although BTTF was funny as it was the direct opposite of this, the telltale fans were attacking while the newbies were defending.
Interesting comparison. Haven't yet taken that perspective. It IS true though.
The forums changed with Back to the Future, I'll say that much. There was a huge influx of new members with wildly different wishes and expectations about the "perfect" game (remember the free roam discussion? ). Back to the Future and Jurassic Park were larger franchises than TWD, but it was the latter game that broke all sales records, so naturally things are a-changing in the forums again!
TWD is my first TTG purchase and around May 25th I stumbled upon this forum while searching for information about EP2. It is bad customer service to leave us dangling in the wind without any official notification. However if you are reading this than like myself you are already financially and emotionally invested in this game, else you wouldn't be here.
So I'm going to purchase the rest of the Eps when they get released (I was skeptical about the game so I just bought the 1st Ep on PS3) and I'm going to play them all. If you are reading this I suspect you will most likely do the exact same thing, come on admit it.
So TTG can afford to ignore the complaints as they've already got a dedicated TWD fanbase and a pile of cash. But the next TTG title that comes along is going to be met FAR more skeptically by me and probably a ton of other new gamers to TTG.
I hope they rethink the strategy next time around.
with 59 pages which consists of flaming / insults and the same 'boycott' or give me ep2 suits ...and some intelligent members explaining it over and over...lots of new members come on DON'T read any thread, they just sign up and instantly parrot fashion other new members comments....
and it will continue once ep2 is out and within a few hours complete, there will be more complaining about ep 3 and so on.. not long enough i wanted more the puzzles are stupid / to easy...
Some members on here seem to miss the whole point of these types of games, they are interactive stories not a gta clone or call of duty or left 4 dead..
Ok you completely invalidated your whole argument. Its supposed to be released in June... It's still June.... take a seat, NEXTTT!!
OR how about you get the hell over yourself and realize people ARE going to complain because people enjoy this game and want the next episode as soon as possible and are sick of the 'delay'. And if you read the next post I made you will see I meant it is halfway through June and they haven't announced the RELEASE date when it should be released within the next 2 weeks. Stop sucking up to Telltale, we don't have to be patient and we don't have to sit quietly and wait for release. I haven't invalidated anything nor have I even got an argument, I just want it released as soon as possible OR a release date. We don't owe Telltale anything, if we want to talk about the release date we can and if that means complaining about it then it doesn't matter.
tired of all the noobs and crybabies complaining still. If you joined the forum in June, you have no idea what your talking about and complaining just really makes you look naive and ill-informed if informed at all. It seems like everyday theres another idiot that cant grasp the picture. So here we go (for all that can't figure it out on their own...)
And we are tired of you too. And you joined in April, I joined in May. Does that make you better than me or other people who have joined in June? No.
1st and foremost didn't the 2nd episode of Sonic just come out a month ago? didn't the 1st episode of Sonic come out a year ago? ..... If these indications are anything of things to come I wont hold my breath *Sad Faces*
1st and foremost didn't the 2nd episode of Sonic just come out a month ago? didn't the 1st episode of Sonic come out a year ago? ..... If these indications are anything of things to come I wont hold my breath *Sad Faces*
You might want to compare other releases that TTG put out and not just a random company. You look at other games and the longest delay has been all of 4 months...and when that happened they put out the rest of the game at once.
And while I am usually extremely patient, and I love telltale, even I am getting a little fed up here. It's been almost 2 months since the fist episode was released. With no updates of any kind.
But like I said, I'm extremely patient (you almost have to be to play adventure games). I would, however, appreciate a statement from they boys at telltale. Even if it's just "we're still hard at work making the best game possible".
And while I am usually extremely patient, and I love telltale, even I am getting a little fed up here. It's been almost 2 months since the fist episode was released. With no updates of any kind.
But like I said, I'm extremely patient (you almost have to be to play adventure games). I would, however, appreciate a statement from they boys at telltale. Even if it's just "we're still hard at work making the best game possible".
Interesting comparison. Haven't yet taken that perspective. It IS true though.
The forums changed with Back to the Future, I'll say that much. There was a huge influx of new members with wildly different wishes and expectations about the "perfect" game (remember the free roam discussion? ). Back to the Future and Jurassic Park were larger franchises than TWD, but it was the latter game that broke all sales records, so naturally things are a-changing in the forums again!
Mmmmh... I registered on the forums in BTTF times, when Episode 3 was released (I purchased whole season after I played the first episode for free). I can't remember if there was any delay that moment. If were, I'm sure Telltale informed about that delay on forums because I can't remeber being angry for this.
Wow, thanks. So we're just waiting for Sony and Microsoft then? Figures.
