EDIT: Since I've a massive headache, progress on the review's been a bit slow. I've got 14½ minutes so far, which is just enough for a YouTube video. So here's the first part. The other half, and the complete version, should be done either tonight or tomorrow morning, headache allowing.
Also: I tried making sure there was very faint audio from the clips when I was talking over them. Is it better this way, or is it too distracting? Please let me know!
Just so you know: video's currently in the final stages of editing. Should be ready to convert in an hour, probably uploaded to Blip.TV overnight (if my internet connection holds up, it's been kinda flaky as of the reformat) and I'll have to re-edit the second half of the review for YouTube first thing in the morning.
EDIT: Compiling now. VideoPad's kinda annoying, 'cause its 'estimated time to finish' is never accurate, but I'm estimating an hour before I can start uploading.
You know what's really freaking coincidental. My Dad was browsing Netflix for movies today, and he was suddenly like, "I wonder if they have The Librarian."
EDIT: Gah, there's mistakes all over the place. This is why you watch the video BEFORE you compile it, people!
Screw-ups I've found so far:
- 'Love Life Lows' still cuts out awkwardly (though it's better than it was before)
- I forgot to edit the sound level in a scene before my rant about Ad-Fades
- The camera is partially obscured by my script on a clipboard in the penultimate live-action sections
God-dammit. And I was so happy with this review too. Serves me right for rushing this thing out, I guess. May fix them, many not. Depends if I can be arsed after work today.
EDIT2: Turns out I could be arsed. I won't be updating the YouTube version (it's only really in Part 2, but still - effort), but I have updated the Blip.TV version.
True, they aren't the worst. The first two I enjoy well enough in spite of their shlockyness, but they just had shitty vampires in the third. Plus the third bores me, although there are parts of it that remind me of Gabriel Knight, like when they visit the tombs. I have to laugh at the terrible effects in the second.
The one thing I keep wondering is that it feels like they kept building up to some huge reveal regarding Judson and Charlene. I mean, Judson seems to have some rather omnipotent powers. Maybe we'll find out in The Librarian 4: Fate of the Kingdom of Eden or something.
That's sort of the problem with ending films with sequel hooks. You never know if you're actually going to get that sequel. It's especially bad with TV movies, because there's absolutely no guarantee as to further adventures, as is the case here. Nothing more to be found than what I said in the review, sadly.
Did you know there was both a novelization of the first film and a graphic novel based on the second? I haven't read either but I'm certainly interested. Bit hard to track down though.
The guy on the cover of that graphic novel, if that is Flynn, looks NOTHING like Noah Wyle. And that woman, thankfully, looks nothing like Gabrielle Anwar. Oh, hey, the Quest For the Spear is 100 dollars new on Amazon. What the heeee- oh apparently that's the EXTENDED version...or something.
If there is an extended version, I would certainly hope it expands on the first 15 minutes of the movie. That's what the film really needed - more time to introduce Flynn. It's a shame it didn't get it.
EDIT:Nope! The penultimate new scene does fix one of the plot-holes, but Flynn doesn't get any real additional characterization. That's a shame.
Also, I find it odd that these scenes weren't in the Blu-Ray version of the movie. Would have made sense.
I haven't gotten around to watching the rest of your reviews yet Darthy babes, i'm expecting excellence in spades though. I shall do it on my next day off as these are lengthy affairs.
Also, may I request that you review this when it inevitably turns out to be shite.
- First of all, my next review is coming! It's just taking me ages to put it all together. I've got around 20 hours of gameplay footage to sort through, and once I've found the bits I need, I then have to import them into Windows Movie Maker, wait for them to load, create 30-second clips of the footage I need, then wait for that to compile, then import those clips into VideoPad and, finally, wait for that to load. It's kinda time-consuming.
On top of that, I've had a lot of 'lost time' this week - Tuesday was a complete loss, and I've had to lose a lot of time today as well. A round trip from where I live to Brighton takes around 3 hours by Bus, and having to go back today because GameStation forgot to actually put the disc into a gamebox when I bought it is not a particularly useful way of spending an afternoon.
For the record, I'm around halfway done, at around 12 minutes so far. I hope the rest will go somewhat quicker, since I'm hoping to get this done by Monday (when I'm going to lose another day because I'm going to London with my Dad), but you never know.
- Secondly, does anyone know what font The Spoony One uses in his reviews? I know it's not a 'default' one, but I've not really got the time to go searching through font sites. If anyone knows, or can suggest something close to it, I'd appreciate it.
- Finally, this is something that's been bugging me for a while, but since I'm asking one favour, I might as well ask another. If any mod happens to be passing, could you possibly rename this thread to something like:
"Madisun's Arc - Reviews by Darth Marsden"
...or something along those lines? The thread title as it is sounds a little silly since there's four of the buggers now (5 if you count the original Crow review), with a fifth (or sixth) on the way. It'd be very much appreciated!
OK, I think that's it for now. Thanks for your support guys, hopefully the next review won't be too much longer.
