I'm actually frightened by what this thread has become. Guys, I know your argument is legitimate, I have the same argument. But what does constantly repeating it do? Now, discussing it with others is a different matter- that's fine. But there's no need to repeat yourself over and over again.
And in any case your argument can be made that your complaining gives me a right to complain about your complaining. After all, we are all free to complain if we wish.
Complain about someones complaining? oh well, if you like repetition, then go ahead... but find a better argument.
They never had you sign a contract with them with your signature when you purchased the game...you simply purchased the game. They said it was going to be released over time. It will be. That time was never clearly defined. They left it vague for a reason.
It's a common sale contract, it's consensual. Monthly is pretty well defined for me, idk about you...
1) I'm glad you agree with me on that fact finally.
2) Can you show me proof that on the telltale site they said monthly? I could have sworn it always said periodically. If it didn't say it on the TTG site, then it would be the third-party retailer's fault for misquoting it.
3) It's actually something that has been confirmed by most companies in the industry.
1) I didn't agree on no fact with you, maybe it's the other way around
2) The proof is carefully being swept under the rug after recent events.
but you can still find it on TT faq: "5 episodes, releasing once per month"
3) Confirmed by most companies does not mean it's a fact.
I'm sorry but then why did you bring up the fact you can't get a refund from MS as a response to one of my rebuttles? Trying to muddy the point?
Because it's true and your suggestion is cannot be taken in consideration, but i never did say I was going to (you assumed) and I didn't want to stop you there I wanted you to be "free" and express yourself... LOL
I have to disagree, I think the moderators should have done something about their "who has the bigger e-peen" contest by now. It is like being in a crowded elevator listening to 2 kids whining about a toy. I want to come in here and find release date information, not two people entertaining themselves with this insignificant bickering. I can almost guarantee they both have google and dictionary.com up when they are writing each other responses. End this annoyance!
Yes we are getting g walked on because we are waiting g FOR A GAME. I'm not waiting for a fucking heart transplant. ITS A GAME lol. Dammit.
Sigh, seriously I wouldn't support this kinda BS customer service from any company. You can defend them all you want, but it's dumb to defend a faceless company who FAILED to deliver on MONTHLY content to it's consumers who paid for just that. You think it would have sold as well if the title page for TWD game said " 5 Episodes to be released sporadically"?
Also Vainamoinen*seems like a good moderator, I'm sure when Ep 2 comes out it'll be everywhere
Well there is another zombie game coming if we all need something to play as we wait the looks kind of fun https://www.facebook.com/LollipopChainsaw but I hope this doesnt get me told off lol for posting on here
HAHAHA!!!! Well said. If this is getting walked on, go start using drugs, or rob a bank. Get some real life problems.
Seems like somebody is already on drugs, and that person is you seeing as your comment made about as much sense as Fidel Castro slow dancing with Ronald McDonald.
Well there is another zombie game coming if we all need something to play as we wait the looks kind of fun https://www.facebook.com/LollipopChainsaw but I hope this doesnt get me told off lol for posting on here
There is a big difference between an action role playing game and a mindless button masher. No offense intended as I do like button mashers but just not a similar experience. I will probably pick it up when it drops in price, which it will (likely sooner than later).
There is a big difference between an action role playing game and a mindless button masher. No offense intended as I do like button mashers but just not a similar experience. I will probably pick it up when it drops in price, which it will (likely sooner than later).
I understand where your coming from since twd is the first ttg I have brought but unlike most I'm happy to wait and has so have been replying some old games like HL2 deus ex n ghost master but I cant wait for ep 2 of twd. :)
Also Vainamoinen*seems like a good moderator, I'm sure when Ep 2 comes out it'll be everywhere
No probs. We'll make the episode 2 release date a mandatory signature for all forum members as soon as there actually is a release date. No one shall miss it.
Sigh, seriously I wouldn't support this kinda BS customer service from any company. You can defend them all you want, but it's dumb to defend a faceless company who FAILED to deliver on MONTHLY content to it's consumers who paid for just that. You think it would have sold as well if the title page for TWD game said " 5 Episodes to be released sporadically"?
Also Vainamoinen*seems like a good moderator, I'm sure when Ep 2 comes out it'll be everywhere
What's sad is last year, I would have said Telltale has one of the best customer service out there. Seriously, they've done so much for us before, and now... what the heck?
Sigh, seriously I wouldn't support this kinda BS customer service from any company. You can defend them all you want, but it's dumb to defend a faceless company who FAILED to deliver on MONTHLY content to it's consumers who paid for just that. You think it would have sold as well if the title page for TWD game said " 5 Episodes to be released sporadically"?
