As in episode 1 of a game came out and then episode 2. Back To the Future was openly stated to have a 2 month gap between episodes 1 and 2 when preorders started, so that wasn't a delay.
Which ones? I have no memory of a delay between episodes...
EDIT:Oh do you mean Wallace and Gromit? I forgot if Telltale delayed the final episode or not.
jurassic park had a 7 month delay right ? bttf had one ep4 to ep5
Not in between seasons though which was what I meant(if that was the case, than SBCG4AP got a 3 month delay thanks to Nintendo). As for BTTF, I don't have any memory of a delay there. Could have been one, but I don't remember.
At this point if it's coming in June i'd have to believe it's the 19th or 26th seeing as PSN updates on Tuesday, and got episode 24 hours before X-Box live which updates wednesday IIRC. Pc might get it before then, but right now I'm hoping the 19th
when ep1 released they had alot of xbox users complaining about waiting a day or two longer than pc and ps3 so to avoid that they seem to be heading for an all format release on the same day..
tired of all the noobs and crybabies complaining still. If you joined the forum in June, you have no idea what your talking about and complaining just really makes you look naive and ill-informed if informed at all. It seems like everyday theres another idiot that cant grasp the picture. So here we go (for all that can't figure it out on their own...)
Coming Soon: A simple term meaning the episode will be out shortly! Also indicates that there are no foreseeable delays so far, but anythings still possible. Pretty easy to figure out really come on... ( episodes 3, 4 and 5 almost always say coming soon on every release. The episodes are constantly being worked on and giving an exact date for an episode that probably hasn't really even been completed is just stupid because god forbid they do run into a problem, the outlash on the forums would be even more ridiculous than it is now. Its good to have some time in the bank just in case a major problem develops)
Coming <Enter Month Here>: Means it will be out during the projected month and everything is on schedule. You see a date? Me neither, so just be patient and dont complain till the month is over and you still dont have the episode. (Delays still sometimes happen but its rare and for a good reason when they do)
Furthermore, TTG isn't delaying the episodes purposely, meanwhile sitting at their desks reading the forums having a good laugh... Its all for a purpose. As I've said in previous posts, there have been times when they rushed it out and the product was sub-par. I'd rather wait and have a 100% working copy than cause a rush and suffer because of it.
Grab a book, read about the company, play some previous releases or get outside. I've complained about BttF a few times, and it just made the wait unbearable. Everyone just needs to calm down and relax...
Telltale have really fucked this up. Halfway through June and we still haven't heard anything about Episode 2 which is meant to release in June. It's ridiculous. It's a great game, but it's not like it's a huge secret blockbuster, we still have four more episodes to go so Telltale need to get over themselves and bring out Episode 2.
Ok you completely invalidated your whole argument. Its supposed to be released in June... It's still June.... take a seat, NEXTTT!!
They clearly didn't think this through when they released the first episode. It took them years to make the first one, and now they expect their employees to make the second one in a couple of months?! Don't be naive. The quality of the second episode will be pretty bad at best, and after all this waiting too. They have not posted an update since 22nd May, and have been very quiet about all the delays, so clearly they have hit problems too big for them to solve.
I expect episode 2 at the end of July or beginning of August. And I don't realistically see the 3rd, 4th, or 5th episodes ever getting released at all, tbh.
TTG made a lot of money on this game, now is their time to get out of the games industry. Yes, I want my money back, but I don't see that happening. Bad impulse buy.
What delays? Look at the calendar, still June. Moving on... They have the basics of the entire game complete I'd guess. Its common sense to say that with a game like this, they prepared well. What is most likely going on now is testing, testing and more testing. You dont make a game, play through once and say everythings great! I'm sure Testing, artistic tweaks and tech modifications are whats happening in the offices as we speak. And now for the coup de gras of stupidity.... episodes 3, 4 and 5 wont EVER get released???? hahahahahaha I dont even need to rebut that statement, for its completely ridiculous. ALL episodes will be released, and they will be released ON TIME!! Yup I said it, ON TIME!!! Not your definition of on time, but the realistic definition. There have been delays in the past, and who knows, we might need to wait a little extra for the final episodes (sometimes 5 comes out two months after 4 for example) but we will be informed if something like that happens, now we see the reason for the coming soon huh? The facts we have now are simple... Episode 2 coming June. 3, 4 and 5 Coming Soon, not coming never!
