- A female lead: I am not sure if having Clementine be the lead is the best choice, but an empathetic and compelling female lead would be great. Telltale has proven to effectively write great female characters in this hand so I could see putting a woman on the spotlight working out well. Besides, the industry always is in need of female leads who are not sex objects and Telltale's women are definitely not that (Carley is very pretty, but in a very natural way).
- A religious character: Before you jump on me, hear me out. Realistically (hard to use that for a zombie outbreak), something involving the end of the world would bring people to either cling towards or question the effect of religion in their life. I don't want a bible basher (though in Georgia I'm sure there are plenty), but I would love a character that brings religion into a mature thematic discussion. Whether he is struggling to believe with all that has happened or is trying to desperately believe to not lose hope, I think it would add a lot of believability.
- Ethnic diversity: I'm not expecting the United Nations, but a great part of this season was having a strong African American character with Lee. We have so many generic white guys in the mainstream gaming that it would be nice to see someone with a different background in the spotlight. I would be happy if it was any race if the character is strong, but maybe a race with less spotlight would be a cool addition.
- Stick to themes: For most of the episodes, recurring themes and ideas have been the lynch pins of the story. It adds structure, resonance and thought provoking to the choices and story arcs. Keep this up!
- Romantic element/theme: It doesn't need to be a big part, but another compelling theme that could be explored is the power of connection and possibly romance in dire times. Is it love or lust? Is it a necessity or a hindrance? Is it genuinely to connect or a way to escape reality? Does it make you more empathetic or willing to risk everyone else to save the person you love? This was only lightly hinted at with Lee and Carley, so it could be cool to have a mature discussion on it in the game.
- Larger group from the get go?: We started alone and then grew to a bigger group that began to dwindle. What if it is the other way around for this season? We start off with a bigger group and it gradually is picked off to a smaller group. It could create a real sense of dread as you speculate who will make it to the end and it could lend to better character development on the whole without worrying about throwing in "replacements" who may not have enough time to be fleshed out. Almost like a murder mystery
- Longer lasting choices: Easier said than done on a programming perspective, but I'm sure people ideally would love to see choices that noticeably last from the first episode to the last and distinctly affects the episodes in between. It gives weight to the choices and encourages replay value. Things like Carley encouraging Lee to confess his past versus Doug not addressing it at all could be even stronger if played over a season.
Just a few ideas. I'll be excited either way.
I think season 2 should be mostly unrelated to season 1, maybe with some throwbacks but not direct interaction with those people. Since I think most are going to die, maybe they could come across one of the old characters as zombies or something - I think that'd be neat. I'd like to see characters with a different set of circumstances and challenges to face or maybe even skip back to the first day of the apocalypse and have a protagonist who wasn't knocked out in a car crash for those days.
Add MORE replayability to the game.. instead of a set amount of characters dying at point A.. make it so anyone in your group can die, maybe even set timelimits for certain areas. I know it might take alot of programming but it'll be worth it.. for example i'll use Season 1:
When in the Pharmacy, if you take too long to help with the door, Kenny can get picked off from outside, leaving you and your group to fight off the zombies and find another alt route out of the city.
Things like that.
suggestion two would have to be:
Bette relationships .. In Season 1, you could be a asshole as much as you wanted and Clemmy and Carley would still love you, how about if I be a asshole it effects my relationships more and effects my survival rate?.
One last suggestion
Character switch
I honestly thought this'd happen in episode 2, when you help Clemmy through the vent, I thought the game-play would switch to clemmy and you'd have to do a sneaking mission to get to the door, one wrong move and GAME OVER. I'd like to see this in season 2, to increase intensity (By making you play a part as a weak character or someone who cant defend themselves) In a very dangerous situation to assist your main character.
The best main character would obviously be Lee, with an amputated arm. But I'm PRETTY sure that's not gonna happen. I wouldn't exactly want to make all-new characters. There are many characters that seem to have interesting back stories.
Doug, Carley, Mark, Ben, Chuck, Christa & Omid, and Molly.
