Jon NA, if you would like to back this project, I will donate 15$ on your behalf.
He's trying to get to the $30 level so he can download the documentary. I wish I could help him on that because, frankly, I'm just scraping by in terms of being able to hit that level myself, and if everything falls apart for him I may be able to try and help in some capacity. Have any $15 expenses you'll be paying in the next 30 days that I could pay?
If it comes in the form of something from Amazon, I have $50 in gift cards there. Sadly, I can't use that to make the donation.
You don't actually have to give your own Amazon info, actually. Give them the Kickstarter account info and they can use their Amazon account. The two aren't linked, so nobody gets access to anybody else's Amazon account, which makes letting someone else use their own account the safest option for everybody.
Huh, they aren't linked then? So they're only gonna identify me by my Kickstarter account? That's good. Thanks for the info!
He's trying to get to the $30 level so he can download the documentary. I wish I could help him on that because, frankly, I'm just scraping by in terms of being able to hit that level myself, and if everything falls apart for him I may be able to try and help in some capacity. Have any $15 expenses you'll be paying in the next 30 days that I could pay?
If it comes in the form of something from Amazon, I have $50 in gift cards there. Sadly, I can't use that to make the donation.
Yeah, That's what I'm aiming for... Hmmm. Can a person donate twice?
If so, Div can donate $15 for me, then someone else who's willing to do so can add $15 more to my donation...
I have $70 as gift cards... I wish I'd kept them... Wait! I can give my amazon account info to div, and she can use $30 of my gift cards, so she can donate $30 on my behalf, if she could. Can you Div? I trust you with my Amazon info. I really do. I can PM that to you.
@Jon NA
Well, then i hope you found a solution. I was asking because i am interested to know how you feel and getting a glimpse of insight. I really think it's one of the gifts of the internet being able to talk to people from different countries, also if bilateral relations aren't easy, exchanging with each other, considering different point of views and to learn from each other. I know this sounds blabla but i think this way.
@Jon NA
Well, then i hope you found a solution. I was asking because i am interested to know how you feel. I really think it's one of the gifts of the internet being able to talk to people from different countries, also if bilateral relations aren't easy, exchanging with each other, considering different point of views and to learn from each other. I know this sounds blabla but i think this way.
That's a valuable outlook... If one can do that things can change a bit in the world...
I was just asking out of curiosity though, no need to get angry or defencive. If you are I mean. I thought you were judging by the way you responded.
How about the 2nd plan I mentioned? About D-10 using my Amazon account to buy stuff using my Gift cards up to $30 then donating $30 on my behalf?
If she made sure not to donate on your behalf until the Amazon order shipped, the risk would be entirely on you(she could drain your balance, not donate, donate and then cancel funding, etc), but she's a really nice and trustworthy person so I wouldn't worry about it. The worst you could do is cancel the order before it ships, as far as I can tell.
If she made sure not to donate on your behalf until the Amazon order shipped, the risk would be entirely on you(she could drain your balance, not donate, donate and then cancel funding, etc), but she's a really nice and trustworthy person so I wouldn't worry about it. The worst you could do is cancel the order before it ships, as far as I can tell.
Yeah, That definitely is a possibility...
I'm sure she is trustworthy. I'm willing to trust her.
Thanks for the warning Rather Dashing. Much appreciated
Then again, I better not get my hopes high though... Maybe she doesn't have $30 right now to donate on my behalf...
Jon, don't worry about it. I got you covered. I'll do it after my meeting this afternoon. ^__^
... ~!~
Oh no, I don't want you to do this without getting something in return... I mean, That's humbling an all... really, but, I really don't want you to do this without getting something in return Div....
EDIT: I gave the Amazon info anyway. You should accept it. No question.
@Jon NA
Btw. the $15 offer enables you to access the Beta as well as watch streams of the documentary which you again can extract from your browser cache and so safe offline, it just wouldn't be HD.
Btw. Why doesn't Bill Tiller kickstart A Vampyre Story Year One? I'm sure this would work out on a lower budget level. AVST was a good and unique game with a soul and there was a fanbase. I would backup up this immediately! Even if i would be TTG i would try to contact him and try to get it done. I also would help on the tech side, if you're interested. It's a shame and waste of so much talent that he's doing iOS Indie games gfx work instead.
@Jon NA
Btw. the $15 offer enables you to access the Beta as well as watch streams of the documentary which you again can extract from your browser cache and so safe offline, it just wouldn't be HD.
Yeah, I thought of that, But the Kickstarter page says "Documentary in HD and Extras". I won't have the extra documentary footage without paying $30... Would I?
