Yes, it's the Hulk, and I'd appreciate thoughts on it. Too long? Too boring? Too analytical? Let me know!
Also, since my YouTube account can now play videos longer than 15 minutes, I'll be going back and re-uploading some of my earlier videos - and tweaking one of them so it's not quite as lame. Should be done sometime next week.
Nice review, though I will have to disagree with the idea that the Hulk story is simplistic in the comics. It certainly starts out that way, but a huge part of the story in later comics is psychoanalyzing of Banner because that guy has some fucked up mental problems. Mostly involving the fact that his father killed his mother (though it's accidentally/on purpose in the comics) and then later Bruce killed his father. Which is a far more interesting storyline because then you get into all his weird multiple personalities that came out of this.
Actually, although I don't say so, most of the 'sins of the father' plot from the movie is taken right from the comic. So if you're a fan of the Hulk comics, you'll have seen the story before. But for most people, it's the first time they encounter all these elements, and it's really not done very well. And as I say, it's really not what most people would want from a Hulk movie.
When I refer to the story as being simplistic, I mean the core basics that everyone knows. Dude gets angry, turns into Hulk, smashes stuff. Adding psychological elements to it is fine, but you can't let it overrule the other stuff. There's no real action save for when the Hulk kills the dogs (which is ludicrous and nigh-impossible to take seriously) and his escape from the underground base (which is amazingly boring). Even the end 'fight' is a letdown. People going in to see a Hulk movie want action, and if the film fails on that level, then why the hell even call it a Hulk film?
There's a good story here, it's just being very badly told.
I don't disagree with the badly told thing. Because even just from watching the clips you showed, it looked pretty bad. And only very loosely based on the story arc it was supposed to be emulating. And the killing the dogs seemed a bit out of character. I mean, in the comics, despite smashing entire cities to tiny bits, there were extremely few fatalities... even among monsters and supervillains. There's even a mini storyline at some point about why, exactly, that happens.
Unless this is supposed to be the Ultimate universe where the Hulk chops up people and eats them for tea. In that case, it was perfectly fine.
I should also probably add that I kinda want to see this movie now, just to experience first hand how bad it is. But I'll probably need to watch it with a team of people ready to riff just to make it bearable.
Aside from the dogs (which were threatening Betty), the movie takes great pains to show that the Hulk never actually kills anyone. Talbot only dies because he tries to shoot Hulk with a M40, but it just bounces off him and hits the wall behind Talbot, so you can't really blame him for that.
The fact that the film doesn't really show the Hulk smashing stuff is probably the biggest letdown for me, and one of the many things the reboot got right. Being so careful and making sure the audience knows that the military team is all right makes the whole fight sequence much less thrilling. Hell, at one point Hulk rips off a gun turret and holds it like a club, but then almost immediately throws it to the ground and does the turret bendy thing I show in the video! Gah!
And hey, if you do watch this thing, take a shot every time someone raises their voice. I guarantee you'll still be sober until the last 15 minutes of the movie. I really wasn't kidding with that count at the end!
Yeah, even in the comics there were lots of explosions and things being smashed... just nearly no fatalities.
Also, wouldn't it make a better drinking game to take a shot every time someone should've raised their voice but didn't? Though this is kinda moot point as I don't really drink. Maybe I'll get Pants and other Mortis to do it.
The primary reason for this four-minute preview of my next review is as a test. In the last few videos, from The Avengers cartoon review onwards, I've noticed that static images don't work properly in my videos. I've yet to really understand why this is, though I suspect it's a problem with my video editing software.
I've been able to figure out a work-around to this issue, and that's to have some form of movement on still images, whether it be a zoom of some kind or a simple fade in and out. It's frustrating, but at least it works.
As I say, the primary reason for this preview is a test - a test to make sure that the images I (pretty heavily) use in the first part of the review actually work properly.
It's also a chance to let you see my fancy new "it's too hot to wear a full fleece any more" outfit and entice you into watching the full review (which should be out in the next few days), but those are mostly incidental to the image issue.
If anyone notices that there are problems with the images, most notably not showing images at ALL relevant to the audio, then please let me know by posting a comment. Once I know about it, I can fix it.
Well, the images looked mostly fine to me. There might have been one or two that seemed slightly lower quality, but on the whole they were fairly crisp and there was nothing noticeable.
Anyone feel like a bonus game? Identify all the 'action figures' on my desk to win a cookie!
I like your hustle; getting more people to watch your review by tempting them with a non-existent cookie, under the ruse of an "action figure hunt"...
To your credit, it worked!
Damn you!
Great video though, I look forward to the full version.
