I think that TG should reduce the kill ratio. So far, in a span of a few episodes, almost all characters from the core cast are dead (only Clementine survived from day 1). It looks like they want to outdo both Kirkman and George R. R. Martin combined. In my opinion, there is a limited amount of interesting characters the writers can come up with, before they start to feel repetitive. If all interesting characters are dead, the game starts to be boring.
I think we will play as Clem in season 2 and here is why..
Through out the entire game we are Lee, we know what he knows, from his point of view, that is up until he dies in the end. then at the end of the credits we see Clementine and everything from her point of view, just like we did when we played Lee. So I think it is a good prediction that we play as Clem in the next season.. which might be rather interesting.
Nobody else thinks it'd be kind of repetitive to just have Clem being adopted again by some stranger? The bond between Lee and Clem was pretty special and not something you can just replicate with some random new character, imo at least.
Definitely a new person. I like Omid very much as a character, but I don't think he's "playable" as a protagonist. Christa... well, I don't know, she's just not my type of person. Clem? No way! I don't want to see her slashing walkers like it's just a piece of cake...
I just chose Omid because I don't want to play as female and may also not like the "surprise" of the "new character". Omid was cool enough to play with. However the best would be a character choosen by me, with the personality I would like him to have...of course.
At least, if it has to be a new character, I hope it's still someone "normal" and "neutral" such as Lee, which we can personalize a bit during the game, not someone with too strange clothes that may indict some kind of behaviour or personality which I may not go along with.
I would like to see Christa, Omid and Clementine again. I would also like to see Kenny once more...walking around as walker.:D
Just kidding with that Kenny part. I would not like to see him again because I want to see a new scenario and if I would see him as a walker it would mean we were stucked with that Savanna.
Opening discusion for some possible appearances in Season 2:
-Clementine: Almost certain by the post-credits scene.
-Christa and Omid: Lee's asking them to take care of Clementine in episode 5 is their ticket as well as Clem's to appear in Season 2 in my opinion.
-Molly: She is almost a ninja, and even if you shot her like I accidentally did, she just run from the zombies and we don't see her die. In my opinion is another to come back, even if it is like in season 1 in only part of one episode.
-Molly's sister (Anna): I don't remember molly saying she died, but in the wiki says "unknown", so along with Molly returning maybe we have surprises.
-Lilly/ Glenn/ Hershel: We could say they have a possibility to appear, but I am almost certain that won't. They were used to make links with other medias of TWD and made their role in season 1.
-Vernon and the invalids: I think at least Vernon may appear in some part of the season and we get to know what kind of shit happened to them after they got the boat.
-The rest is dead as far as I can remember.
Concluding, I think Telltale has good characters to work with even before start working in season 2, with possible references to the previous season and new events with already known characters.
i don't know in the episode section of the walking dead page in episode 5 it says "Learn Lee and Clem’s fate" so from that it seems like they have finished with clem's story however in the final scene it has her learning how to survive and remembering what to do so it is possible they could continue
i wonder if she will come back or will the coin land on its side and let you control other people that find her
I am pretty sure Anna is dead. She says it's all that she has left of her, and quote "In the end I couldn't protect her". Also she seemed to have such a strong relationship with her sister she wouldn't abandon her.
As for S2 characters most plausible are Molly and Christa/Omid.
As for the other characters that didn't die on screen like Glenn, Hershel or Lilly: i doubt it. But nothing is impossible.
Doubt we will be Clem, I doubt they let you go around doing stuff and killing walkers on your own when you're just 9 years old, only Lee would let her do that. Well, not alone but.. You know.
Molly seems to be the perfect candidate in one scenario. The game instead of picking up at the very end where Clem is out in the field it starts off right around the time the boat gets stolen by Vernon and his group. Molly is still in the city. I'm sure she'd run into them and maybe get her arm patched up by Vernon if she got shot. Molly obviously would not go on the boat.
She'd probably run into Kenny, not wherever you left him to the horde but probably still fighting for his life. Save him and probably end up at the hotel. Find Campman and the walkie talkie Lee left behind. Probably find Lee in the Jewelry store somehow and either Kill Lee probably with the baseball bat Clem left laying right next to him or just mourning him if Clem killed him. Then they flee the completely overrun city and head towards the countryside where maybe not in episode 1 but 2 they'd run into Clementine or at least Omid and Christa or all three.
Obviously this is just rough bullet points but its certainly in the realm of reality that these events could occur in one way or another.
What are your thoughts on how season 2 could start?