(And I totally disagree with the idea of multiple character control. You're seeing the world through one character's eyes.)
This thread was merged with others, but I still stand by what was suggested earlier - a disabled protagonist, or at the very least a major secondary character.
I think people forget that "disabled" doesn't only mean "double above-the-knee amputee" or "wheelchair-bound". A blind or a deaf protag would be really, really cool. Or somebody who, either naturally or by accidents before the zombie apocalypse, was missing a limb. And there are lots of other disabilities, visible and invisible, that are viable options, too.
But I don't think it will be very likely, however awesome it might be to have positive images of disabled people in a difficult world.
Barring that, I agree with all of zgamer's ideas. I forget who posted it in another thread, but I also think it would be neat if there was a time jump to where Rick is now approximately in the comics, when people are more used to zombies.
Also... this idea will probably be shot when the game is out tomorrow, but Christa for season 2 protag?
Well I don't have alot to wish, but 2 points here:
- A female lead character that grow also as a leader during the game and earn the respect from the group.
- A gay couple, that are working great together as a great shot & a genius (kinda like Carley & Doug)... some time later down the road, one will die where you have to decide who you save. Or a other choice where you know a secret from one of them and can decide if you say it to everyone in the group, only the partner or don't mention it. When you do it you are fine with the rest of the group or you tell it only the partner, that means: 1. The partner who told you the secret will like you more. 2. Cause trouble with the boyfriend because he then always will watch out what you do and questions your actions.
But in the end it would be great to have a strong and not so stereotypical gay couple in a videogame that people can like.
That's something I would like to see the most AND Gary Whitta should write 2 episodes, just love his work.
I'd really like playing as Molly, but it's very unlikly. Main character would probably be somebody new, so we can shape his/her personality by ourselfs. I also think that making character more customisable would be nice touch. Or if we could choose between 2-3 persons. Somebody made a good point, that players don't feel the bond with their character and this could change that. For example, I'm young woman and playing as guy is always kind of weird for me.
I'm also pretty sure, that we'll meet somebody from season 1. I'd love if it could be Mike or Molly (it depends on when game would take place - at the same time, before or after), but I suppose it could be whoever survives final episode. There are also chances of meeting somebody from comics or series (like Glenn in this season).
Another thing are children. They're everywhere. If there's something, anything with zombie apocalypse, you have 90% chance, that main character will have to take of some kid. And I'm getting kind of fed up with it, especially that they're usually really annoying (Clem is the exception, but look at Carl or Duck). Seriously, couldn't our character have some greater goal? Like making new community, rebuilding civilization, seriously anything?
Oh, and I also think it'd be awesome to have gay couple as the companion. There was one in the comics, and they were made really good.
I'm not going to say the graphics of TWD are bad, I just think there's work to be done. Lip syncing, facial motion in general, needs improvement.
2. More difficult decisions/choices that will affect characters
I hated Episode 3 for this reason, as the episode wasn't bad in story, it just didn't have enough choice in it. Choices like killing Larry, or siding with Kenny at the drugstore were good.
3. A longer season
10 or so episodes would be good.
I dunno. Maybe I'm wrong. What do you guys want to see?
I keep hearing rumors about a season 2 coming out next year, is this true? I love the Walking Dead and have gotten a lot of friends to play it! I go crazy waiting for the next episode to come out! I have 3 games currently going and each one I'm making different choices and I love seeing how they play out so different! I would love to see a season 2 with new characters and more difficult choices to make!
1. Female Lead
2. Implement season taking place during the narrative (seasons like winter, fall, spring be shown, changing the mood and atmosphere)
3. More horror (silent creepy moments. Ex. Walking in a hallway and seeing a crib rock back and forth with no one being there).
hopefully they don't pull a Sam and Max on us (aka delaying it to a point where people will have to wonder which will come first, the sun going supernova at the end of it's life cycle, or the next season being released shortly before the sun goes supernova.
