The guy he's speaking on behalf of is wrong though.
Originally Posted by Down Range
If by "quickly", you mean after advertising a game as MONTHLY episodes, making people pay in advance for them all
Everyone had a chance to buy single episodes, nobody was forced to pay for future content. I have no problem people voicing complaints, but do it in the correct way.
PC users didn't have that chance, unless I'm wrong.
ok dream imagine you saw a sign in a jungle but the words were too small so you got close to read it and it said "Beware of Quicksand" and suddenly you realized you were stuck.
Thats how the forums are. I mean which do you do first Hang out on the BSN or buy Mass Effect/Dragon Age games? you get the games then come here to talk about them and once the new forum goer gets here to talk about them a new member of the forums casually asks. "Man i love episode 1 whens 2 coming out" and suddenly he finds himself surrounded by people looking at him with looks of sympathy and pity.
For example, take the post I just gave that you responded to. I think I was trying to be productive, yet here I am being multiquoted in defense of telltale.
This is what I mean.
Do not mistake my multi-posting as defense. I simply thought your post deserved more of a proper response than just a block quote.
How do you know what games these people have bought in the past? Just because they registered to the forum in may or june doesn't mean they're new to telltale. I bought season 1 of Sam&Max and Wallace and Gromit: Grand Adventures, and have lurked this forum before, but didn't make an account until I felt I had something significant to say. I'm not the only one.
And if you had bought from them in the past, you would be registered automatically to their forums. When you buy from them directly you must make an account...that account is your forum account. If you buy from a third-party retailer, like steam, or xbl, or psn...they are the ones that should hear your complaints if you have them. Then they will complain for you to TTG. If you do not buy from them directly, they have no way of knowing you are a customer, and neither do we. Lack of evidence is not evidence. And for that matter, how do we know you did? Do you see how it becomes muddy?
Seeing as how there is only one central complaint here, I don't see how this is relevant. Also, having an extended background in management, I can tell you that model isn't correct; at least not in most situations. If you can quote telltale's managerial philosophy to reflect that, I'll accept it.
On your first point...the number of complaints is not the problem...its the source of the complaint. On your other point, no, I cannot quote their business philosophy to you, so I will withdraw that part of my argument. Not because I do not believe it to be true, based on things I have seen industry-wide, but because I cannot prove it, and lack of evidence is not going to help my case.
These people complain too. I'm one of them. Actually people with long history of telltale are a significant demographic here. Additionally, I'll reiterate that you have no idea who's complaint is matched to what purchasing history, and neither does telltale. It really doesn't matter anyway, because even if they weren't losing old customers (which they are), the new customers are the next generation of old customers, and they are leaving by the flock.
Again, if you have not bought the games from TTG directly, they have no way of knowing you are a repeat customer, so you have a little less weight than long time direct customers. And I agree, they are complaining, but they are doing so in less inflammatory ways from what I have seen. Mostly because they know what they are to expect from episodic gaming.
It's worth having the account there of how someone feels. To make fun of ("troll") them, however, is what isn't worth having. I'm talking about all the "u mad" posts.
I will have to disagree here. Yes, how they feel is needed as part of a growing concern. No, their inflammatory speech is not, and trolling the ones that come off as immature and ignorant to how episodic gaming works is a way of culling the wheat from the chaff. Do you really want someone on your side that says things like "Go fuck yourself, TTG!" Like we saw earlier? Is that how you want to be represented? There is an old proverb: "Profanity is the last resort of the intelligent." If you want people to fear you, come off as intelligent. Nothing is more terrifying than a well read and well spoken person.
Firstly, "new customers" (which still have no separate identity from repeat customes) have already bought at least one game, so that invalidates the "If you're not going to buy their games, they have no reason to keep you happy"
Oh they do have a separate identity, just not officially. As for your other point, you are partially right, but this goes to prospective return customers. If someone buys one game and then vows never to buy a game again, are you more concerned with them not buying another game, or someone who has bought 3 or for games and now feels spurned and vows not to buy a game again? they already have your money for the one game. They of course want to keep as many new customers and make them repeat customers, but if the new customers don't return, they still have a revenue base in the return customers.
Secondly, Oh contrare. A company with good PR would want to change your mind about wanting to buy their games; ESPECIALLY since you've already bought one and have shown interest in the company. Not only that, b ut these people are EASY to retain as customers. Just a personal apology would be enough for most people. Shit, if ttg can't manage that, a PUBLIC apology to everyone as a whole would be enough for a very significant amount of people.
How realistic is it for them to write a personal apology to over a million customers when they only have 90 employees? And I agree, a public apology would not be out of place. I am also angry that they have not, but more than that, I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed that the friendly open company that TTG used to be is turning into something else.
I would love to, but you see, release date speculation threads are deleted after each release. the proof I need was in the episode one speculation thread.
