i wondered if maybe Clementine will kill you for being a dangerous one, or kill kenny for killing larry (if you side with lilly), the lessons you teach her are still open for interpretation in her mind and they may bite you in the ass.
Do you actually think Clementine will kill anyone?
Because if so, you already killed Clementine, and unless you lied to her, she knows.
Do you actually think Clementine will kill anyone?
Because if so, you already killed Clementine, and unless you lied to her, she knows.
i think there might be a sort of grey area situation, where to Clementine somebody will appear to be a "bad man" and there will be a gun near by, and based on past action Clementine might kill someone.
on the topic of St. Johns what is the exact instructions to shoot Andy rather then push him into the fence? because i dont wanna get ATM card pranked again
on the topic of St. Johns what is the exact instructions to shoot Andy rather then push him into the fence? because i dont wanna get ATM card pranked again
Just beat him up to the point where Doug/Carley stops you. Then you have the option of shooting him or walk away.
on the topic of St. Johns what is the exact instructions to shoot Andy rather then push him into the fence? because i dont wanna get ATM card pranked again
I wasn't going to take any chances with those two. They had loose policy. Mark would have lived, but they "only ate people who were dead anyway"? They are clearly not of sound mind. Not to mention they killed Mark, who I liked, and tried to kill all of us. Even after we said we'd leave and never come back they kept us anyway and were already planning on killing everyone.
There's nothing wrong with showing mercy, but keep in mind it's easily taken advantage of. I'm feeling that way with Kenny now, since I sided with him every time except in the meat locker and the episode 3 preview shows him being very insolent. I saved his kid and wife twice and if he starts pushing me in the next installment you bet I'm gonna push back.
Maybe I'm just agree with Hobbes too much. I don't give a damn if Clementine saw me kill those guys. She'll see me kill a lot more. I went out on a limb with the St. Johns and all that experience showed me is that modern society crumbled and turned into a monstrosity in just 3 months, which is astoundingly bad.
I didn't steal the supplies because it seemed really fishy. I declined at first thinking it might be an ambush but then I got locked in with watching everyone loot with sad music while holding Clem's hand. I didn't care that it was "stealing", I cared that it was so obviously placed. Whoever owned it clearly intended to return, but we don't think to wait, to investigate, or to completely bypass it since we already know there are bandits in the woods?
I feel more like Dale. We have to hold onto our humanity, no matter what. otherwise, life just isn't worth living. I spared both brothers and tried to save Larry, even though I hated him and loved Kenny. Even though Andy is despicable, I felt that he'd had enough. Andy got eaten anyway and Danny either got eaten, or the he bled out from putting his leg in a bear trap and being sliced with a sickle multiple times.
Am I the only one who expected the car to be a trap? It wasn't but the supplies were just out there, the car was beeping to lure people in, and bandits could have easily been hiding in the foliage around them.
Am I the only one who expected the car to be a trap? It wasn't but the supplies were just out there, the car was beeping to lure people in, and bandits could have easily been hiding in the foliage around them.
[blatantlies] Fun Fact : The car was a trap but the bandits were taking a bathroom break when Lee's group showed up so they failed to spring the trap. [/blatantlies]
I took the trouble to register just to share my experience and thought process killing both of them, since apparently no one else who has posted shares that view.
I killed both of them out of mercy, rather than revenge. Danny was caught in an unbreakable bear trap and was going to die a painful death. I saw it as putting him out of his misery. And how can you let Andy live and call yourself "merciful," when his mother has been turned into a zombie and his brother either a) is dead or b) is inevitably going to die (remember the teacher).
I may have been influenced by having watched episode 2 beforehand, and knowing that the zombies were going to eat them alive if I let them live. But regardless, I actually considered it more humane to kill them than to let them live ( kind of like that girl in season 1, which I gave the gun to so that she could shoot herself.)
I personally thought the decision to kill Larry or not was a lot harder to make. I was split 50/50 on whether to do it or not, because there still was a chance that we could have saved him. Eventually though, I decided to kill him, because the risk was too big to the group.
Am I the only one who expected the car to be a trap? It wasn't but the supplies were just out there, the car was beeping to lure people in, and bandits could have easily been hiding in the foliage around them.
