Try this 1996 sunkist. Great year for orange soda.
Thanks, man! It's 90+ degrees outside and I just came home and turned on the AC. Now I can put my feet up, drink a cool classic glass of 96 Sunkist, and enjoy the American Dream.
thats funny john is your motto "I Believe in letting people voice their opinions just not yours"
I believe everyone should have the right to voice their opinions. I also believe that this forum was created to discuss the release date of episode 2. Most of the "NOOBS" such as myself probably found this forum by googling "episode 2 release dates for walking dead game", or something of that nature. When it takes you to this site most people probably invested a lot of time reading all of the past posts and saw what Mr. Milo had to say several times. AT THE END OF MAY when the episode was thought to come out. Now people that are new to the Forum would like to voice their opinions just like everyone else has done, just to get the same backlash from some GUY that wants to act like he is the king of the gamers. So, though I fully appreciate you defending your buddy. I do not understand why anyone would fight for an inconsiderate company such as TTG. I am still buying their old games and will buy their games in the future. But only once they have been fully released. This whole thing IS bad business! You cannot dispute it. So let the damn people voice their opinions. And of course, like me, sit back and read the wonderful conversation! Ta-Ta.
You know...the thing is that there are maybe a handful of people that are balanced in their view. People seem to be in the "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! HOW CAN THEY RUN A BUSINESS" camp, and the "WILL YOU CALM DOWN! THIS IS A GOOD COMPANY, BETTER THAN YOU" camp.
Let's do the zen thing for a moment and think about where these discussions have gotten us.
Friends, Floridians, COUNTRYMEN! Seriously...let's honor Rodney King's death and get along together!
Yelling pro TTG, Anti-TTG, Pro communication, anti-communication...this thread is really stressful. I mean if I was a bird, I'd probably start molting. I don't think I'd have any feathers left.
Let's just agree to disagree. Take a deep breath. Come on now, you can do it. Count to three if you need to. All of you.
We all want it.
Yes, Episode 2, think of it, hold it in your mind, those sweet sweet thoughts....
Oh there it is. Coming soon. Almost within your grasp. Patience. Patience...for all of us.
I hear people say that Telltale has a bad track record, and I get confused. I've been here since they released Sam and Max Season 3. I remember that being a monthly release. Same with Law and Order and BttF.
There may have been a delay here and there, but for the most part, monthly releases were the norm.
Occasional delays in episodic games are to be expected. It's the nature of the beast. And to be fair, delays are quite common even from big studios who don't release things like this.
What's unusual here is the lack of communication. We usually DO get updates. It kind of upsets me when I see people posting about Telltale's terrible track record which doesn't exist.
For those of you who are upset with those of us who are defending Telltale, why? Don't we have as much right to voice our opinions as the rest of you? When somebody is attacking my favorite company, I would feel the need to defend them, even if I completely understand the other person's point of view.
900 post or 4 post is irrelevant, everybody's has a right to voice concern and put their point across.
TTG are clearly prepared to ignore their customers call for an official explanation so that just leaves the fans of the game who all seem to be pro TTG to spit at each other like junk yard dogs. That's not acceptable, we should be discussing the virtues of the game but instead are left wondering and arguing about when the next episode is going to be released, coupled with hearsay and speculation about the delay.
If as some have said that TTG have a pattern of releasing the second episode approx 2 months after the first one then TTG should be happy to be up front and have said approximately in the beginning not to slyly change wording after the fact still with no explanation. Monthly means monthly, not check further to see if there is another obscure definition of the word monthly.
I bought my season on Steam before all of this delay non-sense knowing full well that it could be delayed. There comes a point where yes, the customer is entitled to an explanation, espcially when episode 2 is close to two months late.
A simple heads up saying "Just a FYI people we are running a bit late, episode 2 will be delayed x-amount-of-time due to x-problem. We will keep you informed if things change, thank you"
Personally that's all I would need and would probably calmdown 75% of the pissed off posters on this forum. I mean if you look at the TTG forums, this is the largest thread going and for all the wrong reasons and bad press.
