So you let Redwizards break the rules and it's all cool? Another guy got banned for doing something sorta similar and he even typed :not at the end of his post.
Mate, aren't you sick that the exactly same thing happens EVERY SINGLE TIME TT releases an episode, being a moderator and all? Will they ever learn? No communication whatsoever with their customers. In my eyes, it's simple - The game will be out @ 4PM. It's not out due to some unforeseen issues, they post an official message saying - 'We're sorry but due to some technical issues we have a delay with the release'. Not a shred of respect. Seriously. And don't even get me started on the Customer service. Sitting here waiting for almost 6 hours and my day off is nearly over. Again. Same thing again.
I agree. Part of a great episodic game is having it released on time and fulfilling the customers expectations. This game is great but I have no doubt that TT may not be the best company for TWD. The storyline is brilliant but the delay and frustration of myself, fellow commenter's on this forum, and those still waiting do degrade the awesomeness of the game. I'm a creative guy, can't draw, or program but if 1 million people paid me 10 bucks I could have yearly releases. These games would also be AWESOME. Not many would subscribe to those games because they wouldn't subscribe to such and unreasonable time frame. So the argument "give them plenty of time because TT is so creative" doesn't fly with me. If TT can't handle putting out a game on schedule they should lose the rights to produce further Dead games. It's an indicator that they aren't the best company for this game because they are unable to release games in a timely fashion. Since they keep 2nd guessing their release dates I am 2nd guessing how much more creative TT is over other larger companies that don't appear to have such a limited (maybe understaffed) team. I know I won't hurt TT's business but once this season is over I won't be back.
Ok sure I'll wait but now I know TT tactics in the PC world, I'll just wait with future games to either buy it when all episodes are released as I did with Back to the future at less than half price. This is why DEMONIOD was so popular, oh well torrents will be around as long as the inter-webz is around
Ok sure I'll wait but now I know TT tactics in the PC world, I'll just wait with future games to either buy it when all episodes are released as I did with Back to the future at less than half price. This is why DEMONIOD was so popular, oh well torrents will be around as long as the inter-webz is around
wow, still isn't here. It's already 30th in Asia. Soo basically TTG lied to their Asian customers about the release date. If only we had a world standard time.. Oh wait, we have one, it's called GMT! Ignorant TTG -.-
wow, still isn't here. It's already 30th in Asia. Soo basically TTG lied to their Asian customers about the release date. If only we had a world standard time.. Oh wait, we have one, it's called GMT! Ignorant TTG -.-
wow, still isn't here. It's already 30th in Asia. Soo basically TTG lied to their Asian customers about the release date. If only we had a world standard time.. Oh wait, we have one, it's called GMT! Ignorant TTG -.-
Ger over yourself. It's still 29th for teltale, so they have not lied. Of course they are going to use their own timezone.
No need. Forget it. Pretty please.
PS: Sorry if this is banable offense. Don't ban me maaaaaan
(I love telltale)
Let me know if I should delete the link.
I don't wanna step on anybody's toes
what did I do.
I agree. Part of a great episodic game is having it released on time and fulfilling the customers expectations. This game is great but I have no doubt that TT may not be the best company for TWD. The storyline is brilliant but the delay and frustration of myself, fellow commenter's on this forum, and those still waiting do degrade the awesomeness of the game. I'm a creative guy, can't draw, or program but if 1 million people paid me 10 bucks I could have yearly releases. These games would also be AWESOME. Not many would subscribe to those games because they wouldn't subscribe to such and unreasonable time frame. So the argument "give them plenty of time because TT is so creative" doesn't fly with me. If TT can't handle putting out a game on schedule they should lose the rights to produce further Dead games. It's an indicator that they aren't the best company for this game because they are unable to release games in a timely fashion. Since they keep 2nd guessing their release dates I am 2nd guessing how much more creative TT is over other larger companies that don't appear to have such a limited (maybe understaffed) team. I know I won't hurt TT's business but once this season is over I won't be back.
I dont think this is working out.
Go to bed now.
Had a exhausting day at work and going to have one tomorrow.
Thought i releax with the game today, but okay next time i know EU release is one day behind.
shame demonoid won't be lol
oops, here goes another ban
Let's exaggerate and say it is a sign that the episode is on its way.
Even if you torrent, you ain't getting Episode 3 any sooner. :>
what happens if i say the word bomb? or al-qaeda
I used to have a girlfriend who was like episode 3. Stress in bed
that's what happened to me once. just for using the 'T' word. Yup, i know.
ba dum tiss.
Oh c'mon! You didn't say Titty, did you? Are you crazy?
Ha... That's pretty good.
Apparently they do hate Titties a lot here
This is your first Steam wait? Haha, I wouldn't start venting yet. Although TT are probably primarily to blame since it is late August not mid August.
Hey, no probs. You can link to random guys starting a countdown to the next full hour on the Steam forum any time. :cool:
You mean you only just noticed them.
There was a worse one last week. My old apartment in SoCal had its windows blown out. X_x
they have been up since early today or late last night, not sure which as I was sleeping
I guess, they weren't there yesterday at least not when I checked.
Here and I was getting happy, back to sad panda face again.
What if I turn into a zombie anticipating the game's release.
What then
Please read this. Thanks.