I took both brothers out. I consider myself a good natured and even forgiving guy, so it actually took me by surprise to see only 18% of other players made that call. Made me do a little self analyzing, which I don't know if any other video game has. Much respect to TellTale for making the decisions in this game so visceral and often, heavy.
I guess with the one in the bear trap, he just seemed evil. He gunned down the woman in the woods with not an ounce of remorse. I just remembered him saying "what a waste" and realize in hindsight, what he really meant. Ugh. He had been trapping human beings, killing them, and eating him. Sorry, but there's no coming back from being that horrible and after a quick assessment, knew he needed to be swept from the world. I felt horrible once I realized Clementine saw though.
Same with the other brother. I probably would have let him live, but he sounded like he knew there was nothing left for him to live for, except possibly revenge on us. They had pretty much tortured and killed Mark and who knows else. So when he asked me to finish it...I did. Again, bothered that everyone had to see it, but I saw that as similar to Rick's turning point for Lee...where you realize everything is playing by a different set of rules.
The decision was also made easier for both considering it sounds like the next thing on their menu was gonna be Duck. I'm also thinking the bloody clothes in the wheel barrow may have belonged to the crazed woman's little girl...
I at least stood by Clem's decision not to take the stuff from the car, as I wanted to show that there was a difference between us and the bad people, even though she had witnessed me have to do some harsh and brutal things.
first time i killed them, as i considered them a real threat,but seeing also alot of people let them live and that i has frightened clem, i gave them mercy on a second run
letting them live is awesome at the end, Andy kneeling in the mud calling you out as you guys leave and the zombies close in, awesome, classy just classy
I at least stood by Clem's decision not to take the stuff from the car, as I wanted to show that there was a difference between us and the bad people, even though she had witnessed me have to do some harsh and brutal things.
It's funny, killing bad people it's ok but then stealing for survival it's awful.
After killing two people stealing something it's piece of cake. :rolleyes:
Its better to leave him sufferinger. Thats basically what it comes down to.
Let the zombies eat him alive, see how he likes being eaten.
Well, he DID offer himself. He also said you must keep him alive so it doesn't get tainted. So I think leaving him to the zombies wouldn't have mattered. He was too far gone in the head lol. My first play through I didn't kill either of them. I also tried to help with Larry. It was interesting to go back and do it different as to who helps you out when things hit the fan between Lily and Kenny.
It's funny, killing bad people it's ok but then stealing for survival it's awful.
After killing two people stealing something it's piece of cake. :rolleyes:
Not awful, but I was showing that all morality doesn't go out the window in the interest of survival I guess. Also, after what she had just witnessed, I wanted to nurture the positve moral sentiment she had in not wanting to take someone elses things.
My killing the brothers had nothing to do with wanting vengeance or to see them suffer, but to stop them from potentially hurting anyone else, including our group, which they had a proven track record of doing. They were in their own way, "infected" with a brutal and destructive disease, much the same way the walkers are. There was no coming back from it for them. When it comes down to it, what is really the difference except that the brothers were really just a much more dangerous version who could talk? But does anyone actually hesitate to kill the zombies?
I left danny in the barn, he was as good as dead anyway and I couldn't care less about him. I did kill andy however because i actually felt bad for him. That look on his face after i told him his family was dead made me pity him and i just put him out of his misery
We're the 18% that will do anything to survive and protect Clem!
Also, I'm gonna stay on Kenny's good side, cause I KNOW he's the kind of guy who will do whatever it takes to protect his family, even if that means getting me and Clem and anyone else in the way! Rick would kill every single person around him if he thought they would harm Carl, even the people he's been with for the last year! That's how I'm gonna be with Clem! She's not gonna see me as a bad guy, she's gonna see me as her hero that will do anything for her, and will grow to be a badass little survivor herself!
I thought about leaving the last brother alive, but he begged me to finish that job. So I did. That was me having mercy, despite everything he did to us, to Mark, and to who knows how many more people! If I wanted to be completely heartless I would have left him to be eaten by his mom and all those other walkers and I would have left the other brother alive in the barn too! But I didn't kill them out of anger or for vengence, I killed them because I didn't want them causing problems for us, or anyone else, in the future. Plain and simple. We know what they're capable of, they're in cahoots with the bandits, and know where we're staying, and how many people and weapons we have, and who knows what that brother would do if he DID manage to get away. HE'D be out for vengence and we don't need more problems!