Like i said earlier, they sold over 1,000,000 episodes/seasons of TWD in record time. Do you guys really think Jurassic Park or Back to the Future even came close to 1,000,000 episode sales if at all?
TWD and TTG is a massive cash cow and to be honest i am a little concerned with their lack of PR, and at this rate going forward a lot of people have enough reason to give bad word of mouth to sour the milk.
Milo and the rest of the fanboys can defend TTG and bash the haters all they want, at the end of the day it still says Monthly Episodic Releases on the Steam game page for TWD. Face it, people paid up and deserve atleast a heads up and for a large majority of purchasers to be irritated/pissed should be understandable.
what i feel people are misunderstanding when i post, is they assume 'because' i don't say things that have been said many a time before, even by me early in the same thread they think i don't know what people are doing and why...
this irks me somewhat..
to answer the question of typical date notifying it can be a week or a few days it does vary as in the case of bttf..
There are a lot of people in the world Milo and not all of them have the time to lurk on forums daily and are versed in flame warfare.
I'm not trying to be an ass, but I can see where the casual gamer can be very annoyed vocal in this instance, and it is very understandable. I like most people only come here once a week to see if there is any kind of official update and nothing... then I read a few pages on the forums, lol and shake my head.
Thats why I wrote last year at the Back to the Future Topic that I'll never buy a Telltale Game again until its finished.
Same shit with this game and the only one who repeats are some mods with have nothing to do with the development.
Don't complain if this isn't your first Telltale game. Nothing gonna change if enough gamers support those with their money.
I will wait maybe to 2013 to play that game, but nobody screws me.
You know...the thing is that there are maybe a handful of people that are balanced in their view. People seem to be in the "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! HOW CAN THEY RUN A BUSINESS" camp, and the "WILL YOU CALM DOWN! THIS IS A GOOD COMPANY, BETTER THAN YOU" camp.
Let's do the zen thing for a moment and think about where these discussions have gotten us.
Friends, Floridians, COUNTRYMEN! Seriously...let's honor Rodney King's death and get along together!
Yelling pro TTG, Anti-TTG, Pro communication, anti-communication...this thread is really stressful. I mean if I was a bird, I'd probably start molting. I don't think I'd have any feathers left.
Let's just agree to disagree. Take a deep breath. Come on now, you can do it. Count to three if you need to. All of you.
We all want it.
Yes, Episode 2, think of it, hold it in your mind, those sweet sweet thoughts....
Oh there it is. Coming soon. Almost within your grasp. Patience. Patience...for all of us.
There. Now don't you feel better?
And at the end of the Day, somehow counting actually does work..... Damnit, I was trying to be irate for once! LOL! Thanks Darth!
what i feel people are misunderstanding when i post is they assume because i don't say things that have been said many a time before even by me early in the same thread they think i don't know what people are doing and why...
this irks me somewhat..
thing is everyone bangs on about their opinion but oh no if someone (me) disagree's it's shun the non believer !!
maybe they are bit long lol
to answer the question of typical date notifying it can be a week or a few days it does vary as in the case of bttf..
thanks capn
No problem Milo i just thought it was interesting that someone would say "some of these people have been overly patient and want to voice there opinions. Let them do it without hearing yours!" Which sounds like they only care about opinions that don't conflict with their own.
Well, it's mostly NEW people stating their opinions. Maybe, maybe the tree house club K.I.Q.C.S. could take a little time out from this thread... what do you say, nine days? Just for a bit more peace and quiet?
Thats why I wrote last year at the Back to the Future Topic that I'll never buy a Telltale Game again until its finished.
Same shit with this game and the only one who repeats are some mods with have nothing to do with the development.
Don't complain if this isn't your first Telltale game. Nothing gonna change if enough gamers support those with their money.
