It makes an impact in the story, Lee killed a State Senator for sleeping with his wife, people may question who he is or why he's like this and may know that Lee is a murderer later on in the story, although I spared them both because of my own personality to be honest, it reveals the people who they really are, and i'm no killer at least unless it has to be done, probably like when Lee shot the bandit at the next episode trailer, but not what Kenny did to Larry that's for sure.
Saying that the zombies did the work is an awful argument because the zombies do not get in until after you deal with the two brothers.
Why did you not kill them AT THE TIME?
The bandits were after them at the time, though. After Danny was dealt with, my immediate concern was not that he should die, but rather there were still members of our group who were in danger.
Fast forward to Andy - his mother is dead, and his brother is most likely dying in the barn from blood loss (in my playthrough he DID get stabbed twice with a sickle to the torso by the way). Killing him there is for revenge, not for safety.
Besides, I've argued this before. The danger posed by the St. John's was eliminated as soon as we discovered what they intended to do with us. Now that we know, they pose no threat. We are better armed (you discover this when you are investigating the farm and then talk to Kenny) if they decide to come after us.
Hi, I'm talking about those son's a bitch brothers that slaughter people!
what would you like to do with them ?
some of you may decide to leave them alive ( for Celmentain ) but please
don't do that. they are such an as* and must die by a bad way
if you leave them alive they will continue their work and slaughter more people
why some of players leave them alive ? I just would to know :mad:
Because some don't want to make the other people of the group think of them as a monster, AND destroy clementines soul, and waste their time killing peoples who are already going to die, besides the cannibalism was mother st.johns idea I Assure you, not the sons, but if you need more reasons than that...they kept the zombies occupied while we slowly walked away dramatically.
Because some don't want to make the other people of the group think of them as a monster, AND destroy clementines soul, and waste their time killing peoples who are already going to die, besides the cannibalism was mother st.johns idea I Assure you, not the sons, but if you need more reasons than that...they kept the zombies occupied while we slowly walked away dramatically.
don't you like kill them just to make people thinks you are a good guy ?
If you don't kill them they could continue their work
Hi, I'm talking about those son's a bitch brothers that slaughter people!
what would you like to do with them ?
some of you may decide to leave them alive ( for Celmentain ) but please
don't do that. they are such an as* and must die by a bad way
if you leave them alive they will continue their work and slaughter more people
why some of players leave them alive ? I just would to know :mad:
Very simply. They die no matter what. Ever notice the walkers coming into the farm? Well one brother is stuck in a bear trap, and the other is so wrecked that he won't fight them. They actually die a slower AND more painful death if you spare them. That's why.
I spared them because...
1. Andy was stuck in a bear trap and was unlikely to survive (also Clem)
2. The second brother's Mum had just died and the brother would probably also die so he had probably suffered enough
3. I had turned of the generator of course the zombies would finish the job
I find it hard to believe that Andy had the will to go on living after hearing his mother was dead and his nice little life of cannabalism had been destroyed. I also find it hard to believe that Danny could lug his insane butt somewhere safe with a bear trap dangling from his leg while simultaniously bleeding out from his multiple sickle wounds. We're probably not going to be seeing any of the St. Johns again, however the Save Lots bandits are still out there...
Situations like these made me love this game
killing danny was a decision made in a spilt second
stab that son of a ...
Pucnhing andrew made me consider
it really did
i was ready to push the buttons(aka punch the crap out of him) but i hesitated..
That was one of these moments the game became one of a kind
This was one of my favorite segments in the game. One of the few times the game really tests your concepts of morality, in my opinion.
I came out of the meat locker fully intending to kill all the St. Johns at the first opportunity. I finished off Danny out of pure vengefulness without even hesitating. He obviously deserved it. But when I realized Clem saw me do it, and it freaked her out, I immediately felt awful. The way she recoiled a bit behind Lilly and looked at me like she was afraid of me...just, ugh. Awesome animation job, Telltale.
