Based on the first episode of the walking dead I would have been a life long customer as well. As I said before was going to buy Jurassic Park, bttf and monkey island if episode 2 was as good as episode 1. But hey at least I know what kind of company I was planning on supporting and I'm incredibly happy that I decided to hold off, because Fuck Telltale, I won't give them another cent. And if TWD episode 2 isn't out by the end of this week I'm out for it too. Probably already am.
I won't request a refund because I loved ep 1, and will eventually play them when they are out, but I doubt I will purchase a season pass again. Why call it a season pass? At this rate ep 5 will be out by December. Maybe call it a yearly pass?
i won't request a refund because i loved ep 1, and will eventually play them when they are out, but i doubt i will purchase a season pass again. Why call it a season pass? At this rate ep 5 will be out by december. Maybe call it a yearly pass?
Did they give any reasoning for why they refused to refund it?
It was not their policy to give a refund on this particular item, or something like that. My brother told me so its just word of mouth but I did test it by emailing them about a refund and just got no reply, lol
Monkey Island ROCKS! I've been a fan of TTG since the beginning. Actually before they even formed. They've made some great games. But with many of those games I waited until all the episodes were out to purchase the game, after patches and such were done too. This created a much smoother experience for me. In general I don't like waited for a completed product, but with TWD I preordered for a chance to win in the contest. Shouldn't have. Now I'm in agony waited for the game. At this rate it will be next year before Episode 5 comes out, which just sucks. But I still recommend getting Monkey games(The old ones too, best series. esp Curse)
Anyone think that maybe they got a little in over their heads and that the inevitable 'we fucked up, here is your money back' is next? (as in they just simply can not finish the set of 5 episodes) knowing my luck they will just give us a free game they already completed that I could care less about like that Sam and Max everyone likes. I only picked this up and bttf because I am huge fans of both. Not interested in their other titles.
Anyone think that maybe they got a little in over their heads and that the inevitable 'we fucked up, here is your money back' is next? (as in they just simply can not finish the set of 5 episodes) knowing my luck they will just give us a free game they already completed that I could care less about like that Sam and Max everyone likes. I only picked this up and bttf because I am huge fans of both. Not interested in their other titles.
O man, dont even say that!! Kirkman will shit eggrolls!!
Being *snip* doesn't help anyone and is just more annoying than anything else.
Being annoying towards TTG is probably his main intention, and that's one way for people to let off steam, so it does at least help him if no one else.
Though I haven't commented much in this thread, I've followed it closely for it's whole duration (and the previous thread as well), and I do think there'll be one bright side in the game not releasing today/this week if it really doesn't get released:
It'll at least be a slap in the face to those self-righteous and rude among the community members who kept telling off the distraught and admittedly often rather immature (which doesn't justify the aforementioned's behavior) people bringing up more or less rightful complaints about the game's original delay by referring to the fact TTG tends to have a 2 months gap between the first two episodes of each game. This isn't directed towards everyone taking TTG's side, but skim back through the thread and you'll see which people I mean.
And a message to the persons in question: you lowered yourself to the level of those most ignorant among the complainers, leaning on a fact which has proven to be incoherent and false. Nice job. I hope I never get to know any of you.
Wow I thought this game was 18+ yet there's so many children in this forum. Admittedly Telltale's lack of communication is a shame, when episodes have been delayed in the past I dont remember it being this bad. The game isnt finished until all 5episodes are out, making a game isnt as straightforward as releasing one every 4 weeks. Wait til the end of the year when the game is finished, the season pass is just a preorder
Wow I thought this game was 18+ yet there's so many children in this forum. Admittedly Telltale's lack of communication is a shame, when episodes have been delayed in the past I dont remember it being this bad. The game isnt finished until all 5episodes are out, making a game isnt as straightforward as releasing one every 4 weeks. Wait til the end of the year when the game is finished, the season pass is just a preorder
The reason was because the game was advertised monthly. There has been no communication and now we are officially two months from the first episode and TT can't give anyone any concrete information.
I was reading through the thread, and noticed another member had mentioned a pretty interesting idea. Thought I'd re-share their idea, they thought it would be a good idea to offer a couple of the Sam and Max episodes during this "delay". I actually thought it was a FANTASTIC idea .
Now, the best thing to do in this situations is either resolve the problem with dissatisfied customers or compensate them in some way, shape, or form.
The reason this idea struck me as a great one, wasn't just because free episodes of Sam and Max, it's sort of like a sorry card from TellTale.
I think this would at least help TT save face, and it isn't actually all that bad of an idea for business. In fact let's say they did give away 2 free episodes of Sam and Max to each Season pass customer...not only does it sort of feel like receiving a sorry card, it's kind of a way to patch things up until episode 2 of TWD is released. This may also spur the customers who thought of giving up on TT because of the huge delay to stay on board with TellTale; in turn possibly producing more customer for TT ( by turning them into Sam and Max fans). Just a thought.
If you think the forum hate is bad, go to the telltale facebook page.
Holy chicken, just visited their facebook a lot of unhappy customers there. Only positive thing to come out of all this is when telltale finally review their own part in this they will have to come to the conclusion that their PR and communication with customers needs to improve.