TTG is self contained and only has about 90 employees. They're not ALL being restricted from posting on their own forum. That's silly. In fact, it's someone's job (or should be at least part of the PR team's assigned duties)
Actually, you just proved my point in your rebuttal. They actually can be ALL prevented from posting on THIS subject by the person whose job it is to do damage control. The person responsible is not doing the company any favors right now, but he is at least stopping someone from saying something that could get the company into trouble.
yah you got a point ur right I wish I could warn everyone but I cant .but iam also a member of bsn and mass effect 3 became contriversal in a bad way even saw it on tv. the only problem is ttg is a much smaller forum. I still say its worth a try but I can only speak for myself.
And if you had bought from them in the past, you would be registered automatically to their forums. When you buy from them directly you must make an account...that account is your forum account. If you buy from a third-party retailer, like steam, or xbl, or psn...they are the ones that should hear your complaints if you have them. Then they will complain for you to TTG. If you do not buy from them directly, they have no way of knowing you are a customer, and neither do we. Lack of evidence is not evidence. And for that matter, how do we know you did? Do you see how it becomes muddy?
I did buy the console versions of the games I menitoned, I had no idea about the automatic registration thing. I bought the steam version of twd, but I don't think it would be logical to complain to steam about the next episode, which is what it sounds like you are suggesting.
Again, if you have not bought the games from TTG directly, they have no way of knowing you are a repeat customer, so you have a little less weight than long time direct customers. And I agree, they are complaining, but they are doing so in less inflammatory ways from what I have seen. Mostly because they know what they are to expect from episodic gaming.
I disagree. I think all customers should be seen equally. Additionally, I don't think this episode 2 dilemma is what is to be expected from episodic gaming.
I will have to disagree here. Yes, how they feel is needed as part of a growing concern. No, their inflammatory speech is not, and trolling the ones that come off as immature and ignorant to how episodic gaming works is a way of culling the wheat from the chaff.
it's more like poking a hornets nest with a really long stick. <3metaphors
Do you really want someone on your side that says things like "Go fuck yourself, TTG!" Like we saw earlier? Is that how you want to be represented?
They don't represent me, they represent themselves. I have my feelings and they have theirs. I think its worth having their vote, for sure, though. Like I said before, it is my belief that a customer is a customer is a customer.
If someone buys one game and then vows never to buy a game again, are you more concerned with them not buying another game, or someone who has bought 3 or for games and now feels spurned and vows not to buy a game again?
They both feel spurned and I'm concerned about both and would quell both in the same manner.
they already have your money for the one game. They of course want to keep as many new customers and make them repeat customers, but if the new customers don't return, they still have a revenue base in the return customers.
How realistic is it for them to write a personal apology to over a million customers when they only have 90 employees? And I agree, a public apology would not be out of place. I am also angry that they have not, but more than that, I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed that the friendly open company that TTG used to be is turning into something else.
I don't think it'd be unrealistic to respond to the emails they've gotten. It's probably more like single digit thousands, definitely not a million. But glad to see we're on the same page about the public apology
PC users didn't have that chance, unless I'm wrong.
Yeah, you're right. We had to pay in full. I'd much prefer it that way though. Spares me the grief of handling the exchange rates since I pay in a currency other than USD. can get a partial refund at this point as they have partially released the game. Did you buy the game before episode one was released? Then you pre-ordered the season. You wont get a refund on episode 1. They delivered on it. So really its more like oranges and blood oranges...still oranges, just a different flavor.
Wrong! Telltale Games offers no refunds on the season passes. (“Telltale has a policy of NO REFUNDS for products or services purchased on or through the Site.” Telltale Games TOS). No, I purchased the season pass from the Telltale Games website when Episode 1 became available and it was advertised that with my purchase of a season pass I would receive four more monthly installments of the game. Apples and oranges.
However, Telltale Games has violated their own TOS which states, “If you have ordered any product from our Site, and we expect that there will be a delay in the delivery date of such product to you (or the date by which you may download or use a product from our site), then we reserve the right to notify you by e-mail of any such delay and the anticipated date by which the product will become available.” I have not received anything from Telltale Games concerning this delay.
I have been reading these posts for well over a month and a half now just hoping for a release date of the episode 2 as just a viewer..I hate to join in on what seems to be pointless rants....lame excuses and open ended rationing about this subject....but I wanted to chime in. I understand good things take time....I understand the gripes of people who prepaid..I also understand the justification by other posters of why...With that said...I have no beef with anyone or the justifiers of telltale in regards to the release of this episode....I dont play games much at all anymore...but I did download the walking dead ep1 and loved it tremendously...unfortunately telltale's total absence from their customers on a release date or an explanation?...I work hard for the cash I bring home and telltale will not be getting any more of mine....I mean gheesh...Deadspace 3 has at least a friggin trailer out and it isn't coming out till next year! I have an idea for a poll..."who is ever going to buy another telltale game again?" That would be on par with telltale's "so called" buisness ethical outlook in my opinion
I have stoped "waiting". I'm waiting for news about GTA V and this game.. but I dont care anymore. They will come out when they come out. Nothing will change that. And if telltale would gives us a date.. ok.. so then we are gonna wait for that date. So now I just play skyrim and when news/game comes out, it will be a nice surprise!