Well, for a few reasons. First of all, the ending. Secondly, it's logical. If we were to start off with a whole batch of new characters, what can it really do differently? Sure, there will be different situations and stories, but they could do that anyway, and still keep a character that we all love and are invested in. Because let's face it, eventually all Walking Dead stories are the same. Survivors surviving, people die, zombies, zombies, hard choice, people die, zombies. There's not a whole lot else to be told that would HAVE to be told without Clem.
Anyway, I know we all think she'll be in it anyway, but I'm just stating my logic for thinking so. Anyone agree, or even more interestingly, disagree?
Well, I would say all the "Clementine will remember that" pop ups in the last conversation point in that direction too.
But they did the same thing witch the whole "'Carley will remember that' *BOOM* HEADSHOT!" situation, so I'm not that sure, but I'll hope for it nonetheless.
I would absolutely love to see the next season be a chronology of Clem when we see her mature into a fully grown woman and how growing up in the Walking Dead world has shaped her life.
If that happen they would have to make her sexual in some way.
It's like you can't have a damn women character without her bust out and half nude.
I would hate to see that as Clem. Seeing how we all knew her as a little girl, and then to see her as a young blossomed women, with blood running down her bosom and leather boots on her toned yet feminine Carmel colored legs. The thought of her kinky hair with specks of grass and leaves in it due to her rolling on the ground with zombies and the innocent look in her eye that gives way to hardened determination.
No....No..that's just not the Clem I know. Not in short adventure shorts a-la- Laura Croft. I guess she would be like a "ebony" version of Laura Croft...so she would have a bit of a "trunk" and that would be allright...but I tell you what gentlemen. I wouldn't be able to stop seeing a 8 year old girl in that woman.
She will always be my little Clementine.
Remember the game is set in the same universe as the comics. Clementine was 8 at the start of the apocalypse as was Carl. The game can't be set years later because it would be ahead of the comics. In the comics Carl has missed 1 birthday so he is 9. The key factor behind the game was that we saw the world Rick Grimes was living from the perspective of other survivors so the story would be fresh but still authentic. If anything season 2 would probably bring the game 1 year forward so it is after the events of the governor story arc and at the same point in time as Rick's story in the comics but set else where. That's assuming season 2 will be the last one. In the walking dead Rick and Co have only experienced 1 winter sofar which started before they got to the prison. I think the comics will always be set ahead and inspire what we see in the TV series and the game because it is the source material for both so I don't think Clem will be older than 9 when we see her again or it would be like an alternate walking dead in the way that Smallville is an alternate version of the superman comic universe since the game world's calender would be further on than the comics which I can't see happening unless telltale take the game in a different direction, which would make it less authentic.
Omid. It will about his story with Christa all the way to them being on the hill. People disagree with me because he is kind of a wimp, but the five episodes in season two could show him getting stronger etc
1. Female Lead
2. Implement season taking place during the narrative (seasons like winter, fall, spring be shown, changing the mood and atmosphere)
3. More horror (silent creepy moments. Ex. Walking in a hallway and seeing a crib rock back and forth with no one being there).
Uh, sorry to bum you out, but there's zero chance if your number 3 being in season 2, it's the walking dead, not the haunting dead.
I would absolutely love to see the next season be a chronology of Clem when we see her mature into a fully grown woman and how growing up in the Walking Dead world has shaped her life.
I don't think that would happen because then the game would be set further in time from the comics. In the comics Carl is still only 9 so for Clem to be older would cause the game to loose it's authenticity cause then it would be more like a what if comic issue than truely being part of the comics universe which it was always intended to be. The comics will always be set ahead and inspire what we see in the TV series and the game because it is the source material for both. Even Telltale referred to the comics as being like the sun and the tv show and game being surrounding planets. The comic will be the main inspiration for both mediums so I can't see the game jumping ahead in time beyond where we are in Rick's calander.
I don't think he is a wimp at all. Right after you meet them he already saves Lee one time and reaches out for the Truck with the only security being Lee holding his hand. He doesn't act like a badass, but you can surely count on him when it matters. I'm not really sure if you really play one of them though. Perhaps you'll start off with another character and join them.
