I'm a word of mouth guy. I've gotten two of my friends to play and they both are looking forward to the next episode. We were griping and they were complaining about having to wait the past week while I've been waiting two months. They then quieted and enjoyed the taste of foot in mouth.
Still, fine, I'm over it. What annoys me now is the lack of communication from the developers. No ETA, no we're sorry for the delay, nada. Now, please, if I've missed the above being posted somewhere by all means direct me to it and I'll enjoy the taste of my own foot.
This is, so far, a great game. If each episode is about the same length then the $25 price tag, in comparison to $70 for most games, is a good price. Please, just don't become a stereotypical developer that doesn't communicate with its customer base. On the flip side, don't rush a game out either when it needs more work. Just . . . communicate?
No, I don't expect a dev response or even read, but I felt like ranting. So there.
Edit 2:
Yeah, merged into a speculation of when the next episode MIGHT finally come out. Opinion of Telltale falling rapidly.
They did in fact give an ETA...they were hoping for late June. They said so at E3. The rest I can certainly find no fault in, except that you have only been waiting a month from the date that it was supposed to come out.
Thanks for that post, dirtynouveau....he thinks im crazy too
I don't think you're crazy, I just think you are just repeating yourself over and over, LIKE a crazy person. Or in other words, like Flash-900. But do think you are crazy? No. But you are close to one.
i kind of did expect episode 2 and 3 to be released before summers end but ill just leave it alone and see what the next game they will be doing like kings quest.
I think the issue here is if episode 5 had the delay rather than episode 2, no one would be this upset. See if there is one delay here and the rest are monthly, then in the long run would anyone here care? Would they still look back at this as a bad experience with Telltale? I think they will forget about it and move on.
I don't think you're crazy, I just think you are just repeating yourself over and over, LIKE a crazy person. Or in other words, like Flash-900. But do think you are crazy? No. But you are close to one.
Well, thank you for clarifying that for me, eblocksonian. Now I can finally get on with my life until episode 2 comes out!
Are people STILL defending TTg? Seriously? Lol. DO SOMETHING ELSE UNTIL ITS RELEASED.
Hmmm...didn't really defend ttg now did I...nice try though...but hey. If you guys wanna come here everyday to whine that's cool. You know because this is the only game that is ever gonna come out ever again amiright?
Hmmm...didn't really defend ttg now did I...nice try though...but hey. If you guys wanna come here everyday to whine that's cool. You know because this is the only game that is ever gonna come out ever again amiright?
I wonder will this thread make it to 100 pages before the release date of Episode 2 as a commemoration to Robert Kirkman's critically acclaimed Comic series 100th issue Just finished reading issue 99 and Holy Shit!!:eek::eek: If there is anyone who has not read the comics and really likes the story told in The Walking Dead Game or TV Show, it's a must read!!!:):):)
Hmmm...didn't really defend ttg now did I...nice try though...but hey. If you guys wanna come here everyday to whine that's cool. You know because this is the only game that is ever gonna come out ever again amiright?
If trying to annoy (to say the least) people who don't "deal with it" isn't defending idk what is. What's your personal gain if people don't complain?
Anyone care to speculate on why TellTaleGames has missed the 1 month self imposed deadline on the second episode release.
Some things I have seen online range from they wanted to have more attention at E3 2012 to the game did not pass the certification test from Sony or Microsoft.
Personally I'm starting to think they pulled most of their programmer resources off the episode 2 creation and decided to make episode 1 available for The iPad iOS sooner. I saw an article online where someone at the E3 said "We were also given a chance to try the iOS version of the game, which is coming soon"
I'm not sure but I thought BTTF and Jurassic Park were available on iOS much later after they were released for the PC, XBOX, and PS3....
It would not surprise me one bit to see the iOS episode 1 out before episode 2 shows up for the PC, XBOX, or PS3.
Since there was so much interest with over 1,000,000 purchases who most likely paid for all the episodes up front (season pass) why not focus on a different platform and tap in to more profits??? They already have their money from everyone who bought the season pass. TTG is not going to see much rise in profits from the ep 2 release, 3 release, 4 release, and so on. Everyone's already paid for it. Making the existing game available to more customers would line their pockets more.
I hope to goodness I'm wrong. Like I said its only theory. I'd like to see what others thing is going on.
It's an interesting question, I'm really intrigued as to what happened. I can't believe that they would have released Episode 1 if Episode 2 was not at least 90% finished.
Your supposition seems more believable than the 'they found a bug' 'they are making it longer' arguments.