I will wait maybe to 2013 to play that game, but nobody screws me.
BTTF didn't have a delay did it? That said, your strategy on their games is probably the best in scenarios like this. Certainly beats the crap we are going through right now.
There were two two month gaps in the BTTF release, but (a) it wasn't advertised as monthly, (b) the gap between episodes 1 and 2 was explicitly announced, (c) [and that's the part where it gets a bit sneaky ] the released schedule did in fact not give a month for the last episode.
Ok Vain I'll leave this thread for 9 whole days if you can make a thread that hasn't been done to death that we can discuss for 9 whole days
Boredom is about the worst feeling you can post with in this thread, don't you think? I mean, even anger is better! Maybe. Somehow. But I'll try and think of something.
Well, it's mostly NEW people stating their opinions. Maybe, maybe the tree house club K.I.Q.C.S. could take a little time out from this thread... what do you say, nine days? Just for a bit more peace and quiet?
been trying to do that this week.... i seem to have failed lol i'll make a new thread for me an capn to vent in is that ok ? called milo the anti christ?
but then some people got all personally bent out of shape because they disagree with me...i note these people have only commented on the bashing...then try and use that to argue i'm wrong...i say this PROVE IT...
i have my opinions as does capn which we may agree on (but thats nothing to do with our queen clem it's pure coincidence....)
Well, it's mostly NEW people stating their opinions. Maybe, maybe the tree house club K.I.Q.C.S. could take a little time out from this thread... what do you say, nine days? Just for a bit more peace and quiet?
I'm sorry but I gotta ask, what's this whole "K.I.Q.C.S" thing. I know it has something to do with "Queen Clementine" but ... I have no idea what it's supposed to be. I wasn't on the forums for a while so I either missed it or its a secret.
And at the end of the Day, somehow counting actually does work..... Damnit, I was trying to be irate for once! LOL! Thanks Darth!
Haha! Glad I could help.
Sadly...I don't think doing the counting thing works with women. I've tried that on my girlfriend. Her evil eye seemed to grow more and more homicidal until I just finally shut my mouth tight and ran. XD
I'm sorry but I gotta ask, what's this whole "K.I.Q.C.S" thing. I know it has something to do with "Queen Clementine" but ... I have no idea what it's supposed to be. I wasn't on the forums for a while so I either missed it or its a secret.
I can't take the magic out of it!!!
They're taking a shot at roleplay and made up a Clementine reverence cult. Not much more to it. That's normal here. I think.
So...... Any basketball fans out there??? As much as it pains me to say this, I am for Miami! It's probably because I have money on the game, but also OKC kicked my Spurs out of the running (I still think it was the crooked Refs). NBA has a bad habit of that.
Sadly...I don't think doing the counting thing works with women. I've tried that on my girlfriend. Her evil eye seemed to grow more and more homicidal until I just finally shut my mouth tight and ran. XD
That's hilarious! Yeah, I can only imagine what would happen if I tried that on my wife!
post in the oranges and lemons thread if you want to find out more
it helps if you love/like/care for clem in game
You know, I played it 3 different times with three different scenarios, and everytime I seem to want to save Clem. The fact that I think that way playing a fictional game makes me wonder! LOL!
post in the oranges and lemons thread if you want to find out more
it helps if you love/like/care for clem in game
I only played through once (because I forced 3 other people to play and watched while they did) BUT I protected Clem and was super nice to her the whole time... except the bathroom scene but there was no good way to play that
I'm a word of mouth guy. I've gotten two of my friends to play and they both are looking forward to the next episode. We were griping and they were complaining about having to wait the past week while I've been waiting two months. They then quieted and enjoyed the taste of foot in mouth.
Still, fine, I'm over it. What annoys me now is the lack of communication from the developers. No ETA, no we're sorry for the delay, nada. Now, please, if I've missed the above being posted somewhere by all means direct me to it and I'll enjoy the taste of my own foot.