That was the reason I didn't take any. Not to mention Lilly was right: it's not nice to wreck people's day like that. It's rude and dishonorable. I really wish there was an option to wait and see if anyone shows up and make a decision from there.
Garzhul, I ultimately didn't disagree with Kenny killing Larry, despite trying to save him, but CPR works for a reason. Kenny didn't even want to try to revive him, he immediately panicked.
It's funny that I tried to save Larry when I really wanted to kill him.
Garzhul, I ultimately didn't disagree with Kenny killing Larry, despite trying to save him, but CPR works for a reason. Kenny didn't even want to try to revive him, he immediately panicked.
I saw it in the perspective of survival: the man is old, he's already had an episode 3 months ago and is underfed, I really didn't think he could be revived. But regardless, I think that choice is exactly the kind of tough situation the game promised us. I felt terrible for doing it, I even considered helping Lilly anyway because I knew he would die the same, but I forced myself to act the way I would in that situation in real life.
Killing Danny was really easy, given how I was persuaded he was as good as dead. For Andy, I considered letting him live out of cruelty, and that would have been pure revenge, but decided to end it for him and be the good guy. It sucks the game doesn't reward you for that and assumes you're a bad person for killing him.
It sucks the game doesn't reward you for that and assumes you're a bad person for killing him.
Well, that's up to interpretation. The only person who calls you on it is Clem, who is naive and has to have a lot of actions explained to her. It's more that you're building her set of morals than being punished.
That's true, but it goes back to the same thing. I don't want Clem to develop a set of values based around survival for oneself, and killing everyone who gets in your way, but the game interprets it that way.
Danny and Andy made the traps why wouldn't they know how to remove one in case they themselves stepped in one or is everyone in TWD convinced nothing could ever happen to them
Danny and Andy made the traps why wouldn't they know how to remove one in case they themselves stepped in one or is everyone in TWD convinced nothing could ever happen to them
Danny obviously thought he could get the jump on you and Kenny.
Danny:So if theres no release mechanism what happens if you me or mama step in it.
Andy: Just don't step on it.
Danny: I mean like on accident.
Andy: don't have accidents.
Danny:So if theres no release mechanism what happens if you me or mama step in it.
Andy: Just don't step on it.
Danny: I mean like on accident.
Andy: don't have accidents.
it's a man trap, if a man could escape, it wouldn't be a very effective trap would it?
it may have a key, but it wouldn't have made any difference because it wasn't tied down but it had crushed his bones and ripped his muscle, the weight of the trap wouldnt be much of an issue, just the serious damage done to his leg that was the issue
Still if he could remove it he could get his leg treated he doesn't seem too fazed by the multiple sickle slices . So it's possible though not probable he could have survived
In my first playthrough i killed the first one and spared the other however i spared both of them in my second playthrough.
Had Clem not been around though i would have killed both of them in both playthroughs .
it's a man trap, if a man could escape, it wouldn't be a very effective trap would it?
it may have a key, but it wouldn't have made any difference because it wasn't tied down but it had crushed his bones and ripped his muscle, the weight of the trap wouldnt be much of an issue, just the serious damage done to his leg that was the issue
Also, we have to account for blood loss. I believe that Travis tied a tourniquet to the teacher's leg to try to stem the blood flow from the wound. Danny only has a short amount of time to free himself from the trap before he passes out, especially if he's already been stabbed twice with the sickle/hay hook.
He MIGHT live if Andy were to find him and free him from the trap (if they even know how), but I really don't think that he has time to do so with the Walkers closing in on the farm.
I have two versions going, in the first one I played like I might in real life, I tried to help Frank and killed only one brother...leaving the other to his demise while I walked off in superiority.
In the second version I played Lee like a damn One Man Slaughter House. I helped kill Larry, I picked up the more brutal sickle instead of the stunner and carved em up real good. I killed the brother with the pitch fork right after he said "you won't kill me.....ahhhh." I then made it a point to beat up the other brother as much as the game would allow, then I kicked him into the fence. And, of course raided the car (in both versions).
I have to admit the game was more fun playing Lee as a punk.
I am a little disappointed that some of the choices in the game are so limited. I tried to ignore Mark's groans so I could go downstairs and have a nice dinner before finding him but the game wouldn't allow that. I think they should have put that option in, you could have still tied it in with next segment fine. I think the writing team really missed a good Hannibal moment.