Wrong! Telltale Games offers no refunds on the season passes. (“Telltale has a policy of NO REFUNDS for products or services purchased on or through the Site.” Telltale Games TOS). No, I purchased the season pass from the Telltale Games website when Episode 1 became available and it was advertised that with my purchase of a season pass I would receive four more monthly installments of the game. Apples and oranges.
However, Telltale Games has violated their own TOS which states, “If you have ordered any product from our Site, and we expect that there will be a delay in the delivery date of such product to you (or the date by which you may download or use a product from our site), then we reserve the right to notify you by e-mail of any such delay and the anticipated date by which the product will become available.” I have not received anything from Telltale Games concerning this delay.
I've been through this as well, even though it doesn't concern my specific case. My knowledge of the US law is limited since I'm not a US citizen. I had to ask around today and the US law is clear about cases like this. For those that purchased the game for the PC and thus have paid up in advance there is a more than likely chance that you can get your money back, if you're willing to go down that path.
TTG is subject in the very least to a Minor Breach according to US law by advertising a product and no delivering as stated. Since the buyer bought a product which is not being delivered as advertised by the selling party, the whole agreement is being breached, which is a Full Breach of Contract and is enough to claim a full refund.
Within the US law (as well as international law and legislation) TTG most likely would be found guilty regarding a so called Anticipatory Breach. In short this means that (in this case) TTG is likely to not deliver as promised. This is based on how the company has performed in the past and how it is currently still performing.
In court it would not look too great for TTG since they refuse communication with those that contact them. Having acted in such manner usually won't find much sympathy from any court since TTG prevents any acceptable resolution to a conflict; without communication any resolve of conflict between two parties is impossible.
I've only been in a few situations where companies have not delivered according to the agreement/contract. Two times the court was involved and two times a Breach of Contract was easy to point out. In those cases it was about software as well. Both cases included extensive communication by the provider of the product/service and the buyer. Since TTG refuses to communicate it puts them in an even weaker spot and they have no case. Even if a delay is due to external factors, TTG refused to communicate this with her customers and has thus shown it is not willing to resolve matters with those that have been victimized.
If things would really go bad, TTG would not stand a chance in court. Clear communication would ease some minds and is the very least TTG could provide customers with. Personally I'm blown away by their ignorance and arrogance. They have created a blueprint for failure when it is so easy to prevent matters from growing beyond proportions by simply communicating with your customers. According to US and international law they would still be breaching contract but at least both parties would have ground to maintain a relationship and resolve possible conflicts. Not responding is the worst PR any company could have. Stack False Advertising on top of that and the painted picture isn't too pretty.
All the legal matters mentioned above, by the way, can be found online although it's sometimes a bit tricky where to search for good answers. I am lucky enough to have some experience and I had the help of two guys that do this for a living, so credit goes to them (and a little bit to me for being pushy and annoying).
If there are other people complaining over and over again then that is not their fault; TTG should take responsibility and have an active role in the forums. They can, in short, explain what is going on and they can give people at least the feeling that they are dealing with the problems. Saying sorry for falsely advertising a product would also not be a bad move. As long as TTG fails to take responsibility it is to be expected that people come here to complain since it has become clear to me that TTG does not interact with customers that are less happy with how things are going.
This is getting pretty damn pathetic. Talks of suing a game company because the release of a game was delayed.
I spilled coffee on my leg, it was hot.. LAWSUIT!!!
The handle of my knife at Subway was filthy.. Did you request another? No. I went ahead and ate from it and now I got food poisoning... LAWSUIT!!!
People want to sue over the stupidest things.
When I was a kid and my Batman figures leg broke off did I want to sue?? Nope. I moved on and lived my life with a one legged Batman figure... Who was still able to defeat the Joker btw.
This is getting pretty damn pathetic. Talks of suing a game company because the release of a game was delayed.
I spilled coffee on my leg, it was hot.. LAWSUIT!!!
The handle of my knife at Subway was filthy.. Did you request another? No. I went ahead and ate from it and now I got food poisoning... LAWSUIT!!!
People want to sue over the stupidest things.
When I was a kid and my Batman figures leg broke off did I want to sue?? Nope. I moved on and lived my life with a one legged Batman figure... Who was still able to defeat the Joker btw.
This is getting pretty damn pathetic. Talks of suing a game company because the release of a game was delayed.
I spilled coffee on my leg, it was hot.. LAWSUIT!!!
The handle of my knife at Subway was filthy.. Did you request another? No. I went ahead and ate from it and now I got food poisoning... LAWSUIT!!!
People want to sue over the stupidest things.
When I was a kid and my Batman figures leg broke off did I want to sue?? Nope. I moved on and lived my life with a one legged Batman figure... Who was still able to defeat the Joker btw.
Why are you bothered if someone attempts to sue TTG or not?
take one day off checking posting on here and everyone starts raging !
I still think people are missing the point.
Planned monthly..= no SET release date so therefore means they have not broken a law.