This is, so far, a great game. If each episode is about the same length then the $25 price tag, in comparison to $70 for most games, is a good price. Please, just don't become a stereotypical developer that doesn't communicate with its customer base. On the flip side, don't rush a game out either when it needs more work. Just . . . communicate?
No, I don't expect a dev response or even read, but I felt like ranting. So there.
Edit 2:
Yeah, merged into a speculation of when the next episode MIGHT finally come out. Opinion of Telltale falling rapidly.
Fantacism would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous.
From Merriam-Webster:
Definition of FANATIC
: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>
Does anyone here really want to be one of those people because some of you sure come across that way. Telltale broke their end of a deal, a deal for which they authored the terms and haven't even had the decency to apologize or acknowledge it. I'm sorry, but that is indefensible to anyone but a fanatic.
Planned monthly..= no SET release date so therefore means they have not broken a law.
Nope. It was advertised as monthly delivery of new episodes. You are incorrect about no law being broken. In Missouri, the state I live, there are laws prohibiting electronic venders from not delivering an item as advertised. In states where no laws may have been broken, a contract was.
TTG have stated reasons in subtle ways, if you listen or read carefully..
The whole monthly release is now approximately monthly..
Here is the point I think you have missed. TTG has tried altering the agreement with it’s customers after the point of purchase. If a customer disagrees then they are bond to the original agreement since payment was rendered or they can offer a refund. I do not agree with the change in terms and I have requested a refund several times. I have gotten no response from them.
apples and oranges ? two fruits but are different in looks, taste and composition the fuck does that have to do with anything ?
You are showing a lack of common sense. You go to a lunch stand and order an apple because you have been hungry for on all morning. Instead of an apple they give you an orange. Are you are pleased with it, say “Thank you” and walk away completely content because they are both fruits or do you ask for the apple you had ordered? BTW, cursing only displays a lack of manners and gives the appearance that you are not intelligent enough to maintain a vocabulary appropriate for conversation.
something went wrong the certification was delayed for some reason..
Really? Where is your proof that this is the case? How are you certain that it simply was not TTG delaying the release until after it was reviewed by critics and E3, which their Facebook page would suggest?
accept the simple fact that is SHIT HAPPENS with episodic games, people bring out the torches and pitchforks if it's one day late now it's a month accept the fact that ttg are doing something different/new (choice system changes story) which means problems aren't always going to be easily fixed..
This seems to be a problem with TTG's production that does not alleviate them from their responsibilities to their customers. It would appear to be far more constructive and appropriate to launch a “season” with more than one episode completed so that there is leeway to fix problems or make alterations.
some complaints seem to be from people who misread stuff they see monthly and 'go yay monthly release, me buy NAO' and they don't bother to check further..
to me it is not ttg's fault if people FAIL to read the terms and conditions. which you have to click on to buy stuff so yes most people don't read them but sometimes you should.. especially for a pre order/ season pass.
I have read the TOS, heck I even have it printed out, and I don’t recall once reading that they can change the their agreement with the customer after purchase at their discretion (and if it did there is no court that would uphold it - just for reference a contract can not legally give one party unlimited presence over the other). There is however conditions in the terms of use that TTG has violated.
bottom line season pass is for the full set of episodes not how many you feel like playing regardless of delay/ time between you will get them and IF ttg can't deliver they will give money or a voucher of equivalent value...but only when they are sure of that... if the game is STILL IN development (another point people don't get) they can not guarrantee an exact date but they do when they are sure..
and don't go saying i don't understand or i miss stuff i don't i haven't i just have read it so often now it's obvious
You are absolutely correct, a season pass was for the full set of episodes. The part you are forgetting to mention is that those episodes were advertised to be released monthly (again the advertising has recently changed but I have screen caps of the original monthly release statement). TTG had a responsibility to deliver the game to it’s customers on time. With TTG’s advertising for this game, a customer may have purchased the game thinking that a month wait between episodes was within reason. However, TTG changed that. Now if a customer feels that several months is to much of a wait and diminishes the value of the game or it’s experience then they are most certainly entitled to their concerns being addressed. If the advertisement or TOS for the game had stated that episodes would be released as TTG got around to it I would not have purchased it, as I am sure that others would have waited too. As for the game being in development as an excuse, that does not alleviate their responsibility to notify their customers, which they have not.
