Maybe I am too hopefull. Youfigure tell tale games will make a season 2 ASAP. That will make him boat loads of cash. Who's up for next season of the walking dead.
It can't be Omid and Christa. The two figures are: a short, obese one and a tall, lean one. Christa might be very pregnant now, but she's taller than Omid (not shorter). I'm betting on new characters.
Maybe I am too hopefull. Youfigure tell tale games will make a season 2 ASAP. That will make him boat loads of cash. Who's up for next season of the walking dead.
Telltale is making a season two of The Walking Dead. They announced it shortly before season one ended. There's no release date set yet though.
I'm up for a second season, since I really enjoyed the first.
The Walking Dead Season Two won't be released right away this year, though. Fables is up next, and should be coming within the next few months. It's a game about classic characters from literature in the real world, based on the Fables comics (which just celebrated their 10th anniversary last year). The Walking Dead Season Two will be coming sometime after that (or after the other announced/rumored games Telltale has in the pipeline).
I hope its the next after Fables, to be honest. I am gonna buy Fables, probably, because the more buyers, the more budget they have for the next beloved season of our most awesome game!
READ THIS BIG WALL OF TEXT FOR STUPID IDEAS AND GOOD ONES!!INCLUDES GIRLS WITH MALE NAMES, GAMEBOYS,LAPTOPS, SUICIDE AND PETS !Why dont we have a differ main other than clem, clem will be a cow to them until episode 4/5 and we will get to HATE her until she finally opens up or even you have to save billy or clementine. If you save clementine she opens up to you if you save billy,billy opens up to you? or maybe a christa and omid hate eachover thing because of X And Y happened and there is a choice between them? christa and omid will always say ' Who is right me or HER ' and Christa would say things to you like ' Omid is so stupid and ugly, dont you agree' if you say yes omid will hear you and you become PRO christa and if you say no Omid will like you more and christa will hate you if you stay quiet you will open your eyes a bit more ( like omids eyes ) and indicate he is behind christa. Maybe we could get a choice to shoot people and that would result in a game over? like christa sittiling down on a bench if you have a gun in your inventory you can shoot christa and christas new boyfriend ( or girlfriend ) will shoot you for that? Or maybe in a tense ' Talk ' if you say the wrong thing you get shot? Im hoping for a path situation where there is a path in a park splitting into 2 places and you choose left OR right if you go left X Dies and if you go right Y Dies? Maybe we could have a zombie attacking you and you can say things if you're surrounded by a group of people? A zombie X or Y ( depends where you went ) attacks you you could shout ' Run, dont worry about me ' ( Game over ) ' Help ' ( Omid/Christa comes to save you ) or Silence ( makes a season 1 zombie QQQQQQQQQQQE happen ) We should have a carley ( Christa ) Doug ( Omid ) Situation but like in a building and rubble collapses and christa and omid are grabbing on to the edge of a building ( skyscraper ) and you choose? if you save christa she dies giving birth. if you save Omid he dies because his leg breaks ( his bone was made weaker in season 1? ) if you Watch them fall to their death they both lose grip and hold hands as they fall ( Determant Be neutral and always ask them to get backtogether and stuff ) when they fall THERE IS NO GAME OVER! maybe there could be a pool of water below them and now christa and omid are out to get you for letting them drop? or they die. maybe there should be a We found a working laptop ( keep it ) OR a gameboy or something - Changes a ton in the group, If you choose the laptop a girl called bob breaks it open in the middle of the night and gets a sharp part and kills herself with it. If you get the gameboy ( with headphones ) a girl named brad doesnt notice a incoming walker First person shooter mode activates and you have a choice to let brad die or save her. If brad dies she comes back to life and kills her brother, Doug. Doug was a invaluable member of the group he was carley but male version. even you go in a pet store you see a young puppy ( Insert most violent dog breed here ) or a old ( <-- Ditto) and you pick what one you want to keep because walkers are invading. if you save the puppy he sees a chew toy and you see there is a exit there, if you choose the old dog he attacks a girl called jeniffer gets bitten by the dog causing him to get eaten?
You find a girl in a market she sees you and calls you over you go over. She says her sister was bitten ( Was going to go with zombieland but thought, NAH ) do you waste the bullet and risk the noise ( just realised its kinda like irene, let me change it up more) or take her back to your base to shoot her OR you can leave her...
Why take her to the base?
wouldnt you want to be shot if you were bitten?
( Insert something i cant think of here )
Why shouldnt you?
She could be from another group see how ' well ' ( determant) you're doing and come to attack
She may have a loaded gun on her
The bitten girl could come back in the car/van/truck ( Determant )
JUST SO MANY POSSIBILITYS IN THE WALKING DEAD! my brain hurts from all the rubbish ideas. Please Im begigng you at least read.