TTG have stated reasons in subtle ways, if you listen or read carefully..
The whole monthly release is now approximately monthly..
apples and oranges ? two fruits but are different in looks, taste and composition the fuck does that have to do with anything ?
something went wrong the certification was delayed for some reason..
accept the simple fact that is SHIT HAPPENS with episodic games, people bring out the torches and pitchforks if it's one day late now it's a month accept the fact that ttg are doing something different/new (choice system changes story) which means problems aren't always going to be easily fixed..
some complaints seem to be from people who misread stuff they see monthly and 'go yay monthly release, me buy NAO' and they don't bother to check further..
to me it is not ttg's fault if people FAIL to read the terms and conditions. which you have to click on to buy stuff so yes most people don't read them but sometimes you should.. especially for a pre order/ season pass.
bottom line season pass is for the full set of episodes not how many you feel like playing regardless of delay/ time between you will get them and IF ttg can't deliver they will give money or a voucher of equivalent value...but only when they are sure of that... if the game is STILL IN development (another point people don't get) they can not guarrantee an exact date but they do when they are sure..
and don't go saying i don't understand or i miss stuff i don't i haven't i just have read it so often now it's obvious...
The guy he's speaking on behalf of is wrong though.
Originally Posted by Down Range
If by "quickly", you mean after advertising a game as MONTHLY episodes, making people pay in advance for them all
Everyone had a chance to buy single episodes, nobody was forced to pay for future content. I have no problem people voicing complaints, but do it in the correct way.
Can you show me a way to buy separate episodes for the PC?? The only thing I can find in telltale store is the whole season pass.
n. when a party to a contract repudiates (reneges on) his/her obligations under that contract before fully performing those obligations. This can be by word ("I won't deliver the rest of the goods" or "I can't make any more payments") or by action (not showing up with goods or stopping payments). The result is that the other party does not have to perform his/her obligations and cannot be liable for not doing so.
I think that implies that one party fails to provide, either service or payments altogether. Probobly used for situations where say you give all of your money to your "Personal Accountant", and then he and your money disappear. :mad::D
They haven't closed up shop. just running behind.
I have the season pass as well, but I am passing the time playing DayZ till the episode comes out.
TTG have stated reasons in subtle ways, if you listen or read carefully..
Please illuminate me, because I've been reading carefully and watching attentively and all I've heard from Telltale is back slapping about how great their game is and that during E3 they were 'about' to submit it to Microsoft/Sony.
Their stated reasons must have been bloody subsonically subtle for me to miss them.
Ok, this is my first post on this site or any gaming site forums.
I will first state that before purchasing the season pass for TWD through Steam (there was no option to purchase each episiode seperately), i was very reluctant to get this game based on all of the past history and complaints I have seen regarding TellTaleGames. *Yes, i read many game reviews every month, TTG has always had bad reviews for missing release dates, lack of information, etc*
Yet, I was willing to go forward with the TWD as I am a huge fan of the comics and tv show. Since I purchased TWD Season Pass (preordered) on April 23rd, and the game was delievered on April 24th as expected, I was hopeful that this game would spur TTG to improve customer relations and really put them on the straight and narrow, given the fact that many TWD fans would be drawn to this game.
Unfortunately, what i have seen is exactly all of the complaints i have read in the past regarding this developer. Horrible customer relations, no information, no apologizes, no simple explanations as to the reason for the delay. You know, the basic stuff any developer should provide a paying customer.
I am a very patient person. And still willing to wait as I have already paid for the season pass, so I really have no choice. However, the fact that the website has not offered any information since May 22 (which all they basically did was praise the million sales they had for Ep.1) For all those millions of customers, i do feel that ep 2 will not achieve the same success. Simply because many people are now completely unwilling to trust or purchase anything from this company again.
I think those here that defend TTG are actually causing more animosity for the company in general. If all of you defending and squashing negative remarks are actually mouthpieces for TTG, that is a very bad reflection on the company as a whole.
The simple facts are as follows:
TTG offered a pre purchase of the season pass under the guise of an episode released monthly. (Broken promise)
Since May 24th went by without any notification or updates, I had assumed a week or two we would get information on the reason for this delay. June 20th, still not one word from TTG. (Bad Public relations)
What happens if July 1 rolls around, and still no word at all from TTG? Are you expecting posters here to back off and just give in that they were duped?
I think what bothers me the most is people that are saying "How are they losing a customer of this is the first game purchased, and you wont be buying any more?"
If TTG actually feels this way, the company will be out of business by 2014. Guarenteed.
This kind of blind arrogance will drive any consumer base away.
As i said in the beginning, i was always leary about TTG from past reviews. This current fiasco has sealed my fate with TTG as a company. Sure i will love the rest of the TWD games (If and when they are released, since i have the season pass.) But, this will also mean i will never pre purchase or pre order any TTG again, since they have and seemingly never will deliever on their promise of "monthly releases"
The main reason is their overall lack of concern for the customer base and complete lack of information and updates. It bothers me to know end when they can update the FB page daily, but never once mention anything about the delay of Ep2 in which millions of people are waiting as patiently as possible.