I only accept it because Rather Dashing says she's bad at taking gifts.
She's always welocme to use my info. And my servises in Graphic Design.
Needless to say I'm humbled, but D not accepting me returning her offer made me a bit grumpy...
Don't bother. I tried to pay her back once and it didn't work out. Your best bet would be to become ridiculously wealthy so you could give her something that she couldn't possibly repay, or find a way to give her something and then cut off all possible avenues of receiving anything in return.
A second option would be the implementation of a theatre mode which you activate in the menu, so that the game plays through automatically, maybe based on replay data gathered by someone playing through the game at TTG first, they also could expand such a thing in a way that you could record your own version, share it with others and download the replay data from other gamers and so watch playthroughs from different players. Doesn't this sound nice, relaxed and comfy enough?
Somebody sounds bitter for receiving Christmas gifts...
DF says in their Kickstarter video that they are looking for feedback fro the backers. How do you think you'll give feedback? In what area?
I'm most interested in the art style myself. I want to see what kind of art direction they plan on taking with this beast.
Just looking at the Psychonauts cover, thanks @ big L! :O)
I find it extremely inspiring, whenever i look at it some characters begin to move and some story and scenes evolve, one of the best covers in my opinion.
Don't bother. I tried to pay her back once and it didn't work out. Your best bet would be to become ridiculously wealthy so you could give her something that she couldn't possibly repay, or find a way to give her something and then cut off all possible avenues of receiving anything in return.
Well, I was gonna get ridiculously wealthy... So it'll be a piece of cake for me.
If the 1st method didn't work out, Which is absolutely unlikely, I'll go with plan B.
As these adventure games aren't this dynamic it wouldn't be much of an issue to record the needed data. Could be interesting if you combine it with some stats, most watched, slowest playthrough and so on, and hosted on the TTG servers. I wonder how much people would love to see how AVistew plays for instance or how clever Rather Dashing really is, if he dares to share. ;O)
I personally want to see if there will be any interesting twists to the gameplay mechaincs.
Just because its an adventure game, doesn't mean it has to stick to the old traditions.
(Especially in this age with all the advances in technology and design)
This will, in some way or another, be a fascinating learning experience for many.
(i'm going to try to track as much as I can on it! )
EDIT: @taumel.
I'm sure if one could implement the engine to record a "time-stamp" of activity every couple of seconds or so that quantative data could be sorted and charted to create some interesting statistics.
(As long as the variables are defined)
Oddly enough I had a similar idea the other day. A video game that would test a person's psychological profile, (based on the personality tests), and that the activities would all be recorded, matched to typical "profiles" based on each personality type, then at the end all the results would be displated in a sharable, printable format.
EDIT 2: In terms of what variables that could be recorded. Say the number/frequency of clicks per room, (some people like to click on lots of stuff, and others like to first analyse the scene before making loads of clicks to solve a puzzle), how fast someone analyses a certain object or how early they try combining stuff.
It would certainly be fascinating to learn how individuals actually play the games themselves.
(sorry if I'm getting a little OTT on this. After all, thinking about games is my main hobby afterall! )
EDIT 3: But again, an experiement like that could help designers make better games. Tweaked and tailored to different people.
I'd like to find a reviewer that could find a flaw in a game thats designed exactly for them! XD
Beside of enjoying a passive mode the variations connected to different users would add much to the replay value of the adventure game. I certainly would use it as well once i played through the game on my own. Internally TTG might be able to use the data for analysing issues with the gameplay or certain puzzles/situations.
Beside of enjoying a passive mode the variations connected to different users would add much to the replay value of the adventure game. I certainly would use it as well once i played through the game on my own. Internally TTG might be able to use these data for analyzing issues with the gameplay or certain puzzles/situations.
To be able to find out if a puzzle is too hard, or too easy!
Or if a clue is too obscure or to simple.
Or even, if people skip certain scenes, (they may find them boring, unecessary, or an obstacle to gameplay)
Hey. Episodic gaming would be the ideal format for something like this.
As people play and develop in each episode, the AI could alter variables to provide the optimum challenge.
(or on a simpler level, Telltale could just implement different tiers of difficulties that actually match certain demographics average skill level)
EDIT: Of course, one would have to make it opt-in.
Afterall, privacy is an issue here, so its never good to charge ahead, just incase one steps on anothers toes! XD
But offer something to sweeten the deal, and I think people won't mind it.
(Its not that personally invasive, (compared to some stuff these days), plus it helps both parties in the long-run)
It wouldn't be intrusive at all because you could decide in your game/client if you would like to share/upload your data or not and for instance make it public and related to your profile or anonymous or a hidden profile for analysing purposes only. You also wouldn't need to be online as the data package could be sent either manually or automatically once you get reconnected to the internet again, just according to your settings.