So I let Andrew live, because I wasn't about to execute a second guy in front of Clem. Sheltering her from a little bit of the awfulness of the world felt a lot more important than taking vengeance on Andrew. Plus, the dairy was in ruins, his mother and brother were already dead, and he was about to be eaten by walkers anyway. He was totally broken and no longer any threat.
Afterward in the conversation with Clem, I told her Andrew probably got eaten by walkers and that killing was always bad, even when you have to do it, and she seemed a little reassured about me but maybe not entirely. And it felt like a great conclusion, messy and flawed, but satisfying.
I killed the first brother and left the second one. I didn't want to give the first one to have the chance of saving his brother. The second one was good as dead anyways.
I let the first one live, he was trapped and wouldn't have gotten far. Killed the second one. There's no way I would have let them get away after what they did. In my world people who act like wild animals deserve to be put down as such.
But I have to admit, the both of them. Did fucked up shit, we weren't the first survivors to the farm. Look at the back of the barn, smeared and covered with blood and guts everywhere. What the fuck... It's unreal how a fucked up world can make men do something like that.
I didn't kill them because Clementine was watching, I needed her to learn to not be afraid and dismiss enemies when they are no longer a threat (the first was stuck in a custom bear trap and the other was beaten and surrounded by walkers, including their mother. It was poetic justice), also only kill when it's necessary, to protect your friends and loved ones.
Needless to say, I did kill Campman in front of her to set that very important example. And seriously, I felt bad for him. He went through so much shit I felt that blowing his head off would be doing him a favor and making him finally rest in peace.
Wish the game gave me the opportunity to shoot the head in the bag.
I killed both, despite playing the altruistic sucker for the majority of the game. Killed Danny out of murderous rage. Coming off of the Larry incident, I was pissed at Kenny and still feeling incredibly vindictive towards Andy. Thinking this might be the only brother I actually get to kill, I impaled him with great predjudice...Then Clem saw and instantly I felt like I had just made a really bad choice.
When the chance to kill Andy came around, I actually killed him out of mercy. Sociopathic, cannibalistic hair-puller or not, I couldn't help but pity the guy. (see altruistic sucker)
His mother and his brother were both dead, his farm (the place where he grew up and his only safe haven) was falling down around him all in the space of one night, thanks to a few people he only met yesterday. Fortunately I had the option to just shoot him, rather than fry him in the fence. I'm a big fan of irony, but I just wanted to spare a little humanity for the poor bastard.
I just can't let Danny live for some reason. He smacked Lee in the face with Charlotte, tried to blow his head off, and was obviously insane. Plus the whole "Let's waste these assholes" feeling everyone gets when they come out of the meat locker for the first time. Didn't kill Andy the first time through because I felt terrible for killing Danny and Larry up to that point, but it seems a hell of a lot more evil to just let him sit there for the walkers. Same for Danny. I'll probably kill both of them in future playthroughs, since they both die fairly quickly instead of being ripped to pieces (Danny stopped moving pretty fast after the pitchforking, so I assume it was less painful than the walkers).
I killed Danny but not Andy and that sort of seems to be the "right" way to do it. When you come up against Danny, it's still a tense situation and you can't have guys running around trying to kill you. But when you get the chance to kill Andy, the situation's resolved and he's no longer a threat.
Why did you not kill them AT THE TIME?
You see the zombies coming in after the second brother I think, so you could use that as a decision for him
The bandits were after them at the time, though. After Danny was dealt with, my immediate concern was not that he should die, but rather there were still members of our group who were in danger.
Fast forward to Andy - his mother is dead, and his brother is most likely dying in the barn from blood loss (in my playthrough he DID get stabbed twice with a sickle to the torso by the way). Killing him there is for revenge, not for safety.
Besides, I've argued this before. The danger posed by the St. John's was eliminated as soon as we discovered what they intended to do with us. Now that we know, they pose no threat. We are better armed (you discover this when you are investigating the farm and then talk to Kenny) if they decide to come after us.
what would you like to do with them ?
some of you may decide to leave them alive ( for Celmentain ) but please
don't do that. they are such an as* and must die by a bad way
if you leave them alive they will continue their work and slaughter more people
why some of players leave them alive ? I just would to know :mad:
Because some don't want to make the other people of the group think of them as a monster, AND destroy clementines soul, and waste their time killing peoples who are already going to die, besides the cannibalism was mother st.johns idea I Assure you, not the sons, but if you need more reasons than that...they kept the zombies occupied while we slowly walked away dramatically.
