By sparing the men, in my opinion, you are working against rebuilding a lawful / working society. These men are allowed to continue killing and/or spreading their philosophy of cannibalism (they did try to convert you before eating you).
Again, there is no authority to which to turn them over. Survivors will have to eventually create a new authority / government. Shall Lee and the others detain them until such a group is organized? That was not a choice presented in the game.
Also, the choice to sequester Clementine was not presented in the game. It is interesting to me that players would choose to spare the men simply to spare Clementine the trauma.
I do agree that sparing her the trauma would be preferable (with a later adult-to-child explanation of what happened). But the evil that could be unleashed, and the evil that would go unpunished, outweighs a single moment in a child's life (who, though unfortunate, has been through a lot already.) (Additionally, the trauma caused to Clementine is only relevant in the killing of the second brother, as it is knowledge you wouldn't have on the first brother when making a decision, though I guess you could assume she would be near.) I wouldn't risk these men hunting these people I care about or even people I haven't met.
I let 'em live. The first, I just wanted to be the bigger man. Not murdering in front of Clem wasn't even something I was thinking of, but I was glad I didn't when I saw that smile.
The other was dead anyways, so I walked towards the group.
I killed the fist guy, heard clementine gasp and read "clementine witnessed you murder" screamed "FUCK!" and then replayed the episode from the meat locker room. Sided with Lilly that time. Wrong decision btw. I kinda AFK'd during the second brother fight, so I didn't even get a hit on him. Made him, with a perfectly normal face, screaming "Lee! Don't you walk away from me! Lee, fight me like a real man! LEEEE!" much more epic as I walked away. Didn't steal food either, might have to redo that last part though.
I cant get a punch in the andy fight seriously when your on top of him i try hitting A nothing i try do the left right like you do to bash the bearded walker teachers head in and still nothing
The first guy, I killed him just because he had been freaking me out from the start anyway. Though when I did it and found Clem was there and saw that all I could think was she doesn't need to be seeing that kind of stuff and felt horrible.
So ended up sparring the second having your whole group there watching kinda made me paranoid on what they would think regardless.
I made those decisions pretending Clem was my 11 year old brother....yeah I wouldn't want him to have nightmares watching me kill two crazy whack jobs...but I also wouldn't want him to possibly be taken by them and eaten!
It said only 17% of people killed both bros....whole lotta softies that are gonna die by cannibal dairy farmers is the only thing I could think of to explain that mind blowing stat.
Oh...and who the f- leaves food just sitting in a car? Idiots. I would def not take it at gun point from someone but sitting there? You people are going to die with your chivalry taking a chomp on your ass. "I aim to live." Mal Reynolds.
Oh...and who the f- leaves food just sitting in a car? Idiots. I would def not take it at gun point from someone but sitting there? You people are going to die with your chivalry taking a chomp on your ass. "I aim to live." Mal Reynolds.
i know right its the "international law of go fuck yourself" to steal something thats been abandoned for even a sec :P that and to steal from someone who tried to kill you :P
I killed the first guy because I was angry, he killed that woman at cold blood in front of me and his brother could hear his yelling. I'm sorry for Clementine for seeing that.
I didn't kill the second brother but I beat him bad. After seeing that the generator breaks and zombies started to come in, I thought that being eaten alive it's the worst punishment a man could receive... and, of course, it's sweet irony so I left.
BTW, the first guy who Lee must chopped his leg off (or not) it's trapped in a St. John's trap and if you try to open it Lee says that the trap it's modified for not to being reopened. When Lee said that "motherf****" it's the nicest word I told who put those kind of traps over there. :mad:
Oh...and who the f- leaves food just sitting in a car?
I figured the whole thing was a trap and the bandits were just waiting for all of us to have our arms full of boxes so they could come in and jack us.
Lee interpreted this as meaning I wasn't looting on moral grounds, but once we knew it was a vehicle belonging to the bandits (the car shows up in the video right?), I wouldn't see any problem looting all their stuff.