Oh and I took the food cause my little girl and everyone else needs food in their tummies! I don't care who the damn food USE to belong to, it belongs to US now! Finder's keepers, losers weepers! Oh and poor Clemmy really needed a new sweater! lol. She might feel bad about it right now but I'm sure she'll get over it :P
I wonder how taking or not taking the food is going to tie in to the story.... Probably just plays in to what kind of person you're gonna be and what people think of you...
Well I'm gonna do whatever it takes for my group, mainly Clem, to survive, and they're gonna know it!
I killed the one in the barn, but left the one outside. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure why.
Probably partly because Clementine had seen enough terrible stuff that night. I'm trying to be as honest with her as possible, and treat her like an adult. Like, I chose to say "shit" in front of her, rather than sugar coat it, but she is still a kid, and probably doesn't need to see me murder two people on the same night that she sees the friend she nearly ate crawl legless through the door, and then saw Larry's head get smashed.
Its better to leave him sufferinger. Thats basically what it comes down to.
Let the zombies eat him alive, see how he likes being eaten.
This. Danny is trapped in one of his traps (which is the same as the one that had trapped the guy in the beginning, which means that he was responsible for those guys dying too), and there was a sense of poetic justice to it all. That and I'm not sinking down to their level which is what they want me to (as it justifies their own behaviour).
I killed the one in the barn, but left the one outside. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure why.
Probably partly because Clementine had seen enough terrible stuff that night. I'm trying to be as honest with her as possible, and treat her like an adult. Like, I chose to say "shit" in front of her, rather than sugar coat it, but she is still a kid, and probably doesn't need to see me murder two people on the same night that she sees the friend she nearly ate crawl legless through the door, and then saw Larry's head get smashed.
What would be more traumatizing though? Knowing Lee killed them quickly and put them out of their misery, or knowing Lee just left them there to be devoured by the walkers? Hearing him scream after you as he's torn to pieces...
Just killing them off seems like the better approach lol
People thinks they're being so good or something by leaving them alive, but to me that seems worse!
"Yeah, Clem, I didn't kill those guys cause that would be wrong, and kids don't need to see that... I just left them for dead, cause that's sooo much better. Oh and we're not taking this car full of food either cause my morals are more important than our survival" Yup.
I killed the first brother, but let the other one live. I did this, because it was not what he wanted. Leaving him alone, with his family dead and zombies knocking at the door was way more cruel in my opinion than just letting him die.
"Yeah, Clem, I didn't kill those guys cause that would be wrong, and kids don't need to see that... I just left them for dead, cause that's sooo much better. Oh and we're not taking this car full of food either cause my morals are more important than our survival" Yup.
No I definitely wanted them both dead, and knew what walking away meant. I really enjoyed the fact that his mother was probably the first to reach him. But I'd rather Clementine not actually watch another person die. I'm okay with her knowing it happened, it's not like it's a big secret that zombies are out here eating people.
I think watching someone get shot in the face would be more traumatizing than thinking "That guy probably died"
Well the people who didn't kill them can live on believing they made the right choice and the people who did kill them can live on believing that they made the right choice and we will just have to see how it plays out in the story
(The 18% of us that killed the brothers have what it takes to survive in zombie-apocalypse world, the other 82% will soon find out there's no room for being soft or having morals )
I killed the first brother, Danny. It was more of a reflex than anything else. I was angry and did it, I did feel guilty after discovering Clem watched the whole thing. I left Andy for dead, almost didn't. Not sure why, but I think it had something to do with seeing the rest of my group standing watching me. Plus I didn't feel like wasting the bullet. In the end, their family became zombies and are still eating people.
I was also a little surprised that the majority of people didn't take the food/supplies in the car. But it's them or us and a few of us had just unwittingly eaten the legs of a friend. I wish there had been an option to leave some stufff behind, I know it wouldn't matter in the long run but it felt weird to me that if I decided to take some of the stuff, I had to take it all.
Hell yeah i killed both of them with the quickness. One was gonna shoot me and the other tried to fry my domepiece on the fence. I don't get why so many people care about Clementine seeing you kill them, the kid gloves have to come off sometime. And you better believe i stole the food and made her take the hoodie.
Hell yeah i killed both of them with the quickness. One was gonna shoot me and the other tried to fry my domepiece on the fence. I don't get why so many people care about Clementine seeing you kill them, the kid gloves have to come off sometime. And you better believe i stole the food and made her take the hoodie.
lmao yes! I made her take that damn hoodie too! I don't want my girl gettin cold!