This. This is why parents shouldn't buy this game for their 12 year old, they have such filthy mouths when online.
don't you like kill them just to make people thinks you are a good guy ?
If you don't kill them they could continue their work
Ok, but I'm 23 years old. don't judge people like that
i think too many people have blood lust..
Very simply. They die no matter what. Ever notice the walkers coming into the farm? Well one brother is stuck in a bear trap, and the other is so wrecked that he won't fight them. They actually die a slower AND more painful death if you spare them. That's why.
That was incredibly mean.
Oh and I killed both on my first play through.
1. Andy was stuck in a bear trap and was unlikely to survive (also Clem)
2. The second brother's Mum had just died and the brother would probably also die so he had probably suffered enough
3. I had turned of the generator of course the zombies would finish the job
killing danny was a decision made in a spilt second
stab that son of a ...
Pucnhing andrew made me consider
it really did
i was ready to push the buttons(aka punch the crap out of him) but i hesitated..
That was one of these moments the game became one of a kind
With Andy I was just over it & left him to his fate. His begging for me to come back just made my decision all the more poignant and satisfying.
I came out of the meat locker fully intending to kill all the St. Johns at the first opportunity. I finished off Danny out of pure vengefulness without even hesitating. He obviously deserved it. But when I realized Clem saw me do it, and it freaked her out, I immediately felt awful. The way she recoiled a bit behind Lilly and looked at me like she was afraid of me...just, ugh. Awesome animation job, Telltale.
So I let Andrew live, because I wasn't about to execute a second guy in front of Clem. Sheltering her from a little bit of the awfulness of the world felt a lot more important than taking vengeance on Andrew. Plus, the dairy was in ruins, his mother and brother were already dead, and he was about to be eaten by walkers anyway. He was totally broken and no longer any threat.
Afterward in the conversation with Clem, I told her Andrew probably got eaten by walkers and that killing was always bad, even when you have to do it, and she seemed a little reassured about me but maybe not entirely. And it felt like a great conclusion, messy and flawed, but satisfying.
Cannibalism makes you go insane so it would just be a slow roll downhill for them any way you look at it.
Once you go feral you don't go back, so I put them down like the rabid dogs they are.
But I have to admit, the both of them. Did fucked up shit, we weren't the first survivors to the farm. Look at the back of the barn, smeared and covered with blood and guts everywhere. What the fuck... It's unreal how a fucked up world can make men do something like that.
I didn't kill them because Clementine was watching, I needed her to learn to not be afraid and dismiss enemies when they are no longer a threat (the first was stuck in a custom bear trap and the other was beaten and surrounded by walkers, including their mother. It was poetic justice), also only kill when it's necessary, to protect your friends and loved ones.
Needless to say, I did kill Campman in front of her to set that very important example. And seriously, I felt bad for him. He went through so much shit I felt that blowing his head off would be doing him a favor and making him finally rest in peace.
Wish the game gave me the opportunity to shoot the head in the bag.
Second Playthrough; Spared Danny, killed Andy.
A) Going to be devoured by the approaching zombies. A suitably horrific death for what he did to Mark and others.
C) Go insane due to the loss of his brother, mother and farm.
All of them were better than giving it to him quickly and unhinging the group.
What he said totally.
When the chance to kill Andy came around, I actually killed him out of mercy. Sociopathic, cannibalistic hair-puller or not, I couldn't help but pity the guy. (see altruistic sucker)
His mother and his brother were both dead, his farm (the place where he grew up and his only safe haven) was falling down around him all in the space of one night, thanks to a few people he only met yesterday. Fortunately I had the option to just shoot him, rather than fry him in the fence. I'm a big fan of irony, but I just wanted to spare a little humanity for the poor bastard.