Since the choices mean nothing in the long run apart from a few different 'i hate you lee, but I will still talk to you normally to get the story moving and only mention I don't like you one time' moment you guys could just dl ep3 from the american psn and let it generate the story?
I mean its going to end the same for everyone so you may as well just have the computer generate the story for.
Since this is episodic gamimg I'm sure it should be possible.
And what about those of us who paid for season pass already?
Really stupid question but is episode three out on PSN Europe? Because when i load the game up a message rolls across the top of the screen saying it is but i can not find it on the PSN store. Please help as i really want to play it.
Could TTG give us just a little bit of info. It can't be that hard to give us a time rather then just, "coming soon".
Then again I'm one of the thousands of customers who will never give them another penny once the first season is up considering how they've treated us, so they're probably doing this because they hate us for giving them money and supporting them. Thanks TTG!
I don't know who to blame or direct my questions to anymore. I want to blame Telltale, as its been in their history not to consistently release on time in EU. Then again SCEE, also has a history of not releasing games on time compared to their SCEA counterpart, most of the time due to licensing and languages, or so we are told.
I'm just more annoyed that everyone is keep quiet about why or when from Telltale and Sony. I just wish instead of blaming each other or making consumers blame a party, that they are frank with everyone. Enough hiding behind curtains.
I also wish that Telltale would stop this rolling in mud of reviews, while there is a part of "their" community which still hasn't received some of the game which in some cases they have paid for.
Its like going to a candy store you've put a deposit in to get the latest and greatest candy every last Friday of that month, you arrive on the day to see everyone else get theirs, but you and a few others don't. You inquire, you ask, you wonder what's going on but the shopkeeper doesn't respond and locks up for the night. You and the others ask the maker inquiring what has gone on. But you also get no responce. You go everyday waiting, and then one day lets say Wednesday you get it. You quickly tell others that its there. You are happy you got it, but at the same time annoyed that you had to see everyone else get it, spoil it, and almost taunt you with having it even though you actually paid in advance. Imagine this situation times every goddamn piece of candy. The words to describe the feeling of neglect are too extreme.
Can we expect this kind of treatment from you for episodes 4 and 5?
Personally I blame both SCEE and Telltale, SCEE for allowing this to happen yet again and Telltale for this time not even bothering to update us at any point yesterday.
As I said yesterday, all we'll hear from TTG is how awesome they are and how everyting is okey.
I'm glad to say that Im wrong. Well not completly, they did spend a large part of the day retweeting gamers. And they haven't said anything about the delay there. And the forums is indeed flooded with spoilers.
They have how ever blamed Sony for the delay and now want to keep us in the loop.
They updated the last blog post and as a side notes metions the delay:
The title is in submission with our international partners at SCEE, and as soon as Telltale Games receives a release confirmation, a date will be announced.
This is in now way good enough. This is just stalling and a bad attempt at that.
I guess I'm not surprised, just mildly annoyed we're left to fend for ourselves again trying to get updates on when it may be released in the EU whilst avoiding spoilers. Some jerk already gave alot away in the 'Ep.3 Guessing game' when I tried to find out what I was looking for in there.
May I make a request, moderators? Will you sticky this thread as well as folding duplicates into it like you apparently have already started? The first post or the title isn't an ideal starting point (If you fancied messing around, clone a post from a few weeks ago and move it into this thread so it can be the new first post to edit freely, I'm sure you can do that with vBulletin) and there's definitely going to be alot of complaining, but I'd like to be able to keep one thread bookmarked so other PSN EU players can chip in with any updates and such without having to find this thread in the first place amongst all the other threads discussing Ep.3 and getting very close to giving up plot points in the titles. Would be appreciated.
I just wish I'd known het here was going to be problems in advance. I have a 360 and a PC but chose on a whim to play on PS3 as the first episode managed the impossible and released simultaneously.
Now we have to wait for each episode with painfully little feedback. I love Telltale but there PR team needs a serious kick in the pants. Currently tens of thousands of players can't play their game but all they post on Facebook are spoiler rich reviews with high scores.
I am seriously mad now, it has gone 5 days since the game should have been avalible for us. I am NEVER going to buy a telltale game from PSN ever again.
SCEE representative Fred Dutton when asked about psn eu TWD status replied:
"It’s in QA right now and coming soon."
And when asked to clear out the situation he replied:
"Yep, see above. It’s in QA now – if that goes to plan, it will be out in the next couple of weeks."
SCEE representative Fred Dutton when asked about psn eu TWD status replied:
"It’s in QA right now and coming soon."
And when asked to clear out the situation he replied:
"Yep, see above. It’s in QA now – if that goes to plan, it will be out in the next couple of weeks."
SCEE representative Fred Dutton when asked about psn eu TWD status replied:
"It’s in QA right now and coming soon."
And when asked to clear out the situation he replied:
"Yep, see above. It’s in QA now – if that goes to plan, it will be out in the next couple of weeks."
Well the game must of been given out to the platforms BEFORE PSN EU Update. As Everyone got to download it the night before Updates were meant to happen : / Lets face it an already late game is getting later. I dont know what the hold up is. If its good enough for EU platforms why not PSN EU, surely the regulations dont change depending what machine you run it on?
Just noticed if you go onto the Walking Dead game the scolling banner at the top says "Episode 3: Long Road Ahead Now Available!" Nice stab in the heart and a big ol' twist eh?