If you have no problem with the way TTG has handled their customers and business, that is fine. I do have a problem with it though. And that is my right. It is also my right to express my aggravation and frustration over the matter. You however, do not have the right to tell anyone that their opinions or concerns do not matter because you THINK you understand what you have read. I could care less about whether you are tired of reading complaints or not. No one is forcing you to read anything. The forums were set up for all customers not just you and what you prefer to read or not read.
I am done with the topic and I am not going to argue or respond. I have stated my peace in this matter. I turned the situation over to the credit card company in which I used to purchase the title along with copies of all of the documentation. They investigated and refunded the amount minus the cost of one episode and moved the situation to their consumer fraud division to collect the refund from TTG. I am happy with the outcome of the situation but I am by no means happy with TTG as a company. Never would I consider ever purchasing another title from them or offering any of their titles a recommendation.
But what people really want then is anwserd or contact from the game devs why it is delayed
Agreed. Its what all of us want.
Wow this makes the game so much more exciting!
1 more to go!
Thanks, man! It's 90+ degrees outside and I just came home and turned on the AC. Now I can put my feet up, drink a cool classic glass of 96 Sunkist, and enjoy the American Dream.
I believe everyone should have the right to voice their opinions. I also believe that this forum was created to discuss the release date of episode 2. Most of the "NOOBS" such as myself probably found this forum by googling "episode 2 release dates for walking dead game", or something of that nature. When it takes you to this site most people probably invested a lot of time reading all of the past posts and saw what Mr. Milo had to say several times. AT THE END OF MAY when the episode was thought to come out. Now people that are new to the Forum would like to voice their opinions just like everyone else has done, just to get the same backlash from some GUY that wants to act like he is the king of the gamers. So, though I fully appreciate you defending your buddy. I do not understand why anyone would fight for an inconsiderate company such as TTG. I am still buying their old games and will buy their games in the future. But only once they have been fully released. This whole thing IS bad business! You cannot dispute it. So let the damn people voice their opinions. And of course, like me, sit back and read the wonderful conversation! Ta-Ta.
You know...the thing is that there are maybe a handful of people that are balanced in their view. People seem to be in the "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! HOW CAN THEY RUN A BUSINESS" camp, and the "WILL YOU CALM DOWN! THIS IS A GOOD COMPANY, BETTER THAN YOU" camp.
Let's do the zen thing for a moment and think about where these discussions have gotten us.
(I'm meditating)
Oh right! Nowhere.
Friends, Floridians, COUNTRYMEN! Seriously...let's honor Rodney King's death and get along together!
Yelling pro TTG, Anti-TTG, Pro communication, anti-communication...this thread is really stressful. I mean if I was a bird, I'd probably start molting. I don't think I'd have any feathers left.
Let's just agree to disagree. Take a deep breath. Come on now, you can do it. Count to three if you need to. All of you.
We all want it.
Yes, Episode 2, think of it, hold it in your mind, those sweet sweet thoughts....
Oh there it is. Coming soon. Almost within your grasp. Patience. Patience...for all of us.
There. Now don't you feel better?
Couldn't agree with you more.
I bought my season on Steam before all of this delay non-sense knowing full well that it could be delayed. There comes a point where yes, the customer is entitled to an explanation, espcially when episode 2 is close to two months late.
