Batman Year one).
Okay, who thinks Telltale should do a 5 episode season Doctor Who game? Obviously they'd have to ask BBC, but think about how great their stories are and how perfect it'd be for them to do it. You could be a custom character with travels with various incarnations of the doctor in their life, with a telltale twist at the end of course, that they'd think of. The first episode should be hte 9th, then episode two and three should be a two parter including the tenth, what do you think? Feel free to add too the idea and discuss.
You haven't learnt how to read sarcasm have you...
Through text? No, I'm sure that's pretty impossible, and I can't be assuming everyone is a dick on the internet, now if you have nothing relevant to say to the topic, begone with you.
Through text? No, I'm sure that's pretty impossible, and I can't be assuming everyone is a dick on the internet, now if you have nothing relevant to say to the topic, begone with you.
This is an entire thread dedicated to Game suggestions and it is kind of annoying when people make entire threads to talk about something that has been suggested hundreds of times...
Luckily this was moved into the correct thread...
well im thinking of how could be a dexter game from you telltales guys...
i play with one friend some of your games, back to the future, jurassic park and the walking dead, and all that i can say is that more than simple games, are a visual experience near to a movie or a tv chapter.
and all because that the most important thing there: the script, are very good and interesting in your games...
thats why your games are fantastic!
so, who better than telltales for create a dexter or lost game?
to be honest... im very sick of see how the nowadays tv series ended cancelled, or with very bad scripts after the writers changes.
this is the case of many tv series. for example the poor quality end of lost, with nothing really interesting, just the typical and really bored. only a plumber problem, that all.
or actually with dexter. wheres now the tv series takes a total different path, changing many aspects with one script really REALLY bad. wich inspiration looks that was directly taken for the worst soap opera. :P
so, i think on a dexter game not only creating an aside history, even a rewrite of the last seassons into one game of 5 episodes or more.
do you guys imagine a game, where dexter and debra never takes the path they has taken recently on the tv series?
...one game that rewrite the script completely for make that dexter continues their learning of the human beings. and where even you can choose if you want to be good or bad. hero or villain?
a game that will have a complete new ending compared with the tv series, with one of your awesome scripts. and the possibility of be good or bad at your decisition.
for example, this could be something like "scarface the game" wheres the history is not the one from the movie. and is very different.
really, i was thinking on this many times after play bttf the game and others. how could be if telltales makes games of LOST, or Dexter wheres the history will be completely rewrited, they have a better script and even 1 or 2 different possible endings?
so thats my suggestion. please take it on consideration.
ps - history suggestions:
just one last note: for make that games, of course you must start the game from one moment of the tv series.
in my oppinion, in the lost game, that moment could be when appears those others "clone characters" that never goes to the island.
i always think that those chars could comes from one "alternate universe" and help the others.
other suggestion is just erase the part when john lock "dissapear" (you know what i means). it was one of the most important character of the tv series, if not directly the most.
and for the end, i changes it completly. theres must happen something interesting coming from that "hells hole", for make the ending interesting and can create a final battle in some way.
the dexter game must start in the moment, (o before the moment) when debra finds his brother in the church.
i like that part cause makes the history changes completely and become interesting.
however even if debra continues protecting his brother after that, i dont like how her becomes in somethign that she never was. from that part the script become into one really bad and absurd script.
however, you still can take some aspects that was good. like the "koshkas", but meanwhile you change the scripts and make a new history far as the one appeared on the tv serie, that really ruined it.
what fo you think? i think make games like those could be a great sucess bettwhen the fans, and very very atractive games...
After playing most of Telltale's games, including the Walking Dead, I actually had a few ideas on what would make great games from Telltale. Which of these would you prefer?
1. Harry Potter: This might sound ridiculous, but what if Telltale released an episodic Harry Potter video game featuring all seven books? While there's the option to fallow the whole story word for word, action to action, what if there was also the option for players to create their own harry potter stories, with different conversational pieces and actions. How would your choices impact Harry's story?
