Leisure Suit Larry - $15
Jane Jensen's Moebius - $51
If I had half a brain, it would have dawned on me to support the Double Fine Adventure while it was still ongoing.
It also occurs to me that Larry is ~11% past its goal (with 2.5 days left) and Jane Jensen's game is still $57k short (albeit with 19 days left)... all the while, Double Fine Adventure's goal was only $400k and yet has been funded with over $3.3 million!
"You will see bigger publishers start to get nervous." —Investor and entrepreneur Steve Dengler, talking about how the Kickstarter publishing model could change the game industry.
No you won't. It's a great way for some to develop their games, but people will get burned out on the idea - hell, many are already. There's so many projects going now they're all fighting for your attention and it's hard to get invested in them all. Not every Kickstarter project has a big name behind it. Double Fine, Shadowrun Returns and Wasteland 2 may have done great, but others aren't. Jane Jenson's project may just scrape by the target, and Al Lowe probably won't break the $650,000 barrier. Lord knows if people will still care by the time the Tex Murphey one appears. Also, you need to remember that a lot of people only contribute if they get the game for free. It'll be interesting to see how many copies of the games are actually sold compared to how many are just given to the backers. I don't think people are going to be making all that much money with the finished games, to be honest.
Oh yeah, Kickstarter wont really do much to big developers, most people would rather work for the big boys than do things on their own regardless of whether they get their "vision" or not. It will work for the people starting up though. The people who really don't mind giving the game away for free because they're used to just getting paid for their time anyway. It can pay the bills though and you can make a game. I'm talking the people who are asking for under 200K. People will probably be quite willing to toss out $10-20 a month or so to kickstarter and maybe 1 or 2 big investments a year. Having over 3 projects at once asking for over 200K will kill it though. Hopefully, the developers will take notice and try to space it out a bit. Anyway, you aren't going to start getting A list titles there any time soon.
A game project that looked like it wasn't even going to come close, has made it slightly interesting by announcing voice talent from David Hayter(Snake) and Jen Hale(whole bunch of shit). I know people here are pretty burnt out from Kickstarter, but that's pretty cool news.
It looks like you control the environment, cameras, electronics to pass points and move on... kind of adventure-sk. It's reminding me of that old CD game where you had to stop robbers in a house from what I've seen. I haven't watched all the videos.
I don't think it really matters anyway, it's not even close.
Also, has this one been discussed yet? Rob Swigart's Portal (1986) Reborn. It's an adventure game reboot of a 1986 interactive computer novel. I seriously doubt that this one is going to make it, though. $900,000 is the goal, and after 10 days, it only has $12,391.
Am I the only one who can't find out exactly what sort of game this is? Is it an adventure game?
TBH, it looks pretty unappealing to me. It was initially an ios only game. They also already have a publisher putting in $500k, which seems sort of against the spirit of Kickstarter, seeing as they would be very much beholden to people other than the backers. Feels like a bit of a cash grab.
Also, has this one been discussed yet? Rob Swigart's Portal (1986) Reborn. It's an adventure game reboot of a 1986 interactive computer novel. I seriously doubt that this one is going to make it, though. $900,000 is the goal, and after 10 days, it only has $12,391.
No, I've not seen that one mentioned. Shame it probably won't meet the target, it seems really interesting.
Jane Jensen just uploaded a new video on her Kickstarter page, confirming that she'll be releasing TWO new adventure games. Moebius and Mystery Game X. You'll get both games for $50, which is a steal, if you ask me
So excited!
Speculations about Mystery Game X is of course through the roof already.
A project that I did some work for that looks pretty cool. It's for an app that would present real news stories in a sort of fictionalized, constantly updated motion comic. Reeeally hoping this one gets funded.
A project that I did some work for that looks pretty cool. It's for an app that would present real news stories in a sort of fictionalized, constantly updated motion comic. Reeeally hoping this one gets funded.
Hey... I recognize that poster art from what you posted in the General Art thread! Good work.
This does look pretty interesting. And so do the rewards. They're connected to the cases, so they're like feelies from Infocom games (or from the deluxe versions of Telltale games from that matter)
Not a driving fan, but he did a great pitch. It made me think about it. I wish them luck.