While I know that the interview was done by a third party, I would hope that telltale would post info like this on the blog, which is where I go for all news telltale.
Wow, thanks. So we're just waiting for Sony and Microsoft then? Figures.
While I know that the interview was done by a third party, I would hope that telltale would post info like this on the blog, which is where I go for all news telltale.
Yes, that is true, but it was telltale that said the words. Sure its a bit messed up and out of character for ttg not to say it on their own forums, but PR wise, they were doing something to keep us informed. Only thing I can think of is maybe the PR manager for TTG was fired and a new one hired, hence the change in stance.
Thanks for sharing, dude. At least it's something, lol. We know they're still alive out there, anyways! Hope they really can get it out before the end of June! I can hardly waits!
If I may be so bold as to chime in once more (so far everything is met with that positively wonderful lack of manners that we gamers sometimes suffer from..but I remain undaunted. So much of the back and forth hostility on here is literally caused by the people who think that they defending Telltale...I believe my first post ever was something along the line of saying that TellTale should have completed the entire game/tested it before they even put episode one out..that way there could be no question of 'delays' and that if some customers are confused about the release date..Take the time to give them something. We're all fans of the same game here, we all enjoy the Walking Dead and perhaps even the zombie genre as a whole..and from the two Telltale games I've played (Jurassic Park and episode 1 of TWD) I like Telltale's games..but its entirely possibly to like something and not believe it is 'perfect' or still has room for improvement. Just thought I'd say that, with all the negativity that's always out there and this weird 'oh-let-me-prove-my-cool-by-making-fun' stuff its important to remember we're all on the same side and want...essentially the samething.
If I may be so bold as to chime in once more (so far everything is met with that positively wonderful lack of manners that we gamers sometimes suffer from..but I remain undaunted. So much of the back and forth hostility on here is literally caused by the people who think that they defending Telltale...I believe my first post ever was something along the line of saying that TellTale should have completed the entire game/tested it before they even put episode one out..that way there could be no question of 'delays' and that if some customers are confused about the release date..Take the time to give them something. We're all fans of the same game here, we all enjoy the Walking Dead and perhaps even the zombie genre as a whole..and from the two Telltale games I've played (Jurassic Park and episode 1 of TWD) I like Telltale's games..but its entirely possibly to like something and not believe it is 'perfect' or still has room for improvement. Just thought I'd say that, with all the negativity that's always out there and this weird 'oh-let-me-prove-my-cool-by-making-fun' stuff its important to remember we're all on the same side and want...essentially the samething.
I hear and understand where you are coming from, but my thought process is, if you have the entire game finished before episode one is set to release...what is the point of episodic releases? The entire purpose of episodic games is to give you games in less time for a lower price that most games in the industry nowadays. If they were going to put out the full game only broken into segments...then people would not be happy even then...the difference would be that they would start complaining that they have to wait -at all- for the game to be released, or perhaps start thinking they know how to make games better than TTG and think they should have done it this way or that. In the end, people are always going to find a reason to complain. The delay is really just the most center stage of them right now. Even if there was no delay, I have still heard people complaining about the length of the episodes. They are in effect saying (to steal a line from wedding crashers), "Shut up and make me a bicycle, clown!"
I hear and understand where you are coming from, but my thought process is, if you have the entire game finished before episode one is set to release...what is the point of episodic releases? The entire purpose of episodic games is to give you games in less time for a lower price that most games in the industry nowadays. If they were going to put out the full game only broken into segments...then people would not be happy even then...the difference would be that they would start complaining that they have to wait -at all- for the game to be released, or perhaps start thinking they know how to make games better than TTG and think they should have done it this way or that. In the end, people are always going to find a reason to complain. The delay is really just the most center stage of them right now. Even if there was no delay, I have still heard people complaining about the length of the episodes. They are in effect saying (to steal a line from wedding crashers), "Shut up and make me a bicycle, clown!"
I think it's fair to say that at least some of us in this thread would make better PR agents than the ones currently employed by TTG.
Thanks for sharing, dude. At least it's something, lol. We know they're still alive out there, anyways! Hope they really can get it out before the end of June! I can hardly waits!
Well July is getting close so we might see it next week or the week after. Just hope it don't run into July but if that happens I rather have a great game when a rushed one.
Lol, someone actually compared Bethesda to TTG on a way earlier post, LMAO! Really!? Bethesda might have it's issues, but they've never given me something as bugged up as Jurassic Park... nor did they take my money, bend me over and well you get the point. Just give us a f##king date already or tell us what is the holdup on this game we already paid for TTG... I mean for christ sakes. I'm getting to the point that I wish that I had just keep my money...