Nah, not all of them, someone from ttg is posting interviews, promotions and general backslapping nonsense on their facebook page on a daily basis.
Oh so the employees are no longer entitled to a personal/social life if they discontinue talking to us. Another reason why most aren't posting much this week especially would be E3 and busting their humps getting a game out to impatient, rude strangers....
Maybe, but I don't see Sony, or MS changing the day they update their respective stores. Jurrasic Park had one, but the X-Box version was a hard copy, and I read BTTF still isn't on X-Box. Don't know if it's true, but I read TTG has a better relationship with Sony since Xbox Live doesn't let developers sell season passes. Here's a link toshowing TTG's releases showing that date, and platform.
Maybe, but I don't see Sony, or MS changing the day they update their respective stores. Jurrasic Park had one, but the X-Box version was a hard copy, and I read BTTF still isn't on X-Box. Don't know if it's true, but I read TTG has a better relationship with Sony since Xbox Live doesn't let developers sell season passes. Here's a link toshowing TTG's releases showing that date, and platform.
masta a ttg employee does post occasionally but because they all working there fingers to the bone to get the game done....other wise the lord marshal will whip them raw..
Yeah I know and I don't doubt that. Because of the s***storm on the forums and facebook I feel that they could have said something to calm people down. Anyway looking forward to the next episode. I realised that I sided with larry on both playthroughs, so might have to rewind my first playthrough to change it around.
Oh hai there mr itssas83 soo im one of those people that joined in june, actually today for that matter i'm not sticking up for the people that are coming on telling people to hurry the fuu up or where the fuu is my game i think that most people joined just to try and find out whats going on. It's fair enough if they've already paid for all the episodes its really frustrating for people to be left completely in the dark for 2-3 weeks having no information as to whats happening, i do believe that the release date was originally set for may, TTG then went on to say its being released in June, now its late june? Whats to say it wont be changed again to early July? Its incredibly irresponsible to say people can pay for a game in advance and say that they'll have it on this day then not deliver and not even give a proper reason for it or to give a sorry we haven't told you guys anything we had a major system bug or whatever it doesn't even matter what the problem is im not really all that fussed as long i get what i paid for i'm happy, however i do agree with you regarding some of the quote's not all of them of course but some of them when you tried to make the point of its release date is june its till june the release date was originally may and now is mid june so for you to just come up and say sit down is pretty arrogant as your not really taking in how some people are feeling robbed and disrespected at this time.
Oh hai there mr itssas83 soo im one of those people that joined in june, actually today for that matter i'm not sticking up for the people that are coming on telling people to hurry the fuu up or where the fuu is my game i think that most people joined just to try and find out whats going on. It's fair enough if they've already paid for all the episodes its really frustrating for people to be left completely in the dark for 2-3 weeks having no information as to whats happening, i do believe that the release date was originally set for may, TTG then went on to say its being released in June, now its late june? Whats to say it wont be changed again to early July? Its incredibly irresponsible to say people can pay for a game in advance and say that they'll have it on this day then not deliver and not even give a proper reason for it or to give a sorry we haven't told you guys anything we had a major system bug or whatever it doesn't even matter what the problem is im not really all that fussed as long i get what i paid for i'm happy, however i do agree with you regarding some of the quote's not all of them of course but some of them when you tried to make the point of its release date is june its till june the release date was originally may and now is mid june so for you to just come up and say sit down is pretty arrogant as your not really taking in how some people are feeling robbed and disrespected at this time.
Oh dear god, please edit this to coherency! the second half is just one run-on sentence!
I'm watching Survival of the Dead apparently Kirkmans law is in effect no matter how you die you come back
Kirkman's law? Oh aren't you just adorable. I believe you are referring to Romero's law. as in George Romero... The person who invented the genre and actually wrote and produced Survival of the Dead. Don't believe me? Go re-watch Night of the Living Dead. The original, not the remakes.
P.S.: Neat bit of trivia, did you know Night of the Living Dead was the reason the MPAA was formed?
I have never seen anyone die in any of the other Romero dead movies of a heart attack or bullet wound or such and then automatically become a zombie they always are bit first.
They were raising from their damn graves in Night of the Living Dead. Of course he has said it himself in that film he didn't even think of them as zombies. He thought of them as ghouls that feast on all manners of flesh, even insects.