I killed the first brother, to be honest it was just because he goaded me not to. I didn't kill the woman so he thought I wasn't willing to kill, as if that situation were at all similar. Oh yeah? *stab!* Hey Clem knew that guy was bad, and she wants Lee to kill the 'Bad Ones'. Andy murdered and ate people, that makes him as bad as the zombies.
The other brother I didn't kill, because the group was right there watching me. It seemed unwise to make them wait for me to kill this man when we really just needed to get out of there.
Man, the fight with that guy was tough though. I couldn't make heads or tails out of the QTE where he's punching you, it seemed like the option to block his punch showed up entirely randomly on my second try. The first try I kept mousing and clicking in the same areas, and nothing. Jeeze Lilly was right there, she could've shot his head off while he was slowly punching me to death.
BTW, the first guy who Lee must chopped his leg off (or not) it's trapped in a St. John's trap
I was surprised Lee didn't point that out after he got into the back room. The bear traps really stuck out in my mind and I realized that family was doing some bad things right there. Had no idea how bad it was going to get though! I was actually just trying to wash my hands and go back to dinner in the next scene, only went up stairs because the sink and soap weren't interactable and I couldn't very well come back with dirty hands.
Yeah I just finished the game and noticed only 17% decided to kill both brothers.
I mean really these guys tried to kill you and your group and even succeeded with one of them.
Justice had to be served and I'm sure the cops wouldn't answer my 911 call.
So afterwards Clementine asked if I needed to kill them and I just told her.. yes these are bad man and they tried to hurt us they had to go, see seemed to understand how it worked just fine.
I was even more stunned with the fact that only 55% took the food.
What were you guys thinking, other then expecting a bandit trap there is no way to justify not taking the food, you have a responsibility to the group and even more so Clementine.
It's one thing not wanting to rob someone but this food was just sitting there and your people were nearly starving a day earlier.
Some people and there morals willing to let your own people starve because it's the right thing to do it's hilarious.
I know man! I killed those fuckers dead! Eatin Mark like that... who knows how many other people they've eaten! The human race is having a hard enough time surviving as is! Plus, you know they're in cahoots with the bandits, and you know how dangerous they are, and those dairy dudes know too much about you to let them live! They'll have nothing left, they'll be pissed off.. they'll lead the bandits right to us! (although the bandits will probably find us anyways, based off the "cliff hanger") We need to pack up and get out of there.. lol I wish I could warn them!
I made those decisions pretending Clem was my 11 year old brother....yeah I wouldn't want him to have nightmares watching me kill two crazy whack jobs...but I also wouldn't want him to possibly be taken by them and eaten!
It said only 17% of people killed both bros....whole lotta softies that are gonna die by cannibal dairy farmers is the only thing I could think of to explain that mind blowing stat.
Exactly.. too many Dale's in the world I guess. At that point you need to be able to go into survival mode like Rick. You can talk about humanity and rebuilding society all you want, but none of that will matter if you aren't alive to see it.
Killed them both. I didn't hesitate with Danny, he took that pitchfork through the chest half-way through telling me I didn't have the guts to do it.
I did pause for a moment with Andrew since he was beaten and the whole group was watching me. But just imagining he and his brother sawing off Mark's legs was more than ample motivation to finish the job. Under the circumstances I'd say they both got off lightly. Poor Mark...
I was honest with Clem about it afterwards, told her they were bad people and had to be dealt with. She seemed to take it well.
I didn't loot the car, only because I thought it could be a trap. Like the farm, it just looked way too good to be true and those bandits were still about. In retrospect, I would've looted it. With a wounded/hungry group in tow, it would just be plain stupid not to. Also, gas or no, anyone who would leave a car full of loot unattended and in plain sight during a zombie apocalypse with lights on, doors open and keys in the ignition isn't really doing the whole 'survival' thing right in the first place.
*Oh and I didn't kill crazy crossbow lady. I wanted to hear what she had to say, until Danny fed her a slice of heaven...
I killed the first brother and then I felt so guilty that Clem had to see it after seeing Larry get his head squashed that I couldnt bring myself to kill the other brother in front of her.
I didnt kill Larry. I was frozen with indecision and Kenny called me useless and went ahead and killed him himself.