READ THIS BIG WALL OF TEXT FOR STUPID IDEAS AND GOOD ONES!!INCLUDES GIRLS WITH MALE NAMES, GAMEBOYS,LAPTOPS, SUICIDE AND PETS !Why dont we have a differ main other than clem, clem will be a cow to them until episode 4/5 and we will get to HATE her until she finally opens up or even you have to save billy or clementine. If you save clementine she opens up to you if you save billy,billy opens up to you? or maybe a christa and omid hate eachover thing because of X And Y happened and there is a choice between them? christa and omid will always say ' Who is right me or HER ' and Christa would say things to you like ' Omid is so stupid and ugly, dont you agree' if you say yes omid will hear you and you become PRO christa and if you say no Omid will like you more and christa will hate you if you stay quiet you will open your eyes a bit more ( like omids eyes ) and indicate he is behind christa. Maybe we could get a choice to shoot people and that would result in a game over? like christa sittiling down on a bench if you have a gun in your inventory you can shoot christa and christas new boyfriend ( or girlfriend ) will shoot you for that? Or maybe in a tense ' Talk ' if you say the wrong thing you get shot? Im hoping for a path situation where there is a path in a park splitting into 2 places and you choose left OR right if you go left X Dies and if you go right Y Dies? Maybe we could have a zombie attacking you and you can say things if you're surrounded by a group of people? A zombie X or Y ( depends where you went ) attacks you you could shout ' Run, dont worry about me ' ( Game over ) ' Help ' ( Omid/Christa comes to save you ) or Silence ( makes a season 1 zombie QQQQQQQQQQQE happen ) We should have a carley ( Christa ) Doug ( Omid ) Situation but like in a building and rubble collapses and christa and omid are grabbing on to the edge of a building ( skyscraper ) and you choose? if you save christa she dies giving birth. if you save Omid he dies because his leg breaks ( his bone was made weaker in season 1? ) if you Watch them fall to their death they both lose grip and hold hands as they fall ( Determant Be neutral and always ask them to get backtogether and stuff ) when they fall THERE IS NO GAME OVER! maybe there could be a pool of water below them and now christa and omid are out to get you for letting them drop? or they die. maybe there should be a We found a working laptop ( keep it ) OR a gameboy or something - Changes a ton in the group, If you choose the laptop a girl called bob breaks it open in the middle of the night and gets a sharp part and kills herself with it. If you get the gameboy ( with headphones ) a girl named brad doesnt notice a incoming walker First person shooter mode activates and you have a choice to let brad die or save her. If brad dies she comes back to life and kills her brother, Doug. Doug was a invaluable member of the group he was carley but male version. even you go in a pet store you see a young puppy ( Insert most violent dog breed here ) or a old ( <-- Ditto) and you pick what one you want to keep because walkers are invading. if you save the puppy he sees a chew toy and you see there is a exit there, if you choose the old dog he attacks a girl called jeniffer gets bitten by the dog causing him to get eaten?
You find a girl in a market she sees you and calls you over you go over. She says her sister was bitten ( Was going to go with zombieland but thought, NAH ) do you waste the bullet and risk the noise ( just realised its kinda like irene, let me change it up more) or take her back to your base to shoot her OR you can leave her...
Why take her to the base?
wouldnt you want to be shot if you were bitten?
( Insert something i cant think of here )
Why shouldnt you?
She could be from another group see how ' well ' ( determant) you're doing and come to attack
She may have a loaded gun on her
The bitten girl could come back in the car/van/truck ( Determant )
JUST SO MANY POSSIBILITYS IN THE WALKING DEAD! my brain hurts from all the rubbish ideas. Please Im begigng you at least read.
No offense. I needed to read it a few times, to understand what you are saying, but even after I think I got the sense of the text in my head I was all like "Whut?"
The ideas are not bad in their essence, but they just don't fit to the game. Why should you shoot anyone? Lee would never do it point black, he was a good guy, and I think the new protagonist will be the same. When you just want to shoot random people, then do it.
And for example, the zombie thing. Even when you say "Leave me alone, I got that", you should get the normal quicktime event, since he would not just let him get bitten.
And these argument with Christa and Omid? They are a couple and not teenagers, additionally they have a baby together, so I don't think, they would fight like that.
And the girl names are strange?
I just think, you wanted to troll, now, and stop typing.
No offense. I needed to read it a few times, to understand what you are saying, but even after I think I got the sense of the text in my head I was all like "Whut?"
The ideas are not bad in their essence, but they just don't fit to the game. Why should you shoot anyone? Lee would never do it point black, he was a good guy, and I think the new protagonist will be the same. When you just want to shoot random people, then do it.