Actually hate to break it to some of you but there is a Romero's movies/films all the dead raised...even those that were buried. However in Robert Kirkman's work only those who have died during or after the outbreak raise. Theres a few other minor differences as well..Kirkman's zombies seem to decompose at the normal rate while Romero zombies seemed to stop decomposing. In the TWD it has been established that zombies hunt by sound and not eyesight (in Romero the zombies very clearly track movement with their eyes).
Doesn't matter though, they all die when you shoot them in the head
tired of all the noobs and crybabies complaining still. If you joined the forum in June, you have no idea what your talking about and complaining just really makes you look naive and ill-informed if informed at all.
Similarly, there are 4-5 veteran posters with such a proprietorial possessiveness towards TTG that they continually insist on insulting people who have a legitimate complaint. I can well imagine that the TTG forums have become a very different place since the release of such a popular product as the Walking Dead, you may feel invaded by people who have no idea what Monkey Island or Sam and Max are or were, but as many of you keep saying "shit happens, deal with it."
It seems like everyday theres another idiot that cant grasp the picture. So here we go (for all that can't figure it out on their own...)
Coming Soon: A simple term meaning the episode will be out shortly!
You begin with the now standard insult, then follow up with the ubiquitous superciliousness, all aimed at a comment posted in jest! The original poster found it amusing that episode 5 was advertised on the TTG website as coming soon. Don't be so sensitive.
Coming <Enter Month Here>: Means it will be out during the projected month and everything is on schedule. You see a date? Me neither, so just be patient and dont complain till the month is over and you still dont have the episode.
It's been mentioned numerous times that the game was to be released monthly, that would have seen episode 2 released in May, that's why people have been complaining, that and the fact there has been no communication from TTG. I have seen a lot of "Coming June" statements, but I can't think of one that has come directly from TTG, they have all been 3rd party predictions. I may be wrong on that point. Either way I'm not expecting the game until the end of June beginning of July.
Grab a book, read about the company, play some previous releases or get outside. I've complained about BttF a few times, and it just made the wait unbearable. Everyone just needs to calm down and relax...
That's really annoying. With no more info than 'coming June' people are going to check this thread everyday to see if it's been released. I do because it's quicker than going to the ps3 store. Sometimes I'll post a frustrated rant, but it will be inbetween working, watching movies/football, meeting friends, playing other games, cycling and touching myself. I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode, I'm irritated by a lack of clarification, but I'm not looking to climb the nearest clock tower.
ALL episodes will be released, and they will be released ON TIME!! Yup I said it, ON TIME!!! Not your definition of on time, but the realistic definition. There have been delays in the past, and who knows, we might need to wait a little extra for the final episodes (sometimes 5 comes out two months after 4 for example) but we will be informed if something like that happens
This is another trait of TTG apologists, giving a completely different definition of a term than the one everyone else understands. 'On time', by everyone elses terminology, would mean May 25th, June 25th, July 25 and finally August 25th releases. Yes, I am able to wait, I am not hyperventilating at the keyboard, but I am annoyed by people like yourself spinning excuses and insulting people on behalf of a company you don't even work for. Furthermore, are you sure 'we will be informed' because they've given no information directly to their customers about the delayed episode 2.
Oh so the employees are no longer entitled to a personal/social life if they discontinue talking to us. Another reason why most aren't posting much this week especially would be E3 and busting their humps getting a game out to impatient, rude strangers.
Just to recap, Milosuperspesh said all TTG employees were probably so busy trying to finish the game that they could not give any information. I replied that not all of them were, because someone from TTG was still updating the Facebook walking dead page on a daily basis(no info mind). How does that equate to my forbidding them to have a personal/social life? Being programmers I doubt they have one anyway.
Oh, and they're busting their humps to get a game out to impatient, rude customers.
As this delay grows, and as someone who doesn't give two figs about any of TTG's other games, I've got to say that Holiday has some points. It's funny so many come here to check and see if there's any news of a release (because TTG can't even estimate, they allow us to speculate instead), and everyday they find the same thing: dissatisfied customers, and TTG's corporate apologists. I know why the dissatisfied people are posting, that's what makes up 90% of the internet.