I don't think he is a wimp at all. Right after you meet them he already saves Lee one time and reaches out for the Truck with the only security being Lee holding his hand. He doesn't act like a badass, but you can surely count on him when it matters.
I guess he is a very entertaining character, though.
I don't think that you will play as Omid. If you play one of the season 1 characters than Christa would fit much more for this. Just because of the fact that she has much more of a leader than Omid and I think it would destroy the gameplay if you play Clem. ('cause she is just 9) Anyway we will see, maybe there is no Omid/Christa in season 2, who knows?
Again, better not get your hopes up for a 2013 Season 2.
- A female lead: I am not sure if having Clementine be the lead is the best choice, but an empathetic and compelling female lead would be great. Telltale has proven to effectively write great female characters in this hand so I could see putting a woman on the spotlight working out well. Besides, the industry always is in need of female leads who are not sex objects and Telltale's women are definitely not that (Carley is very pretty, but in a very natural way).
- A religious character: Before you jump on me, hear me out. Realistically (hard to use that for a zombie outbreak), something involving the end of the world would bring people to either cling towards or question the effect of religion in their life. I don't want a bible basher (though in Georgia I'm sure there are plenty), but I would love a character that brings religion into a mature thematic discussion. Whether he is struggling to believe with all that has happened or is trying to desperately believe to not lose hope, I think it would add a lot of believability.
- Ethnic diversity: I'm not expecting the United Nations, but a great part of this season was having a strong African American character with Lee. We have so many generic white guys in the mainstream gaming that it would be nice to see someone with a different background in the spotlight. I would be happy if it was any race if the character is strong, but maybe a race with less spotlight would be a cool addition.
- Stick to themes: For most of the episodes, recurring themes and ideas have been the lynch pins of the story. It adds structure, resonance and thought provoking to the choices and story arcs. Keep this up!
- Romantic element/theme: It doesn't need to be a big part, but another compelling theme that could be explored is the power of connection and possibly romance in dire times. Is it love or lust? Is it a necessity or a hindrance? Is it genuinely to connect or a way to escape reality? Does it make you more empathetic or willing to risk everyone else to save the person you love? This was only lightly hinted at with Lee and Carley, so it could be cool to have a mature discussion on it in the game.
- Larger group from the get go?: We started alone and then grew to a bigger group that began to dwindle. What if it is the other way around for this season? We start off with a bigger group and it gradually is picked off to a smaller group. It could create a real sense of dread as you speculate who will make it to the end and it could lend to better character development on the whole without worrying about throwing in "replacements" who may not have enough time to be fleshed out. Almost like a murder mystery
- Longer lasting choices: Easier said than done on a programming perspective, but I'm sure people ideally would love to see choices that noticeably last from the first episode to the last and distinctly affects the episodes in between. It gives weight to the choices and encourages replay value. Things like Carley encouraging Lee to confess his past versus Doug not addressing it at all could be even stronger if played over a season.
Just a few ideas. I'll be excited either way.
- A whole new crew. Sticking with anyone from Season 1 will bring season 1 baggage into it.
We need a brand new group to break.
- More zombie action. Less "People talking and the occasional zombie appears" and more "OH SHIT! WE ARE IN A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!!!!!"
- More divergence, well, as much as plot/resources allow.
I'm not one of the "MAH CHOICES DON'T MATTAH" people.... but, I would like to see some more story/character/event flexibility.
That's because you can't.
Mods can though, they've spliced several "ideas" threads together.
Add MORE replayability to the game.. instead of a set amount of characters dying at point A.. make it so anyone in your group can die, maybe even set timelimits for certain areas. I know it might take alot of programming but it'll be worth it.. for example i'll use Season 1:
When in the Pharmacy, if you take too long to help with the door, Kenny can get picked off from outside, leaving you and your group to fight off the zombies and find another alt route out of the city.
suggestion two would have to be:
Bette relationships .. In Season 1, you could be a asshole as much as you wanted and Clemmy and Carley would still love you, how about if I be a asshole it effects my relationships more and effects my survival rate?.