When I finished the game it said only 12% of players killed them..
Were you guys asleep?? They killed and fed you a member of your own group and held the rest of you in a torture chamber and you let them live?!?!?!
I guess I am going to have to rock the impending apocalypse solo then.. weak.
Amen to that.
I see alot of people argue that Clementine would have seen it.
Well, Clementine saw me butcher both brothers and afterwards i told her it was necessary, or something like that. And she seemed to understand it, because they were bad. And they were, look at Mark. Look at the whole situation you were in with those brothers. I killed them as soon as i got the chanse to do so.
She was not happy about stealing from the car though. That made me feel alot worse than killing the brothers.
Besides, if you want to protect Clem. Kill brothers, so they dont get a chanse to come back and kill you and your group. The big brother with a rifle would have been more than capable of killing many members of your group, and he knew where to find you.
Amen to that.
I see alot of people argue that Clementine would have seen it.
Well, Clementine saw me butcher both brothers and afterwards i told her it was necessary, or something like that. And she seemed to understand it, because they were bad. And they were, look at Mark. Look at the whole situation you were in with those brothers. I killed them as soon as i got the chanse to do so.
She was not happy about stealing from the car though. That made me feel alot worse than killing the brothers.
Besides, if you want to protect Clem. Kill brothers, so they dont get a chanse to come back and kill you and your group. The big brother with a rifle would have been more than capable of killing many members of your group, and he knew where to find you.
Before reaching that part it's showed like the generator breaks and the zombie start to overrun the place.
Being eaten alive it's the worst thing you can do to someone. Killing him it's making him a favor.
Leaving like a boss while the guy scream "Leeeee" it's so EPIC... while we see zombies approaching to him (including his own mother, lol).
I killed Danny in the barn, he said I didn't have the nerve. Well I showed him by giving him a rightful stab, after Clementine saw, I realised I had let my emotions get to me, with all the rage and anger, thinking about what they did to Mark and obviously previous survivors. They were adept at this, they had been doing this for a while as evidenced by the the tray in the barn.
When Clem saw, I immediately regretted my decision ( but I did not load over, what is the point of loading over? That is a BS cop-out, live with your decision ). She was shocked that I had stabbed him. I will be more mindful to her feelings next time.
Clems presence is the only thing that "spared" the second brother. If Clem was not there I would have killed him, instantly, but its better to let him die knowing, that I destroyed his family and destroyed his sanctuary before he was eaten. Seeing him broken, it hurt, but was necessary.
Its like cowardly killing Larry with the salt lick. I did not know Larry would die in episode two obviously, but if the situation were real, they way I would have killed Larry or allow him to die, would be in the same circumstance he left me in episode 1. Walkers at his back, and in the moment to save him, I would let him die. I WANT him to KNOW I have condemned you to death, not cowardly throwing a salt lick on a mans face when he was coming around. I wanted him to die knowing I caused it, but what's done is done, and better Kenny to take the fall for that act of cowardice.
Looking back on it, Telltale was sneaky in that you don't even see Clem when you have the option to pitchfork the brother in the barn. (at leaste I didn't see her). So, I wonder how many others would not have killed him knowing Clem was right there?
I still think I would have pitch forked him up rather than stabbing the bale of hay. I though after seeing that option, how dumb, he's right there next to it, he could have pulled it out and stabbed Lee in the back.
Either way, they both die by the walkers (I'm fairly certain) it's just more a case of how Clem and perhaps the others see you after this.
I still don't understand how anybody can possibly assume sparing the brothers somehow lets them continue what they were doing. They were both going to die anyway, that was obvious. Andy wasn't going anywhere for at least a few seconds, and I'm assuming because I didn't say I killed his family if he saw his mom (She was walking from the house) he wouldn't immediatly assume she was a zombie, and perhaps would not have reacted at all. Denny/Danny on the other hand, he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, was he? Evidence of that in the beginning of the episode.