I think at the start we would see where omid and christa are, later on they would maybe find Clem, who would inform them about Lee. It would probaly shift to the person you are playing, walking towards a broken down RV, to search for food. You find a walker banging on the bathroom door, kill it, then find Lilly either dead / alive & dehydrated, you give her some water you got left, then stay for the night inside the RV, later on you wake up hearing Clem's voice saying "That's our groups RV!" then I don't know.
I know it's different if you didn't take Lilly with you but, she could have followed and taken the RV after you left on the train.
I think at the start we would see where omid and christa are, later on they would maybe find Clem, who would inform them about Lee. It would probaly shift to the person you are playing, walking towards a broken down RV, to search for food. You find a walker banging on the bathroom door, kill it, then find Lilly either dead / alive & dehydrated, you give her some water you got left, then stay for the night inside the RV, later on you wake up hearing Clem's voice saying "That's our groups RV!" then I don't know.
I know it's different if you didn't take Lilly with you but, she could have followed and taken the RV after you left on the train.
Problem with that is though is that Lily is in the comic book and she plays a pretty serious role in her brief time in the spotlight. Although its still very possible they could run into her with the way they left her in the comic and I hope they do in Season 2. It would certainly be an interesting event. Seeing Clem and Lily meeting up and Clem telling her what happened. See her response.
I may sound sexist but im not, trust me. But I would HATE to play as a female or Clem. I like RP'ing in games and playing as a girl totally ruins it for me. Im sure im not the only guy who thinks this.. and well, playing as a nine year old girl is even worse. I'd like a new male protagonist. Maybe an ex soldier, a character like Abe from the comics who can really take care of Clem. I hope Clem finds her way back to Omid and Christa and the 3 of them join with the new guy.
I am 100% certain you will play a completely new character. Reason is that in a game like this the game needs you to be able to define your own character. You can't just slip into an existing NPC with known character-traits and go from there. Doesn't make sense and would be awful. So yea, you are neither playing Clem nor Christa/Omid or anyone else from S1.
Will you meet someone from S1? Likely, but the protagonist will be an undeveloped character for sure. And that's how it should be.
And I can't grasp that 35% of the people actually believe you will play as Clementine in Season 2. That's pure ridiculous.
I want to play as Kenny ( even tho chances are he is dead) Why you might ask?
Because of his sexy mustache, giving you the option to seduce women and men in a dialogue, and his strong muscles to fight of the horrible hoard of walkers, oh my... Imagine it, Kennny with no shirt fighting walkers with a big machete, the sun shining on his mustache.
I want to play a slighty more mature Clementine, just a couple months older i guess. Her character is so awesome and after all that character development it would be a disservice to throw it away for a new character.
Plus when is the last time you got to play as a badass little girl in a zombie game? "Zombies Ate My Neighbors" come to mind, but that's about it
I feel like playing as Omid or Christa would be a good choice, since we got to know them and like them enough that I wouldn't be all "BLERGH. WHO IS THIS PERSON WHO ISN'T LEE. AWAY WITH THEM.", but there's still enough 'empty space' in them to fill.
Like, they've come at the tail end of your journey, and they seem to have had it relatively safe and successful for now. Which also means they haven't been tested.
We got to know Kenny, Lily, Clementine, Ben and Lee (and ourselves) through how they act in a desperate situations. Not so much for Omid and Christa. So I feel there's room to grow there.
I sort of lean to Omid more because no matter how you sliced it with Lee, he seemed like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Someone with a little bit of a more light-hearted personality might be interesting. On the other hand, I'd love to play Christa since she's got such a tough demeanor and dry sense of humour.
The other thing though is that part of the reason Lee worked was because you had Clementine. Without her, Lee wouldn't work. She gave the game and the character focus.
And you can't just replicate that. You can't just take the new protagonist and Clem and push for the same relationship because it will never ring as true as it could with Lee. And replacing her with another child or object of care and affection could end up even worse.
It's an interesting dilemma, and I'm really interested in seeing how Telltale approach it.
I may sound sexist but im not, trust me. But I would HATE to play as a female or Clem. I like RP'ing in games and playing as a girl totally ruins it for me. Im sure im not the only guy who thinks this.. and well, playing as a nine year old girl is even worse. I'd like a new male protagonist. Maybe an ex soldier, a character like Abe from the comics who can really take care of Clem. I hope Clem finds her way back to Omid and Christa and the 3 of them join with the new guy.