A simple heads up saying "Just a FYI people we are running a bit late, episode 2 will be delayed x-amount-of-time due to x-problem. We will keep you informed if things change, thank you"
Personally that's all I would need and would probably calmdown 75% of the pissed off posters on this forum. I mean if you look at the TTG forums, this is the largest thread going and for all the wrong reasons and bad press.
Like i said earlier, they sold over 1,000,000 episodes/seasons of TWD in record time. Do you guys really think Jurassic Park or Back to the Future even came close to 1,000,000 episode sales if at all?
TWD and TTG is a massive cash cow and to be honest i am a little concerned with their lack of PR, and at this rate going forward a lot of people have enough reason to give bad word of mouth to sour the milk.
Milo and the rest of the fanboys can defend TTG and bash the haters all they want, at the end of the day it still says Monthly Episodic Releases on the Steam game page for TWD. Face it, people paid up and deserve atleast a heads up and for a large majority of purchasers to be irritated/pissed should be understandable.
That is all, carry on.
this irks me somewhat..
to answer the question of typical date notifying it can be a week or a few days it does vary as in the case of bttf..
thanks capn
I'm not trying to be an ass, but I can see where the casual gamer can be very annoyed vocal in this instance, and it is very understandable. I like most people only come here once a week to see if there is any kind of official update and nothing... then I read a few pages on the forums, lol and shake my head.
Same shit with this game and the only one who repeats are some mods with have nothing to do with the development.
Don't complain if this isn't your first Telltale game. Nothing gonna change if enough gamers support those with their money.
I will wait maybe to 2013 to play that game, but nobody screws me.
And at the end of the Day, somehow counting actually does work..... Damnit, I was trying to be irate for once! LOL! Thanks Darth!
No problem Milo i just thought it was interesting that someone would say "some of these people have been overly patient and want to voice there opinions. Let them do it without hearing yours!" Which sounds like they only care about opinions that don't conflict with their own.
BTTF didn't have a delay did it? That said, your strategy on their games is probably the best in scenarios like this. Certainly beats the crap we are going through right now.
Technically, no.
There were two two month gaps in the BTTF release, but (a) it wasn't advertised as monthly, (b) the gap between episodes 1 and 2 was explicitly announced, (c) [and that's the part where it gets a bit sneaky
Boredom is about the worst feeling you can post with in this thread, don't you think? I mean, even anger is better! Maybe. Somehow. But I'll try and think of something.
been trying to do that this week.... i seem to have failed lol
but then some people got all personally bent out of shape because they disagree with me...i note these people have only commented on the bashing...then try and use that to argue i'm wrong...i say this PROVE IT...
i have my opinions as does capn which we may agree on (but thats nothing to do with our queen clem it's pure coincidence....)
I'm sorry but I gotta ask, what's this whole "K.I.Q.C.S" thing. I know it has something to do with "Queen Clementine" but ... I have no idea what it's supposed to be. I wasn't on the forums for a while so I either missed it or its a secret.
Haha! Glad I could help.
Sadly...I don't think doing the counting thing works with women. I've tried that on my girlfriend. Her evil eye seemed to grow more and more homicidal until I just finally shut my mouth tight and ran. XD
I can't take the magic out of it!!!
Oh haha, thanks for clearing that up. I thought there was some big conspiracy and I wanted in on it. xD
That's hilarious! Yeah, I can only imagine what would happen if I tried that on my wife!
post in the oranges and lemons thread if you want to find out more
it helps if you love/like/care for clem in game
You know, I played it 3 different times with three different scenarios, and everytime I seem to want to save Clem. The fact that I think that way playing a fictional game makes me wonder! LOL!
we gotta keep the duck club under control before they kill us all...
Who talked?!
Still, fine, I'm over it. What annoys me now is the lack of communication from the developers. No ETA, no we're sorry for the delay, nada. Now, please, if I've missed the above being posted somewhere by all means direct me to it and I'll enjoy the taste of my own foot.