First of all, I do think it's important to establish some very basic rules of morality when law ceases to exist. It's easy to set that aside during the apocalypse, but that also makes it impossible to trust anybody in your own group. If you don't make a stand and say "look, killing people in cold blood is still wrong", you'll always have to watch your back even in your own group. It's important to make sure that everyone knows that WE, as a group, are the good guys. Maintaining that as long as possible will keep you from becoming like the bandits or the St. Johns.
Now if the brothers were still a present or future threat, I would have absolutely killed them. But they weren't, they were beaten, and I left them to the walkers. Andy was a broken man who could barely stand. Walking away from him and leaving him to his misery (and to likely be chomped on by his own mother's walking corpse) was the worst thing you could do to him. And Danny was trapped and would soon be eaten by walkers. Even if Andy came to his senses in time to go help his brother, there's no way he could have gotten him out of that trap.
At least not without sawing his own brother's leg off, and that would have been some damn fine poetic justice, right there.
I thought the bandit scene was a great way to echo your future take on the brothers... but it seems to have been lost to many around here talking about 'what it takes'. The bandits, obviously, have what it takes, and look where that led.
In the impending Zombie Apocalypse I'm not teaching my Adopted Daughter that it's a dog eat dog world also we didn't loot the car either
Also it's more ruthless to leave andy to the Walkers
But it IS dog-eat-dog world! You can't pretend it's not! Clem is gonna see things that kids should never see, that's just the world they live in! Plus, Andy could get away, go to the bandits and lead them right to you! If he doesn't get away he could turn into another walker that could wonder upon the inn!
I'm training little Clem up to be a badass! We're gonna be like Rick and Carl lol.
Oh wait, you the one who hasn't read the comics? You so should!
I killed them both, just because I didn't want to risk either of them coming after me later in the game so it made more sense to kill them both. As for killing them in front of Clem I don't mind so much, what am I supposed to do kill them in private or something? Basically I am going to have to do this type of thing to keep everyone safe so everybody better get used to it. This type of thing will always happen in this world and it's not about right and wrong anymore it's about survival
I killed them both, just because I didn't want to risk either of them coming after me later in the game so it made more sense to kill them both. As for killing them in front of Clem I don't mind so much, what am I supposed to do kill them in private or something? Basically I am going to have to do this type of thing to keep everyone safe so everybody better get used to it. This type of thing will always happen in this world and it's not about right and wrong anymore it's about survival
I didn't hesitate. I killed them both. They could have told the bandits where the group was staying and they just fed one of your group to you. It sucks that Clem had to see it, but it's a different world. If you live in a world with no laws, don't expect to white-knight your way through it. I wonder if people will still like Rick when they find out how far he'll go to ensure the survival of his family.
As another poster mentioned there are no courts, no police, and no jail or any other sort of remedial system. You are the judge, jury, and if necessary - executioner in this world.
That family is definitely guilty of killing at least 1 person (Mark), who would have obviously recovered from his wound and been fine otherwise. They are also very likely to have killed other innocent travelers - according to the evidence scattered around the farm, and according to testimony heard from the 'crazy lady' in the woods. They even admit their crimes and show their intent to continue killing and eating other travelers!
So what are you going to do with people like that? There are no courts, no police, no jail, no remedial system. They are guilty and plan to do it again. They are an obvious threat to everyone in the group and anyone else they happen to run across in the world.
In light of the previous facts, any players who left the brothers alive are complete and utter idiots.
Those who are arguing in this thread that killing them makes you somehow a 'worse' person, or lowers your standards in some way, are also being idiots. There are many situations even in 'real life' which require (And completely justify) the use of deadly force by an individual. Here is a hypothetical example, you are in a mall with your family, an insane person kills your daughter in front of you and now has hold of your wife and is threatening to kill her as well, you have a pistol and have the opportunity to use it. Do you kill the madman?
The situation in this game merely extends that type of action, into areas which our society has relegated to our legal systems. In real life we would obviously take different actions. We would restrain the brothers, notify the authorities, who would then arrive and take the criminals into custody to await judgement in the courts. But in The Walking Dead, this is impossible. You are the only source of authority. You must make the decision. This is your one chance to rid the world of their evil or let it continue to exist and hurt others. Should the brothers go free? Or will you end their evil ways with the only method available?