Edit: Okay, this was kind of funny. That Republique game released an updated final push video(they wont even come close short of the team chipping in massively) and within an hour, they lost over a $1000. They have since made more than that back, but I thought that was funny. I know exactly where that loss came from too. One of the developers during the video flat out says "This is not a point and click adventure game, it is an action game with puzzles...". I just though the actual loss aspect was amusing.
Anyone else here interested in Sierra's Space Quest Series? Its creators "The Two Guys from Andromeda" have started a Kickstarted campaign to create a new adventure game which is similar to Space Quest. It already has voice backing offered from the people who played:
GLaDOS from Portal 1 & 2 (Ellen McLain)
The Sniper from TF2 (John Patrick Lowrie)
Jim Raynor from StarCraft 1 & 2 (Robert Clotworthy)
Pinky from Pinky and the Brain & Raphael from TMNT (Rob Paulsen)
The narrator from Space Quests 4 & 6 (Gary Owens)
These people also have other impressive credits, I just didn't think I would list them all here. There is a goal of £500,000 and they already have over £58,500 (906 backers) even though the Kickstarter only began yesterday!
Also, has this one been discussed yet? Rob Swigart's Portal (1986) Reborn. It's an adventure game reboot of a 1986 interactive computer novel. I seriously doubt that this one is going to make it, though. $900,000 is the goal, and after 10 days, it only has $12,391.
Well that's... interesting.
Portal's gone through a massive revamp. They've basically cancelled the Kickstarter project and having completely restructured the thing, will restart with a new one, this time with a goal of around $550,000 and with a much longer timeframe to get it.
Hopefully this'll allow them to actually reach their target now, because this seems really interesting.
Portal's gone through a massive revamp. They've basically cancelled the Kickstarter project and having completely restructured the thing, will restart with a new one, this time with a goal of around $550,000 and with a much longer timeframe to get it.
Hopefully this'll allow them to actually reach their target now, because this seems really interesting.
Yeah, I was a bit disheartened to see that the funding had been cancelled for Portal, but then I read that they were going to restructure and reboot the Kickstarter. I really hope that they make it, too. It certainly sounds interesting, especially the time travel bits.
Just a quick note to let you know that I launched a Kickstarter campaign for my Nintendo DS game Diamond Trust of London. The game is totally done, but I'm raising money to get DS cartridges manufactured:
Needless to say I went straight for the limited edition.
(Unusual for me since I have to pay $13 for shipping, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing I just couldn't resist! )
(Converted, its about £42 including shipping which isn't that much more than a standard retail DS game (£25-30))
(so cool to have a signed indie DS game. Just the sort of game I'd play with friends too! )
The only problem with all these Kickstarted games is waiting for the actual games to be released. At least with the DFA we are taken on the design ride during this time but that is an exception really.
I prefer to think of it as an bunch of investments now that I can forget about, and then several times during the next year or so I can be pleasantly surprised when I get a message saying "Here's your game!".
Because Phil Tippet(the stop motion/visual effects genius who did a lot of creature design, stop motion, and visual effects for the Star Wars original trilogy) is restarting work on a 20 year-old stop-motion project that looks absolutely amazing.
Because Phil Tippet(the stop motion/visual effects genius who did a lot of creature design, stop motion, and visual effects for the Star Wars original trilogy) is restarting work on a 20 year-old stop-motion project that looks absolutely amazing.
(Also unpledged my Jason Rohrer game. Probably would end up costing me in the long run. Spread the pledge money out to Jane Jensen's Games (those Gabriel Knight ebooks won me over. Damn! I hate having incomplete sets of things!), and Tex Murphy Project Fedora (seems like my sort of game and I loved the pledge video))
*sigh* looks like I need to do some more overtime...
Oh hey, if you donate $25 or more to the Carmageddon: Reincarnation project, you'll get the original game on Good Old Games when it's re-released there sometime later this year.
Also, thought I might as well redo the list of projects I've backed, since it's been a while and the old one I did is a tad outdated.
If anyone was thinking about pledging to The History of Sierra On-Line (if you even happened to notice it pop up the other day), I would not. They claimed to have "an impressive portfolio" that "includes documentary work, short films, music videos, animation, and television sketches that have appeared on the MTV and FUSE Networks," but when fans snooped around, and found this not to be true, they removed any mention of it. Also, their pitch video is very iffy. They blatantly stole box scans from MobyGames, and filled the rest of their video with existing gameplay footage. No "talking head" to give us a clear vision of the project. It would appear likely that they created this Kickstarter to piggyback off the success of the recent Sierra revival. It will be interesting to see them try to wiggle their way out of this, at least.