As a male, when I'm given the choice I usually play as a female character because great Female characters are woefully underrepresented in video games and I would absolutely love to play as one in the next season because I know Telltale would do a great job with one.
But as far as roleplaying, I don't care what gender it is because I've been able to connect fairly easily with both female and male protagonists
But I do agree with you that the lead in the next season shouldn't be Clementine but mostly because I want to see how lee's actions and words affected her and not have my input mucking up any character development she's going through
I am 100% certain you will play a completely new character. Reason is that in a game like this the game needs you to be able to define your own character. You can't just slip into an existing NPC with known character-traits and go from there. Doesn't make sense and would be awful. So yea, you are neither playing Clem nor Christa/Omid or anyone else from S1.
Will you meet someone from S1? Likely, but the protagonist will be an undeveloped character for sure. And that's how it should be.
And I can't grasp that 35% of the people actually believe you will play as Clementine in Season 2. That's pure ridiculous.
Clementine was about as developed as Lee was when you first met her. You helped her shape her new personality in the zombie world. We made her tough! I think it's possible to play as Clem in S2.
Plus it's not like we decided who Lee was from scratch. Lee was always a convicted murderer with a messed up family life.
Clementine was about as developed as Lee was when you first met her. You helped her shape her new personality in the zombie world. We made her tough! I think it's possible to play as Clem in S2.
Plus it's not like we decided who Lee was from scratch. Lee was always a convicted murderer with a messed up family life.
I may sound sexist but im not, trust me. But I would HATE to play as a female or Clem. I like RP'ing in games and playing as a girl totally ruins it for me. Im sure im not the only guy who thinks this.. and well, playing as a nine year old girl is even worse. I'd like a new male protagonist. Maybe an ex soldier, a character like Abe from the comics who can really take care of Clem. I hope Clem finds her way back to Omid and Christa and the 3 of them join with the new guy.
Actually, I think a female lead could be an interesting change! I'm female, but I prefer male leads. Playing a female in The Walking Dead would be interesting though - Andrea, Molly and Michonne have all been badass, and there's the added tension that not everybody would believe a woman could handle herself, as well as the threat of rape from bandits or whatever O_O
About the poll, I think it will be a new protagonist. I'd love to see how things turn out for Clem, but I also wouldn't mind and entirely new cast, taking the story in a new direction.
Another good protagonist could be Molly, the mystery girl from Savannah who left rather suddenly in Episode 4.
I dont know why i'm advocating for female protagonists all of a sudden, but i just think it would be an interesting change! I know for a fact that women dig TWD and i would be surprised if having a female protagonist wouldn't be a huge success. Just leave any females from the TV show off of it... They're all terrible! (Especially Andrea, the worst character on the show)
Also, am i the only who thinks T-Dawg would be the ideal new protagonist?!
Through out the entire game we are Lee, we know what he knows, from his point of view, that is up until he dies in the end. then at the end of the credits we see Clementine and everything from her point of view, just like we did when we played Lee. So I think it is a good prediction that we play as Clem in the next season.. which might be rather interesting.
I completely agree.
A strong, capable female role model for Clem. A "mother" figure to book end Lee's "father" figure and give Clem some duality.
Like Beyoncé?
At least, if it has to be a new character, I hope it's still someone "normal" and "neutral" such as Lee, which we can personalize a bit during the game, not someone with too strange clothes that may indict some kind of behaviour or personality which I may not go along with.
Just kidding with that Kenny part.
-Clementine: Almost certain by the post-credits scene.
-Christa and Omid: Lee's asking them to take care of Clementine in episode 5 is their ticket as well as Clem's to appear in Season 2 in my opinion.
-Molly: She is almost a ninja, and even if you shot her like I accidentally did, she just run from the zombies and we don't see her die. In my opinion is another to come back, even if it is like in season 1 in only part of one episode.
-Molly's sister (Anna): I don't remember molly saying she died, but in the wiki says "unknown", so along with Molly returning maybe we have surprises.
-Lilly/ Glenn/ Hershel: We could say they have a possibility to appear, but I am almost certain that won't. They were used to make links with other medias of TWD and made their role in season 1.
-Vernon and the invalids: I think at least Vernon may appear in some part of the season and we get to know what kind of shit happened to them after they got the boat.
-The rest is dead as far as I can remember.
Concluding, I think Telltale has good characters to work with even before start working in season 2, with possible references to the previous season and new events with already known characters.
Who do you think we will see again in the future?
i wonder if she will come back or will the coin land on its side and let you control other people that find her
As for S2 characters most plausible are Molly and Christa/Omid.
