So, just to make sure, the "access to the video series" mentioned at the $15 level refers to the documentary, right? You don't have to donate $30 to see it, just to be able to download it in HD? That's how I took it, but other people and news sites seem to be suggesting that you have to be at least at the $30 level to see it at all.
Yes. It will be hosted, streamed, whatever at the $15 level. At $30, you will actually get to have it.
Part of the backing goes directly to the documentary. It would be silly to have you back something you can't watch. Tim wouldn't do that.
One thing i was wondering about is what's actually meant by improving the game once certain borders are passed. It's obvious what they'll intend to improve with some additional money but what if the budget goes far beyond what they intended?
Will this also influence the size and scope of the adventure itself? I would prefer if they money would be spent more into the design of the game and its length rather than that you get tons of translations and a smaller adventure gets pimped till death.
One thing i was wondering about is what's actually meant by improving the game once certain borders are passed. It's obvious what they'll intend to improve with some additional money but what if the budget goes far beyond what they intended?
Will this also influence the size and scope of the adventure itself? I would prefer if they money would be spent more into the design of the game and its length rather than that you get tons of translations and a smaller adventure gets pimped till death.
Considering the mention that even most smaller scale games consist of a 2-3 million dollar budget, I don't think we have to worry about going over budget and money being wasted frivolously. There's a long way to go for that to happen.
Actually this is the biggest they've had, though I'm sure it won't be for too much longer.
And that one needed 2 months to pass the 1 million dollar mark, whereas Double Fine will (probably) do this within one day... and more than a month to go after that!
If you have some spare change left or intend to sell your neighbour's car/house/kidney.
Pledge $15,000 or more:
Dinner with Tim Schafer and key members of the dev team.
Pledge $20,000 or more:
Dinner and BOWLING with Tim Schafer and key members of the dev team.
Pledge $30,000 or more:
Picture of Ron Gilbert smiling.
Pledge $35,000 or more:
Undoctored picture of Ron Gilbert smiling.
Pledge $50,000 or more:
Become an actual character in the game.
Pledge $150,000 or more:
Tim Schafer (that’s me) will give last four remaining Triangle Boxed Day of the Tentacles, in original shrink-wrap.” (Limit of 1) (Holy crap, what am I thinking? I only have four of those!)
At least i can tell furious stories to my grandchildren that i was part of this 1 million dollar effect which caused all computer systems to go down in ..., no idea where these servers are located, anyway, in our solar system and then we hacked ourselfes into the computers once more and...
As the million is done in less than a day i do now expect a full blown adventure game in 3D, coloured, with cinematic effects&cuts and TV inspired camera perspectives and so taking this game to the next level, also on consoles.
What really scares me about this, is that its not slowing down. i actully think its keep pace :O Seriously, 1 million is insane, just how much more can we get? :O Surely it wont keep up this pace for 32 more days rofl. because then they will have like 30 million and 5 million backers xD
But hey maybe there is just that many people that wanna play "The dead genre" as Lucas Arts called Point N Click.
I guess we will be surprised once we find out that the money was wisely spend on more important aspects like the documentary soundtrack or some fancy new cocktails.
"The dead genre" as Lucas Arts called Point N Click.
They didn't call it that... it was something about "marketplace realities". Of course, the internet isn't "reality", so maybe that's why it works this time?
They didn't call it that... it was something about "marketplace realities". Of course, the internet isn't "reality", so maybe that's why it works this time?
The Internet is a land of dreams and nightmares!
(Sorry, that reminded me of LittleBigPlanet somewhat)
After realising that the money for this doesn't go out until the end of the funding period so I upped my donation to $30, so I can download and keep the documentary videos.
I've combed over some Kickstarter data. If it conforms to the usual way 30-day Kickstarter campaigns work and makes about 10% of its total funding in the first day, they're looking at about $7 million by the end. But NOTHING about this project has been anything close to normal or average in any way.
I've been absent from these forums for quite some time but thought I'd drop by and see the reaction to this. It appears that adventure gaming still has a future
Part of the backing goes directly to the documentary. It would be silly to have you back something you can't watch. Tim wouldn't do that.
Will this also influence the size and scope of the adventure itself? I would prefer if they money would be spent more into the design of the game and its length rather than that you get tons of translations and a smaller adventure gets pimped till death.
Considering the mention that even most smaller scale games consist of a 2-3 million dollar budget, I don't think we have to worry about going over budget and money being wasted frivolously. There's a long way to go for that to happen.
As far as i know on iOS there only exists the Psychonauts Vault viewer.
Somehow i would love to play a arabic version of an adventure with german/english subtitles. :O)
Btw. at this point some of 230 people spent either less than $15 or more than $10000.
Yep. One would also assume more translations and better music would also come from and 'excess' funds.
Argh! You sunk my battleship!
Edit: Well, that didn't even take ten minutes.
Actually this is the biggest they've had, though I'm sure it won't be for too much longer.
And that one needed 2 months to pass the 1 million dollar mark, whereas Double Fine will (probably) do this within one day... and more than a month to go after that!
Ah, I was only looking at the finished drives, so I missed that one. Well, at least for now, it's the second biggest drive Kickstarter has ever seen.
Pledge $15,000 or more:
Dinner with Tim Schafer and key members of the dev team.
Pledge $20,000 or more:
Dinner and BOWLING with Tim Schafer and key members of the dev team.
Pledge $30,000 or more:
Picture of Ron Gilbert smiling.
Pledge $35,000 or more:
Undoctored picture of Ron Gilbert smiling.
Pledge $50,000 or more:
Become an actual character in the game.
Pledge $150,000 or more:
Tim Schafer (that’s me) will give last four remaining Triangle Boxed Day of the Tentacles, in original shrink-wrap.” (Limit of 1) (Holy crap, what am I thinking? I only have four of those!)
I actually have more than $10,000 in savings... but I think if I used it for this.. my wife would be divorcing me the next day.
"$955k! Guys, I'll make you a deal. If we hit $980k I'll add RTS elements to the game! And if we hit $1M, I'll take them back out!"
Kickstarter has been Slashdotted at the $1,000,000 mark, or whatever the 2012 equivalent is.
As the million is done in less than a day i do now expect a full blown adventure game in 3D, coloured, with cinematic effects&cuts and TV inspired camera perspectives and so taking this game to the next level, also on consoles.
But hey maybe there is just that many people that wanna play "The dead genre" as Lucas Arts called Point N Click.
Or, maybe we will have a $33,000,000 adventure game.
Edit - it seems to have stopped dead on 26,000 pledgers - we hit a software limit? (working again)
Since there will be a forum, we might get a chance to ask Tim a question.
So if you had 1 question to ask Tim. What would you ask?
I personally would ask him if he has ever dressed up in fancy dress.
(I could see him in a bear costume!
Actually, more seriously, I would like to ask him if Jack Black is as zany in real life as what he makes himself out to be.
The Internet is a land of dreams and nightmares!
(Sorry, that reminded me of LittleBigPlanet somewhat)
It's kind of lame that we can't physically party this milestone together. I'll go into a bar now...hah, cheers! :O)