I have to admit, I was a big fan of Shane's character on the Walking Dead and hated when they made him go off the deep end and killed him off. Rick talks way too much and is too emotional. He really started getting on my nerves for a while, he started sounding like a woman.
I was a big fan of Shane's character on the Walking Dead and hated when they made him go off the deep end and killed him off. Rick talks way too much and is too emotional. He really started getting on my nerves for a while, he started sounding like a woman.
The problem with Shane is.... What he did to Otis.
And that conflict between Shane and Rick was about Lori, nothing else. Had Lori died, Rick and Shane would have been fine with eachother and had eachothers back.
Girls are evil.
And that conflict between Shane and Rick was about Lori, nothing else. Had Lori died, Rick and Shane would have been fine with eachother and had each others back.
Girls are evil.
I'm not so sure about that. Shane and Rick disagreed about a lot of things.
While I didn't agree with everything Shane did, I did admire his directness and take charge attitude. My favorite scene is him taking out all the Barn Walkers, even blowing away the one close to Rick with extreme speed and precision (wow).
We can debate the Otis thing. He may have been wrong or perhaps not if they were both dead anyway. He didn't lose it until the end (he didn't take out Dale even when Dale became a major obstacle).
I'm really sorry he's off the show. He made a great counter for Rick, who could seem sort of weak and undecided at times.
I'm not so sure about that. Shane and Rick disagreed about a lot of things.
While I didn't agree with everything Shane did, I did admire his directness and take charge attitude. My favorite scene is him taking out all the Barn Walkers, even blowing away the one close to Rick with extreme speed and precision (wow).
We can debate the Otis thing. He may have been wrong or perhaps not if they were both dead anyway. He didn't lose it until the end (he didn't take out Dale even when Dale became a major obstacle).
I'm really sorry he's off the show. He made a great counter for Rick, who could seem sort of weak and undecided at times.
Ultimately though, the stuff they disagreed about came down to how best keep Lori and Carl safe. Shane says as much himself, "you and Carl are all I care about" (the implication also being that he considers everyone else expendable). The guy was emotionally fragile and lost it pretty much the instant Rick got back, e.g. nearly murdering Rick in the woods, threatening to beat Ed to death, nearly raping Lori, it's also worth mentioning that he wasn't the one to kill the last Walker to come out of the barn which further illustrates the point - he was capable of being just as weak and indecisive as Rick at times, if not moreso.
I really loved the way that the farm plays out after you get back from the camp and the Jolene decision. I was more focused on her crossbow aimed right at me than anything, and assumed that when she said we were "monsters" that she thought the St. Johns were EXACTLY like the bandits, which they weren't, but they were much worse. I killed her and regretted it afterward, especially when Danny complimented me on it.
In the meat locker, I couldn't pick who to help. I ended up picking Kenny just because my cursor was hovering over him at the very last second before the game decided for me, and I cringed about as much as Clem did when Kenny did the deed. After that, I spent at least two full minutes deciding what to do with Danny. I finally reasoned that if he got out of that trap then he could come back for revenge, or continue murdering and canabalizing other survivors. I didn't want to, but it seemed like the only reasonable way and he kind of hit me in the gut when he mentioned that I seemed to have no problem shooting Jolene in the head. Then I heard Clem scream, and when I realized that she saw me my jaw dropped and I felt no better than the St. Johns.
After Brenda died, and I defeated Andy, I realized that the Dairy was pretty much a graveyard. I remembered Jolene up in the woods, Mark with his legs cut off, Larry with his head smashed in, Danny with a pitchfork in his chest, Brenda being torn up by Walker-Mark, and Kenny with a bullet in his side, all on top of Clem watching me kill, and help kill, two other living humans. In my mind far too much blood had been spilled by that point, and after a long thought I left Andy with the walkers. He's probably dead like he and his family deserve, but I couldn't do it myself after everything else that happened, especially after I realized that everyone was watching me.
I don't think I'll forgive myself for making Clem see me kill Danny and help with Larry, but I tried for a bit of Redemption when I spared Andy and didn't loot the car with Kenny and the rest.
i did kill both brothers on my first playthrough. I never got to kick andy into the fence tho. i wrestled with him on the ground and got his gun. shot him dead. wonder how many other things are slightly different??