I do hope this thread doesn't turn into a big it's delay or it wasn't delayed argument. It would be nice to actually discuss the possible reasons behind it.
I don't really know how a relatively small company like TTG operates, but they've obviously realised they are onto a real money spinner here.
Could it have been delayed in order to potentially make more money by showing episode 2 at E3, or
was preparation for E3 the reason behind the delay?
It's an interesting question, I'm really intrigued as to what happened. I can't believe that they would have released Episode 1 if Episode 2 was not at least 90% finished.
Your supposition seems more believable than the 'they found a bug' 'they are making it longer' arguments.
I do hope this thread doesn't turn into a big it's delay or it wasn't delayed argument. It would be nice to actually discuss the possible reasons behind it.
I don't really know how a relatively small company like TTG operates, but they've obviously realised they are onto a real money spinner here.
Yea I was just hoping folks would post some theories on what the hold up is. Like I said I would not be one bit surprised to see The Walking Dead episode 1 show up on ITunes before episode 2 shows up on the PC, XBOX or, PS3. If I was a exec and saw the large numbers of folks who went all in and bought the season pass why not delay episode 2 and try to spread episode 1 to more platforms so the entire audience can be reached.
It gives them money up front and first instead of producing the game then making it iOS ready later.
I see your thread got moved cisco...guess the mods didn't like it.
Yea I completly disagree. I was not looking for information on the release date. Only theories why ep 2 would be delayed. I asked that it would be moved back in the main forum.
When the poll first came out I remember thinking to myself HA!! when hell freezes over that is hilarious!!!.....now I'm just depressed.I understand that bugs/delays happen, but seriously how hard is it to release some kind of media explaining whats going on and how hard and diligent they are working (even if they are just sitting around doing nothing) Not trying to be a troll and hate, but keeping everyone in the dark is hurting more than helping at this point. And no i am not going to boycott the game or never buy a TT game ever again....I now have the hard time trying to remember what the hell I did in my previous saved games lol!
Yea I completly disagree. I was not looking for information on the release date. Only theories why ep 2 would be delayed. I asked that it would be moved back in the main forum.
Yup, I moved it. I apologize, but it was necessary. Because the last thing we need is one thread with speculations about WHY the release was delayed and another about THAT the release was delayed. Same thing in my book, sorry.
As you can see elsewhere in this forum, the release date discussion is not solitary topic confinement or anything. Still, the purpose of this forum is to discuss the GAME. If you want to talk about the delay, do it in here and yes, new threads will be merged with this one.
I understand why those new threads keep turning up as July draws to a close, but there really is no other way. Dozens of threads that keep discussing the same thing, that would spoil the fun for others and we're trying to avoid this.
Yup, I moved it. I apologize, but it was necessary. Because the last thing we need is one thread with speculations about WHY the release was delayed and another about THAT the release was delayed. Same thing in my book, sorry.
As you can see elsewhere in this forum, the release date discussion is not solitary topic confinement or anything. Still, the purpose of this forum is to discuss the GAME. If you want to talk about the delay, do it in here and yes, new threads will be merged with this one.
I understand why those new threads keep turning up as July draws to a close, but there really is no other way. Dozens of threads that keep discussing the same thing, that would spoil the fun for others and we're trying to avoid this.
Feel free to discuss here nonetheless.
Wow the Bill of Rights must must carry the weight of a feather in this forum.....
I feel I am being silenced because it is a inconvience for you. Sir I disagree with your reasons for moving my thread. It was not intended to cause a fight or make fun of anyone or anything. There was no swearing or mean language of any kind. I just don't think that it should be moved because you don't think it's the right topic. I have been watching. I have seen threads that say where is the game blah blah this. But I have not seen anyone intelligently discuss theories why the game might be delayed only screaming. I wanted to stay out of this merged thread to avoid the screaming and off topic discussion.
I feel like I'm 10 years old again and I just got scammed on runescape and I message the person but they don't reply. Yup you just gotta realize it and move on. Well let's go everyone I hear Peter porkers pizza palace is having a special pork tastic half off prize day.
I feel I am being silenced because it is a inconvience for you. Sir I disagree with your reasons for moving my thread. It was not intended to cause a fight or make fun of anyone or anything. There was no swearing or mean language of any kind. I just don't think that it should be moved because you don't think it's the right topic. I have been watching. I have seen threads that say where is the game blah blah this. But I have not seen anyone intelligently discuss theories why the game might be delayed only screaming. I wanted to stay out of this merged thread to avoid the screaming and off topic discussion.
I understand that - if only in light of that last thread I merged with this one.