This line from their facebook made my day:
“The Walking Dead: Episode 2: Starved for Information”
Btw.. When someone gets banned from this forum does that also affect your ability to play your purchased games?? I am asking because it seems like mods are now banning more and more people like the guy who just posted that twitter link.
Wow I thought this game was 18+ yet there's so many children in this forum. Admittedly Telltale's lack of communication is a shame, when episodes have been delayed in the past I dont remember it being this bad. The game isnt finished until all 5episodes are out, making a game isnt as straightforward as releasing one every 4 weeks. Wait til the end of the year when the game is finished, the season pass is just a preorder
Certainly wasn't Marketed as a "Preorder" Just sayin';)
Being annoying towards TTG is probably his main intention, and that's one way for people to let off steam, so it does at least help him if no one else.
Though I haven't commented much in this thread, I've followed it closely for it's whole duration (and the previous thread as well), and I do think there'll be one bright side in the game not releasing today/this week if it really doesn't get released:
It'll at least be a slap in the face to those self-righteous and rude among the community members who kept telling off the distraught and admittedly often rather immature (which doesn't justify the aforementioned's behavior) people bringing up more or less rightful complaints about the game's original delay by referring to the fact TTG tends to have a 2 months gap between the first two episodes of each game. This isn't directed towards everyone taking TTG's side, but skim back through the thread and you'll see which people I mean.
And a message to the persons in question: you lowered yourself to the level of those most ignorant among the complainers, leaning on a fact which has proven to be incoherent and false. Nice job. I hope I never get to know any of you.
I forgot about those no-it-alls, calling people idiots because telltale usually has a month break and it will def come ou the next month lol wonder what happened to them.
If people need something new to obsesses about for a while, go try participating in the Woot-Off that's going on. It's all the impulsiveness and indulgence you could ask for.
Agreed! And Vein will be creeping up on you if you continue to try to rile people up more than they already are.
Im not being an asshole im pissed of not being told when i get the thing i payed for.
It was not their policy to give a refund on this particular item, or something like that. My brother told me so its just word of mouth but I did test it by emailing them about a refund and just got no reply, lol
Ok, Go get 'em Vein!
This WHOLE topic is ONLY serving the purpose of riling people up! A release date thread for a game more than a month behind schedule....
The situation may be grim but are personal insults really called for? thats all i was talking about.
Seriously..out loud!!
Ouch! Sorry Vain! LOL. My bad!
(Several unnecessary text styles later)
O man, dont even say that!! Kirkman will shit eggrolls!!
Didn't say to pitch fork anyone either, but the angry villagers need supplies
Being annoying towards TTG is probably his main intention, and that's one way for people to let off steam, so it does at least help him if no one else.
Though I haven't commented much in this thread, I've followed it closely for it's whole duration (and the previous thread as well), and I do think there'll be one bright side in the game not releasing today/this week if it really doesn't get released:
It'll at least be a slap in the face to those self-righteous and rude among the community members who kept telling off the distraught and admittedly often rather immature (which doesn't justify the aforementioned's behavior) people bringing up more or less rightful complaints about the game's original delay by referring to the fact TTG tends to have a 2 months gap between the first two episodes of each game. This isn't directed towards everyone taking TTG's side, but skim back through the thread and you'll see which people I mean.
And a message to the persons in question: you lowered yourself to the level of those most ignorant among the complainers, leaning on a fact which has proven to be incoherent and false. Nice job. I hope I never get to know any of you.
Well, you didn't spell it right either, so...
(Yeah, I know Finnish mythology
Let's see if you can pull the nose up on this doomed 737 heading for the ground!!
The reason was because the game was advertised monthly. There has been no communication and now we are officially two months from the first episode and TT can't give anyone any concrete information.
You purchased and received Episode 1, and Episode 2 is coming very soon. Unfortunately we can't offer you a refund for Ep. 1.
And if you purchase from Xbox, PS3 or Steam, bad news too:
Ah, I see it. Support has informed me that we're unable to refund purchases of our games made outside of our own store.
Enjoy!!! Source:!/TheAlanJohnson
Been posted three times before, the author has no idea what he's talking about. Still, welcome!
Now, the best thing to do in this situations is either resolve the problem with dissatisfied customers or compensate them in some way, shape, or form.
The reason this idea struck me as a great one, wasn't just because free episodes of Sam and Max, it's sort of like a sorry card from TellTale.
I think this would at least help TT save face, and it isn't actually all that bad of an idea for business. In fact let's say they did give away 2 free episodes of Sam and Max to each Season pass customer...not only does it sort of feel like receiving a sorry card, it's kind of a way to patch things up until episode 2 of TWD is released. This may also spur the customers who thought of giving up on TT because of the huge delay to stay on board with TellTale; in turn possibly producing more customer for TT ( by turning them into Sam and Max fans). Just a thought.
Holy chicken, just visited their facebook a lot of unhappy customers there. Only positive thing to come out of all this is when telltale finally review their own part in this they will have to come to the conclusion that their PR and communication with customers needs to improve.
This line from their facebook made my day:
“The Walking Dead: Episode 2: Starved for Information”
Certainly wasn't Marketed as a "Preorder" Just sayin';)
I think only a man with a death wish would accept this title now.
I forgot about those no-it-alls, calling people idiots because telltale usually has a month break and it will def come ou the next month lol wonder what happened to them.