I think I'm in the minority because I actually killed neither. I didnt want to give either of them the satisfaction of knowing Lee would stoop to their level in a hard situation. The first brother is trapped by the animal trap in the barn and the other one is an emotional train wreck. I expect both will be walker chow.
I killed both in fear that the second one " Andy " might come looking for me in the future but it was mostly for what they had done to our group, They were insane!
I did what Rick would of done, and as far as Clementine well she needs to see that the world isn't the same anymore and she will be seeing me kill more often... better get use to it... ill protect her no matter what :mad:
On my FIRST playthru ... I didn't even think. I killed the first brother and then got the big CLEMENTINE SAW YOU thing sooo by the time that I got to brother two, I let him live so that Clem wouldn't think I was completely heartless!
After that I had to side with her on the food stuff, I felt bad!
They'll probably be eaten because ones in an unbreakable bear trap and one is in despair because he's too stupid to go check on his brother. Clem knows im a killer the last thing i want her to do is be afraid of me I'm her knight not her captor
i didnt kill either brother as i wanted lee to keep a bit of his humanity. the bit that got me was when your punching andy in the face and you can see lee's face in the puddle, he gets more raged as you punched him so i stopped after a few and left them to the walkers to suffer the fate they put on others.
later when clem asked me about if they were still alive i said yes but they are suffering thier own fate.
i didnt side with kenny on the larry thing either and i didnt take the food from the car. at the end i told kenny he was no hero lol.
When I killed them both, I was taking Lee's back story into consideration. I know he's murdered before (hasn't been revealed why). So I thought it would fit the character to play him as a nice guy most of the time, but willing to do horrible things when pushed to far. Clementine seeing me do it, horrifies me. When it came time to talk to her about it, I had to let her know that the memory of my actions are going to haunt me for the next three episodes.
Again, there is no authority to which to turn them over. Survivors will have to eventually create a new authority / government. Shall Lee and the others detain them until such a group is organized? That was not a choice presented in the game.
Also, the choice to sequester Clementine was not presented in the game. It is interesting to me that players would choose to spare the men simply to spare Clementine the trauma.
I do agree that sparing her the trauma would be preferable (with a later adult-to-child explanation of what happened). But the evil that could be unleashed, and the evil that would go unpunished, outweighs a single moment in a child's life (who, though unfortunate, has been through a lot already.) (Additionally, the trauma caused to Clementine is only relevant in the killing of the second brother, as it is knowledge you wouldn't have on the first brother when making a decision, though I guess you could assume she would be near.) I wouldn't risk these men hunting these people I care about or even people I haven't met.
Anyway, time for some Starcraft 2.
ME2, actually. Just before he blows up the Collector Base. Nice catch.
The other was dead anyways, so I walked towards the group.
So ended up sparring the second having your whole group there watching kinda made me paranoid on what they would think regardless.
It said only 17% of people killed both bros....whole lotta softies that are gonna die by cannibal dairy farmers is the only thing I could think of to explain that mind blowing stat.
Oh...and who the f- leaves food just sitting in a car? Idiots. I would def not take it at gun point from someone but sitting there? You people are going to die with your chivalry taking a chomp on your ass. "I aim to live." Mal Reynolds.
i know right its the "international law of go fuck yourself" to steal something thats been abandoned for even a sec :P that and to steal from someone who tried to kill you :P
I didn't kill the second brother but I beat him bad. After seeing that the generator breaks and zombies started to come in, I thought that being eaten alive it's the worst punishment a man could receive... and, of course, it's sweet irony so I left.
BTW, the first guy who Lee must chopped his leg off (or not) it's trapped in a St. John's trap and if you try to open it Lee says that the trap it's modified for not to being reopened. When Lee said that "motherf****" it's the nicest word I told who put those kind of traps over there. :mad:
I figured the whole thing was a trap and the bandits were just waiting for all of us to have our arms full of boxes so they could come in and jack us.
Lee interpreted this as meaning I wasn't looting on moral grounds, but once we knew it was a vehicle belonging to the bandits (the car shows up in the video right?), I wouldn't see any problem looting all their stuff.