However, I don't fully understand the motivation behind some of the more aggressive TTG supporting posters, but without naming names, let me just say that they're not doing TTG any favors. Since TTG is unwilling or unable to comment on what is going on, you guys become the de facto voice for TTG. When you posters cuss people out, insult them, implicate they are spoiled children, and all around terrible people. Well, you're being just as judgmental and rude as the complainers, and worse, you're doing it in the name of TTG. The overall dynamic of these forums certainly leaves one to think that TTG doesn't care what their customers think. "If they come on our forums to complain, they'll get what's coming to them", is the implication. Not very good PR for a company that really could have capitalized on what is one of the most popular IP's in existence.
What I've learned, is that episodic gaming, at least as it's currently implemented, is not for me.
As this delay grows, and as someone who doesn't give two figs about any of TTG's other games, I've got to say that Holiday has some points. It's funny so many come here to check and see if there's any news of a release (because TTG can't even estimate, they allow us to speculate instead), and everyday they find the same thing: dissatisfied customers, and TTG's corporate apologists. I know why the dissatisfied people are posting, that's what makes up 90% of the internet.
However, I don't fully understand the motivation behind some of the more aggressive TTG supporting posters, but without naming names, let me just say that they're not doing TTG any favors. Since TTG is unwilling or unable to comment on what is going on, you guys become the de facto voice for TTG. When you posters cuss people out, insult them, implicate they are spoiled children, and all around terrible people. Well, you're being just as judgmental and rude as the complainers, and worse, you're doing it in the name of TTG. The overall dynamic of these forums certainly leaves one to think that TTG doesn't care what their customers think. "If they come on our forums to complain, they'll get what's coming to them", is the implication. Not very good PR for a company that really could have capitalized on what is one of the most popular IP's in existence.
What I've learned, is that episodic gaming, at least as it's currently implemented, is not for me.
The thing is, its been this way for years. With their own "babies", they have always delivered quality games, even it's a bit later than expected.
The issue is, we ALREADY heard the complaints. We get it. We know. Complaining MORE isn't going to help. People like FLASH-900 are just annoying everyone that's just anxiously waiting as well. A delay from TTG, at best, is going to be a month more. Hardly a huge issue when compared to how Valve has done it.
As for the lack of communication, TTG isn't a big company with a lot of people that handle PR fulltime. And if it means people get ignored while they spend their minutes on working out the kinks, so be it.
My problem isn't with people like you, my problem is with people who makes the same complainst over and over and over, and they aren't helping. If you can't do something positive, don't do anything at all.
The thing is, its been this way for years. With their own "babies", they have always delivered quality games, even it's a bit later than expected.
Then it's time TTG invested in better project & marketing managers and as they clearly have long term delivery and time management problems, not to mention a lack of communication to customers.
Just because it's been that way for years doesn't make it right or acceptable.
And besides the point, the episode has already been submitted for certification to both sony and microsoft and they can't tell you when it will be done. It is out of their hands. They said certification takes about 2-3 weeks. So stop complaining already. All it does is make you look like someone who can't keep up.
Then it's time TTG invested in better project & marketing managers and as they clearly have long term delivery and time management problems, not to mention a lack of communication to customers.
Just because it's been that way for years doesn't make it right or acceptable.
Yhat's a fair point, but the last they set deliver dates, actual dates, when they missed them, there were even more fiery shit-storms than you see now. Not necessarily bigger, but more fiery.
As for the time dates and what not, it's hard to follow any sort of timeline.
It's been mentioned numerous times that the game was to be released monthly, that would have seen episode 2 released in May, that's why people have been complaining, that and the fact there has been no communication from TTG. I have seen a lot of "Coming June" statements, but I can't think of one that has come directly from TTG, they have all been 3rd party predictions. I may be wrong on that point. Either way I'm not expecting the game until the end of June beginning of July.
That's really annoying. With no more info than 'coming June' people are going to check this thread everyday to see if it's been released. I do because it's quicker than going to the ps3 store. Sometimes I'll post a frustrated rant, but it will be inbetween working, watching movies/football, meeting friends, playing other games, cycling and touching myself. I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode, I'm irritated by a lack of clarification, but I'm not looking to climb the nearest clock tower.
As I said should have been May, that's a delay.
This is another trait of TTG apologists, giving a completely different definition of a term than the one everyone else understands. 'On time', by everyone elses terminology, would mean May 25th, June 25th, July 25 and finally August 25th releases. Yes, I am able to wait, I am not hyperventilating at the keyboard, but I am annoyed by people like yourself spinning excuses and insulting people on behalf of a company you don't even work for. Furthermore, are you sure 'we will be informed' because they've given no information directly to their customers about the delayed episode 2.