Also Vainamoinen*seems like a good moderator, I'm sure when Ep 2 comes out it'll be everywhere
Agree with you completely. Even at Vainamonen thing. He's a nice guy. Vainamonen, if you visit Madrid some day, let me invite you at some drink, whatever you want, dude.
What's sad is last year, I would have said Telltale has one of the best customer service out there. Seriously, they've done so much for us before, and now... what the heck?
Yes, I said the same. With BTTF all was very clear and transparent. I was amazed how communicative the Telltale's devs were with the customers (before the Walking Dead 1st episode release they were too). But now... who knows why they don't say anything about delay or about some E3 reviewer's news guessing dates?
I personally don't like what this thread has become - heck, it was once meant as a fun game to guess the release date. And what fun it is now. At least the discussion about the delay could be kept a weighing of arguments, no more, no less.
Why don't you consider closing this thread ? It got wayyyyyy out of control and I think that before episode 2 comes out this thread would have reached it's 100th page :P
I elect the thread be left open. Afterall, this is the official forum for the product that was purchased. If new members want to join and voice their opinions on this exact topic than leave it open. Why not wait to close the thread until episode 2 actually comes out.
If you go to the ign website site it has the e3 schedule and it says the walking dead episode 2 is going to be shown 3:20 on june 6 so i'm guessing around june 7-10. Im guessing they are busy with preparing the game AND preparing for e3 so thats why they're a couple of weeks late so i don't really blame them. At the very least we will know the release date at e3.
That shouldn't matter at all. Ive beatn' the episode in april the day it came out. Granted it takes time to play that short episode, and replay time... But theres no dlc. So one month in between episodes is fine enough for me. Especially when the last episode would have been done as the show kicked back up. Regardless of that, the episode should have already been started, so e3 is no excuse. They knew e3 was going to be on during their games release dates so they shouldve taken pre emptive action of that were the case. Besides, how does showcasing a bunch of new games at e3 conflict with the schedule of walking dead? Anyway, im not directing this back at your comment, but i dont want to give them the benefiet of the doubt when they've clearly dropped the ball and left us very angry and unsatisfied (me especially) and havn't even tried to console us with a new release date or even feedback on whats going on...
I elect the thread be left open. Afterall, this is the official forum for the product that was purchased. If new members want to join and voice their opinions on this exact topic than leave it open. Why not wait to close the thread until episode 2 actually comes out.
For someone who has only 5 posts I find your reasoning voided. Hell is/had already breaking loose and it got to a point that people would just kill each other just for the fact that it's running late. I second my own motion to pass and close the thread :P
For someone who has only 5 posts I find your reasoning voided. Hell is/had already breaking loose and it got to a point that people would just kill each other just for the fact that it's running late. I second my own motion to pass and close the thread :P
Ugh this Delay BITES. we're hear STARVED for any information but we're being avoided like we're INFECTED or something. I mean what do they expect us to just watch WALKER texas ranger untill we're DEAD INSIDE?
Ugh this Delay BITES. we're hear STARVED for any information but we're being avoided like we're INFECTED or something. I mean what do they expect us to just watch WALKER texas ranger untill we're DEAD INSIDE?
Ugh this Delay BITES. we're hear STARVED for any information but we're being avoided like we're INFECTED or something. I mean what do they expect us to just watch WALKER texas ranger untill we're DEAD INSIDE?
I know how you feel, I'm BITING my nails in anticipation.
Well, sorry if this blows your head off but what if I went out on a limb and asked...
When is episode 3 coming?
(Also, if episode 2 delay wasn't enough of a joke... The Telltale Walking Dead website even says that episode FIVE is "Coming soon!" LOL!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAH!)
I'm anxious for episode two. Not sure what else needs to be said....
Hopefully it'll be next week but all signs are pointing towards it being a little later then that. I can be patient though as long as we get a superior product that can be enjoyed many times.... and yes, I've filled all three slots on my Ep. 1 ... very different games going and looking forward to seeing how all of that plays out.
I would like to see an outtake from the Tv Show Rick saying. I never wanted to be a leader in an zombie apocalypse... I wanted to be ... A LUMBERJACK! and Burst into the Lumberjack song
Hmmmm! I wonder what a good way would be to pass the remaining DAYZ until episode two??
If you all want something to do in the meantime and wanna stick with a TTG product, I suggest you try their Monkey Island series. Not really in the zombie genre, but a great game and its what got me hooked on this company many years ago. I'm sure its pretty cheap by now also since its been out for quite a while.
I may be partial to Monkey Island since I've played every one (theres five i believe) but its great for a newcomer too! A classic adventure game that TTG really brought to the next level.