This is, so far, a great game. If each episode is about the same length then the $25 price tag, in comparison to $70 for most games, is a good price. Please, just don't become a stereotypical developer that doesn't communicate with its customer base. On the flip side, don't rush a game out either when it needs more work. Just . . . communicate?
No, I don't expect a dev response or even read, but I felt like ranting. So there.
Edit 2:
Yeah, merged into a speculation of when the next episode MIGHT finally come out. Opinion of Telltale falling rapidly.
From Merriam-Webster:
Definition of FANATIC
: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>
Does anyone here really want to be one of those people because some of you sure come across that way. Telltale broke their end of a deal, a deal for which they authored the terms and haven't even had the decency to apologize or acknowledge it. I'm sorry, but that is indefensible to anyone but a fanatic.
Nope. It was advertised as monthly delivery of new episodes. You are incorrect about no law being broken. In Missouri, the state I live, there are laws prohibiting electronic venders from not delivering an item as advertised. In states where no laws may have been broken, a contract was.
Here is the point I think you have missed. TTG has tried altering the agreement with it’s customers after the point of purchase. If a customer disagrees then they are bond to the original agreement since payment was rendered or they can offer a refund. I do not agree with the change in terms and I have requested a refund several times. I have gotten no response from them.
You are showing a lack of common sense. You go to a lunch stand and order an apple because you have been hungry for on all morning. Instead of an apple they give you an orange. Are you are pleased with it, say “Thank you” and walk away completely content because they are both fruits or do you ask for the apple you had ordered? BTW, cursing only displays a lack of manners and gives the appearance that you are not intelligent enough to maintain a vocabulary appropriate for conversation.
Really? Where is your proof that this is the case? How are you certain that it simply was not TTG delaying the release until after it was reviewed by critics and E3, which their Facebook page would suggest?
This seems to be a problem with TTG's production that does not alleviate them from their responsibilities to their customers. It would appear to be far more constructive and appropriate to launch a “season” with more than one episode completed so that there is leeway to fix problems or make alterations.
I have read the TOS, heck I even have it printed out, and I don’t recall once reading that they can change the their agreement with the customer after purchase at their discretion (and if it did there is no court that would uphold it - just for reference a contract can not legally give one party unlimited presence over the other). There is however conditions in the terms of use that TTG has violated.
You are absolutely correct, a season pass was for the full set of episodes. The part you are forgetting to mention is that those episodes were advertised to be released monthly (again the advertising has recently changed but I have screen caps of the original monthly release statement). TTG had a responsibility to deliver the game to it’s customers on time. With TTG’s advertising for this game, a customer may have purchased the game thinking that a month wait between episodes was within reason. However, TTG changed that. Now if a customer feels that several months is to much of a wait and diminishes the value of the game or it’s experience then they are most certainly entitled to their concerns being addressed. If the advertisement or TOS for the game had stated that episodes would be released as TTG got around to it I would not have purchased it, as I am sure that others would have waited too. As for the game being in development as an excuse, that does not alleviate their responsibility to notify their customers, which they have not.
If you have no problem with the way TTG has handled their customers and business, that is fine. I do have a problem with it though. And that is my right. It is also my right to express my aggravation and frustration over the matter. You however, do not have the right to tell anyone that their opinions or concerns do not matter because you THINK you understand what you have read. I could care less about whether you are tired of reading complaints or not. No one is forcing you to read anything. The forums were set up for all customers not just you and what you prefer to read or not read.
I am done with the topic and I am not going to argue or respond. I have stated my peace in this matter. I turned the situation over to the credit card company in which I used to purchase the title along with copies of all of the documentation. They investigated and refunded the amount minus the cost of one episode and moved the situation to their consumer fraud division to collect the refund from TTG. I am happy with the outcome of the situation but I am by no means happy with TTG as a company. Never would I consider ever purchasing another title from them or offering any of their titles a recommendation.