Clem watched Kenny smash Larry's face 5 minutes earlier. And people worry about her seeing Lee kill the brothers who murdered one member of the group. And indirectly got another one killed in the box.
Overprotective are we?
The 1st guy is in a trap, he's not going anywhere and so I should have left him BUT the game/group basically broke me. I just had enough with Larry, Lilly+Kenny fighting all the time etc. All this time I tried to be reasonable, look out for Clem and the whole group, make them get along. And I didn't even wanted to go to the farm to begin with.
And this guy turns and tells me I don't have the guts to kill him... I snapped.
(not to mention the bad possibilities of letting him live, like I go out and he grabs Clem or something. It's not like I trust anyone in the group to be responsible enough..well except Doug)
The 2nd guy I didn't even realised that by going back to him It would mean that I'll kill him. But at this point I didn't really cared. In fact when you punch him I thought I was going to kill him and had no problem about it.
At this point I'm done playing nice. Especially with people like Larry. I even gave him food (the jerky no less) just to avoid the potential bit***ng from him and or Lilly, instead of giving it to Doug for example who I saved and all in all is a guy that causes no problems, no drama, and is helpful. And that's not fair at all. What am I? The group's mother/babysitter/therapist?
When I killed them both, I was taking Lee's back story into consideration. I know he's murdered before (hasn't been revealed why). So I thought it would fit the character to play him as a nice guy most of the time, but willing to do horrible things when pushed to far. Clementine seeing me do it, horrifies me. When it came time to talk to her about it, I had to let her know that the memory of my actions are going to haunt me for the next three episodes.
I actually went the other way with Lee's having killed before thing: I'm kinda playing it that he is trying to 'prove' to himself that he's still a good man and trying to avoid making the same mistake again, often going too far in the other direction when he knows full well it's a mistake.
Well the people who didn't kill them can live on believing they made the right choice and the people who did kill them can live on believing that they made the right choice and we will just have to see how it plays out in the story
(The 18% of us that killed the brothers have what it takes to survive in zombie-apocalypse world, the other 82% will soon find out there's no room for being soft or having morals )
bunch of pansies. need more people like us around if the world ends up going to shit.
I didn`t kill them...for 2 reasons
1-I decided to play Lee as a man who doesn`t kill in cold blood(dont know how the senator died... but i want to believe it was an accident)
2-After falling to the bear trap danny said something like the world is like this now, kill or be killed....and I wanted to prove him wrong...as for andy, he was already broken after i said his family was not coming...and I felt bad about killing him after that(also clem and the whole group was watching)
on my second playthrough i will do the exact opposite of what I did this episode
I did not kill the first one because I thought that he could be somehow used to save Kenny’s family (if he was dead would be no talk with the other two) and Clem would see it. Also, he wasn’t going anywhere with his leg at that thing.
The second one also had the Clem’s factor, but even more important than that was the fact that the farm was been overrun by walkers. That was a far better end for him.
But if the walkers weren’t there they would have been captured and my vote would be for death (obvious!).They could not escape from that after all. Just didn’t want to kill them at cold blood or in front of the kids.
Seriously that's why there's other save slots! i have played three times and changed each option all three saves 1 let them both live 2 killed them both 3 killed one off each. so let it rest with the' i can't believe you let them live" I made the decisons based on how episode two has tons more choices in then episode 1.
i killed them both and it felt great also i left the food my lee is turning into a mean muther its kill or be killed also i wanted to kill the bloke with the mustache kenny is it i hope i can kill him in future game.
They'll probably be eaten because ones in an unbreakable bear trap and one is in despair because he's too stupid to go check on his brother. Clem knows im a killer the last thing i want her to do is be afraid of me I'm her knight not her captor
Feels fine because I know you are incorrect.
Clementine needs to be taught how to properly deal with the evil in the world. And yes the cannibal family was flat out evil. It needed to be destroyed. The children must be taught how to deal with it and why such actions are needed. A knight dispenses justice. And killing the brothers is very justified.
I am willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and treat them with dignity and with respect, Until they prove they are unworthy of being treated that way. I would say that killing a member of your group and other innocent travelers, assaulting yourself and clementine with intent to murder and eat you, is well beyond any sort of forgiveness. And anyone who lets them go free after those sorts of actions IS an idiot. People who make poor decisions Need to be informed they are making poor decisions, and they need to be told why or they will never improve.
There are also some crimes and situations which demand a firm and final response. As I mentioned in my earlier post, the cannibal family needed to be destroyed, and you (the player) have the responsibility of taking that action. I would even go so far as to suggest: that too leave them alive is immoral, unethical, idiotic, and yes even 'evil'.