(now I gotta go to the Monkey Island forum and start begging for a sequel... )
Oh bite me...
It's a common sale contract, it's consensual. Monthly is pretty well defined for me, idk about you...
1) I didn't agree on no fact with you, maybe it's the other way around
2) The proof is carefully being swept under the rug after recent events.
but you can still find it on TT faq: "5 episodes, releasing once per month"
3) Confirmed by most companies does not mean it's a fact.
Because it's true and your suggestion is cannot be taken in consideration, but i never did say I was going to (you assumed) and I didn't want to stop you there I wanted you to be "free" and express yourself... LOL
It's the only action we re getting, please allow it hahaha
Sigh, seriously I wouldn't support this kinda BS customer service from any company. You can defend them all you want, but it's dumb to defend a faceless company who FAILED to deliver on MONTHLY content to it's consumers who paid for just that. You think it would have sold as well if the title page for TWD game said " 5 Episodes to be released sporadically"?
Also Vainamoinen*seems like a good moderator, I'm sure when Ep 2 comes out it'll be everywhere
Seems like somebody is already on drugs, and that person is you seeing as your comment made about as much sense as Fidel Castro slow dancing with Ronald McDonald.
There is a big difference between an action role playing game and a mindless button masher. No offense intended as I do like button mashers but just not a similar experience. I will probably pick it up when it drops in price, which it will (likely sooner than later).
I understand where your coming from since twd is the first ttg I have brought but unlike most I'm happy to wait and has so have been replying some old games like HL2 deus ex n ghost master but I cant wait for ep 2 of twd. :)
No probs. We'll make the episode 2 release date a mandatory signature for all forum members as soon as there actually is a release date. No one shall miss it.
What's sad is last year, I would have said Telltale has one of the best customer service out there. Seriously, they've done so much for us before, and now... what the heck?
Agree with you completely. Even at Vainamonen thing. He's a nice guy. Vainamonen, if you visit Madrid some day, let me invite you at some drink, whatever you want, dude.
Yes, I said the same. With BTTF all was very clear and transparent. I was amazed how communicative the Telltale's devs were with the customers (before the Walking Dead 1st episode release they were too). But now... who knows why they don't say anything about delay or about some E3 reviewer's news guessing dates?
Well, agree with you too, Gman.
Why don't you consider closing this thread ? It got wayyyyyy out of control and I think that before episode 2 comes out this thread would have reached it's 100th page :P
Well I bought the almost everything pack so I have 8 games to choose from till it does come out :P
That shouldn't matter at all. Ive beatn' the episode in april the day it came out. Granted it takes time to play that short episode, and replay time... But theres no dlc. So one month in between episodes is fine enough for me. Especially when the last episode would have been done as the show kicked back up. Regardless of that, the episode should have already been started, so e3 is no excuse. They knew e3 was going to be on during their games release dates so they shouldve taken pre emptive action of that were the case. Besides, how does showcasing a bunch of new games at e3 conflict with the schedule of walking dead? Anyway, im not directing this back at your comment, but i dont want to give them the benefiet of the doubt when they've clearly dropped the ball and left us very angry and unsatisfied (me especially) and havn't even tried to console us with a new release date or even feedback on whats going on...
For someone who has only 5 posts I find your reasoning voided. Hell is/had already breaking loose and it got to a point that people would just kill each other just for the fact that it's running late. I second my own motion to pass and close the thread :P
Well I'll give Jurassic Park a shot after I finish Far Cry 2
I agree, we need more dead-ication....
Not much of a spoiler video as only a little as 2 screen shots from episode 2 are shown
I know how you feel, I'm BITING my nails in anticipation.
When is episode 3 coming?
(Also, if episode 2 delay wasn't enough of a joke... The Telltale Walking Dead website even says that episode FIVE is "Coming soon!" LOL!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAH!)
Hopefully it'll be next week but all signs are pointing towards it being a little later then that. I can be patient though as long as we get a superior product that can be enjoyed many times.... and yes, I've filled all three slots on my Ep. 1 ... very different games going and looking forward to seeing how all of that plays out.
And yes, in one I horde my candy bars. MWAHAHA.
If you all want something to do in the meantime and wanna stick with a TTG product, I suggest you try their Monkey Island series. Not really in the zombie genre, but a great game and its what got me hooked on this company many years ago. I'm sure its pretty cheap by now also since its been out for quite a while.
I may be partial to Monkey Island since I've played every one (theres five i believe) but its great for a newcomer too! A classic adventure game that TTG really brought to the next level.
(now I gotta go to the Monkey Island forum and start begging for a sequel... )