I'm absolutely agree with you at these points. Finally, someone who has common sense around here and not fanboys or trolls.
Hey guys do you have a difficulty entering the game ? It's saying that I don't have a licence to play the game(which I totally do). Normally it says that, when the server's down, but as the forum and site are up I guess that's not the case. If you're experiencing it too then I guess they closed access to the game so they could implement some changes
I just joined to say I got pretty burned buying this on the pc, only reason I bought a pre-release of it for 24.99 is because they put banners all over the place on steam all pointing towards regular intervals with the episodes. The reason is lousy xbox/ps3 hasn't approved it, and no answer to pc users.
So, only thing I can do because there really hasn't been any apology or estimate to time yet is stick it to you financially. I will never purchase another telltale game under any circumstance for over 5 dollars (for the whole set), so it will have to be heavily discounted. Might not sound like much, but hand it to your accountants. One customer who would normally buy pre-release from you at full price will never spend more than 5 dollars ever again. I didn't read anywhere that I would be paying for development of a game, I just wanted a game and I accepted the monthly episodes part. I think more people should follow this, would force these guys to come clean or get swallowed up by the competition.
Similarly, there are 4-5 veteran posters with such a proprietorial possessiveness towards TTG that they continually insist on insulting people who have a legitimate complaint. I can well imagine that the TTG forums have become a very different place since the release of such a popular product as the Walking Dead, you may feel invaded by people who have no idea what Monkey Island or Sam and Max are or were, but as many of you keep saying "shit happens, deal with it."
You begin with the now standard insult, then follow up with the ubiquitous superciliousness, all aimed at a comment posted in jest! The original poster found it amusing that episode 5 was advertised on the TTG website as coming soon. Don't be so sensitive.
It's been mentioned numerous times that the game was to be released monthly, that would have seen episode 2 released in May, that's why people have been complaining, that and the fact there has been no communication from TTG. I have seen a lot of "Coming June" statements, but I can't think of one that has come directly from TTG, they have all been 3rd party predictions. I may be wrong on that point. Either way I'm not expecting the game until the end of June beginning of July.
That's the only point we agree on.
That's really annoying. With no more info than 'coming June' people are going to check this thread everyday to see if it's been released. I do because it's quicker than going to the ps3 store. Sometimes I'll post a frustrated rant, but it will be inbetween working, watching movies/football, meeting friends, playing other games, cycling and touching myself. I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode, I'm irritated by a lack of clarification, but I'm not looking to climb the nearest clock tower.
As I said should have been May, that's a delay.
This is another trait of TTG apologists, giving a completely different definition of a term than the one everyone else understands. 'On time', by everyone elses terminology, would mean May 25th, June 25th, July 25 and finally August 25th releases. Yes, I am able to wait, I am not hyperventilating at the keyboard, but I am annoyed by people like yourself spinning excuses and insulting people on behalf of a company you don't even work for. Furthermore, are you sure 'we will be informed' because they've given no information directly to their customers about the delayed episode 2.
Just to recap, Milosuperspesh said all TTG employees were probably so busy trying to finish the game that they could not give any information. I replied that not all of them were, because someone from TTG was still updating the Facebook walking dead page on a daily basis(no info mind). How does that equate to my forbidding them to have a personal/social life? Being programmers I doubt they have one anyway.
Oh, and they're busting their humps to get a game out to impatient, rude customers.
Come on TTg you got our cash, you could have lied properly and just released the first episode a month later and had the rest on schedule and no one would have know any different. Also like ive said a million times just apologise, you managed to change the steam site from "monthly" to "periodically" to cover your backs, but couldn't come on the forums and type matter how you look at it, it's poor work ethics, surely the people making you money, should be the people you want to keep happy? I mean I learnt this basic skill when i was what 4? Never keep promises you can't make...anyway I know I'm not alone when i say the damage is done, sure I'll enjoy the game but after that, never again, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever....ever. plus if they keep taking so long the big name games, possibly even the new consoles will have been announced and this will just be forgotten (to TTg finatics relief I'm sure ) anywhoooo people, even when it's not a justified issue to complain about, generally don't like being deceived (it's TTgs responsability to make sure information is clear and concise to avoid situations like this) anyway I've had my rant (again).