For those posting lawsuit threads, I have to understand their point as well. Afterall, how are you going to get a company to actually respond when they are completely unwilling to provide any updates to those who purchased the entire game in advance.
But they will still post all the positive remarks and sales totals. Which to me feels like an insult as a paying consumer. Giving yourself praise and adulation for a game that was great on EP1, while at the same time completely ignorning any updates or information on the delay (which is already a month overdue with NO INFORMATION)
For the people defending TTG, i personally feel sorry for you. I sure hope you are not paid by TTG, because you are doing the company much more harm than good by constantly ripping people for their comments (which are every consumer's right since they are the ones lining the pockets of TTG)
So in closing, my hopes that this game would push TTG to be a better, more consumer aware developer are completely shot and I realize TTG is all about profit and making a name for themselves, and not for keeping and holding onto a dedicated consumer base.
I keep seeing quotes about "TTG isnt losing a customer of you never purchased a game before, so as long as you paid the season pass, they got their revenue"
A comment like that is about as insulting to a consumer as any statement can be. If TTG feels this way as well, then i will also reply with many comments about telling TTG to go "F themselves".
Working in the retail software industry has taught me many things, but always at the forefront is that the customer should be top priority. I have to wonder where the consumer falls in the TTG list. As profit seems to be at the top of that list, and the customer itself at the bottom (since they dont care of they gain or lose customers as long as they get people to purchase the games)
Lastly, this is not just me who is abandoning TTG after TWD is done with. Since i purchased the season pass for my girlfriend and another friend as well (75 bucks worth) and they are constantly asking me for updates and why the EP2 isnt out, etc.
I guess i had false hopes that TTG would actually want this to be a huge success, instead it has turned into the most negative publicity a company could ever want.
Please illuminate me, because I've been reading carefully and watching attentively and all I've heard from Telltale is back slapping about how great their game is and that during E3 they were 'about' to submit it to Microsoft/Sony.
Their stated reasons must have been bloody subsonically subtle for me to miss them.
thats them lol
matul you seem to take everything personally don't you?
also the faq is changed to approximately monthly..
take one day off checking posting on here and everyone starts raging !
I still think people are missing the point.
Planned monthly..= no SET release date so therefore means they have not broken a law.
TTG have stated reasons in subtle ways, if you listen or read carefully..
The whole monthly release is now approximately monthly..
apples and oranges ? two fruits but are different in looks, taste and composition the fuck does that have to do with anything ?
something went wrong the certification was delayed for some reason..
accept the simple fact that is SHIT HAPPENS with episodic games, people bring out the torches and pitchforks if it's one day late now it's a month accept the fact that ttg are doing something different/new (choice system changes story) which means problems aren't always going to be easily fixed..
some complaints seem to be from people who misread stuff they see monthly and 'go yay monthly release, me buy NAO' and they don't bother to check further..
to me it is not ttg's fault if people FAIL to read the terms and conditions. which you have to click on to buy stuff so yes most people don't read them but sometimes you should.. especially for a pre order/ season pass.
bottom line season pass is for the full set of episodes not how many you feel like playing regardless of delay/ time between you will get them and IF ttg can't deliver they will give money or a voucher of equivalent value...but only when they are sure of that... if the game is STILL IN development (another point people don't get) they can not guarrantee an exact date but they do when they are sure..
and don't go saying i don't understand or i miss stuff i don't i haven't i just have read it so often now it's obvious...
Rofl....this is probably some of the most downright blatent misleading crap I've read on this forum which clearly ignores fact and tries to twist was was clearly written in black and white
Lastly, this is not just me who is abandoning TTG after TWD is done with. Since i purchased the season pass for my girlfriend and another friend as well (75 bucks worth) and they are constantly asking me for updates and why the EP2 isnt out, etc.
I guess i had false hopes that TTG would actually want this to be a huge success, instead it has turned into the most negative publicity a company could ever want.
so you knew what has happened in the past, you chose to spend 75 bucks, you chose to ignore the warning signs and yet you still spent the money ?
sorry dude but thats your own fault..
What you should of done is bought the game once then told your 'gf' and buddy about the game and let them play it with your account then ONCE the game was complete bought it for them at a reduced price and they wouldn't be busting you chops..
It's not that someone wants to sue TTG. It's just that people are quick to sue or threaten a lawsuit when they don't get their way or want to make a quick buck.
I just wanna know what happens after Episode 2 is released. Like...I seriously have this weird feeling that people are still going to complain about how it was delayed. Or maybe even act like it was never released at all. That'd be kind of funny.
Thats how the forums are. I mean which do you do first Hang out on the BSN or buy Mass Effect/Dragon Age games? you get the games then come here to talk about them and once the new forum goer gets here to talk about them a new member of the forums casually asks. "Man i love episode 1 whens 2 coming out" and suddenly he finds himself surrounded by people looking at him with looks of sympathy and pity.