Sorry, it was just a lighthearted joke thrown into a pompous post.
My niece is currently studying Game Design at University and her social life is filled with more fun, intelligence and creativity than I can dream of.
That's really annoying. With no more info than 'coming June' people are going to check this thread everyday to see if it's been released. I do because it's quicker than going to the ps3 store. Sometimes I'll post a frustrated rant, but it will be inbetween working, watching movies/football, meeting friends, playing other games, cycling and touching myself. I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode, I'm irritated by a lack of clarification, but I'm not looking to climb the nearest clock tower.
LOL. Thanks Holiday for posting that so I didn't have to, and for keeping a much better sense of humor about things than many here.
But you're right. It's hard to read tone in text (unless the poster is a skilled writer) so the natural tendency is to "hear" the comments as an extreme outburst. But like you, I'm pretty laid back here -- no keyboard banging with clenched jaw, just taking a couple of minutes to register disappointment (and catch up on the latest HelloCthulhu "I'll argue the lateness away!!" post) while surfing around the net.
TBH i have played a lot of games over the years, this is the 1st of this type i have had to wait for in stages. I don't mind it, both me and my sun have saves and want to get on and play more, but we both think its worth getting it right than getting a 2nd rate item. Its only time,time passes.
I just simply wish TTG would take one minute and release an official statement on their site on release of EP2. Thats it..surely they read these posts and could release a date range. They should be flattered, Ep1 was so awesome we can't wait!!
......Beating the dead horse
LOL. Thanks Holiday for posting that so I didn't have to, and for keeping a much better sense of humor about things than many here.
But you're right. It's hard to read tone in text (unless the poster is a skilled writer) so the natural tendency is to "hear" the comments as an extreme outburst. But like you, I'm pretty laid back here -- no keyboard banging with clenched jaw, just taking a couple of minutes to register disappointment (and catch up on the latest HelloCthulhu "I'll argue the lateness away!!" post) while surfing around the net.
Hey now, I am not saying that its not late. Its a delay. They do happen. They always suck. But the amount of vitriol I see coming TTG's way is disproportionate to the amount of time waited. I mean, christ on a crutch, how do people deal with the Doctor Who delay that happened this year? Do they call up the BBC and hand them death threats? Its bordering on the absurd.
So I'm just noticing, on the 6th when interviewed at their e3 spot they claimed they were "about to submit to Sony and Microsoft" then the facebook had an update on the 12th that again said they were "about to submit to Sony and Microsoft"
Can anyone confirm either way whether or not they actually have submitted episode 2 yet?
Also, does Steam have a similar certification process?
Probably because that was the first time they were back in the office after e3...what people don't realize is that getting ready for e3 is a 2 week process for even the biggest company. That's on top of the normal programming. Hell Machinima just said so. And the 6th is when e3 started, not ended.
30 pages later, 2 months later, and still no episode 2. I promised I wouldn't rage about it, and so I won't, but really now..What the fuck, Telltale? I'm sure even some of your hardcore fans are getting annoyed now.
Even so, patience, patience, patience..Really hope this episode will be extra long.
30 pages later, 2 months later, and still no episode 2. I promised I wouldn't rage about it, and so I won't, but really now..What the fuck, Telltale? I'm sure even some of your hardcore fans are getting annoyed now. realize its less than a month late, right?
I bet if the game was sold in a per episode fashion instead of a "season pass", you would see a new episode every 30 days + or - 0.0000000002 nanoseconds
Interesting comparison. Haven't yet taken that perspective. It IS true though.
The forums changed with Back to the Future, I'll say that much. There was a huge influx of new members with wildly different wishes and expectations about the "perfect" game (remember the free roam discussion?
So I'm going to purchase the rest of the Eps when they get released (I was skeptical about the game so I just bought the 1st Ep on PS3) and I'm going to play them all. If you are reading this I suspect you will most likely do the exact same thing, come on admit it.
So TTG can afford to ignore the complaints as they've already got a dedicated TWD fanbase and a pile of cash. But the next TTG title that comes along is going to be met FAR more skeptically by me and probably a ton of other new gamers to TTG.
I hope they rethink the strategy next time around.
with 59 pages which consists of flaming / insults and the same 'boycott' or give me ep2 suits ...and some intelligent members explaining it over and over...lots of new members come on DON'T read any thread, they just sign up and instantly parrot fashion other new members comments....
and it will continue once ep2 is out and within a few hours complete, there will be more complaining about ep 3 and so on.. not long enough i wanted more the puzzles are stupid / to easy...
Some members on here seem to miss the whole point of these types of games, they are interactive stories not a gta clone or call of duty or left 4 dead..