The video's currently at the 20 minute mark - this one is definitely going to be another half-hour job. It'll be good, don't get me wrong, it's just taking ages to put all the footage together. Don't expect a lot of game reviews from me in the future, they take forever to do.
The two requests I made in my last post are still valid, but I'll repeat them again, since they seem to have been completely ignored. That makes me a saaaaaaad panda.
- Does anyone know which font is used in The Spoony Experiment videos?
- Could a mod please rename this thread to "Madisun's Arc - Reviews by Darth Marsden"?
If someone could help me with those, I'd very much appreciate it.
Again, hoping to get the review done by Monday, but no promises.
EDIT: Update! I'm at 24 minutes now. Somewhat on the penultimate home stretch. Or something.
I'm at the bottom of page 8 (out of 11) in the script, and of the rest remaining two pages have huge sections that I've decided not to include, for reasons of "it'd double the length of the video if I left them in". So finishing by tonight does actually seem possible.
EDIT2: Uh-oh. Looks like it'll be over half an hour. That's probably a wee bit too long.
EDIT3: Confirmed. It's gonna be 35 minutes, give or take. How am I gonna fit that onto YouTube? It'll either have to be three parts or I'll have to cut stuff out, and I'm not entirely happy with either. I'll probably do the later though. Sad panda.
EDIT4: 34:16. Gah. Still, at least it's done. Well, compiling, but whatever. I'll hopefully get it uploaded tonight, but given its length, it'll have to be on Blip. Not sure if I'll be YouTube-ing this one. Hope you guys don't mind.
EDIT5 (is alive): Uploading to Blip now. I have a Blip page here, so check it in an hour and a half or so.
I'll properly link to it tomorrow once it's fully uploaded and everything.
Indeed he was. Then he got his hair cut and trimmed and grew a beard, and now he's a perfectly respectable gentleman.
I'm watching the video on Blip now - does anyone else notice if the audio is slightly out of sync with the video, or is that just some weird quirk on my machine? It wasn't like that pre-compile, honest.
I didn't notice it, but then again I was kinda listening to it while writing notes about bacteria and sorta went back and forth between looking at giant pictures of cell cultures to watching the clips from the game.
Good review, by the way. It makes me sorta want to try out this game, though I think the NPCs would probably ruin it for me. I have a hard time dealing with them in the best of times and usually ultimately end up getting rid of any I have when I play a game that doesn't allow you direct control over your fighting buddies.
You do have some control over them, in a similar style to Unreal Tournament, actually. Stop, Follow and Pick Up Item are the most commonly used commands you have, though apparently there are two others.
The problem is that the bots have to be with you when you go through a map change. You can't leave them on their own and explore Norway, for example. It's incredibly annoying.
By all means try the demo, but I don't believe that really shows off the Bots, so it may give a slightly false impression. Then again, so do I with all my cutscene editing. Hey ho.
I might try out the demo. Shooter with RPG elements is kinda becoming a favorite genre of mine, mainly because I'm not good enough at pure shooting to enjoy it that much.
Also: I tried making sure there was very faint audio from the clips when I was talking over them. Is it better this way, or is it too distracting? Please let me know!
Great first part. You are the greatest*
*shameless try to get a place in your signature
Just so you know: video's currently in the final stages of editing. Should be ready to convert in an hour, probably uploaded to Blip.TV overnight (if my internet connection holds up, it's been kinda flaky as of the reformat) and I'll have to re-edit the second half of the review for YouTube first thing in the morning.
EDIT: Compiling now. VideoPad's kinda annoying, 'cause its 'estimated time to finish' is never accurate, but I'm estimating an hour before I can start uploading.
Sadly, it's too similar to what someone else has said. Ya gotta be unique to be in my sig, boy!
Needless to say, I was spared.
OK, here's the full thing on Blip. YouTube Part 2 is still on the way.
...and here it is. YouTube, part II. Again, still uploading, etc.
EDIT: Gah, there's mistakes all over the place. This is why you watch the video BEFORE you compile it, people!
Screw-ups I've found so far:
- 'Love Life Lows' still cuts out awkwardly (though it's better than it was before)
- I forgot to edit the sound level in a scene before my rant about Ad-Fades
- The camera is partially obscured by my script on a clipboard in the penultimate live-action sections
God-dammit. And I was so happy with this review too. Serves me right for rushing this thing out, I guess. May fix them, many not. Depends if I can be arsed after work today.
EDIT2: Turns out I could be arsed. I won't be updating the YouTube version (it's only really in Part 2, but still - effort), but I have updated the Blip.TV version.
The one thing I keep wondering is that it feels like they kept building up to some huge reveal regarding Judson and Charlene. I mean, Judson seems to have some rather omnipotent powers. Maybe we'll find out in The Librarian 4: Fate of the Kingdom of Eden or something.
Did you know there was both a novelization of the first film and a graphic novel based on the second? I haven't read either but I'm certainly interested. Bit hard to track down though.
EDIT: Nope! The penultimate new scene does fix one of the plot-holes, but Flynn doesn't get any real additional characterization. That's a shame.