It's amazing how quickly some people are willing to switch over to a frontier justice system when the world ends. It's only been three months, for crying out loud,
It's amazing how quickly some people are willing to switch over to a frontier justice system when the world ends. It's only been three months, for crying out loud,
Unfortunately there would be no other justice system. It's not like you can apprehend someone and put them in jail. I agree with whoever said above it would be irresponsible in a way, not to stop them permanently from doing further harm. They were essentially serial killers and needed to be stopped.
It's ironic to hear so many players say they avoided killing the brothers because they didn't want Clem to witness it. The very same brothers who just moments earlier decided they were going to kill Clem specifically because she didn't have enough meat on her bones for trade.
I totally understand it though, it's something that changed in me throughout the course of the game. In the beginning it was painfully tempting to do or say anything I could to make Clem think things were better than they were, despite my wanting to be 100% honest with her. For the most part I stuck to the honesty policy and for the most part, Clem has taken it all amazingly well.
Now I'm actually more afraid of accidentally telling her reassuring lies than harsh truths, as I don't want to weaken her or give her a reason to not trust me completely.
Basically I try to keep my actions righteous, even if it means pissing someone off, or getting my hands dirty and facing some tough questions from Clem later on.
I killed the first brother, but when I heard the way Clementine screamed after she saw that I couldn't kill the other one. They would both be eaten by the walkers anyway, there's no need to make Clementine witness it being done by Lee's hands.
Unfortunately there would be no other justice system. It's not like you can apprehend someone and put them in jail. I agree with whoever said above it would be irresponsible in a way, not to stop them permanently from doing further harm. They were essentially serial killers and needed to be stopped.
But they were stopped. It's not like we left them to keep doing what they were doing. We left them to face the walkers. In my play through, Danny is stuck in a rigged bear trap in the barn, Brenda is already zombified and Andy has been beaten and electrocuted until he could barely stand up. That's hardly the same as leaving them to continue their evil ways.
Now it's true, I didn't know the walkers were coming when I left Danny alive in that barn, but that doesn't mean I was leaving him to keep killing people. If the zombies hadn't come, I like to think that once the group was back together and we knew everyone was safe, we would have gone back into that barn, tied up Danny and Andy, and dragged them back to the motel to decide their fate. Then, if the group decided on execution, it would have been done right - by standing them up in front of everybody with nooses around their necks and listing their crimes before kicking the chairs out from under them.
That would be justice. Killing someone with a pitchfork in a barn out of anger is just murder. It's important to hold on to that distinction, especially in a zombie apocalypse.
killed the first brother at the barn (and felt like an ass when Clementine saw me); for the second one I thought it would be pretty hilarious if he got eaten by zombies, since he wanted to eat us all!
I guess with the one in the bear trap, he just seemed evil. He gunned down the woman in the woods with not an ounce of remorse. I just remembered him saying "what a waste" and realize in hindsight, what he really meant. Ugh. He had been trapping human beings, killing them, and eating him. Sorry, but there's no coming back from being that horrible and after a quick assessment, knew he needed to be swept from the world. I felt horrible once I realized Clementine saw though.
Same with the other brother. I probably would have let him live, but he sounded like he knew there was nothing left for him to live for, except possibly revenge on us. They had pretty much tortured and killed Mark and who knows else. So when he asked me to finish it...I did. Again, bothered that everyone had to see it, but I saw that as similar to Rick's turning point for Lee...where you realize everything is playing by a different set of rules.
The decision was also made easier for both considering it sounds like the next thing on their menu was gonna be Duck. I'm also thinking the bloody clothes in the wheel barrow may have belonged to the crazed woman's little girl...
I at least stood by Clem's decision not to take the stuff from the car, as I wanted to show that there was a difference between us and the bad people, even though she had witnessed me have to do some harsh and brutal things.
letting them live is awesome at the end, Andy kneeling in the mud calling you out as you guys leave and the zombies close in, awesome, classy just classy
It's funny, killing bad people it's ok but then stealing for survival it's awful.
After killing two people stealing something it's piece of cake. :rolleyes:
Well, he DID offer himself. He also said you must keep him alive so it doesn't get tainted. So I think leaving him to the zombies wouldn't have mattered. He was too far gone in the head lol. My first play through I didn't kill either of them. I also tried to help with Larry. It was interesting to go back and do it different as to who helps you out when things hit the fan between Lily and Kenny.