OR how about you get the hell over yourself and realize people ARE going to complain because people enjoy this game and want the next episode as soon as possible and are sick of the 'delay'. And if you read the next post I made you will see I meant it is halfway through June and they haven't announced the RELEASE date when it should be released within the next 2 weeks. Stop sucking up to Telltale, we don't have to be patient and we don't have to sit quietly and wait for release. I haven't invalidated anything nor have I even got an argument, I just want it released as soon as possible OR a release date. We don't owe Telltale anything, if we want to talk about the release date we can and if that means complaining about it then it doesn't matter.
And we are tired of you too. And you joined in April, I joined in May. Does that make you better than me or other people who have joined in June? No.
Hell, yeah!
You might want to compare other releases that TTG put out and not just a random company. You look at other games and the longest delay has been all of 4 months...and when that happened they put out the rest of the game at once.
I had to knowyourmeme that. Welcome!
Thanks, mate.:)
I really resent that statement. Just because they are programmers does not make them anti-social.
And while I am usually extremely patient, and I love telltale, even I am getting a little fed up here. It's been almost 2 months since the fist episode was released. With no updates of any kind.
But like I said, I'm extremely patient (you almost have to be to play adventure games). I would, however, appreciate a statement from they boys at telltale. Even if it's just "we're still hard at work making the best game possible".
A few words from telltale
Mmmmh... I registered on the forums in BTTF times, when Episode 3 was released (I purchased whole season after I played the first episode for free). I can't remember if there was any delay that moment. If were, I'm sure Telltale informed about that delay on forums because I can't remeber being angry for this.
Wow, thanks. So we're just waiting for Sony and Microsoft then? Figures.
While I know that the interview was done by a third party, I would hope that telltale would post info like this on the blog, which is where I go for all news telltale.
Yes, that is true, but it was telltale that said the words. Sure its a bit messed up and out of character for ttg not to say it on their own forums, but PR wise, they were doing something to keep us informed. Only thing I can think of is maybe the PR manager for TTG was fired and a new one hired, hence the change in stance.
I feel like I was falsely advertised to when it said Coming in May and bought the seasons pass
Thanks for sharing, dude. At least it's something, lol. We know they're still alive out there, anyways! Hope they really can get it out before the end of June! I can hardly waits!
It seems to me this is pretty official. Might not be on their site, but it is from the horse's mouth.
I hear and understand where you are coming from, but my thought process is, if you have the entire game finished before episode one is set to release...what is the point of episodic releases? The entire purpose of episodic games is to give you games in less time for a lower price that most games in the industry nowadays. If they were going to put out the full game only broken into segments...then people would not be happy even then...the difference would be that they would start complaining that they have to wait -at all- for the game to be released, or perhaps start thinking they know how to make games better than TTG and think they should have done it this way or that. In the end, people are always going to find a reason to complain. The delay is really just the most center stage of them right now. Even if there was no delay, I have still heard people complaining about the length of the episodes. They are in effect saying (to steal a line from wedding crashers), "Shut up and make me a bicycle, clown!"
Thank you for illustrating my point.
I think it's fair to say that at least some of us in this thread would make better PR agents than the ones currently employed by TTG.
yes, that is there, but what about their blog? That is where we check news, not randomly on other news sites!
I can't answer that...all I can do is show what is out there.
Well July is getting close so we might see it next week or the week after. Just hope it don't run into July but if that happens I rather have a great game when a rushed one.
Sorry, it was just a lighthearted joke thrown into a pompous post.
My niece is currently studying Game Design at University and her social life is filled with more fun, intelligence and creativity than I can dream of.
LOL. Thanks Holiday for posting that so I didn't have to, and for keeping a much better sense of humor about things than many here.
But you're right. It's hard to read tone in text (unless the poster is a skilled writer) so the natural tendency is to "hear" the comments as an extreme outburst. But like you, I'm pretty laid back here -- no keyboard banging with clenched jaw, just taking a couple of minutes to register disappointment (and catch up on the latest HelloCthulhu "I'll argue the lateness away!!" post) while surfing around the net.
......Beating the dead horse
Hey now, I am not saying that its not late. Its a delay. They do happen. They always suck. But the amount of vitriol I see coming TTG's way is disproportionate to the amount of time waited. I mean, christ on a crutch, how do people deal with the Doctor Who delay that happened this year? Do they call up the BBC and hand them death threats? Its bordering on the absurd.
Can anyone confirm either way whether or not they actually have submitted episode 2 yet?
Also, does Steam have a similar certification process?
Even so, patience, patience, patience..Really hope this episode will be extra long. realize its less than a month late, right?