As for the other characters that didn't die on screen like Glenn, Hershel or Lilly: i doubt it. But nothing is impossible.
Jokes aside, I want Lilly to find Clem so bad.
She'd probably run into Kenny, not wherever you left him to the horde but probably still fighting for his life. Save him and probably end up at the hotel. Find Campman and the walkie talkie Lee left behind. Probably find Lee in the Jewelry store somehow and either Kill Lee probably with the baseball bat Clem left laying right next to him or just mourning him if Clem killed him. Then they flee the completely overrun city and head towards the countryside where maybe not in episode 1 but 2 they'd run into Clementine or at least Omid and Christa or all three.
Obviously this is just rough bullet points but its certainly in the realm of reality that these events could occur in one way or another.
What are your thoughts on how season 2 could start?
I know it's different if you didn't take Lilly with you but, she could have followed and taken the RV after you left on the train.
Problem with that is though is that Lily is in the comic book and she plays a pretty serious role in her brief time in the spotlight. Although its still very possible they could run into her with the way they left her in the comic and I hope they do in Season 2. It would certainly be an interesting event. Seeing Clem and Lily meeting up and Clem telling her what happened. See her response.
Telltale or will be developed in the second game of the season?
Sorry for my bad English
Will you meet someone from S1? Likely, but the protagonist will be an undeveloped character for sure. And that's how it should be.
And I can't grasp that 35% of the people actually believe you will play as Clementine in Season 2. That's pure ridiculous.
Because of his sexy mustache, giving you the option to seduce women and men in a dialogue, and his strong muscles to fight of the horrible hoard of walkers, oh my... Imagine it, Kennny with no shirt fighting walkers with a big machete, the sun shining on his mustache.
Plus when is the last time you got to play as a badass little girl in a zombie game? "Zombies Ate My Neighbors" come to mind, but that's about it
Like, they've come at the tail end of your journey, and they seem to have had it relatively safe and successful for now. Which also means they haven't been tested.
We got to know Kenny, Lily, Clementine, Ben and Lee (and ourselves) through how they act in a desperate situations. Not so much for Omid and Christa. So I feel there's room to grow there.
I sort of lean to Omid more because no matter how you sliced it with Lee, he seemed like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Someone with a little bit of a more light-hearted personality might be interesting. On the other hand, I'd love to play Christa since she's got such a tough demeanor and dry sense of humour.
The other thing though is that part of the reason Lee worked was because you had Clementine. Without her, Lee wouldn't work. She gave the game and the character focus.
And you can't just replicate that. You can't just take the new protagonist and Clem and push for the same relationship because it will never ring as true as it could with Lee. And replacing her with another child or object of care and affection could end up even worse.
It's an interesting dilemma, and I'm really interested in seeing how Telltale approach it.
As a male, when I'm given the choice I usually play as a female character because great Female characters are woefully underrepresented in video games and I would absolutely love to play as one in the next season because I know Telltale would do a great job with one.
But as far as roleplaying, I don't care what gender it is because I've been able to connect fairly easily with both female and male protagonists
But I do agree with you that the lead in the next season shouldn't be Clementine but mostly because I want to see how lee's actions and words affected her and not have my input mucking up any character development she's going through
Clementine was about as developed as Lee was when you first met her. You helped her shape her new personality in the zombie world. We made her tough! I think it's possible to play as Clem in S2.
Plus it's not like we decided who Lee was from scratch. Lee was always a convicted murderer with a messed up family life.
I'm so agree with you sir.
I didn't bring Clem to Crawford and Molly survived. :P I just protected Molly from the zombies and didn't accidentally shoot her.
Actually, I think a female lead could be an interesting change! I'm female, but I prefer male leads. Playing a female in The Walking Dead would be interesting though - Andrea, Molly and Michonne have all been badass, and there's the added tension that not everybody would believe a woman could handle herself, as well as the threat of rape from bandits or whatever O_O
About the poll, I think it will be a new protagonist. I'd love to see how things turn out for Clem, but I also wouldn't mind and entirely new cast, taking the story in a new direction.
I dont know why i'm advocating for female protagonists all of a sudden, but i just think it would be an interesting change! I know for a fact that women dig TWD and i would be surprised if having a female protagonist wouldn't be a huge success. Just leave any females from the TV show off of it... They're all terrible! (Especially Andrea, the worst character on the show)
Also, am i the only who thinks T-Dawg would be the ideal new protagonist?!