And for example, the zombie thing. Even when you say "Leave me alone, I got that", you should get the normal quicktime event, since he would not just let him get bitten.
And these argument with Christa and Omid? They are a couple and not teenagers, additionally they have a baby together, so I don't think, they would fight like that.
And the girl names are strange?
I just think, you wanted to troll, now, and stop typing.
if i wanted to troll i wouldnt have of put all of that effort into writing..
Looking at aaron1290's join date and number of posts, it's pretty obvious he isn't a troll. Plus if you read some of his other posts, it's obvious too.
Looking at aaron1290's join date and number of posts, it's pretty obvious he isn't a troll. Plus if you read some of his other posts, it's obvious too.
I dunno. Sometimes I understand people not in the right way. And just trolling one time, doesn't make you a troll.
I dunno. Sometimes I understand people not in the right way. And just trolling one time, doesn't make you a troll.
I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are posting when they are sleep deprived, or high, or just plain feeling wacky.
On topic, I have found it interesting to see all of the different ideas people have posted here. It's pretty obvious there will be a ton of people grabbing up season 2 when it comes out.
I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are posting when they are sleep deprived, or high, or just plain feeling wacky.
On topic, I have found it interesting to see all of the different ideas people have posted here. It's pretty obvious there will be a ton of people grabbing up season 2 when it comes out.
I go sleep around 1am/2am wake up 7:30 for school... i guess you could say.
I hope we can play with clementine the next game. When she’s 16/18 something like molly. It would by awesome because lee made here how se become. And deal in the situation of the walker world!
I hope we can play with clementine the next game. When she’s 16/18 something like molly. It would by awesome because lee made here how se become. And deal in the situation of the walker world!
If not then I think we get a whole new story. I don’t think we are going to play with Crista / Omid. I like the people and I trust clam with them. But I think anybody like to play with Omid / Crista!
How about continuing from when Lilly drove off with the RV? And then halfway through the story she will meet Molly who left Savannah on foot just before the zombies swarmed the city. They can even have a close relationship of sorts... and maybe even allow us to alternate between them (Molly's pretty cool) or let us choose whose story to walk through.
How about continuing from when Lilly drove off with the RV? And then halfway through the story she will meet Molly who left Savannah on foot just before the zombies swarmed the city. They can even have a close relationship of sorts... and maybe even allow us to alternate between them (Molly's pretty cool) or let us choose whose story to walk through.
Lilly was inside the Walking Dead strip, This was before she appears inside the strip same with Glen. So I don’t think it’s gone happen.
Lee isn't daed.
Theory 1: "Shoot Lee Ending" Clementine jerks her gun as she shoot to her right as she pulls the trigger, thus missing Lee. A raspy breath can be heard when the screen goes black. Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm). This will eventually allow him to be at full strength again.
Theory 2: "Let Him Turn Ending
Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm).
All Theories:
He goes in the only direction possible(also the only one available to Clementine). He travels from shelter to shelter, finding signs of Clementine. The journey is different depending on what you told her to do in Lee's dying moments. He will eventually find her(because of Telltales ability to throw a wrench in things, she'll probably be dead or amputated or near death).
If anyone sees any holes in the theory please tell me.
Lee isn't daed.
Theory 1: "Shoot Lee Ending" Clementine jerks her gun as she shoot to her right as she pulls the trigger, thus missing Lee. A raspy breath can be heard when the screen goes black. Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm). This will eventually allow him to be at full strength again.
Theory 2: "Let Him Turn Ending
Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm).
All Theories:
He goes in the only direction possible(also the only one available to Clementine). He travels from shelter to shelter, finding signs of Clementine. The journey is different depending on what you told her to do in Lee's dying moments. He will eventually find her(because of Telltales ability to throw a wrench in things, she'll probably be dead or amputated or near death).
If anyone sees any holes in the theory please tell me.
I would be OK with this, but Lee is confirmed dead and even if he wasn't, what about the people who didn't cut off his arm?
Lee isn't daed.
Theory 1: "Shoot Lee Ending" Clementine jerks her gun as she shoot to her right as she pulls the trigger, thus missing Lee. A raspy breath can be heard when the screen goes black. Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm). This will eventually allow him to be at full strength again.
Theory 2: "Let Him Turn Ending
Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm).
All Theories:
He goes in the only direction possible(also the only one available to Clementine). He travels from shelter to shelter, finding signs of Clementine. The journey is different depending on what you told her to do in Lee's dying moments. He will eventually find her(because of Telltales ability to throw a wrench in things, she'll probably be dead or amputated or near death).
If anyone sees any holes in the theory please tell me.
Would be a nice plot-line, but its not plausible that he made it, Sure Clem may have missed the shot, but did you see the state he was in during his final scene? That was not a man who a passer-by could have saved.