2. Once Upon A Time: I am a huge fan of the ABC Drama and I really thought it would make a great Telltale game. It's about a town in which several famous storybook characters, such as Snow White, Rumplestilksen, and Pinnochio, are trapped due to a powerful curse, and only a woman named Emma and her son Henry could stop it. You can play as a completely original character and interact with characters from the TV show, making tough choices that determine how the story goes.
3. War of the Worlds: I saw this suggestion at IGN and thought it was a good one. Telltale could take this classic alien invasion story, either in a 50's setting like the original story or a more contemporary setting, and add original characters, maybe a family. The player would have to make choices about how to survive this mega alien invasion and whoever makes it to the end alive is totally up to you.
4. CHEW: I remember reading this comic book series about a police officer who has the ability to deduce facts from what he eats and how he has to occasionally eat human parts in order to solve crimes for the FDA. I thought this would be a cool game, given the fact that you must decide how to solve the various crimes, either by eating or through the long but socially accepted by the book process.
5. Garfield: After playing Wallace and Gromit, I thought to myself, "Why couldn't Telltale make a Garfield game?" It seems pretty simple. You play as Garfield and solve puzzles to get through many crazy adventures. They could even include objects from previous comic strips, cartoon shows, or movies for the player to find.
6. The Adventures of Tintin: Based on the comics by Herge and the 2011 movie by Steven Spielberg, this is basically a kid friendly version of Indiana Jones. As Tintin, players would be performing action sequences and solving puzzles to travel the world and stop various crimes or find lost treasures. Objects from the comics can be scattered throughout the game for the players to find for fun.
What do you think? Do you think Telltale should tackle these games next? Vote for your favorite and then reply with why Telltale should or should not try any one of these games.
Maybe it sounds weird, especially considering that the movies themselves are nothing that special in terms of writing or plotline, but I think that Red Dawn would provide a really unique setting to a Telltale Series. You'd have to get some of the bravado of the film out of the way, make it more realistic in terms of what is happening during the conflict, but it'd be really crazy to have to lead a band of ordinary people through the sudden battlefield of World War III. In terms of realism, I'm not arguing that the basis of the film is slightly over the top, but I believe if you did it right and gave even the opposing side a sense of humanity it would work very very well. For instance, instead of willy-nilly shooting everyone, perhaps it would be far more understandable that upon arrival into enemy territory they are trying to calmly keep civilians out of the way, to which I am sure many would fight back, causing chaos, and ultimately leading to the crazy conflict of confused fighting that brings about the storyline. I think taking something like Red Dawn, and applying a lens of humanity to the story, giving you characters that are fighting for their lives alongside you and bringing up the issue of war and how nobody really wins, would be very unique, especially if done in the way of a Telltale Game. They'd have to do it based on the 1984 version, simply because the new one is... Yuck... But also because that period of Cold-War tensions is so ripe with misunderstandings and feelings that could be fueling both sides (which as a player we'd have to encounter with pretty much every character in the game). Red Dawn also has those intense, brutal moments where it's just shockingly straightforward about character deaths that would be amazing to see in a videogame, because it is rare (even in movies) that you see a main character just get shot and go down in puddle of blood, but Red Dawn pretty much guarantees it. Red Dawn with a well-written variable narrative, memorable characters, and all the other elements that go with a Telltale game would be really special to see... That and who wouldn't want to be shouting "WOLVERINES!" or some other woodland creature at the top of their lungs?
If you ask me, I think there's potential in making this kind of game, especially a point-and-click adventure game, because trust me, trying to make an 'action packed' 'Doctor Who' game generally doesn't work.
Think about it, can you think of a good 'Doctor Who' game off the top of your head? (Although I'd argue 'Destiny of the Doctors' was average to say the least)
No, not really. Even 'The Eternity Clock' was just plain awful, by the way, if you managed to mod a US PS3 to play region 2 games (because it was only a region 2 game, unless you bought the game on Steam, in that case, never mind) then it must've been a waste of time playing through all those tedious puzzles...but I digress.