And the only thing I can offer is: I'll discuss this with you. Intelligently on my side hopefully. Here (yet not now! ). Around the screaming and off topic discussion with an effort of course, but I am unfortunately very sure that the same plagues would have been invading your single thread with the topic instantly.
I'd like to hear those theories. Not getting any official word from Telltale here, so naturally everyone MUST be starting to form their own conclusions. Just sayin' is all.
I personally think that the telltale office has been the first area to be infected with the zombie plague. It's the only real logical conclusion *nod nod*
My theory. TTG is suffering unforseen difficulties which is at the same time, both there fault and also completely out of there hands, but they are doing there best to rectify the situation.
The forum will dissolve into factions, the treehouse club will be one, the others will follow shortly, the mods will roam the barran wastelands trying to keep as much peace as is left.
The war will start, no one will remember who started it, or why they are fighting, but they continue to fight regardless.
Episode 2 will be released at the end of june.
Some bright spark will start a poll asking people to vote, a guessing game for example, on when episode 3 will be released.
The great war a distant memory in our minds, the fallen forgotten, someone will throw the first stone and we will go through all of this again.
Most people here just come to the site daily in the HOPES that something after May 22 will be posted on the site. Since nothing is posted, they wander to the forum, HOPING AGAIN that someone will have any information directly from TTG about what is going on.
If you actually think the "late june" release is on target, i think you will have a rude awakening. TTG obviously knows people are upset (if they dont, then they are completely full of themselves and just dont care to hear all the complaints), with that knowledge, you would assume when they were ready to release, they would pump themselves up with huge announcements about it being here and better than ever.....
But all we hear is crickets chirping.
Looks like July to me at the earliest. If they release 2 with no explanation or update or anything i will be shocked.
My theory as to the late release is that they ran into a major hurdle. That hurdle being that everyone has probably played through EP 1 a few times with different outcomes.
Which save game is EP 2 going to pull from. If you have played all of the previous TTG games, each episode was stand alone. This is the first one where choices change your story, so EP 2 has to somehow look at your previous saves and determine where to go from there. I bet they thought they knew how they would do it, until they ran into the multiple save game situation. What if they determine your latest save is the starting point, yet that isnt the story line you wanted to follow.
That is my theory. SInce the last i heard from them was that were evaluating all the choices of people using the data collected online and using it to mold ep 2. To me, that sounds like they didnt have most of ep 2 done from the get go and had to write the entire script dependant on that collected data. Or at least change parts of the story and script.
Well this silence is doing more harm than good. Every day I check facebook and this forum and see more and more people complaining about lack of info and a delayed release. I know they have a good track record of keeping customers informed. The sad thing is that these new customers will go away thinking that TTG doesn't care and spread bad word.
That sounds more like PSN's fuck up...since TTG never gave a date on their site.
It's not about the game or a lack of anything better to do.
It's that when we paid, we paid on the agreement that episodes would be released monthly. Telltale told us monthly.
People are pissed not just because they are anxious to play the game but because Telltale has not held up their end of the bargain.
Further more they have failed to communicate why they are unable to deliver.
So naturally, I think it's safe to assume that people are feeling mislead and disrespected as a customer.
If this is not simple enough for you to understand, it's time to stop posting.
Right?? People are nuts.
Wow! I hadn't even thought of doing something else until its release, thanks for opening my eyes to a world of possibilities.
I'll fix that for you.
Well, thank you for clarifying that for me, eblocksonian. Now I can finally get on with my life until episode 2 comes out!
Complaining about the complaining is not a defense of TTG, just pointing that out. And welcome back omega.
Hmmm...didn't really defend ttg now did I...nice try though...but hey. If you guys wanna come here everyday to whine that's cool. You know because this is the only game that is ever gonna come out ever again amiright?
Even though I do not agree with your false prophet like some of my other brethren I thank you nonetheless my friend
Here's to an awesome year of TWD!!!
If trying to annoy (to say the least) people who don't "deal with it" isn't defending idk what is. What's your personal gain if people don't complain?
Some things I have seen online range from they wanted to have more attention at E3 2012 to the game did not pass the certification test from Sony or Microsoft.
Personally I'm starting to think they pulled most of their programmer resources off the episode 2 creation and decided to make episode 1 available for The iPad iOS sooner. I saw an article online where someone at the E3 said "We were also given a chance to try the iOS version of the game, which is coming soon"
I'm not sure but I thought BTTF and Jurassic Park were available on iOS much later after they were released for the PC, XBOX, and PS3....