As for the charade that is the action figure hunt; Lara Croft, Beaker, a Cyberman (in the background), Green Lantern/Batman painted green...?! I'm not very good at this!
Well, the one you can't really see on the right is a Weevil (from Torchwood), and the guy in black is Komodo from Warriors of Virtue. No cookies, boo.
Full review is done, just needs to be FLV'd and uploaded. It would be up by now, but I was re-watching it and realised I let some bad language slip though, and as some of you may have realized, that's something I usually avoid, so I'm having to recompile it with the offending text covered up.
Apart from that, I'm very happy with this review. Teaser - you get to hear me sing again.
EDIT:Here it is! Go enjoy it. I did, watching it again.
OK, my Bad Day LA review should be up on YouTube. Here's the link.
Next video's in the final stages of scripting. It's not a review - this one's a list of the Top Worst Things. Yeah, one of those. I imagine the editing process will take a while, but I feel like doing a list.
Well, it didn't really, I'm just lazy. I blame the weather. Anyway, after a month(!), my latest video is complete. It's a list of the Top 8 Worst Movie Sequels (that I've seen). Sorry about the audio, I'm working on it.
I forgot to credit the music. It's 'Jaunty Tune' by arhapist. Whoops! Ah well, he won't mind. (I hope.)
Well, it didn't really, I'm just lazy. I blame the weather. Anyway, after a month(!), my latest video is complete. It's a list of the Top 8 Worst Movie Sequels (that I've seen). Sorry about the audio, I'm working on it.
I forgot to credit the music. It's 'Jaunty Tune' by arhapist. Whoops! Ah well, he won't mind. (I hope.)
...8: I have seen it, I own the DVD, I love it, I am not ashamed
...7: I saw it in the cinema after the "first episode" was my first movie in the series. I have it on DVD, I own the score and I love it. I would have agreed on Episode 3 though. I own it on DVD but never managed to sit through it outside the cinema. I saw the third one twice in the cinema though. Yes twice. And I enjoyed it on the big screen. I hate sand btw.
...6: I saw that one once in the cinema (yet again) and I liked it a lot. Well I was a bit younger than and I feel the German version of the movie removes a lot that went wrong with the movie. I saw it a second time with the rifftrax audio commentary a few years ago and I actually saw why it is so hated. The English version is horrible. (Batman & Robin that is)
Would you guys be interested in a follow-up video where I talk about the honourable mentions?
No. Because Matrix Reloaded is a great action-movie :mad:
You can bitch about PotC 4 all day though.
What I really want to see is you explaining to the world why Alies is a crappy sequel to Alien but may still be a good movie. Cameron's Vietnam epos has no place in the Alien series.
So you wouldn't be interested in hearing why I felt it worthy of being called a bad sequel but not being bad enough to be considered one of the worst ever made? Huh. OK then!
So you wouldn't be interested in hearing why I felt it worthy of being called a bad sequel but not being bad enough to be considered one of the worst ever made? Huh. OK then!
Not at all. I saw it in the cinema. Twice, in a row. And knowing the magnificent soundtrack before that made it even better.
What I really didn't like was them putting story bits into the flop videogame exclusively.
OK, so I don't know if you guys were aware of this (I can't really remember if I talked about here it or not), but I went through a massive depressive period during August, which completely ruined my birthday. Actually, in hindsight that's probably one of the things that contributed to it. I dunno. Whatever, I'm just rambling now.
Anyway, the point is that I was working on a video at the time, and since I was so miserable I kind of stopped working on it halfway through and haven't gotten back into editing since.
Well, as a way of working my way back into the gig, I've gone back and done something I've been meaning to do for quite some time now - fix up my Daikatana review a bit. It's nothing drastic, I've just trimmed a few live-action scenes that went on a second too long, added some on-screen text explaining things I didn't talk about and - and this is the big one - altered the intro cutscene section.
I won't mention HOW I've altered it - you'll probably be able to tell for the most part - but that section now flows much better. I've even managed to work in a My Little Pony reference for some utterly shameful reason. So yeah, there ya go.
This is the first time the review will be up on youTube, since I never got round to uploading the original version due to its length (I couldn't upload videos longer than 15 minutes when I first started doing this, and since Daikatana is just over half an hour...), and I'll be uploading this to my Blip account as well, so if you never caught if the first time round, well, here you go. It's mostly the same, just a wee bit better. Which makes it somewhat tolerable now, I guess.
Check it out here and give my life some sort of meaning and/or validation. Please?
I'll get back to my other videos next week, and should hopefully have the next one done by week's end. It's already been shot, I just have to put it together and stuff. And the one after that's been shot as well, so... yeah, if I can get my act together, expect a good couple of videos in the next few of weeks.