Not awful, but I was showing that all morality doesn't go out the window in the interest of survival I guess. Also, after what she had just witnessed, I wanted to nurture the positve moral sentiment she had in not wanting to take someone elses things.
My killing the brothers had nothing to do with wanting vengeance or to see them suffer, but to stop them from potentially hurting anyone else, including our group, which they had a proven track record of doing. They were in their own way, "infected" with a brutal and destructive disease, much the same way the walkers are. There was no coming back from it for them. When it comes down to it, what is really the difference except that the brothers were really just a much more dangerous version who could talk? But does anyone actually hesitate to kill the zombies?
Also, I'm gonna stay on Kenny's good side, cause I KNOW he's the kind of guy who will do whatever it takes to protect his family, even if that means getting me and Clem and anyone else in the way! Rick would kill every single person around him if he thought they would harm Carl, even the people he's been with for the last year! That's how I'm gonna be with Clem! She's not gonna see me as a bad guy, she's gonna see me as her hero that will do anything for her, and will grow to be a badass little survivor herself!
I thought about leaving the last brother alive, but he begged me to finish that job. So I did. That was me having mercy, despite everything he did to us, to Mark, and to who knows how many more people! If I wanted to be completely heartless I would have left him to be eaten by his mom and all those other walkers and I would have left the other brother alive in the barn too! But I didn't kill them out of anger or for vengence, I killed them because I didn't want them causing problems for us, or anyone else, in the future. Plain and simple. We know what they're capable of, they're in cahoots with the bandits, and know where we're staying, and how many people and weapons we have, and who knows what that brother would do if he DID manage to get away. HE'D be out for vengence and we don't need more problems!
Oh and I took the food cause my little girl and everyone else needs food in their tummies! I don't care who the damn food USE to belong to, it belongs to US now! Finder's keepers, losers weepers! Oh and poor Clemmy really needed a new sweater! lol. She might feel bad about it right now but I'm sure she'll get over it :P
I wonder how taking or not taking the food is going to tie in to the story.... Probably just plays in to what kind of person you're gonna be and what people think of you...
Well I'm gonna do whatever it takes for my group, mainly Clem, to survive, and they're gonna know it!
Probably partly because Clementine had seen enough terrible stuff that night. I'm trying to be as honest with her as possible, and treat her like an adult. Like, I chose to say "shit" in front of her, rather than sugar coat it, but she is still a kid, and probably doesn't need to see me murder two people on the same night that she sees the friend she nearly ate crawl legless through the door, and then saw Larry's head get smashed.
This. Danny is trapped in one of his traps (which is the same as the one that had trapped the guy in the beginning, which means that he was responsible for those guys dying too), and there was a sense of poetic justice to it all. That and I'm not sinking down to their level which is what they want me to (as it justifies their own behaviour).
What would be more traumatizing though? Knowing Lee killed them quickly and put them out of their misery, or knowing Lee just left them there to be devoured by the walkers? Hearing him scream after you as he's torn to pieces...
Just killing them off seems like the better approach lol
People thinks they're being so good or something by leaving them alive, but to me that seems worse!
"Yeah, Clem, I didn't kill those guys cause that would be wrong, and kids don't need to see that... I just left them for dead, cause that's sooo much better. Oh and we're not taking this car full of food either cause my morals are more important than our survival" Yup.
No I definitely wanted them both dead, and knew what walking away meant. I really enjoyed the fact that his mother was probably the first to reach him. But I'd rather Clementine not actually watch another person die. I'm okay with her knowing it happened, it's not like it's a big secret that zombies are out here eating people.
I think watching someone get shot in the face would be more traumatizing than thinking "That guy probably died"
(The 18% of us that killed the brothers have what it takes to survive in zombie-apocalypse world, the other 82% will soon find out there's no room for being soft or having morals
I was also a little surprised that the majority of people didn't take the food/supplies in the car. But it's them or us and a few of us had just unwittingly eaten the legs of a friend. I wish there had been an option to leave some stufff behind, I know it wouldn't matter in the long run but it felt weird to me that if I decided to take some of the stuff, I had to take it all.
lmao yes! I made her take that damn hoodie too! I don't want my girl gettin cold!
Overprotective are we?
Did you see the zombies eat the big brother?
Or do you just assume they did?
The 1st guy is in a trap, he's not going anywhere and so I should have left him BUT the game/group basically broke me. I just had enough with Larry, Lilly+Kenny fighting all the time etc. All this time I tried to be reasonable, look out for Clem and the whole group, make them get along. And I didn't even wanted to go to the farm to begin with.