I don't know if it's been suggested already because I'm only about half-way through this thread, but this is for those suggesting fully customizable characters:
I personally don't want a customizable character. I love the story that TTG tells, and trying to combine wonderful storytelling with a player's customizable character is not only hard, but unnecessary.
If TTG has a clear-cut end, I would suggest this -
Make a sandbox finale. If TTG plans to make only 5, 5-episode seasons, after the last episode of the last season, put out a FO3-esque sandbox "finale".
I mention Fallout 3 specifically because it had a wonderful blend of powerful storytelling, plentiful quests, the option to complete the main quest right away or not, a giant world, and complete and utter wonderful sandbox-ness. lol
When TTG is done with its version of TWD, I would love to see their version of a sandbox TWD game.
Edit -
I think that a woman protagonist would be the most fun for season two. Not necessarily any woman we've met before, in fact, I would hope not.
There was a novel I started to read once (wish I could remember the name) where an abused wife narrowly escapes being eaten by her two children and husband only to become a very strong and capable leading member in a big group later on.
What I loved about Lee was that I always had that butthole-pucker moment when he met someone new. Would his being black effect how they treated him? Were they racist? And he did get the 'boy' comment more than once through my game play.
I know as a woman, if I was in a small group and we ran into a big group with a lot of guys, I'd be worried about being raped, treated like currency, being a second class citizen. At the same time, there may be groups that would idolize women because stereotypically we wouldn't be very common.
I know that right now, I don't get my hand shaken, or I get that gross hand-touch thing. I still have men try to exclude me from conversations, and sometimes I get the distinct feeling that if other people weren't around, I might be in trouble. (Of course, I only feel this way when I realize someone it actually stupid enough to think I couldn't defend myself lol!)
I would love to see the same adversity Lee faced brought to a woman.
What I think would be very interesting would be playing a moderately attractive 30ish woman (somewhere around Carely's looks, I guess), who is on her own until she meets a teenaged boy. I know it sounds funny, but I'm talking late teens (16-18). This woman would be old enough to have a 15 year old. That could even be part of her back story is that she made dumb choices, was a teen mom, worked her way back up, and then this shit happens.
Maybe she had an abusive husband and stayed with him because he took care of her and her kid even though he was mean.
So now she has the choice to form a group with this young boy who obviously finds her attractive and risk sleeping next to a guy who may or may not be all that good, or to go out on her own.
I also think the dynamic would be very interesting. He's strong enough to maybe overpower a woman, but not so strong that he could protect a group. The main character would have to be the "leader" (just as Lee really was the leader). At first he would really be more someone to be skeptical of, protect, and trade sleeping shifts with, but watching the two grow and form a larger group would be interesting, too.
Please keep in mind I'm not talking another Ben. I'm talking about a stronger, smarter teen than Ben, maybe one who had a more questionable background than "band geek". Maybe stoner/slacker, or school-skipper. That stereotypical AEP kid that only really ever went to automotive class. (Another neat attribute among a group - having a mechanic/machinist.)
I hope that isn't too rambling, I just wanted to get it out in the shortest way possible. (Possibly leaving things out along the way lol.)
Edit again -
I also think it would be fun/funny to have the new group stay the night in Clem's tree house or some other kind of fun little shout out to the previous characters. :P
Another edit -
Playing as a young child (5-12 years old) would be interesting. As would playing a 13-15-year-old. As a young child, you would have to rely on people, have the choice to be more like Clem, be completely useless, or maybe even be too hard. (Darker than comic-book-Carl, where you are capable like him, but have none of the humanity).
Playing as a young teen would also be interesting, especially as a boy, because you get that awkward you are no longer a kid, you are old enough to take care of yourself, but because the adults around you are used to you just being some young high schooler, your opinions and wants are undermined.
Anyway, I'll try to shut up with the suggestions, my post is getting a bit long lol.
Do you guys think that we might play as officer Andre from episode 1 season 1? In the next 5 episodes? I feel there is a strong possibility of this for a few reasons.
1. He parallel's Rick Grimes,
2. It's pretty vague what happens to him ' after you get dropped off on Hershel's farm.
3. Clementine has seen him and can identify with him. (So he could be one of the two people she saw at the end of episode five.)
It might just be wishful thinking but I think it would be pretty cool!
Do you guys think that we might play as officer Andre from episode 1 season 1? In the next 5 episodes? I feel there is a strong possibility of this for a few reasons.
1. He parallel's Rick Grimes,
2. It's pretty vague what happens to him ' after you get dropped off on Hershel's farm.
3. Clementine has seen him and can identify with him. (So he could be one of the two people she saw at the end of episode five.)