One last suggestion
Character switch
I honestly thought this'd happen in episode 2, when you help Clemmy through the vent, I thought the game-play would switch to clemmy and you'd have to do a sneaking mission to get to the door, one wrong move and GAME OVER. I'd like to see this in season 2, to increase intensity (By making you play a part as a weak character or someone who cant defend themselves) In a very dangerous situation to assist your main character.
Doug, Carley, Mark, Ben, Chuck, Christa & Omid, and Molly.
(And I totally disagree with the idea of multiple character control. You're seeing the world through one character's eyes.)
I think people forget that "disabled" doesn't only mean "double above-the-knee amputee" or "wheelchair-bound". A blind or a deaf protag would be really, really cool. Or somebody who, either naturally or by accidents before the zombie apocalypse, was missing a limb. And there are lots of other disabilities, visible and invisible, that are viable options, too.
But I don't think it will be very likely, however awesome it might be to have positive images of disabled people in a difficult world.
Barring that, I agree with all of zgamer's ideas. I forget who posted it in another thread, but I also think it would be neat if there was a time jump to where Rick is now approximately in the comics, when people are more used to zombies.
Also... this idea will probably be shot when the game is out tomorrow, but Christa for season 2 protag?
- A female lead character that grow also as a leader during the game and earn the respect from the group.
- A gay couple, that are working great together as a great shot & a genius (kinda like Carley & Doug)... some time later down the road, one will die where you have to decide who you save. Or a other choice where you know a secret from one of them and can decide if you say it to everyone in the group, only the partner or don't mention it. When you do it you are fine with the rest of the group or you tell it only the partner, that means: 1. The partner who told you the secret will like you more. 2. Cause trouble with the boyfriend because he then always will watch out what you do and questions your actions.
But in the end it would be great to have a strong and not so stereotypical gay couple in a videogame that people can like.
That's something I would like to see the most AND Gary Whitta should write 2 episodes, just love his work.
I'm also pretty sure, that we'll meet somebody from season 1. I'd love if it could be Mike or Molly (it depends on when game would take place - at the same time, before or after), but I suppose it could be whoever survives final episode. There are also chances of meeting somebody from comics or series (like Glenn in this season).
Another thing are children. They're everywhere. If there's something, anything with zombie apocalypse, you have 90% chance, that main character will have to take of some kid. And I'm getting kind of fed up with it, especially that they're usually really annoying (Clem is the exception, but look at Carl or Duck). Seriously, couldn't our character have some greater goal? Like making new community, rebuilding civilization, seriously anything?
Oh, and I also think it'd be awesome to have gay couple as the companion. There was one in the comics, and they were made really good.
I'm not going to say the graphics of TWD are bad, I just think there's work to be done. Lip syncing, facial motion in general, needs improvement.
2. More difficult decisions/choices that will affect characters
I hated Episode 3 for this reason, as the episode wasn't bad in story, it just didn't have enough choice in it. Choices like killing Larry, or siding with Kenny at the drugstore were good.
3. A longer season
10 or so episodes would be good.
I dunno. Maybe I'm wrong. What do you guys want to see?
I've been loving the game!!
2. Implement season taking place during the narrative (seasons like winter, fall, spring be shown, changing the mood and atmosphere)
3. More horror (silent creepy moments. Ex. Walking in a hallway and seeing a crib rock back and forth with no one being there).
hopefully they don't pull a Sam and Max on us (aka delaying it to a point where people will have to wonder which will come first, the sun going supernova at the end of it's life cycle, or the next season being released shortly before the sun goes supernova.
ONE. We've had some merging ruckus this morning.
Anyway, I know we all think she'll be in it anyway, but I'm just stating my logic for thinking so. Anyone agree, or even more interestingly, disagree?
But they did the same thing witch the whole "'Carley will remember that' *BOOM* HEADSHOT!" situation, so I'm not that sure, but I'll hope for it nonetheless.
Uh, sorry to bum you out, but there's zero chance if your number 3 being in season 2, it's the walking dead, not the haunting dead.
you read my mind, I was just about to say the exact same thing, haha.
I guess he is a very entertaining character, though.