Do not mistake my multi-posting as defense. I simply thought your post deserved more of a proper response than just a block quote.
And if you had bought from them in the past, you would be registered automatically to their forums. When you buy from them directly you must make an account...that account is your forum account. If you buy from a third-party retailer, like steam, or xbl, or psn...they are the ones that should hear your complaints if you have them. Then they will complain for you to TTG. If you do not buy from them directly, they have no way of knowing you are a customer, and neither do we. Lack of evidence is not evidence. And for that matter, how do we know you did? Do you see how it becomes muddy?
On your first point...the number of complaints is not the problem...its the source of the complaint. On your other point, no, I cannot quote their business philosophy to you, so I will withdraw that part of my argument. Not because I do not believe it to be true, based on things I have seen industry-wide, but because I cannot prove it, and lack of evidence is not going to help my case.
Again, if you have not bought the games from TTG directly, they have no way of knowing you are a repeat customer, so you have a little less weight than long time direct customers. And I agree, they are complaining, but they are doing so in less inflammatory ways from what I have seen. Mostly because they know what they are to expect from episodic gaming.
I will have to disagree here. Yes, how they feel is needed as part of a growing concern. No, their inflammatory speech is not, and trolling the ones that come off as immature and ignorant to how episodic gaming works is a way of culling the wheat from the chaff. Do you really want someone on your side that says things like "Go fuck yourself, TTG!" Like we saw earlier? Is that how you want to be represented? There is an old proverb: "Profanity is the last resort of the intelligent." If you want people to fear you, come off as intelligent. Nothing is more terrifying than a well read and well spoken person.
Oh they do have a separate identity, just not officially. As for your other point, you are partially right, but this goes to prospective return customers. If someone buys one game and then vows never to buy a game again, are you more concerned with them not buying another game, or someone who has bought 3 or for games and now feels spurned and vows not to buy a game again? they already have your money for the one game. They of course want to keep as many new customers and make them repeat customers, but if the new customers don't return, they still have a revenue base in the return customers. How realistic is it for them to write a personal apology to over a million customers when they only have 90 employees? And I agree, a public apology would not be out of place. I am also angry that they have not, but more than that, I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed that the friendly open company that TTG used to be is turning into something else. No argument.
I would love to, but you see, release date speculation threads are deleted after each release. the proof I need was in the episode one speculation thread.
Actually, you just proved my point in your rebuttal. They actually can be ALL prevented from posting on THIS subject by the person whose job it is to do damage control. The person responsible is not doing the company any favors right now, but he is at least stopping someone from saying something that could get the company into trouble.
Oh none taken. I enjoy a good debate.
Episode 2 is coming...
I disagree. I think all customers should be seen equally. Additionally, I don't think this episode 2 dilemma is what is to be expected from episodic gaming. it's more like poking a hornets nest with a really long stick. <3metaphors They don't represent me, they represent themselves. I have my feelings and they have theirs. I think its worth having their vote, for sure, though. Like I said before, it is my belief that a customer is a customer is a customer. They both feel spurned and I'm concerned about both and would quell both in the same manner.
Not a great business mindset. I don't think it'd be unrealistic to respond to the emails they've gotten. It's probably more like single digit thousands, definitely not a million. But glad to see we're on the same page about the public apology
This was supposed to be shorter. Oh well.
Yeah, you're right. We had to pay in full.
Wrong! Telltale Games offers no refunds on the season passes. (“Telltale has a policy of NO REFUNDS for products or services purchased on or through the Site.” Telltale Games TOS). No, I purchased the season pass from the Telltale Games website when Episode 1 became available and it was advertised that with my purchase of a season pass I would receive four more monthly installments of the game. Apples and oranges.
However, Telltale Games has violated their own TOS which states, “If you have ordered any product from our Site, and we expect that there will be a delay in the delivery date of such product to you (or the date by which you may download or use a product from our site), then we reserve the right to notify you by e-mail of any such delay and the anticipated date by which the product will become available.” I have not received anything from Telltale Games concerning this delay.
I ordered Sam and Max season 3 way back in 2010. Now later, when I wanted to post something in the forum, I had to create a forum account.
Now maybe it is automatic now. But at least back then, it wasn't.
Now I'm going back to the Sam and Max forum. People seem much friendlier there.
PS if i ever become a ZOMBIE TTG staff would be my first victims ;-)
I've been through this as well, even though it doesn't concern my specific case. My knowledge of the US law is limited since I'm not a US citizen. I had to ask around today and the US law is clear about cases like this. For those that purchased the game for the PC and thus have paid up in advance there is a more than likely chance that you can get your money back, if you're willing to go down that path.
TTG is subject in the very least to a Minor Breach according to US law by advertising a product and no delivering as stated. Since the buyer bought a product which is not being delivered as advertised by the selling party, the whole agreement is being breached, which is a Full Breach of Contract and is enough to claim a full refund.