It would not surprise me one bit to see the iOS episode 1 out before episode 2 shows up for the PC, XBOX, or PS3.
Since there was so much interest with over 1,000,000 purchases who most likely paid for all the episodes up front (season pass) why not focus on a different platform and tap in to more profits??? They already have their money from everyone who bought the season pass. TTG is not going to see much rise in profits from the ep 2 release, 3 release, 4 release, and so on. Everyone's already paid for it. Making the existing game available to more customers would line their pockets more.
I hope to goodness I'm wrong. Like I said its only theory. I'd like to see what others thing is going on.
Your supposition seems more believable than the 'they found a bug' 'they are making it longer' arguments.
I do hope this thread doesn't turn into a big it's delay or it wasn't delayed argument. It would be nice to actually discuss the possible reasons behind it.
I don't really know how a relatively small company like TTG operates, but they've obviously realised they are onto a real money spinner here.
Could it have been delayed in order to potentially make more money by showing episode 2 at E3, or
was preparation for E3 the reason behind the delay?
Yea I was just hoping folks would post some theories on what the hold up is. Like I said I would not be one bit surprised to see The Walking Dead episode 1 show up on ITunes before episode 2 shows up on the PC, XBOX or, PS3. If I was a exec and saw the large numbers of folks who went all in and bought the season pass why not delay episode 2 and try to spread episode 1 to more platforms so the entire audience can be reached.
It gives them money up front and first instead of producing the game then making it iOS ready later.
Peace and quiet?
Yea I completly disagree. I was not looking for information on the release date. Only theories why ep 2 would be delayed. I asked that it would be moved back in the main forum.
Yup, I moved it. I apologize, but it was necessary. Because the last thing we need is one thread with speculations about WHY the release was delayed and another about THAT the release was delayed. Same thing in my book, sorry.
As you can see elsewhere in this forum, the release date discussion is not solitary topic confinement or anything. Still, the purpose of this forum is to discuss the GAME. If you want to talk about the delay, do it in here and yes, new threads will be merged with this one.
I understand why those new threads keep turning up as July draws to a close, but there really is no other way. Dozens of threads that keep discussing the same thing, that would spoil the fun for others and we're trying to avoid this.
Feel free to discuss here nonetheless.
And wouldn't quiet defeat the purpose of a forum?
Wow the Bill of Rights must must carry the weight of a feather in this forum.....
I feel I am being silenced because it is a inconvience for you. Sir I disagree with your reasons for moving my thread. It was not intended to cause a fight or make fun of anyone or anything. There was no swearing or mean language of any kind. I just don't think that it should be moved because you don't think it's the right topic. I have been watching. I have seen threads that say where is the game blah blah this. But I have not seen anyone intelligently discuss theories why the game might be delayed only screaming. I wanted to stay out of this merged thread to avoid the screaming and off topic discussion.
I understand that - if only in light of that last thread I merged with this one.
And the only thing I can offer is: I'll discuss this with you. Intelligently on my side hopefully. Here (yet not now!
I personally think that the telltale office has been the first area to be infected with the zombie plague. It's the only real logical conclusion *nod nod*
The forum will dissolve into factions, the treehouse club will be one, the others will follow shortly, the mods will roam the barran wastelands trying to keep as much peace as is left.
The war will start, no one will remember who started it, or why they are fighting, but they continue to fight regardless.
Episode 2 will be released at the end of june.
Some bright spark will start a poll asking people to vote, a guessing game for example, on when episode 3 will be released.
The great war a distant memory in our minds, the fallen forgotten, someone will throw the first stone and we will go through all of this again.
If you actually think the "late june" release is on target, i think you will have a rude awakening. TTG obviously knows people are upset (if they dont, then they are completely full of themselves and just dont care to hear all the complaints), with that knowledge, you would assume when they were ready to release, they would pump themselves up with huge announcements about it being here and better than ever.....
But all we hear is crickets chirping.
Looks like July to me at the earliest. If they release 2 with no explanation or update or anything i will be shocked.
Which save game is EP 2 going to pull from. If you have played all of the previous TTG games, each episode was stand alone. This is the first one where choices change your story, so EP 2 has to somehow look at your previous saves and determine where to go from there. I bet they thought they knew how they would do it, until they ran into the multiple save game situation. What if they determine your latest save is the starting point, yet that isnt the story line you wanted to follow.
That is my theory. SInce the last i heard from them was that were evaluating all the choices of people using the data collected online and using it to mold ep 2. To me, that sounds like they didnt have most of ep 2 done from the get go and had to write the entire script dependant on that collected data. Or at least change parts of the story and script.