It might just be wishful thinking but I think it would be pretty cool!
Do you guys think that we might play as officer Andre from episode 1 season 1? In the next 5 episodes? I feel there is a strong possibility of this for a few reasons.
1. He parallel's Rick Grimes,
2. It's pretty vague what happens to him ' after you get dropped off on Hershel's farm.
3. Clementine has seen him and can identify with him. (So he could be one of the two people she saw at the end of episode five.)
It might just be wishful thinking but I think it would be pretty cool!
At first I thought so, too, I thought that officer Andre can be a new playable character, but I remembered that we can see him only if we choose to go by night. I mean that at night, Cheat are already dead. Officer Michell met Shawn after Cheats death, but what if Andre would die somehow if he would't meet Shawn, if Lee choose to go when still daylight? Plus Andre is a afro american...
READ THIS BIG WALL OF TEXT FOR STUPID IDEAS AND GOOD ONES!!INCLUDES GIRLS WITH MALE NAMES, GAMEBOYS,LAPTOPS, SUICIDE AND PETS !Why dont we have a differ main other than clem, clem will be a cow to them until episode 4/5 and we will get to HATE her until she finally opens up or even you have to save billy or clementine. If you save clementine she opens up to you if you save billy,billy opens up to you? or maybe a christa and omid hate eachover thing because of X And Y happened and there is a choice between them? christa and omid will always say ' Who is right me or HER ' and Christa would say things to you like ' Omid is so stupid and ugly, dont you agree' if you say yes omid will hear you and you become PRO christa and if you say no Omid will like you more and christa will hate you if you stay quiet you will open your eyes a bit more ( like omids eyes ) and indicate he is behind christa. Maybe we could get a choice to shoot people and that would result in a game over? like christa sittiling down on a bench if you have a gun in your inventory you can shoot christa and christas new boyfriend ( or girlfriend ) will shoot you for that? Or maybe in a tense ' Talk ' if you say the wrong thing you get shot? Im hoping for a path situation where there is a path in a park splitting into 2 places and you choose left OR right if you go left X Dies and if you go right Y Dies? Maybe we could have a zombie attacking you and you can say things if you're surrounded by a group of people? A zombie X or Y ( depends where you went ) attacks you you could shout ' Run, dont worry about me ' ( Game over ) ' Help ' ( Omid/Christa comes to save you ) or Silence ( makes a season 1 zombie QQQQQQQQQQQE happen ) We should have a carley ( Christa ) Doug ( Omid ) Situation but like in a building and rubble collapses and christa and omid are grabbing on to the edge of a building ( skyscraper ) and you choose? if you save christa she dies giving birth. if you save Omid he dies because his leg breaks ( his bone was made weaker in season 1? ) if you Watch them fall to their death they both lose grip and hold hands as they fall ( Determant Be neutral and always ask them to get backtogether and stuff ) when they fall THERE IS NO GAME OVER! maybe there could be a pool of water below them and now christa and omid are out to get you for letting them drop? or they die. maybe there should be a We found a working laptop ( keep it ) OR a gameboy or something - Changes a ton in the group, If you choose the laptop a girl called bob breaks it open in the middle of the night and gets a sharp part and kills herself with it. If you get the gameboy ( with headphones ) a girl named brad doesnt notice a incoming walker First person shooter mode activates and you have a choice to let brad die or save her. If brad dies she comes back to life and kills her brother, Doug. Doug was a invaluable member of the group he was carley but male version. even you go in a pet store you see a young puppy ( Insert most violent dog breed here ) or a old ( <-- Ditto) and you pick what one you want to keep because walkers are invading. if you save the puppy he sees a chew toy and you see there is a exit there, if you choose the old dog he attacks a girl called jeniffer gets bitten by the dog causing him to get eaten?
You find a girl in a market she sees you and calls you over you go over. She says her sister was bitten ( Was going to go with zombieland but thought, NAH ) do you waste the bullet and risk the noise ( just realised its kinda like irene, let me change it up more) or take her back to your base to shoot her OR you can leave her...
Why take her to the base?
wouldnt you want to be shot if you were bitten?
( Insert something i cant think of here )
Why shouldnt you?
She could be from another group see how ' well ' ( determant) you're doing and come to attack
She may have a loaded gun on her
The bitten girl could come back in the car/van/truck ( Determant )
JUST SO MANY POSSIBILITYS IN THE WALKING DEAD! my brain hurts from all the rubbish ideas. Please Im begigng you at least read.
I highly doubt Andre survived the apocalypse, as he had trouble mustering up the courage to even deal with zombie Chet. Besides, although he wasn't in the game long, his character's personality had been established (nice, caring and semi-cowardly), and that would take away the player's choice of developing their own personality for their protagonist.