It's interesting to read about the budgets, if Tim isn't goofing around, some of the adventure games once had like 600k for DOTT, 1.5M for Full Throttle. It would be cool to know about more of them and get some numbers for TTG's adventures as well.
It wouldn't be intrusive at all because you could decide in your game/client if you wish to share/upload your data or not and if you share it there could be two options a) related to your profile and b) anonymous.
It's interesting to read about the budgets, if Tim isn't goofing around, some of the adventure games once had like 600k for DOTT, 1.5M for Full Throttle. It would be cool to know about more of them and get some numbers for TTG's adventures as well.
Ah, but money does not always equal quality though.
Most of the time that money buys speed.
(and distribution, marketing, licensing as well!)
Its the 100 monkeys on 100 typewriters thing.
Then again, it can get you skills and tech that you need too. Tech that back then was proportionately more expensive.
That being said however, technology has become a much more even playing ground, so most of that money will go to where it matters most! (Well hopefully...)
(Look. Imagine if someone made Day of The Tentacle as it is today. It would cost them nowhere near as much to get out there, and it might be a bit quicker to actually make as well, since those limitations are much less imposing these days)
EDIT: I can definately see why Double Fine changed tactics though.
Large teams may be able to make stuff quickly, but sometimes a much smaller team that takes a bit longer to make a game of comparable quality would likely win out.
Sure the budget is smaller, but so is the risk.
(Less people to pay, less room and resources required ect. but its also more efficient (bigger organisations/teams tend to get a lot of wastage))
A big project is essentially a all-or-nothing gamble
And in the end of the day, are the big AAA titles all that much better than the indie games?
(As a gamer, I wouldn't say so. Yes, they generally are better, but not proportionally so. A lot of that old-school personal charm is lost in translation thats for sure!)
Well, that's it! i've decided to pay $110 to Double Fine. Though I may eventually starve to death as a result of my generosity; at the very least, I shall be remembered through a point & click adventure game's credits. Immortality through stupidity, so to speak!
Well damnit! The first time I have school/play rehersal/Winter Drumline Practice/ AND a wake; something cool happens. Needless to say I will be pledging $30, I'll just tell my brother I'm "preordering" the game early and it comes with some cool extras!
Though I'm also worried about the negative back-lash this will have on Telltale. I hope it doesn't go to far.
If it comes in the form of something from Amazon, I have $50 in gift cards there. Sadly, I can't use that to make the donation.
Huh, they aren't linked then? So they're only gonna identify me by my Kickstarter account? That's good. Thanks for the info!
Aaah! Thanks a lot Div!
Yeah, That's what I'm aiming for... Hmmm. Can a person donate twice?
If so, Div can donate $15 for me, then someone else who's willing to do so can add $15 more to my donation...
I have $70 as gift cards... I wish I'd kept them... Wait! I can give my amazon account info to div, and she can use $30 of my gift cards, so she can donate $30 on my behalf, if she could. Can you Div? I trust you with my Amazon info. I really do. I can PM that to you.
How about the 2nd plan I mentioned? About D-10 using my Amazon account to buy stuff using my Gift cards up to $30 then donating $30 on my behalf?
Well, then i hope you found a solution. I was asking because i am interested to know how you feel and getting a glimpse of insight. I really think it's one of the gifts of the internet being able to talk to people from different countries, also if bilateral relations aren't easy, exchanging with each other, considering different point of views and to learn from each other. I know this sounds blabla but i think this way.
I was just asking out of curiosity though, no need to get angry or defencive.
Yeah, That definitely is a possibility...
I'm sure she is trustworthy.
Thanks for the warning Rather Dashing. Much appreciated
Then again, I better not get my hopes high though... Maybe she doesn't have $30 right now to donate on my behalf...
Oh no, I don't want you to do this without getting something in return... I mean, That's humbling an all... really, but, I really don't want you to do this without getting something in return Div....
EDIT: I gave the Amazon info anyway. You should accept it. No question.
Btw. the $15 offer enables you to access the Beta as well as watch streams of the documentary which you again can extract from your browser cache and so safe offline, it just wouldn't be HD.
Btw. Why doesn't Bill Tiller kickstart A Vampyre Story Year One? I'm sure this would work out on a lower budget level. AVST was a good and unique game with a soul and there was a fanbase. I would backup up this immediately! Even if i would be TTG i would try to contact him and try to get it done. I also would help on the tech side, if you're interested. It's a shame and waste of so much talent that he's doing iOS Indie games gfx work instead.