I killed the first brother, to be honest it was just because he goaded me not to.
The other brother I didn't kill, because the group was right there watching me. It seemed unwise to make them wait for me to kill this man when we really just needed to get out of there.
Man, the fight with that guy was tough though. I couldn't make heads or tails out of the QTE where he's punching you, it seemed like the option to block his punch showed up entirely randomly on my second try. The first try I kept mousing and clicking in the same areas, and nothing. Jeeze Lilly was right there, she could've shot his head off while he was slowly punching me to death.
I was surprised Lee didn't point that out after he got into the back room. The bear traps really stuck out in my mind and I realized that family was doing some bad things right there. Had no idea how bad it was going to get though! I was actually just trying to wash my hands and go back to dinner in the next scene, only went up stairs because the sink and soap weren't interactable and I couldn't very well come back with dirty hands.
I mean really these guys tried to kill you and your group and even succeeded with one of them.
Justice had to be served and I'm sure the cops wouldn't answer my 911 call.
So afterwards Clementine asked if I needed to kill them and I just told her.. yes these are bad man and they tried to hurt us they had to go, see seemed to understand how it worked just fine.
I was even more stunned with the fact that only 55% took the food.
What were you guys thinking, other then expecting a bandit trap there is no way to justify not taking the food, you have a responsibility to the group and even more so Clementine.
It's one thing not wanting to rob someone but this food was just sitting there and your people were nearly starving a day earlier.
Some people and there morals willing to let your own people starve because it's the right thing to do it's hilarious.
I did pause for a moment with Andrew since he was beaten and the whole group was watching me. But just imagining he and his brother sawing off Mark's legs was more than ample motivation to finish the job. Under the circumstances I'd say they both got off lightly. Poor Mark...
I was honest with Clem about it afterwards, told her they were bad people and had to be dealt with. She seemed to take it well.
I didn't loot the car, only because I thought it could be a trap. Like the farm, it just looked way too good to be true and those bandits were still about. In retrospect, I would've looted it. With a wounded/hungry group in tow, it would just be plain stupid not to. Also, gas or no, anyone who would leave a car full of loot unattended and in plain sight during a zombie apocalypse with lights on, doors open and keys in the ignition isn't really doing the whole 'survival' thing right in the first place.
*Oh and I didn't kill crazy crossbow lady. I wanted to hear what she had to say, until Danny fed her a slice of heaven...
I didnt kill Larry. I was frozen with indecision and Kenny called me useless and went ahead and killed him himself.
Amen to that.
I see alot of people argue that Clementine would have seen it.
Well, Clementine saw me butcher both brothers and afterwards i told her it was necessary, or something like that. And she seemed to understand it, because they were bad. And they were, look at Mark. Look at the whole situation you were in with those brothers. I killed them as soon as i got the chanse to do so.
She was not happy about stealing from the car though. That made me feel alot worse than killing the brothers.
Besides, if you want to protect Clem. Kill brothers, so they dont get a chanse to come back and kill you and your group. The big brother with a rifle would have been more than capable of killing many members of your group, and he knew where to find you.
Before reaching that part it's showed like the generator breaks and the zombie start to overrun the place.
Being eaten alive it's the worst thing you can do to someone. Killing him it's making him a favor.
Leaving like a boss while the guy scream "Leeeee" it's so EPIC... while we see zombies approaching to him (including his own mother, lol).
When Clem saw, I immediately regretted my decision ( but I did not load over, what is the point of loading over? That is a BS cop-out, live with your decision ). She was shocked that I had stabbed him. I will be more mindful to her feelings next time.
Clems presence is the only thing that "spared" the second brother. If Clem was not there I would have killed him, instantly, but its better to let him die knowing, that I destroyed his family and destroyed his sanctuary before he was eaten. Seeing him broken, it hurt, but was necessary.
Its like cowardly killing Larry with the salt lick. I did not know Larry would die in episode two obviously, but if the situation were real, they way I would have killed Larry or allow him to die, would be in the same circumstance he left me in episode 1. Walkers at his back, and in the moment to save him, I would let him die. I WANT him to KNOW I have condemned you to death, not cowardly throwing a salt lick on a mans face when he was coming around. I wanted him to die knowing I caused it, but what's done is done, and better Kenny to take the fall for that act of cowardice.