If you guys are at all interested, I've finally gotten round to uploading my Top 8 Worst Movie Sequels to YouTube. You can watch it here, if YouTube's stopped pissing about with it.
OK, so I don't know if you guys were aware of this (I can't really remember if I talked about here it or not), but I went through a massive depressive period during August, which completely ruined my birthday. Actually, in hindsight that's probably one of the things that contributed to it. I dunno. Whatever, I'm just rambling now.
Anyway, the point is that I was working on a video at the time, and since I was so miserable I kind of stopped working on it halfway through and haven't gotten back into editing since.
Well, as a way of working my way back into the gig, I've gone back and done something I've been meaning to do for quite some time now - fix up my Daikatana review a bit. It's nothing drastic, I've just trimmed a few live-action scenes that went on a second too long, added some on-screen text explaining things I didn't talk about and - and this is the big one - altered the intro cutscene section.
I won't mention HOW I've altered it - you'll probably be able to tell for the most part - but that section now flows much better. I've even managed to work in a My Little Pony reference for some utterly shameful reason. So yeah, there ya go.
This is the first time the review will be up on youTube, since I never got round to uploading the original version due to its length (I couldn't upload videos longer than 15 minutes when I first started doing this, and since Daikatana is just over half an hour...), and I'll be uploading this to my Blip account as well, so if you never caught if the first time round, well, here you go. It's mostly the same, just a wee bit better. Which makes it somewhat tolerable now, I guess.
Check it out here and give my life some sort of meaning and/or validation. Please?
I'll get back to my other videos next week, and should hopefully have the next one done by week's end. It's already been shot, I just have to put it together and stuff. And the one after that's been shot as well, so... yeah, if I can get my act together, expect a good couple of videos in the next few of weeks.
As I have said before, I can't capture footage from my TV, so if I'm reviewing a game, it has to be a PC game or emulatable on the PC. So no, it's not The Eternity Clock.
The video's compiling now, so I'll upload it overnight and it should be watchable tomorrow morning.
And hey, I finally finished putting together a new video! It's a look at the honourable mentions from the Top 8 Worst Sequels, because I felt the need to explain stuff. Here it is!
Oh, you want a reason why? Well, how about "I've never seen the first A Christmas Story"? Or how about "It's a straight-to-DVD sequel, what do you expect"? Or how about "I don't do requests"? Take your pick.
I thought it was a appropriate place to post it. If you don't want to review it I'm not going to kidnap you and force you to review it at gun point guy...
This is shorter than I thought it'd be, but I still think it works. Anyway, enjoy!
EDIT: YouTube version.
Yes, it's the Hulk, and I'd appreciate thoughts on it. Too long? Too boring? Too analytical? Let me know!
Also, since my YouTube account can now play videos longer than 15 minutes, I'll be going back and re-uploading some of my earlier videos - and tweaking one of them so it's not quite as lame. Should be done sometime next week.
When I refer to the story as being simplistic, I mean the core basics that everyone knows. Dude gets angry, turns into Hulk, smashes stuff. Adding psychological elements to it is fine, but you can't let it overrule the other stuff. There's no real action save for when the Hulk kills the dogs (which is ludicrous and nigh-impossible to take seriously) and his escape from the underground base (which is amazingly boring). Even the end 'fight' is a letdown. People going in to see a Hulk movie want action, and if the film fails on that level, then why the hell even call it a Hulk film?
There's a good story here, it's just being very badly told.
Unless this is supposed to be the Ultimate universe where the Hulk chops up people and eats them for tea. In that case, it was perfectly fine.
I should also probably add that I kinda want to see this movie now, just to experience first hand how bad it is. But I'll probably need to watch it with a team of people ready to riff just to make it bearable.
The fact that the film doesn't really show the Hulk smashing stuff is probably the biggest letdown for me, and one of the many things the reboot got right. Being so careful and making sure the audience knows that the military team is all right makes the whole fight sequence much less thrilling. Hell, at one point Hulk rips off a gun turret and holds it like a club, but then almost immediately throws it to the ground and does the turret bendy thing I show in the video! Gah!
And hey, if you do watch this thing, take a shot every time someone raises their voice. I guarantee you'll still be sober until the last 15 minutes of the movie. I really wasn't kidding with that count at the end!
Also, wouldn't it make a better drinking game to take a shot every time someone should've raised their voice but didn't? Though this is kinda moot point as I don't really drink. Maybe I'll get Pants and other Mortis to do it.
Here's the first four minutes of my latest. I'll reprint what I included in the description of the video, because it's kind of important. Please read it! Thanks.