I can well imagine that the TTG forums have become a very different place since the release of such a popular product as the Walking Dead,
Just going to say this one thing. Telltale has dealt with Back To the Future before. To be completely honest, I think that is a way more popular franchise than Walking Dead. That said, the forums really don't change much, this complaining happens with every new telltale game. Kinda sad really, but that's the truth(although BTTF was funny as it was the direct opposite of this, the telltale fans were attacking while the newbies were defending).
yes they had some delays in between episodes...
Which ones? I have no memory of a delay between episodes...
EDIT:Oh do you mean Wallace and Gromit? I forgot if Telltale delayed the final episode or not.
Not in between seasons though which was what I meant(if that was the case, than SBCG4AP got a 3 month delay thanks to Nintendo). As for BTTF, I don't have any memory of a delay there. Could have been one, but I don't remember.
Oh. I don't remember that, I stand corrected on that one point then.
Coming Soon: A simple term meaning the episode will be out shortly! Also indicates that there are no foreseeable delays so far, but anythings still possible. Pretty easy to figure out really come on... ( episodes 3, 4 and 5 almost always say coming soon on every release. The episodes are constantly being worked on and giving an exact date for an episode that probably hasn't really even been completed is just stupid because god forbid they do run into a problem, the outlash on the forums would be even more ridiculous than it is now. Its good to have some time in the bank just in case a major problem develops)
Coming <Enter Month Here>: Means it will be out during the projected month and everything is on schedule. You see a date? Me neither, so just be patient and dont complain till the month is over and you still dont have the episode. (Delays still sometimes happen but its rare and for a good reason when they do)
Furthermore, TTG isn't delaying the episodes purposely, meanwhile sitting at their desks reading the forums having a good laugh... Its all for a purpose. As I've said in previous posts, there have been times when they rushed it out and the product was sub-par. I'd rather wait and have a 100% working copy than cause a rush and suffer because of it.
Grab a book, read about the company, play some previous releases or get outside. I've complained about BttF a few times, and it just made the wait unbearable. Everyone just needs to calm down and relax...
now onto specifics...
Ok you completely invalidated your whole argument. Its supposed to be released in June... It's still June.... take a seat, NEXTTT!!
What delays? Look at the calendar, still June. Moving on... They have the basics of the entire game complete I'd guess. Its common sense to say that with a game like this, they prepared well. What is most likely going on now is testing, testing and more testing. You dont make a game, play through once and say everythings great! I'm sure Testing, artistic tweaks and tech modifications are whats happening in the offices as we speak. And now for the coup de gras of stupidity.... episodes 3, 4 and 5 wont EVER get released???? hahahahahaha I dont even need to rebut that statement, for its completely ridiculous. ALL episodes will be released, and they will be released ON TIME!! Yup I said it, ON TIME!!! Not your definition of on time, but the realistic definition. There have been delays in the past, and who knows, we might need to wait a little extra for the final episodes (sometimes 5 comes out two months after 4 for example) but we will be informed if something like that happens, now we see the reason for the coming soon huh? The facts we have now are simple... Episode 2 coming June. 3, 4 and 5 Coming Soon, not coming never!
Oh so the employees are no longer entitled to a personal/social life if they discontinue talking to us. Another reason why most aren't posting much this week especially would be E3 and busting their humps getting a game out to impatient, rude strangers....
xbox does have wallace n gromitt tho
Kirkman's law? Oh aren't you just adorable. I believe you are referring to Romero's law. as in George Romero... The person who invented the genre and actually wrote and produced Survival of the Dead. Don't believe me? Go re-watch Night of the Living Dead. The original, not the remakes.
P.S.: Neat bit of trivia, did you know Night of the Living Dead was the reason the MPAA was formed?
Doesn't matter though, they all die when you shoot them in the head
Similarly, there are 4-5 veteran posters with such a proprietorial possessiveness towards TTG that they continually insist on insulting people who have a legitimate complaint. I can well imagine that the TTG forums have become a very different place since the release of such a popular product as the Walking Dead, you may feel invaded by people who have no idea what Monkey Island or Sam and Max are or were, but as many of you keep saying "shit happens, deal with it."
You begin with the now standard insult, then follow up with the ubiquitous superciliousness, all aimed at a comment posted in jest! The original poster found it amusing that episode 5 was advertised on the TTG website as coming soon. Don't be so sensitive.