I highly doubt Andre survived the apocalypse, as he had trouble mustering up the courage to even deal with zombie Chet. Besides, although he wasn't in the game long, his character's personality had been established (nice, caring and semi-cowardly), and that would take away the player's choice of developing their own personality for their protagonist.
Many things can happen in three months, the game would show us through ourselves how much he did change. So far I see it. It could be, I would like it.
But that kills the mood the game series is supposed to set. Molly is extremely competent, which makes it hard to believe anything could actually happen to her without the situation being incredibly "gamed up". She wouldn't allow for tension the way Lee did with the encounter with Sandra, or the police officer who was escorting him to Macon.
But that kills the mood the game series is supposed to set. Molly is extremely competent, which makes it hard to believe anything could actually happen to her without the situation being incredibly "gamed up". She wouldn't allow for tension the way Lee did with the encounter with Sandra, or the police officer who was escorting him to Macon.
Well that's just the thing: That's not true. Although Molly seems fairly capable, and acts like she's the toughest one in the room, she is only used to working alone. She doesn't work with anyone else and that is her greatest weakness, no matter how strong of a fighter she is, she is inexperienced when it comes to interaction with other survivors. Which is why I think having her as the playable character of Season Two would be so interesting, dealing with the isolated state of mind she has placed herself in since her sister's death crumbling as she becomes part of a group. She is also largely undefined excluding her backstory, while she has a bit of a fiery personality, her moral outlook is still largely ambiguous and able to be molded to the player's choices. And I think that given what happens in Episode Five with the horde shambling into Savannah, she probably will leave the city and run into Clementine, Christa, and Omid no matter what. And I believe that her previous interaction with them is a much stronger starting point for a second season than having to be someone entirely new with no experience whatsoever with the characters we've come to know and love from the first season. The fact remains, the players know exactly who these people are, they are going to make choices based upon that. Thusly, Molly's relative familiarity with them would greatly add some connectivity to the series and would in my opinion prevent any chance of The Walking Dead: Season Two: Some Random Person Comes Along Spends About Two Episodes Getting To Know The Characters We Already Know And Gets Into Shenanigans With The Group Alongside New Characters That Our New Character Apparently Knows That We As The Player Don't. I really hope she is the protagonist simply because she's a very interesting character with a defined background (much like Lee was at the beginning of the game) and yet still not one person can with much sense of accuracy say what she's going to do. In this, she has a great potential for player input to define who she is and what she will do when faced with the choices and responsibilities of working with a group and caring about more than just survival. I feel as though up until she meets Lee in Episode Four, Molly has been surviving for the sake of survival, for her sister. And when she sees the few glimpses of humanity in the group, and finds her sister's picture/ultimately gets her "revenge" on Crawford, she really is at a loss as to where she is supposed to go and what she is supposed to do. And I believe she leaves because she is afraid to face that humanity that she previously felt was lost in the world, she is scared of hope because she is afraid that she will lose it, and that is a character conflict that would be very powerful if they use her as a protagonist. I'm really hoping for Molly, but if she isn't I won't be too disappointed, because whatever Telltale decides I am sure it will be a story to remember...
I think the end of the second season will match the end of the first. Only now we finish as those guys on the hill, which Clem saw in after credits scene. Events will unfold simultaneously in both seasons, with some intersections. Perhaps we will meet familiar characters, such as Lily. i'm pretty sure about it.
I think the end of the second season will match the end of the first. Only now we finish as those guys on the hill, which Clem saw in after credits scene. Events will unfold simultaneously in both seasons, with some intersections. Perhaps we will meet familiar characters, such as Lily. i'm pretty sure about it.
I've got the same thoughts as yours.
So, I think that season two would be about another people who survived in zombie apocalypse. Episode 6 will starting in Macon. Do you remember that moment in drugstore, when Clementine goes to toilet, and walker was attacked her? Carley saved Lee, she shotted the walker who attacked Clem, but all walkers outside heared the shoot. In this moment big squad of soldiers was tried to break through the Macon. New main character would one of this soldiers (Twenty-eight-year-old man, I will call him Steve for example). A lot of soldiers of this squad are not survived that night at Macon. Get out of the city was only able to Steve and a few soldiers, after some time they found few civilian survivors, who joined to the Steve's group.
All season will be about their adventures. In the end of season, almost all the people in the group dies, only Steve and another guy are survived. They lost everyone and everything, they haven't got food, water, weapons, ammo. They go on a deserted field near the Savannah. Suddenly in the distance they saw a small figure, near the lonely standing tree, and battered old car. Steve and his companion stopped not knowing what should they do....
I'm up for a second season, since I really enjoyed the first.