Within the US law (as well as international law and legislation) TTG most likely would be found guilty regarding a so called Anticipatory Breach. In short this means that (in this case) TTG is likely to not deliver as promised. This is based on how the company has performed in the past and how it is currently still performing.
In court it would not look too great for TTG since they refuse communication with those that contact them. Having acted in such manner usually won't find much sympathy from any court since TTG prevents any acceptable resolution to a conflict; without communication any resolve of conflict between two parties is impossible.
I've only been in a few situations where companies have not delivered according to the agreement/contract. Two times the court was involved and two times a Breach of Contract was easy to point out. In those cases it was about software as well. Both cases included extensive communication by the provider of the product/service and the buyer. Since TTG refuses to communicate it puts them in an even weaker spot and they have no case. Even if a delay is due to external factors, TTG refused to communicate this with her customers and has thus shown it is not willing to resolve matters with those that have been victimized.
If things would really go bad, TTG would not stand a chance in court. Clear communication would ease some minds and is the very least TTG could provide customers with. Personally I'm blown away by their ignorance and arrogance. They have created a blueprint for failure when it is so easy to prevent matters from growing beyond proportions by simply communicating with your customers. According to US and international law they would still be breaching contract but at least both parties would have ground to maintain a relationship and resolve possible conflicts. Not responding is the worst PR any company could have. Stack False Advertising on top of that and the painted picture isn't too pretty.
All the legal matters mentioned above, by the way, can be found online although it's sometimes a bit tricky where to search for good answers. I am lucky enough to have some experience and I had the help of two guys that do this for a living, so credit goes to them (and a little bit to me for being pushy and annoying).
well said
I don't feel as though I have been victimized.
This is getting pretty damn pathetic. Talks of suing a game company because the release of a game was delayed.
I spilled coffee on my leg, it was hot.. LAWSUIT!!!
The handle of my knife at Subway was filthy.. Did you request another? No. I went ahead and ate from it and now I got food poisoning... LAWSUIT!!!
People want to sue over the stupidest things.
When I was a kid and my Batman figures leg broke off did I want to sue?? Nope. I moved on and lived my life with a one legged Batman figure... Who was still able to defeat the Joker btw.
I agree with you 100%.
Why are you bothered if someone attempts to sue TTG or not?
I still think people are missing the point.
Planned monthly..= no SET release date so therefore means they have not broken a law.
TTG have stated reasons in subtle ways, if you listen or read carefully..
The whole monthly release is now approximately monthly..
apples and oranges ? two fruits but are different in looks, taste and composition the fuck does that have to do with anything ?
something went wrong the certification was delayed for some reason..
accept the simple fact that is SHIT HAPPENS with episodic games, people bring out the torches and pitchforks if it's one day late now it's a month accept the fact that ttg are doing something different/new (choice system changes story) which means problems aren't always going to be easily fixed..
some complaints seem to be from people who misread stuff they see monthly and 'go yay monthly release, me buy NAO' and they don't bother to check further..
to me it is not ttg's fault if people FAIL to read the terms and conditions. which you have to click on to buy stuff so yes most people don't read them but sometimes you should.. especially for a pre order/ season pass.
bottom line season pass is for the full set of episodes not how many you feel like playing regardless of delay/ time between you will get them and IF ttg can't deliver they will give money or a voucher of equivalent value...but only when they are sure of that... if the game is STILL IN development (another point people don't get) they can not guarrantee an exact date but they do when they are sure..
and don't go saying i don't understand or i miss stuff i don't i haven't i just have read it so often now it's obvious...
now on to the fact as to WHY would you want to get them seperately ???? you'll pay more doing that, and why would you miss an episode out ?
if you have it on another system why not stick with that as you will notbe able to transfer your saves/progress..
This really is just a random quess, but were you playing zm with me like an hour ago
Why are you bothered that I'm bothered??
I feel that if you would have read my entire post then your question would have been answered.
n. when a party to a contract repudiates (reneges on) his/her obligations under that contract before fully performing those obligations. This can be by word ("I won't deliver the rest of the goods" or "I can't make any more payments") or by action (not showing up with goods or stopping payments). The result is that the other party does not have to perform his/her obligations and cannot be liable for not doing so.
I think that implies that one party fails to provide, either service or payments altogether. Probobly used for situations where say you give all of your money to your "Personal Accountant", and then he and your money disappear. :mad::D
They haven't closed up shop. just running behind.
I have the season pass as well, but I am passing the time playing DayZ till the episode comes out.
Please illuminate me, because I've been reading carefully and watching attentively and all I've heard from Telltale is back slapping about how great their game is and that during E3 they were 'about' to submit it to Microsoft/Sony.
Their stated reasons must have been bloody subsonically subtle for me to miss them.
Curiosity and boredom.
Must have been another boxman...