Also, I find it odd that these scenes weren't in the Blu-Ray version of the movie. Would have made sense.
Also, may I request that you review this when it inevitably turns out to be shite.
There is not enough foul language in the world.
'Darthy babes'?
Deal with it sweetass.
So hey, you remember that review of The Crow video game I did? Yeah, it sucked. This one's much better.
<Silently hopes someone else posts so he can steal the 100th post in his own thread>
So you remade that one. Flows a lot better now.
You are so right.
Just for that, I'm not even gonna tell you the first letter of what it is! Take that!
Anyone else wanna comment on my remade Review? Thoughts, potential improvements, anything like that. Be much appreciated.
Just be annoyed by the red bottle in the backgroud that will never be removed.
..well, that just spurs me on.
No. I just pretend it does so I have something to complain about. And now stop being so perfect!
- First of all, my next review is coming! It's just taking me ages to put it all together. I've got around 20 hours of gameplay footage to sort through, and once I've found the bits I need, I then have to import them into Windows Movie Maker, wait for them to load, create 30-second clips of the footage I need, then wait for that to compile, then import those clips into VideoPad and, finally, wait for that to load. It's kinda time-consuming.
On top of that, I've had a lot of 'lost time' this week - Tuesday was a complete loss, and I've had to lose a lot of time today as well. A round trip from where I live to Brighton takes around 3 hours by Bus, and having to go back today because GameStation forgot to actually put the disc into a gamebox when I bought it is not a particularly useful way of spending an afternoon.
For the record, I'm around halfway done, at around 12 minutes so far. I hope the rest will go somewhat quicker, since I'm hoping to get this done by Monday (when I'm going to lose another day because I'm going to London with my Dad), but you never know.
- Secondly, does anyone know what font The Spoony One uses in his reviews? I know it's not a 'default' one, but I've not really got the time to go searching through font sites. If anyone knows, or can suggest something close to it, I'd appreciate it.
- Finally, this is something that's been bugging me for a while, but since I'm asking one favour, I might as well ask another. If any mod happens to be passing, could you possibly rename this thread to something like:
"Madisun's Arc - Reviews by Darth Marsden"
...or something along those lines? The thread title as it is sounds a little silly since there's four of the buggers now (5 if you count the original Crow review), with a fifth (or sixth) on the way. It'd be very much appreciated!
OK, I think that's it for now. Thanks for your support guys, hopefully the next review won't be too much longer.
The video's currently at the 20 minute mark - this one is definitely going to be another half-hour job. It'll be good, don't get me wrong, it's just taking ages to put all the footage together. Don't expect a lot of game reviews from me in the future, they take forever to do.
The two requests I made in my last post are still valid, but I'll repeat them again, since they seem to have been completely ignored. That makes me a saaaaaaad panda.
- Does anyone know which font is used in The Spoony Experiment videos?
- Could a mod please rename this thread to "Madisun's Arc - Reviews by Darth Marsden"?
If someone could help me with those, I'd very much appreciate it.
Again, hoping to get the review done by Monday, but no promises.
EDIT: Update! I'm at 24 minutes now. Somewhat on the penultimate home stretch. Or something.
I'm at the bottom of page 8 (out of 11) in the script, and of the rest remaining two pages have huge sections that I've decided not to include, for reasons of "it'd double the length of the video if I left them in". So finishing by tonight does actually seem possible.
EDIT2: Uh-oh. Looks like it'll be over half an hour. That's probably a wee bit too long.
EDIT3: Confirmed. It's gonna be 35 minutes, give or take. How am I gonna fit that onto YouTube? It'll either have to be three parts or I'll have to cut stuff out, and I'm not entirely happy with either. I'll probably do the later though. Sad panda.
EDIT4: 34:16. Gah. Still, at least it's done. Well, compiling, but whatever. I'll hopefully get it uploaded tonight, but given its length, it'll have to be on Blip. Not sure if I'll be YouTube-ing this one. Hope you guys don't mind.
EDIT5 (is alive): Uploading to Blip now. I have a Blip page here, so check it in an hour and a half or so.
I'll properly link to it tomorrow once it's fully uploaded and everything.
Let me celebrate with a review of one of the worst games ever - Daikatana!
I'm watching the video on Blip now - does anyone else notice if the audio is slightly out of sync with the video, or is that just some weird quirk on my machine? It wasn't like that pre-compile, honest.
Good review, by the way. It makes me sorta want to try out this game, though I think the NPCs would probably ruin it for me. I have a hard time dealing with them in the best of times and usually ultimately end up getting rid of any I have when I play a game that doesn't allow you direct control over your fighting buddies.
The problem is that the bots have to be with you when you go through a map change. You can't leave them on their own and explore Norway, for example. It's incredibly annoying.
By all means try the demo, but I don't believe that really shows off the Bots, so it may give a slightly false impression. Then again, so do I with all my cutscene editing. Hey ho.
And he was going to make me his bitch.
Daikatana. Suck it down!
I never made it through the first level. It's still sitting on my shelf mocking me with it's awefulness.