And this guy turns and tells me I don't have the guts to kill him... I snapped.
(not to mention the bad possibilities of letting him live, like I go out and he grabs Clem or something. It's not like I trust anyone in the group to be responsible enough..well except Doug)
The 2nd guy I didn't even realised that by going back to him It would mean that I'll kill him. But at this point I didn't really cared. In fact when you punch him I thought I was going to kill him and had no problem about it.
At this point I'm done playing nice. Especially with people like Larry. I even gave him food (the jerky no less) just to avoid the potential bit***ng from him and or Lilly, instead of giving it to Doug for example who I saved and all in all is a guy that causes no problems, no drama, and is helpful. And that's not fair at all. What am I? The group's mother/babysitter/therapist?
I actually went the other way with Lee's having killed before thing: I'm kinda playing it that he is trying to 'prove' to himself that he's still a good man and trying to avoid making the same mistake again, often going too far in the other direction when he knows full well it's a mistake.
bunch of pansies. need more people like us around if the world ends up going to shit.
1-I decided to play Lee as a man who doesn`t kill in cold blood(dont know how the senator died... but i want to believe it was an accident)
2-After falling to the bear trap danny said something like the world is like this now, kill or be killed....and I wanted to prove him wrong...as for andy, he was already broken after i said his family was not coming...and I felt bad about killing him after that(also clem and the whole group was watching)
on my second playthrough i will do the exact opposite of what I did this episode
The second one I just left for dead
The second one also had the Clem’s factor, but even more important than that was the fact that the farm was been overrun by walkers. That was a far better end for him.
But if the walkers weren’t there they would have been captured and my vote would be for death (obvious!).They could not escape from that after all. Just didn’t want to kill them at cold blood or in front of the kids.
and people say the brothers are the bad guys...XD
scary thought but i doubt it
i'm more worried about the people i stole food from
Feels fine because I know you are incorrect.
Clementine needs to be taught how to properly deal with the evil in the world. And yes the cannibal family was flat out evil. It needed to be destroyed. The children must be taught how to deal with it and why such actions are needed. A knight dispenses justice. And killing the brothers is very justified.
I am willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and treat them with dignity and with respect, Until they prove they are unworthy of being treated that way. I would say that killing a member of your group and other innocent travelers, assaulting yourself and clementine with intent to murder and eat you, is well beyond any sort of forgiveness. And anyone who lets them go free after those sorts of actions IS an idiot. People who make poor decisions Need to be informed they are making poor decisions, and they need to be told why or they will never improve.
There are also some crimes and situations which demand a firm and final response. As I mentioned in my earlier post, the cannibal family needed to be destroyed, and you (the player) have the responsibility of taking that action. I would even go so far as to suggest: that too leave them alive is immoral, unethical, idiotic, and yes even 'evil'.
Unfortunately there would be no other justice system. It's not like you can apprehend someone and put them in jail. I agree with whoever said above it would be irresponsible in a way, not to stop them permanently from doing further harm. They were essentially serial killers and needed to be stopped.
I totally understand it though, it's something that changed in me throughout the course of the game. In the beginning it was painfully tempting to do or say anything I could to make Clem think things were better than they were, despite my wanting to be 100% honest with her. For the most part I stuck to the honesty policy and for the most part, Clem has taken it all amazingly well.
Now I'm actually more afraid of accidentally telling her reassuring lies than harsh truths, as I don't want to weaken her or give her a reason to not trust me completely.
Basically I try to keep my actions righteous, even if it means pissing someone off, or getting my hands dirty and facing some tough questions from Clem later on.
God damn this game is good...
But they were stopped. It's not like we left them to keep doing what they were doing. We left them to face the walkers. In my play through, Danny is stuck in a rigged bear trap in the barn, Brenda is already zombified and Andy has been beaten and electrocuted until he could barely stand up. That's hardly the same as leaving them to continue their evil ways.
Now it's true, I didn't know the walkers were coming when I left Danny alive in that barn, but that doesn't mean I was leaving him to keep killing people. If the zombies hadn't come, I like to think that once the group was back together and we knew everyone was safe, we would have gone back into that barn, tied up Danny and Andy, and dragged them back to the motel to decide their fate. Then, if the group decided on execution, it would have been done right - by standing them up in front of everybody with nooses around their necks and listing their crimes before kicking the chairs out from under them.
That would be justice. Killing someone with a pitchfork in a barn out of anger is just murder. It's important to hold on to that distinction, especially in a zombie apocalypse.