Do you actually think Clementine will kill anyone?
Because if so, you already killed Clementine, and unless you lied to her, she knows.
i think there might be a sort of grey area situation, where to Clementine somebody will appear to be a "bad man" and there will be a gun near by, and based on past action Clementine might kill someone.
Just beat him up to the point where Doug/Carley stops you. Then you have the option of shooting him or walk away.
Man who runs away lives to fight another day.
I wasn't going to take any chances with those two. They had loose policy. Mark would have lived, but they "only ate people who were dead anyway"? They are clearly not of sound mind. Not to mention they killed Mark, who I liked, and tried to kill all of us. Even after we said we'd leave and never come back they kept us anyway and were already planning on killing everyone.
There's nothing wrong with showing mercy, but keep in mind it's easily taken advantage of. I'm feeling that way with Kenny now, since I sided with him every time except in the meat locker and the episode 3 preview shows him being very insolent. I saved his kid and wife twice and if he starts pushing me in the next installment you bet I'm gonna push back.
Maybe I'm just agree with Hobbes too much. I don't give a damn if Clementine saw me kill those guys. She'll see me kill a lot more. I went out on a limb with the St. Johns and all that experience showed me is that modern society crumbled and turned into a monstrosity in just 3 months, which is astoundingly bad.
I didn't steal the supplies because it seemed really fishy. I declined at first thinking it might be an ambush but then I got locked in with watching everyone loot with sad music while holding Clem's hand. I didn't care that it was "stealing", I cared that it was so obviously placed. Whoever owned it clearly intended to return, but we don't think to wait, to investigate, or to completely bypass it since we already know there are bandits in the woods?
[blatantlies] Fun Fact : The car was a trap but the bandits were taking a bathroom break when Lee's group showed up so they failed to spring the trap. [/blatantlies]
I killed both of them out of mercy, rather than revenge. Danny was caught in an unbreakable bear trap and was going to die a painful death. I saw it as putting him out of his misery. And how can you let Andy live and call yourself "merciful," when his mother has been turned into a zombie and his brother either a) is dead or b) is inevitably going to die (remember the teacher).
I may have been influenced by having watched episode 2 beforehand, and knowing that the zombies were going to eat them alive if I let them live. But regardless, I actually considered it more humane to kill them than to let them live ( kind of like that girl in season 1, which I gave the gun to so that she could shoot herself.)
I personally thought the decision to kill Larry or not was a lot harder to make. I was split 50/50 on whether to do it or not, because there still was a chance that we could have saved him. Eventually though, I decided to kill him, because the risk was too big to the group.
That was the reason I didn't take any. Not to mention Lilly was right: it's not nice to wreck people's day like that. It's rude and dishonorable. I really wish there was an option to wait and see if anyone shows up and make a decision from there.
Garzhul, I ultimately didn't disagree with Kenny killing Larry, despite trying to save him, but CPR works for a reason. Kenny didn't even want to try to revive him, he immediately panicked.
It's funny that I tried to save Larry when I really wanted to kill him.
Killing Danny was really easy, given how I was persuaded he was as good as dead. For Andy, I considered letting him live out of cruelty, and that would have been pure revenge, but decided to end it for him and be the good guy. It sucks the game doesn't reward you for that and assumes you're a bad person for killing him.
Well, that's up to interpretation. The only person who calls you on it is Clem, who is naive and has to have a lot of actions explained to her. It's more that you're building her set of morals than being punished.
Danny obviously thought he could get the jump on you and Kenny.
Danny:So if theres no release mechanism what happens if you me or mama step in it.
Andy: Just don't step on it.
Danny: I mean like on accident.
Andy: don't have accidents.
it's a man trap, if a man could escape, it wouldn't be a very effective trap would it?
it may have a key, but it wouldn't have made any difference because it wasn't tied down but it had crushed his bones and ripped his muscle, the weight of the trap wouldnt be much of an issue, just the serious damage done to his leg that was the issue
Had Clem not been around though i would have killed both of them in both playthroughs .
Also, we have to account for blood loss. I believe that Travis tied a tourniquet to the teacher's leg to try to stem the blood flow from the wound. Danny only has a short amount of time to free himself from the trap before he passes out, especially if he's already been stabbed twice with the sickle/hay hook.