I will first state that before purchasing the season pass for TWD through Steam (there was no option to purchase each episiode seperately), i was very reluctant to get this game based on all of the past history and complaints I have seen regarding TellTaleGames. *Yes, i read many game reviews every month, TTG has always had bad reviews for missing release dates, lack of information, etc*
Yet, I was willing to go forward with the TWD as I am a huge fan of the comics and tv show. Since I purchased TWD Season Pass (preordered) on April 23rd, and the game was delievered on April 24th as expected, I was hopeful that this game would spur TTG to improve customer relations and really put them on the straight and narrow, given the fact that many TWD fans would be drawn to this game.
Unfortunately, what i have seen is exactly all of the complaints i have read in the past regarding this developer. Horrible customer relations, no information, no apologizes, no simple explanations as to the reason for the delay. You know, the basic stuff any developer should provide a paying customer.
I am a very patient person. And still willing to wait as I have already paid for the season pass, so I really have no choice. However, the fact that the website has not offered any information since May 22 (which all they basically did was praise the million sales they had for Ep.1) For all those millions of customers, i do feel that ep 2 will not achieve the same success. Simply because many people are now completely unwilling to trust or purchase anything from this company again.
I think those here that defend TTG are actually causing more animosity for the company in general. If all of you defending and squashing negative remarks are actually mouthpieces for TTG, that is a very bad reflection on the company as a whole.
The simple facts are as follows:
TTG offered a pre purchase of the season pass under the guise of an episode released monthly. (Broken promise)
Since May 24th went by without any notification or updates, I had assumed a week or two we would get information on the reason for this delay. June 20th, still not one word from TTG. (Bad Public relations)
What happens if July 1 rolls around, and still no word at all from TTG? Are you expecting posters here to back off and just give in that they were duped?
I think what bothers me the most is people that are saying "How are they losing a customer of this is the first game purchased, and you wont be buying any more?"
If TTG actually feels this way, the company will be out of business by 2014. Guarenteed.
This kind of blind arrogance will drive any consumer base away.
As i said in the beginning, i was always leary about TTG from past reviews. This current fiasco has sealed my fate with TTG as a company. Sure i will love the rest of the TWD games (If and when they are released, since i have the season pass.) But, this will also mean i will never pre purchase or pre order any TTG again, since they have and seemingly never will deliever on their promise of "monthly releases"
The main reason is their overall lack of concern for the customer base and complete lack of information and updates. It bothers me to know end when they can update the FB page daily, but never once mention anything about the delay of Ep2 in which millions of people are waiting as patiently as possible.
For those posting lawsuit threads, I have to understand their point as well. Afterall, how are you going to get a company to actually respond when they are completely unwilling to provide any updates to those who purchased the entire game in advance.
But they will still post all the positive remarks and sales totals. Which to me feels like an insult as a paying consumer. Giving yourself praise and adulation for a game that was great on EP1, while at the same time completely ignorning any updates or information on the delay (which is already a month overdue with NO INFORMATION)
For the people defending TTG, i personally feel sorry for you. I sure hope you are not paid by TTG, because you are doing the company much more harm than good by constantly ripping people for their comments (which are every consumer's right since they are the ones lining the pockets of TTG)
So in closing, my hopes that this game would push TTG to be a better, more consumer aware developer are completely shot and I realize TTG is all about profit and making a name for themselves, and not for keeping and holding onto a dedicated consumer base.
I keep seeing quotes about "TTG isnt losing a customer of you never purchased a game before, so as long as you paid the season pass, they got their revenue"
A comment like that is about as insulting to a consumer as any statement can be. If TTG feels this way as well, then i will also reply with many comments about telling TTG to go "F themselves".
Working in the retail software industry has taught me many things, but always at the forefront is that the customer should be top priority. I have to wonder where the consumer falls in the TTG list. As profit seems to be at the top of that list, and the customer itself at the bottom (since they dont care of they gain or lose customers as long as they get people to purchase the games)
Lastly, this is not just me who is abandoning TTG after TWD is done with. Since i purchased the season pass for my girlfriend and another friend as well (75 bucks worth) and they are constantly asking me for updates and why the EP2 isnt out, etc.
I guess i had false hopes that TTG would actually want this to be a huge success, instead it has turned into the most negative publicity a company could ever want.
thats them lol
matul you seem to take everything personally don't you?
also the faq is changed to approximately monthly..
Rofl....this is probably some of the most downright blatent misleading crap I've read on this forum which clearly ignores fact and tries to twist was was clearly written in black and white
I can only laugh.
'That's them'???? I've missed them again then!!
I don't know if I take things personally, I'm sat here quite happy and content ten minutes before I hit the sack.
sounds painfull way to self pleasure...
so you knew what has happened in the past, you chose to spend 75 bucks, you chose to ignore the warning signs and yet you still spent the money ?
sorry dude but thats your own fault..
What you should of done is bought the game once then told your 'gf' and buddy about the game and let them play it with your account then ONCE the game was complete bought it for them at a reduced price and they wouldn't be busting you chops..
welcome to the forums
Cool deal.
It's not that someone wants to sue TTG. It's just that people are quick to sue or threaten a lawsuit when they don't get their way or want to make a quick buck.
That's the easy bit, it's applying the tiger balm/deep heat to the bruising that makes the eyes water.