'Doctor Who' is all about investigating and immersing into alien worlds and strange atmospheres, it wasn't always about action (which is what I hate about the new series), it was kind of like mystery and suspense, granted there were some action sequences, but that wasn't the main focus of the show/the series.
This would be ideal for a point-and-click adventure game because it would properly immerse players into the 'Doctor Who' universe (or "Who-niverse" as some people call them), they could play as the Doctor solving puzzles, gathering clues and evidence, investigating hostile aliens and monsters, and when the time's right, there could be some intense action sequences like 1 on 1 situations with the Doctor against the monsters (i.e. the Daleks) thrown in to make the game perfect.
Wouldn't it be cool if Telltale Games got hold of the license to make these games? We'd finally have some good 'Doctor Who' games for once. Although, only time will tell.
I remember that. They killed it after the first episode of season 2, probably so they could focus more on The Eternity Clock.
Seing as such a good comic/TV title as Walking Dead is made a good game, I think you could do games based on Carpenter's most suspense and thrilling films - Assault on precinct 13 (1976) and The Thing (1982). Both are great and would do great for a game kind of Walking Dead episodes, plus, if apply some diversity to base material, there is plenty of possibilities.
Have you guys ever thought about one in the Batman universe? I don't mean one where the player plays Batman because a lack of action would make it feel out of place and quicktime events may seem forced. I was thinking about a story that revolved around Commissioner Gordon and a long involved mystery (or several) as you work with the Batman to bring down a (some) high tier villains in Gotham. It'd work perfectly with your engine and storytelling style.
You could even make it primarily noir style. Black and white could even further allow you to capture the feeling while also reducing the graphical budget. Since it's comic based, it'd translate as well as The Walking Dead did.
But yeah, I can't see Telltale doing a superhero game of any kind, especially since I don't think there's much demand for a game where you play as Commissioner Gordon.
The only superhero I could picture Telltale working well with is The Question, and he's still too much on the obscure side to warrant his own game.
Indeed, but it's not a superhero game. It's a Noir game that would be based in Gotham city and closely related to a superhero without actually playing the superhero. I think there'd be a lot of story that could be told there and it'd be fun to experience the Gotham universe from that perspective. Also, Gordon's actually an extremely popular character in the Batman world with his own cult following; the Batman universe, in general, is in demand right now, and the latest movies and games have sold really well (including the Noir Batman Year one).
Best superhero since Captain Slippery.
It's a British sci-fi show that's been going since the 1960's.
It's very popular in the USA and even more popular in the UK, since.. you know, its where it originated from. Research it, its worth it.
You haven't learnt how to read sarcasm have you...
Through text? No, I'm sure that's pretty impossible, and I can't be assuming everyone is a dick on the internet, now if you have nothing relevant to say to the topic, begone with you.
Luckily this was moved into the correct thread...
Cool it and look at pretty picture.
I found the fact that Ribs that Ribs is one of the main commenters on that thread and has an entire doctor who shelf the funniest part...
Just one shelf? That's practically the same as not knowing what the show is!
well im thinking of how could be a dexter game from you telltales guys...
i play with one friend some of your games, back to the future, jurassic park and the walking dead, and all that i can say is that more than simple games, are a visual experience near to a movie or a tv chapter.
and all because that the most important thing there: the script, are very good and interesting in your games...
thats why your games are fantastic!
so, who better than telltales for create a dexter or lost game?
to be honest... im very sick of see how the nowadays tv series ended cancelled, or with very bad scripts after the writers changes.
this is the case of many tv series. for example the poor quality end of lost, with nothing really interesting, just the typical and really bored. only a plumber problem, that all.
or actually with dexter. wheres now the tv series takes a total different path, changing many aspects with one script really REALLY bad. wich inspiration looks that was directly taken for the worst soap opera.
so, i think on a dexter game not only creating an aside history, even a rewrite of the last seassons into one game of 5 episodes or more.
do you guys imagine a game, where dexter and debra never takes the path they has taken recently on the tv series?