It's been mentioned numerous times that the game was to be released monthly, that would have seen episode 2 released in May, that's why people have been complaining, that and the fact there has been no communication from TTG. I have seen a lot of "Coming June" statements, but I can't think of one that has come directly from TTG, they have all been 3rd party predictions. I may be wrong on that point. Either way I'm not expecting the game until the end of June beginning of July.
That's the only point we agree on.
That's really annoying. With no more info than 'coming June' people are going to check this thread everyday to see if it's been released. I do because it's quicker than going to the ps3 store. Sometimes I'll post a frustrated rant, but it will be inbetween working, watching movies/football, meeting friends, playing other games, cycling and touching myself. I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode, I'm irritated by a lack of clarification, but I'm not looking to climb the nearest clock tower.
As I said should have been May, that's a delay.
This is another trait of TTG apologists, giving a completely different definition of a term than the one everyone else understands. 'On time', by everyone elses terminology, would mean May 25th, June 25th, July 25 and finally August 25th releases. Yes, I am able to wait, I am not hyperventilating at the keyboard, but I am annoyed by people like yourself spinning excuses and insulting people on behalf of a company you don't even work for. Furthermore, are you sure 'we will be informed' because they've given no information directly to their customers about the delayed episode 2.
Just to recap, Milosuperspesh said all TTG employees were probably so busy trying to finish the game that they could not give any information. I replied that not all of them were, because someone from TTG was still updating the Facebook walking dead page on a daily basis(no info mind). How does that equate to my forbidding them to have a personal/social life? Being programmers I doubt they have one anyway.
Oh, and they're busting their humps to get a game out to impatient, rude customers.
Oh yeah, some of the vitriol on the Facebook page is almost amusing if it wasn't so tragic.
However, I don't fully understand the motivation behind some of the more aggressive TTG supporting posters, but without naming names, let me just say that they're not doing TTG any favors. Since TTG is unwilling or unable to comment on what is going on, you guys become the de facto voice for TTG. When you posters cuss people out, insult them, implicate they are spoiled children, and all around terrible people. Well, you're being just as judgmental and rude as the complainers, and worse, you're doing it in the name of TTG. The overall dynamic of these forums certainly leaves one to think that TTG doesn't care what their customers think. "If they come on our forums to complain, they'll get what's coming to them", is the implication. Not very good PR for a company that really could have capitalized on what is one of the most popular IP's in existence.
What I've learned, is that episodic gaming, at least as it's currently implemented, is not for me.
The issue is, we ALREADY heard the complaints. We get it. We know. Complaining MORE isn't going to help. People like FLASH-900 are just annoying everyone that's just anxiously waiting as well. A delay from TTG, at best, is going to be a month more. Hardly a huge issue when compared to how Valve has done it.
As for the lack of communication, TTG isn't a big company with a lot of people that handle PR fulltime. And if it means people get ignored while they spend their minutes on working out the kinks, so be it.
My problem isn't with people like you, my problem is with people who makes the same complainst over and over and over, and they aren't helping. If you can't do something positive, don't do anything at all.
Then it's time TTG invested in better project & marketing managers and as they clearly have long term delivery and time management problems, not to mention a lack of communication to customers.
Just because it's been that way for years doesn't make it right or acceptable.
As for the time dates and what not, it's hard to follow any sort of timeline.
I'm absolutely agree with you at these points. Finally, someone who has common sense around here and not fanboys or trolls.
I think i'm going to cry.:o
So, only thing I can do because there really hasn't been any apology or estimate to time yet is stick it to you financially. I will never purchase another telltale game under any circumstance for over 5 dollars (for the whole set), so it will have to be heavily discounted. Might not sound like much, but hand it to your accountants. One customer who would normally buy pre-release from you at full price will never spend more than 5 dollars ever again. I didn't read anywhere that I would be paying for development of a game, I just wanted a game and I accepted the monthly episodes part. I think more people should follow this, would force these guys to come clean or get swallowed up by the competition.
Just going to say this one thing. Telltale has dealt with Back To the Future before. To be completely honest, I think that is a way more popular franchise than Walking Dead. That said, the forums really don't change much, this complaining happens with every new telltale game. Kinda sad really, but that's the truth(although BTTF was funny as it was the direct opposite of this, the telltale fans were attacking while the newbies were defending).