The Walking Dead Season Two won't be released right away this year, though. Fables is up next, and should be coming within the next few months. It's a game about classic characters from literature in the real world, based on the Fables comics (which just celebrated their 10th anniversary last year). The Walking Dead Season Two will be coming sometime after that (or after the other announced/rumored games Telltale has in the pipeline).
You find a girl in a market she sees you and calls you over you go over. She says her sister was bitten ( Was going to go with zombieland but thought, NAH ) do you waste the bullet and risk the noise ( just realised its kinda like irene, let me change it up more) or take her back to your base to shoot her OR you can leave her...
Why take her to the base?
wouldnt you want to be shot if you were bitten?
( Insert something i cant think of here )
Why shouldnt you?
She could be from another group see how ' well ' ( determant) you're doing and come to attack
She may have a loaded gun on her
The bitten girl could come back in the car/van/truck ( Determant )
JUST SO MANY POSSIBILITYS IN THE WALKING DEAD! my brain hurts from all the rubbish ideas. Please Im begigng you at least read.
Yeah. Rubbish.
No offense. I needed to read it a few times, to understand what you are saying, but even after I think I got the sense of the text in my head I was all like "Whut?"
The ideas are not bad in their essence, but they just don't fit to the game. Why should you shoot anyone? Lee would never do it point black, he was a good guy, and I think the new protagonist will be the same. When you just want to shoot random people, then do it.
And for example, the zombie thing. Even when you say "Leave me alone, I got that", you should get the normal quicktime event, since he would not just let him get bitten.
And these argument with Christa and Omid? They are a couple and not teenagers, additionally they have a baby together, so I don't think, they would fight like that.
And the girl names are strange?
I just think, you wanted to troll, now, and stop typing.
if i wanted to troll i wouldnt have of put all of that effort into writing..
Good trolls do that kind of stuff.
Well, you can spend the rest of your days thinking im a troll.
I dunno. Sometimes I understand people not in the right way. And just trolling one time, doesn't make you a troll.
I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are posting when they are sleep deprived, or high, or just plain feeling wacky.
On topic, I have found it interesting to see all of the different ideas people have posted here. It's pretty obvious there will be a ton of people grabbing up season 2 when it comes out.
I go sleep around 1am/2am wake up 7:30 for school... i guess you could say.
hope to see molly again to! in season 2
No way they're gonna go that far into the future.
Play with Molly?
Nah, Molly's about 20-25
Lilly was inside the Walking Dead strip, This was before she appears inside the strip same with Glen. So I don’t think it’s gone happen.
Lee isn't daed.
Theory 1: "Shoot Lee Ending" Clementine jerks her gun as she shoot to her right as she pulls the trigger, thus missing Lee. A raspy breath can be heard when the screen goes black. Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm). This will eventually allow him to be at full strength again.
Theory 2: "Let Him Turn Ending
Lee is found by other survivors(Kenny?) who (cut his arm off/clean the infection from the removed arm).
All Theories:
He goes in the only direction possible(also the only one available to Clementine). He travels from shelter to shelter, finding signs of Clementine. The journey is different depending on what you told her to do in Lee's dying moments. He will eventually find her(because of Telltales ability to throw a wrench in things, she'll probably be dead or amputated or near death).
If anyone sees any holes in the theory please tell me.
I would be OK with this, but Lee is confirmed dead and even if he wasn't, what about the people who didn't cut off his arm?
Would be a nice plot-line, but its not plausible that he made it, Sure Clem may have missed the shot, but did you see the state he was in during his final scene? That was not a man who a passer-by could have saved.
I personally don't want a customizable character. I love the story that TTG tells, and trying to combine wonderful storytelling with a player's customizable character is not only hard, but unnecessary.
If TTG has a clear-cut end, I would suggest this -
Make a sandbox finale. If TTG plans to make only 5, 5-episode seasons, after the last episode of the last season, put out a FO3-esque sandbox "finale".
I mention Fallout 3 specifically because it had a wonderful blend of powerful storytelling, plentiful quests, the option to complete the main quest right away or not, a giant world, and complete and utter wonderful sandbox-ness. lol
When TTG is done with its version of TWD, I would love to see their version of a sandbox TWD game.
Edit -
I think that a woman protagonist would be the most fun for season two. Not necessarily any woman we've met before, in fact, I would hope not.
There was a novel I started to read once (wish I could remember the name) where an abused wife narrowly escapes being eaten by her two children and husband only to become a very strong and capable leading member in a big group later on.
What I loved about Lee was that I always had that butthole-pucker moment when he met someone new. Would his being black effect how they treated him? Were they racist? And he did get the 'boy' comment more than once through my game play.