He MIGHT live if Andy were to find him and free him from the trap (if they even know how), but I really don't think that he has time to do so with the Walkers closing in on the farm.
In the second version I played Lee like a damn One Man Slaughter House. I helped kill Larry, I picked up the more brutal sickle instead of the stunner and carved em up real good. I killed the brother with the pitch fork right after he said "you won't kill me.....ahhhh." I then made it a point to beat up the other brother as much as the game would allow, then I kicked him into the fence. And, of course raided the car (in both versions).
I have to admit the game was more fun playing Lee as a punk.
I am a little disappointed that some of the choices in the game are so limited. I tried to ignore Mark's groans so I could go downstairs and have a nice dinner before finding him but the game wouldn't allow that. I think they should have put that option in, you could have still tied it in with next segment fine. I think the writing team really missed a good Hannibal moment.
I have to admit, I was a big fan of Shane's character on the Walking Dead and hated when they made him go off the deep end and killed him off. Rick talks way too much and is too emotional. He really started getting on my nerves for a while, he started sounding like a woman.
The problem with Shane is.... What he did to Otis.
And that conflict between Shane and Rick was about Lori, nothing else. Had Lori died, Rick and Shane would have been fine with eachother and had eachothers back.
Girls are evil.
Isn't that his name in the upcoming novel?
I'm not so sure about that. Shane and Rick disagreed about a lot of things.
While I didn't agree with everything Shane did, I did admire his directness and take charge attitude. My favorite scene is him taking out all the Barn Walkers, even blowing away the one close to Rick with extreme speed and precision (wow).
We can debate the Otis thing. He may have been wrong or perhaps not if they were both dead anyway. He didn't lose it until the end (he didn't take out Dale even when Dale became a major obstacle).
I'm really sorry he's off the show. He made a great counter for Rick, who could seem sort of weak and undecided at times.
Shane is real.
Snap, snap, SNAP!
Tally it, Vainamoinen!
Ultimately though, the stuff they disagreed about came down to how best keep Lori and Carl safe. Shane says as much himself, "you and Carl are all I care about" (the implication also being that he considers everyone else expendable). The guy was emotionally fragile and lost it pretty much the instant Rick got back, e.g. nearly murdering Rick in the woods, threatening to beat Ed to death, nearly raping Lori, it's also worth mentioning that he wasn't the one to kill the last Walker to come out of the barn which further illustrates the point - he was capable of being just as weak and indecisive as Rick at times, if not moreso.
I dont know about you man but i'd rather have a friend like Rick than Shane , you know the former would always have your back at least.
In the meat locker, I couldn't pick who to help. I ended up picking Kenny just because my cursor was hovering over him at the very last second before the game decided for me, and I cringed about as much as Clem did when Kenny did the deed. After that, I spent at least two full minutes deciding what to do with Danny. I finally reasoned that if he got out of that trap then he could come back for revenge, or continue murdering and canabalizing other survivors. I didn't want to, but it seemed like the only reasonable way and he kind of hit me in the gut when he mentioned that I seemed to have no problem shooting Jolene in the head. Then I heard Clem scream, and when I realized that she saw me my jaw dropped and I felt no better than the St. Johns.
After Brenda died, and I defeated Andy, I realized that the Dairy was pretty much a graveyard. I remembered Jolene up in the woods, Mark with his legs cut off, Larry with his head smashed in, Danny with a pitchfork in his chest, Brenda being torn up by Walker-Mark, and Kenny with a bullet in his side, all on top of Clem watching me kill, and help kill, two other living humans. In my mind far too much blood had been spilled by that point, and after a long thought I left Andy with the walkers. He's probably dead like he and his family deserve, but I couldn't do it myself after everything else that happened, especially after I realized that everyone was watching me.
I don't think I'll forgive myself for making Clem see me kill Danny and help with Larry, but I tried for a bit of Redemption when I spared Andy and didn't loot the car with Kenny and the rest.
so maybe he has some problems with feeling pain ? he seems to stop briefly but continues to attack but shows limited signs of ouchiness
plus he 'loves' a gun i'd say he probably is a virgin too..albiet a now 'dead' one
zombies can do this works(you know)