...one game that rewrite the script completely for make that dexter continues their learning of the human beings. and where even you can choose if you want to be good or bad. hero or villain?
a game that will have a complete new ending compared with the tv series, with one of your awesome scripts. and the possibility of be good or bad at your decisition.
for example, this could be something like "scarface the game" wheres the history is not the one from the movie. and is very different.
really, i was thinking on this many times after play bttf the game and others. how could be if telltales makes games of LOST, or Dexter wheres the history will be completely rewrited, they have a better script and even 1 or 2 different possible endings?
so thats my suggestion. please take it on consideration.
ps - history suggestions:
just one last note: for make that games, of course you must start the game from one moment of the tv series.
in my oppinion, in the lost game, that moment could be when appears those others "clone characters" that never goes to the island.
i always think that those chars could comes from one "alternate universe" and help the others.
other suggestion is just erase the part when john lock "dissapear" (you know what i means). it was one of the most important character of the tv series, if not directly the most.
and for the end, i changes it completly. theres must happen something interesting coming from that "hells hole", for make the ending interesting and can create a final battle in some way.
the dexter game must start in the moment, (o before the moment) when debra finds his brother in the church.
i like that part cause makes the history changes completely and become interesting.
however even if debra continues protecting his brother after that, i dont like how her becomes in somethign that she never was. from that part the script become into one really bad and absurd script.
however, you still can take some aspects that was good. like the "koshkas", but meanwhile you change the scripts and make a new history far as the one appeared on the tv serie, that really ruined it.
what fo you think? i think make games like those could be a great sucess bettwhen the fans, and very very atractive games...
1. Harry Potter: This might sound ridiculous, but what if Telltale released an episodic Harry Potter video game featuring all seven books? While there's the option to fallow the whole story word for word, action to action, what if there was also the option for players to create their own harry potter stories, with different conversational pieces and actions. How would your choices impact Harry's story?
2. Once Upon A Time: I am a huge fan of the ABC Drama and I really thought it would make a great Telltale game. It's about a town in which several famous storybook characters, such as Snow White, Rumplestilksen, and Pinnochio, are trapped due to a powerful curse, and only a woman named Emma and her son Henry could stop it. You can play as a completely original character and interact with characters from the TV show, making tough choices that determine how the story goes.
3. War of the Worlds: I saw this suggestion at IGN and thought it was a good one. Telltale could take this classic alien invasion story, either in a 50's setting like the original story or a more contemporary setting, and add original characters, maybe a family. The player would have to make choices about how to survive this mega alien invasion and whoever makes it to the end alive is totally up to you.
4. CHEW: I remember reading this comic book series about a police officer who has the ability to deduce facts from what he eats and how he has to occasionally eat human parts in order to solve crimes for the FDA. I thought this would be a cool game, given the fact that you must decide how to solve the various crimes, either by eating or through the long but socially accepted by the book process.
5. Garfield: After playing Wallace and Gromit, I thought to myself, "Why couldn't Telltale make a Garfield game?" It seems pretty simple. You play as Garfield and solve puzzles to get through many crazy adventures. They could even include objects from previous comic strips, cartoon shows, or movies for the player to find.
6. The Adventures of Tintin: Based on the comics by Herge and the 2011 movie by Steven Spielberg, this is basically a kid friendly version of Indiana Jones. As Tintin, players would be performing action sequences and solving puzzles to travel the world and stop various crimes or find lost treasures. Objects from the comics can be scattered throughout the game for the players to find for fun.
What do you think? Do you think Telltale should tackle these games next? Vote for your favorite and then reply with why Telltale should or should not try any one of these games.