I know as a woman, if I was in a small group and we ran into a big group with a lot of guys, I'd be worried about being raped, treated like currency, being a second class citizen. At the same time, there may be groups that would idolize women because stereotypically we wouldn't be very common.
I know that right now, I don't get my hand shaken, or I get that gross hand-touch thing. I still have men try to exclude me from conversations, and sometimes I get the distinct feeling that if other people weren't around, I might be in trouble. (Of course, I only feel this way when I realize someone it actually stupid enough to think I couldn't defend myself
I would love to see the same adversity Lee faced brought to a woman.
What I think would be very interesting would be playing a moderately attractive 30ish woman (somewhere around Carely's looks, I guess), who is on her own until she meets a teenaged boy. I know it sounds funny, but I'm talking late teens (16-18). This woman would be old enough to have a 15 year old. That could even be part of her back story is that she made dumb choices, was a teen mom, worked her way back up, and then this shit happens.
Maybe she had an abusive husband and stayed with him because he took care of her and her kid even though he was mean.
So now she has the choice to form a group with this young boy who obviously finds her attractive and risk sleeping next to a guy who may or may not be all that good, or to go out on her own.
I also think the dynamic would be very interesting. He's strong enough to maybe overpower a woman, but not so strong that he could protect a group. The main character would have to be the "leader" (just as Lee really was the leader). At first he would really be more someone to be skeptical of, protect, and trade sleeping shifts with, but watching the two grow and form a larger group would be interesting, too.
Please keep in mind I'm not talking another Ben. I'm talking about a stronger, smarter teen than Ben, maybe one who had a more questionable background than "band geek". Maybe stoner/slacker, or school-skipper. That stereotypical AEP kid that only really ever went to automotive class. (Another neat attribute among a group - having a mechanic/machinist.)
I hope that isn't too rambling, I just wanted to get it out in the shortest way possible. (Possibly leaving things out along the way lol.)
Edit again -
I also think it would be fun/funny to have the new group stay the night in Clem's tree house or some other kind of fun little shout out to the previous characters. :P
Another edit -
Playing as a young child (5-12 years old) would be interesting. As would playing a 13-15-year-old. As a young child, you would have to rely on people, have the choice to be more like Clem, be completely useless, or maybe even be too hard. (Darker than comic-book-Carl, where you are capable like him, but have none of the humanity).
Playing as a young teen would also be interesting, especially as a boy, because you get that awkward you are no longer a kid, you are old enough to take care of yourself, but because the adults around you are used to you just being some young high schooler, your opinions and wants are undermined.
Anyway, I'll try to shut up with the suggestions, my post is getting a bit long lol.
1. He parallel's Rick Grimes,
2. It's pretty vague what happens to him ' after you get dropped off on Hershel's farm.
3. Clementine has seen him and can identify with him. (So he could be one of the two people she saw at the end of episode five.)
It might just be wishful thinking but I think it would be pretty cool!
I doubt it, most likely be a complete stranger
At first I thought so, too, I thought that officer Andre can be a new playable character, but I remembered that we can see him only if we choose to go by night. I mean that at night, Cheat are already dead. Officer Michell met Shawn after Cheats death, but what if Andre would die somehow if he would't meet Shawn, if Lee choose to go when still daylight? Plus Andre is a afro american...
Many things can happen in three months, the game would show us through ourselves how much he did change. So far I see it. It could be, I would like it.
But if you go by night, Chet is a zombie so we won't be playing as him.....
Heh, Telltale even joked about playing as zombie Chet during season 2.
But that kills the mood the game series is supposed to set. Molly is extremely competent, which makes it hard to believe anything could actually happen to her without the situation being incredibly "gamed up". She wouldn't allow for tension the way Lee did with the encounter with Sandra, or the police officer who was escorting him to Macon.
I've got the same thoughts as yours.
So, I think that season two would be about another people who survived in zombie apocalypse. Episode 6 will starting in Macon. Do you remember that moment in drugstore, when Clementine goes to toilet, and walker was attacked her? Carley saved Lee, she shotted the walker who attacked Clem, but all walkers outside heared the shoot. In this moment big squad of soldiers was tried to break through the Macon. New main character would one of this soldiers (Twenty-eight-year-old man, I will call him Steve for example). A lot of soldiers of this squad are not survived that night at Macon. Get out of the city was only able to Steve and a few soldiers, after some time they found few civilian survivors, who joined to the Steve's group.
All season will be about their adventures. In the end of season, almost all the people in the group dies, only Steve and another guy are survived. They lost everyone and everything, they haven't got food, water, weapons, ammo. They go on a deserted field near the Savannah. Suddenly in the distance they saw a small figure, near the lonely standing tree, and battered old car. Steve and his companion stopped not knowing what should they do....