You wouldn't get the extras but already have 2 of the 3 goodies.
I only accept it because Rather Dashing says she's bad at taking gifts.
She's always welocme to use my info. And my servises in Graphic Design.
Needless to say I'm humbled, but D not accepting me returning her offer made me a bit grumpy...
Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I want.
DF says in their Kickstarter video that they are looking for feedback fro the backers. How do you think you'll give feedback? In what area?
I'm most interested in the art style myself. I want to see what kind of art direction they plan on taking with this beast.
I find it extremely inspiring, whenever i look at it some characters begin to move and some story and scenes evolve, one of the best covers in my opinion.
Well, I was gonna get ridiculously wealthy... So it'll be a piece of cake for me.
If the 1st method didn't work out, Which is absolutely unlikely, I'll go with plan B.
As these adventure games aren't this dynamic it wouldn't be much of an issue to record the needed data. Could be interesting if you combine it with some stats, most watched, slowest playthrough and so on, and hosted on the TTG servers. I wonder how much people would love to see how AVistew plays for instance or how clever Rather Dashing really is, if he dares to share. ;O)
Just because its an adventure game, doesn't mean it has to stick to the old traditions.
(Especially in this age with all the advances in technology and design)
This will, in some way or another, be a fascinating learning experience for many.
(i'm going to try to track as much as I can on it!
EDIT: @taumel.
I'm sure if one could implement the engine to record a "time-stamp" of activity every couple of seconds or so that quantative data could be sorted and charted to create some interesting statistics.
(As long as the variables are defined)
Oddly enough I had a similar idea the other day. A video game that would test a person's psychological profile, (based on the personality tests), and that the activities would all be recorded, matched to typical "profiles" based on each personality type, then at the end all the results would be displated in a sharable, printable format.
EDIT 2: In terms of what variables that could be recorded. Say the number/frequency of clicks per room, (some people like to click on lots of stuff, and others like to first analyse the scene before making loads of clicks to solve a puzzle), how fast someone analyses a certain object or how early they try combining stuff.
It would certainly be fascinating to learn how individuals actually play the games themselves.
(sorry if I'm getting a little OTT on this. After all, thinking about games is my main hobby afterall!
EDIT 3: But again, an experiement like that could help designers make better games. Tweaked and tailored to different people.
I'd like to find a reviewer that could find a flaw in a game thats designed exactly for them! XD
To be able to find out if a puzzle is too hard, or too easy!
Or if a clue is too obscure or to simple.
Or even, if people skip certain scenes, (they may find them boring, unecessary, or an obstacle to gameplay)
Hey. Episodic gaming would be the ideal format for something like this.
As people play and develop in each episode, the AI could alter variables to provide the optimum challenge.
(or on a simpler level, Telltale could just implement different tiers of difficulties that actually match certain demographics average skill level)
EDIT: Of course, one would have to make it opt-in.
Afterall, privacy is an issue here, so its never good to charge ahead, just incase one steps on anothers toes! XD
But offer something to sweeten the deal, and I think people won't mind it.
(Its not that personally invasive, (compared to some stuff these days), plus it helps both parties in the long-run)
It's interesting to read about the budgets, if Tim isn't goofing around, some of the adventure games once had like 600k for DOTT, 1.5M for Full Throttle. It would be cool to know about more of them and get some numbers for TTG's adventures as well.
Ah, but money does not always equal quality though.
Most of the time that money buys speed.
(and distribution, marketing, licensing as well!)
Its the 100 monkeys on 100 typewriters thing.
Then again, it can get you skills and tech that you need too. Tech that back then was proportionately more expensive.
That being said however, technology has become a much more even playing ground, so most of that money will go to where it matters most! (Well hopefully...)
(Look. Imagine if someone made Day of The Tentacle as it is today. It would cost them nowhere near as much to get out there, and it might be a bit quicker to actually make as well, since those limitations are much less imposing these days)
EDIT: I can definately see why Double Fine changed tactics though.
Large teams may be able to make stuff quickly, but sometimes a much smaller team that takes a bit longer to make a game of comparable quality would likely win out.
Sure the budget is smaller, but so is the risk.
(Less people to pay, less room and resources required ect. but its also more efficient (bigger organisations/teams tend to get a lot of wastage))
A big project is essentially a all-or-nothing gamble
And in the end of the day, are the big AAA titles all that much better than the indie games?
(As a gamer, I wouldn't say so. Yes, they generally are better, but not proportionally so. A lot of that old-school personal charm is lost in translation thats for sure!)
Though I'm also worried about the negative back-lash this will have on Telltale. I hope it doesn't go to far.