Speaking of Two Guys SpaceVenture, I had an awesome chat with Scott Murphy on Twitter last night. We talked about everything from Space Quest to Star Wars to "Go the F*** to Sleep." He is very vocal with his fans, and I love that. I will be crushed if SpaceVenture fails. They deserve every cent.
Oh, and I am monitoring Tex Murphy: Project Fedora! I will have to see how much money I have left by June 15th. If Portal: Reborn fails (which, sadly, is looking likely at this rate), I will move my pledge over to Tex.
"I want to clarify with the media, the public, and the Kickstarter community what’s been in the press lately about my relationship with Wisecrack Games. I have no intention of suing Wisecrack, which has my permission to use my name and likeness regarding my involvement with Sam Suede.
While I am proud of the work I did on Sam Suede back in 2006, when I left the project the game’s design was nearly complete but the text, where the humor lies, was barely started. I not involved in any way with Wisecrack’s current production of Sam Suede.
I am currently actively involved with Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards Reloaded. I also am not personally involved in any legal action against Wisecrack and wish them well implementing my game design without me."
That would explain why he's barely mentioned and now, that I actually look at it, there's an update that states Al is no longer involved with the project.
...and it's going to fail anyway. Asking too much for what the market's been getting.
Only after $150,000, but looking unlikely to get there with only 9 days to go.
Leisure Suit Larry - $15
Jane Jensen's Moebius - $51
If I had half a brain, it would have dawned on me to support the Double Fine Adventure while it was still ongoing.
It also occurs to me that Larry is ~11% past its goal (with 2.5 days left) and Jane Jensen's game is still $57k short (albeit with 19 days left)... all the while, Double Fine Adventure's goal was only $400k and yet has been funded with over $3.3 million!
Now, that's a disparity if I ever saw one.
I don't think it really matters anyway, it's not even close.
Double Fine Adventure
Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded
Pinkerton Road Studio
Also, has this one been discussed yet? Rob Swigart's Portal (1986) Reborn. It's an adventure game reboot of a 1986 interactive computer novel. I seriously doubt that this one is going to make it, though. $900,000 is the goal, and after 10 days, it only has $12,391.
TBH, it looks pretty unappealing to me. It was initially an ios only game. They also already have a publisher putting in $500k, which seems sort of against the spirit of Kickstarter, seeing as they would be very much beholden to people other than the backers. Feels like a bit of a cash grab.
So excited!
Speculations about Mystery Game X is of course through the roof already.
A project that I did some work for that looks pretty cool. It's for an app that would present real news stories in a sort of fictionalized, constantly updated motion comic. Reeeally hoping this one gets funded.
This does look pretty interesting. And so do the rewards. They're connected to the cases, so they're like feelies from Infocom games (or from the deluxe versions of Telltale games from that matter)
Edit: Okay, this was kind of funny. That Republique game released an updated final push video(they wont even come close short of the team chipping in massively) and within an hour, they lost over a $1000. They have since made more than that back, but I thought that was funny. I know exactly where that loss came from too. One of the developers during the video flat out says "This is not a point and click adventure game, it is an action game with puzzles...". I just though the actual loss aspect was amusing.
GLaDOS from Portal 1 & 2 (Ellen McLain)
The Sniper from TF2 (John Patrick Lowrie)
Jim Raynor from StarCraft 1 & 2 (Robert Clotworthy)
Pinky from Pinky and the Brain & Raphael from TMNT (Rob Paulsen)
The narrator from Space Quests 4 & 6 (Gary Owens)
These people also have other impressive credits, I just didn't think I would list them all here. There is a goal of £500,000 and they already have over £58,500 (906 backers) even though the Kickstarter only began yesterday!
Two Guys SpaceVenture - by the creators of Space Quest
Portal's gone through a massive revamp. They've basically cancelled the Kickstarter project and having completely restructured the thing, will restart with a new one, this time with a goal of around $550,000 and with a much longer timeframe to get it.
Hopefully this'll allow them to actually reach their target now, because this seems really interesting.
Now that is a project that is very tempting to back.
Seems like you're in luck.