I still think I would have pitch forked him up rather than stabbing the bale of hay. I though after seeing that option, how dumb, he's right there next to it, he could have pulled it out and stabbed Lee in the back.
Either way, they both die by the walkers (I'm fairly certain) it's just more a case of how Clem and perhaps the others see you after this.
First of all, I do think it's important to establish some very basic rules of morality when law ceases to exist. It's easy to set that aside during the apocalypse, but that also makes it impossible to trust anybody in your own group. If you don't make a stand and say "look, killing people in cold blood is still wrong", you'll always have to watch your back even in your own group. It's important to make sure that everyone knows that WE, as a group, are the good guys. Maintaining that as long as possible will keep you from becoming like the bandits or the St. Johns.
Now if the brothers were still a present or future threat, I would have absolutely killed them. But they weren't, they were beaten, and I left them to the walkers. Andy was a broken man who could barely stand. Walking away from him and leaving him to his misery (and to likely be chomped on by his own mother's walking corpse) was the worst thing you could do to him. And Danny was trapped and would soon be eaten by walkers. Even if Andy came to his senses in time to go help his brother, there's no way he could have gotten him out of that trap.
At least not without sawing his own brother's leg off, and that would have been some damn fine poetic justice, right there.
But it IS dog-eat-dog world! You can't pretend it's not! Clem is gonna see things that kids should never see, that's just the world they live in! Plus, Andy could get away, go to the bandits and lead them right to you! If he doesn't get away he could turn into another walker that could wonder upon the inn!
I'm training little Clem up to be a badass! We're gonna be like Rick and Carl lol.
Oh wait, you the one who hasn't read the comics? You so should!
Well said!!!
Thankfully, I have more than one scenario saved from Episode 1.
That family is definitely guilty of killing at least 1 person (Mark), who would have obviously recovered from his wound and been fine otherwise. They are also very likely to have killed other innocent travelers - according to the evidence scattered around the farm, and according to testimony heard from the 'crazy lady' in the woods. They even admit their crimes and show their intent to continue killing and eating other travelers!
So what are you going to do with people like that? There are no courts, no police, no jail, no remedial system. They are guilty and plan to do it again. They are an obvious threat to everyone in the group and anyone else they happen to run across in the world.
In light of the previous facts, any players who left the brothers alive are complete and utter idiots.
Those who are arguing in this thread that killing them makes you somehow a 'worse' person, or lowers your standards in some way, are also being idiots. There are many situations even in 'real life' which require (And completely justify) the use of deadly force by an individual. Here is a hypothetical example, you are in a mall with your family, an insane person kills your daughter in front of you and now has hold of your wife and is threatening to kill her as well, you have a pistol and have the opportunity to use it. Do you kill the madman?
The situation in this game merely extends that type of action, into areas which our society has relegated to our legal systems. In real life we would obviously take different actions. We would restrain the brothers, notify the authorities, who would then arrive and take the criminals into custody to await judgement in the courts. But in The Walking Dead, this is impossible. You are the only source of authority. You must make the decision. This is your one chance to rid the world of their evil or let it continue to exist and hurt others. Should the brothers go free? Or will you end their evil ways with the only method available?
I did what Rick would of done, and as far as Clementine well she needs to see that the world isn't the same anymore and she will be seeing me kill more often... better get use to it... ill protect her no matter what :mad:
After that I had to side with her on the food stuff, I felt bad!
You wouldn't want Clem to live in a bubble where everything is fine, that would be too idealistic.
See how does that feel?
Not good i bet
They'll probably be eaten because ones in an unbreakable bear trap and one is in despair because he's too stupid to go check on his brother. Clem knows im a killer the last thing i want her to do is be afraid of me I'm her knight not her captor
later when clem asked me about if they were still alive i said yes but they are suffering thier own fate.
i didnt side with kenny on the larry thing either and i didnt take the food from the car. at the end i told kenny he was no hero lol.