Milo is human! Finally!!! You give me hope Milo. I know you have fought hard to defend TTG, and I have tried to keep quiet but it's getting a little crazy here. I almost want it to go until mid July so I can see the day that Milo was finally fed up. Cheers Bro!
erm thanks ?
shitting eggrolls = lmao
to coin a phrase the straw that broke the camels back..
Ok so this is my first post, and I am only posting because I am so upset. As with most of you, I'm tired of waiting when this was supposed to be a monthly release. If Ep2 is not released by the end of this month without an explanation, I will be contacting a lawyer to start a class action lawsuit. Those of you who would like to participate can respond to this post. Let me say, I’m not just some idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about. I hold two degrees, one of which is a BS in business management and I know business law. This will be a tort lawsuit for breach of contract. Whenever you purchase something, you are entering into a contract with the other person (in this case it's TTG). TTG in this case has failed to meet the terms of said contract and is liable. The lawsuit will only get your money back, and maybe (and I stress, maybe) some punitive damages. I guess we will see what happens. If you want to stand up for yourself, respond to this posting.
Ok so this is my first post, and I am only posting because I am so upset. As with most of you, I'm tired of waiting when this was supposed to be a monthly release. If Ep2 is not released by the end of this month without an explanation, I will be contacting a lawyer to start a class action lawsuit.
@Captain Howdy
Only in America can that happen... Amazing how you want to sue over a month delay.
No offense to Americans, but this could not happen anywhere else...
in nathaniels world GTFO means Get The Forms Out, for his court case, he is advising the gentlemen to be prepared, he wouldnt do something silly, he just uses different lingo than the rest of us, ISNT THAT RIGHT!?
This will be a tort lawsuit for breach of contract. Whenever you purchase something, you are entering into a contract with the other person (in this case it's TTG). TTG in this case has failed to meet the terms of said contract and is liable. The lawsuit will only get your money back, and maybe (and I stress, maybe) some punitive damages. I guess we will see what happens. If you want to stand up for yourself, respond to this posting.
Good luck with that, contracts of sale are based upon the principle of a "meeting of the minds", in which case the terms are clearly understood by all parties. While you might be able to invalidate a contract (and I really stress might given the type of goods that we're agreed upon) and get your money back, any judge worth his salt will laugh you out of court asking for damages. But good luck spending thousands to get your $25 back. Wish courts could hold people in contempt for stupidity and wasting time
@Captain Howdy
Only in America can that happen... Amazing how you want to sue over a month delay.
No offense to Americans, but this could not happen anywhere else...
America is the only country you can sue in for false advertisement? I'm just wondering. I'm not going to sue or anything because well, let's face it, we would all lose...
@Captain Howdy
Only in America can that happen... Amazing how you want to sue over a month delay.
No offense to Americans, but this could not happen anywhere else...
No offense taken.. I agree.. I think it is absolutely ridiculous
Ok so this is my first post, and I am only posting because I am so upset. As with most of you, I'm tired of waiting when this was supposed to be a monthly release. If Ep2 is not released by the end of this month without an explanation, I will be contacting a lawyer to start a class action lawsuit...
Welcome to the forum.
I know where you're coming from. But I would rather just have the game instead of getting my money back. I don't miss the money, I miss playing the game. I don't even remember how much my season pass cost me, it is such an insignificant amount of money to me and getting it back won't make me happy.
America is the only country you can sue in for false advertisement? I'm just wondering. I'm not going to sue or anything because well, let's face it, we would all lose...
It is the only country where people actually would sue for such small matters yes.
I am sure you could do that here in Europe as well, but no one would.
Media here makes fun of such lawsuits all the time.
Im in fla. ill check
Maybe postng links to where to download their games for free will get their attention ?
erm thanks ?
shitting eggrolls = lmao
to coin a phrase the straw that broke the camels back..
For the console people that don't have STEAM
And they are always early.
Careful, at least some people could see these as spoilers.
Think they left out the x-box users to prevent the hellstorm that was coming there way without a release reasonably soon
they are but i assume the other systems only release close to release? im not sure but thats what im hoping for
I love this!
Yeah, that's what I got out of it. At least with STEAM's general history on my end
gtfo with the lawsuit crap man
that is all
You guys are awesome tt
Haha! Absolutely fantastic!:D
Only in America can that happen... Amazing how you want to sue over a month delay.
No offense to Americans, but this could not happen anywhere else...
Good luck with that, contracts of sale are based upon the principle of a "meeting of the minds", in which case the terms are clearly understood by all parties. While you might be able to invalidate a contract (and I really stress might given the type of goods that we're agreed upon) and get your money back, any judge worth his salt will laugh you out of court asking for damages. But good luck spending thousands to get your $25 back. Wish courts could hold people in contempt for stupidity and wasting time
No offense taken.. I agree.. I think it is absolutely ridiculous
Hi, btw
Explanation, please?
Welcome to the forum.
I know where you're coming from. But I would rather just have the game instead of getting my money back. I don't miss the money, I miss playing the game. I don't even remember how much my season pass cost me, it is such an insignificant amount of money to me and getting it back won't make me happy.
I am sure you could do that here in Europe as well, but no one would.
Media here makes fun of such lawsuits all the time.
Chapter 7, my bad.