Anyone feel like a bonus game? Identify all the 'action figures' on my desk to win a cookie!
I like your hustle; getting more people to watch your review by tempting them with a non-existent cookie, under the ruse of an "action figure hunt"...
Damn you!
Great video though, I look forward to the full version.
As for the charade that is the action figure hunt; Lara Croft, Beaker, a Cyberman (in the background), Green Lantern/Batman painted green...?! I'm not very good at this!
There's still two left unidentified, so c'mon peeps!
Full review is done, just needs to be FLV'd and uploaded. It would be up by now, but I was re-watching it and realised I let some bad language slip though, and as some of you may have realized, that's something I usually avoid, so I'm having to recompile it with the offending text covered up.
Apart from that, I'm very happy with this review. Teaser - you get to hear me sing again.
EDIT: Here it is! Go enjoy it. I did, watching it again.
Next video's in the final stages of scripting. It's not a review - this one's a list of the Top Worst Things. Yeah, one of those. I imagine the editing process will take a while, but I feel like doing a list.
Well, it didn't really, I'm just lazy. I blame the weather. Anyway, after a month(!), my latest video is complete. It's a list of the Top 8 Worst Movie Sequels (that I've seen). Sorry about the audio, I'm working on it.
I forgot to credit the music. It's 'Jaunty Tune' by arhapist. Whoops! Ah well, he won't mind. (I hope.)
I didn't even know #1 existed! XD
And now I wish I still didn't...
...8: I have seen it, I own the DVD, I love it, I am not ashamed
...7: I saw it in the cinema after the "first episode" was my first movie in the series. I have it on DVD, I own the score and I love it. I would have agreed on Episode 3 though. I own it on DVD but never managed to sit through it outside the cinema. I saw the third one twice in the cinema though. Yes twice. And I enjoyed it on the big screen. I hate sand btw.
...6: I saw that one once in the cinema (yet again) and I liked it a lot. Well I was a bit younger than and I feel the German version of the movie removes a lot that went wrong with the movie. I saw it a second time with the rifftrax audio commentary a few years ago and I actually saw why it is so hated. The English version is horrible. (Batman & Robin that is)
The rest I haven't seen. Thank god!
Would you guys be interested in a follow-up video where I talk about the honourable mentions?
No. Because Matrix Reloaded is a great action-movie :mad:
You can bitch about PotC 4 all day though.
What I really want to see is you explaining to the world why Alies is a crappy sequel to Alien but may still be a good movie. Cameron's Vietnam epos has no place in the Alien series.
Not at all. I saw it in the cinema. Twice, in a row. And knowing the magnificent soundtrack before that made it even better.
What I really didn't like was them putting story bits into the flop videogame exclusively.
Anyway, the point is that I was working on a video at the time, and since I was so miserable I kind of stopped working on it halfway through and haven't gotten back into editing since.
Well, as a way of working my way back into the gig, I've gone back and done something I've been meaning to do for quite some time now - fix up my Daikatana review a bit. It's nothing drastic, I've just trimmed a few live-action scenes that went on a second too long, added some on-screen text explaining things I didn't talk about and - and this is the big one - altered the intro cutscene section.
I won't mention HOW I've altered it - you'll probably be able to tell for the most part - but that section now flows much better. I've even managed to work in a My Little Pony reference for some utterly shameful reason. So yeah, there ya go.
This is the first time the review will be up on youTube, since I never got round to uploading the original version due to its length (I couldn't upload videos longer than 15 minutes when I first started doing this, and since Daikatana is just over half an hour...), and I'll be uploading this to my Blip account as well, so if you never caught if the first time round, well, here you go. It's mostly the same, just a wee bit better. Which makes it somewhat tolerable now, I guess.
Check it out here and give my life some sort of meaning and/or validation. Please?
I'll get back to my other videos next week, and should hopefully have the next one done by week's end. It's already been shot, I just have to put it together and stuff. And the one after that's been shot as well, so... yeah, if I can get my act together, expect a good couple of videos in the next few of weeks.
*stops TGS Podcast to re-watch your review*
EDIT: Blip version is up now, if anyone wants to watch it there.
(Thinks Doctor Who game
The video's compiling now, so I'll upload it overnight and it should be watchable tomorrow morning.
Review this nightmare
A Christmas Story 2
Is it the 1st of April again?
Oh, you want a reason why? Well, how about "I've never seen the first A Christmas Story"? Or how about "It's a straight-to-DVD sequel, what do you expect"? Or how about "I don't do requests"? Take your pick.
Geeze. Straight to DVD makes it even worse.
Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss.
Besides, I've got loads of stuff lined up.