...and they are back:
A DS game being kickstarted by Jason Rohrer.
Needless to say I went straight for the limited edition.
(Unusual for me since I have to pay $13 for shipping, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing I just couldn't resist! )
(Converted, its about £42 including shipping which isn't that much more than a standard retail DS game (£25-30))
(so cool to have a signed indie DS game. Just the sort of game I'd play with friends too! )
I'm planning to get an Ipad someday.
Because Phil Tippet(the stop motion/visual effects genius who did a lot of creature design, stop motion, and visual effects for the Star Wars original trilogy) is restarting work on a 20 year-old stop-motion project that looks absolutely amazing.
Fund it.
Oh you git!
I have a weakness for claymation.
Pledged $10.
(Also unpledged my Jason Rohrer game. Probably would end up costing me in the long run. Spread the pledge money out to Jane Jensen's Games (those Gabriel Knight ebooks won me over. Damn! I hate having incomplete sets of things!), and Tex Murphy Project Fedora (seems like my sort of game and I loved the pledge video))
*sigh* looks like I need to do some more overtime...
Also, thought I might as well redo the list of projects I've backed, since it's been a while and the old one I did is a tad outdated.
Still Open
Carmageddon: Reincarnated
Erythia: Shattered Dreams
Kingdom RPG
Paper Knight Story
Reincarnation: The Root of all Evil
Rob Swigart's Portal: Reborn
Tex Murphy: Project Fedora
Two Guys from Andromeda - SpaceVenture
Successfully Backed
Boot Hill Heroes
Double Fine Adventure
Echoes of Eternia
Grim Dawn
Jane Jenson's Pinkerton Road Studio
Leisure Suit Larry in the Lair of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded
Shadowrun Returns
Unemployment Quest
Unsuccessful Projects
Feeble's Fable
Legend of the Time Star
...I REALLY need to stop browsing the Kickstarter projects!
Anyone else wanna share their latest backings?
Carmageddon: Reincarnation -> Pledged.
Sure, I'll update my backing list:
Still On-going:
Tex Murphy Project Fedora
Ben Daily
Double Fine Adventure
Make Leisure Suit Larry Come Again
Jane Jensen's Pinkerton Road
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Adventure Mysteries
Still On-going:
Drifter: A Space Trading Game
Portal: Reborn
Diamond Trust of London
Southern Rising RPG
The Dead Linger
Sadly doesn't look like Portal: Reborn will make anywhere close to its target. Shame.
And at this rate, I have my doubts about SpaceVenture as well. Hope I'm proven wrong on that...
Rob Swigart's Portal: Reborn
Two Guys SpaceVenture
Jane Jensen's Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio
Make Leisure Suit Larry Come Again!
Double Fine Adventure
If anyone was thinking about pledging to The History of Sierra On-Line (if you even happened to notice it pop up the other day), I would not. They claimed to have "an impressive portfolio" that "includes documentary work, short films, music videos, animation, and television sketches that have appeared on the MTV and FUSE Networks," but when fans snooped around, and found this not to be true, they removed any mention of it. Also, their pitch video is very iffy. They blatantly stole box scans from MobyGames, and filled the rest of their video with existing gameplay footage. No "talking head" to give us a clear vision of the project. It would appear likely that they created this Kickstarter to piggyback off the success of the recent Sierra revival. It will be interesting to see them try to wiggle their way out of this, at least.
Speaking of Two Guys SpaceVenture, I had an awesome chat with Scott Murphy on Twitter last night. We talked about everything from Space Quest to Star Wars to "Go the F*** to Sleep." He is very vocal with his fans, and I love that. I will be crushed if SpaceVenture fails. They deserve every cent.
Oh, and I am monitoring Tex Murphy: Project Fedora! I will have to see how much money I have left by June 15th. If Portal: Reborn fails (which, sadly, is looking likely at this rate), I will move my pledge over to Tex.
Tex Murphy - Project Fedora ($28.88)
Two Guys SpaceVenture ($15)
Carmageddon: Reincarnation ($25)
Jane Jensen's Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio ($51)
Make Leisure Suit Larry come again! ($15)
Wasteland 2 ($55)
Double Fine Adventure ($30)
Code Hero ($5)
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Adventure Mysteries ($9)
...and it's going to fail anyway. Asking too much for what the market's been getting.