I for one have already read lots of spoilers by accident. Now Everyone has moved on and looking towards episode 4 when we are left in the dust again. By the time we can play ep 3 and join in conversations the hype would of died and everyone would of moved on.... Its kind of disheartening as a gamer. I cant join in with the hype and excitement of it Where is the fun of playing a game and not being able to to discuss it with other people and friends?
Well the game must of been given out to the platforms BEFORE PSN EU Update. As Everyone got to download it the night before Updates were meant to happen : / Lets face it an already late game is getting later. I dont know what the hold up is. If its good enough for EU platforms why not PSN EU, surely the regulations dont change depending what machine you run it on?
Just noticed if you go onto the Walking Dead game the scolling banner at the top says "Episode 3: Long Road Ahead Now Available!" Nice stab in the heart and a big ol' twist eh?
I for one have already read lots of spoilers by accident. Now Everyone has moved on and looking towards episode 4 when we are left in the dust again. By the time we can play ep 3 and join in conversations the hype would of died and everyone would of moved on.... Its kind of disheartening as a gamer. I cant join in with the hype and excitement of it Where is the fun of playing a game and not being able to to discuss it with other people and friends?
We know that this episode - according to the blog - was only just submitted to the partners mid-month, probably more 18th than 15th. That means that the certification process wasn't those projected "a couple of weeks" for any of the other partners, neither for PSN NA nor Xbox (and least of all Steam). So even if Telltale had only just submitted to SCEE, the certification process as announced on the PS blog would be longer than anyone else's.
I guess we all have learned our lesson though, NEVER EVER buy a telltale game from PSN if you live in europe. Next time im buying it for PC.
In only-PC times, everyone REALLY got the episode at the same time (errrr... mostly. Some exclusivity deals were struck back then). You can imagine that waters were a lot calmer here.
Tha game in Europe shows a newsfeed bar that tells Episode 3 is available in PSN now. That would be considered as a bug. If there's no episode 3 do not tell gamers there is otherwise. Because of this bar I started digging where the hell episode 3 disappear from PSN.
And TTG acts like this is normal :mad:
I f**kin' paid for it! Give me the game or give me my money back!
Or better give the people who bought season pass on EU PSN store a promo-code to download it from US PSN store! That would be at least fair!
You charge us more than americans and deliver a game to us with a huge delay without an explanation or apology!!
19.99$ < 19.99 euros!
Don't know what to do really. Eager to play this game but seems slower than the delay with Ep 2. Every time I come here to get any news I seem to see more and more spoilers in the titles of forum tests.... grrr... come on Telltale, sort something out.
Seriously, if I had been a pay per episode customer in Europe I would've quit by now. As a pre paid package customer I can't just up and leave, I'll be sitting here feeling ripped off and annoyed and can't do anything about it, because I can't get my money back. I supported TTG by buying the package, but right now I feel like they have kicked me in the proverbial nut sack with their lack of communication. So will I support TTG again? Not f****ng likely!
I will wait for my 5 episodes of TWD, and probably never look at another TTG product again. I'm very sorry to say that, since TWD is a great game and concept, but TTG's communication has been absolutely awful and I don't wan't to go through all this anguish over and over again.
At the very least the mods could stop the spoiler titles...
It ruined ep 2 and now ep 3. People dont understand that we havent got the game yet! And by this rate wont get it for a week or two.
Its like waiting in line for the next viewing of a movie, people coming out from the same title as you want to watch and in loud voices discussing the plot twists >.<
Its ridiculous!
SCEE representative Fred Dutton when asked about psn eu TWD status replied:
"It’s in QA right now and coming soon."
And when asked to clear out the situation he replied:
"Yep, see above. It’s in QA now – if that goes to plan, it will be out in the next couple of weeks."
Really stupid question but is episode three out on PSN Europe? Because when i load the game up a message rolls across the top of the screen saying it is but i can not find it on the PSN store. Please help as i really want to play it.
Then again I'm one of the thousands of customers who will never give them another penny once the first season is up considering how they've treated us, so they're probably doing this because they hate us for giving them money and supporting them. Thanks TTG!
I don't know who to blame or direct my questions to anymore. I want to blame Telltale, as its been in their history not to consistently release on time in EU. Then again SCEE, also has a history of not releasing games on time compared to their SCEA counterpart, most of the time due to licensing and languages, or so we are told.
I'm just more annoyed that everyone is keep quiet about why or when from Telltale and Sony. I just wish instead of blaming each other or making consumers blame a party, that they are frank with everyone. Enough hiding behind curtains.
I also wish that Telltale would stop this rolling in mud of reviews, while there is a part of "their" community which still hasn't received some of the game which in some cases they have paid for.
Its like going to a candy store you've put a deposit in to get the latest and greatest candy every last Friday of that month, you arrive on the day to see everyone else get theirs, but you and a few others don't. You inquire, you ask, you wonder what's going on but the shopkeeper doesn't respond and locks up for the night. You and the others ask the maker inquiring what has gone on. But you also get no responce. You go everyday waiting, and then one day lets say Wednesday you get it. You quickly tell others that its there. You are happy you got it, but at the same time annoyed that you had to see everyone else get it, spoil it, and almost taunt you with having it even though you actually paid in advance. Imagine this situation times every goddamn piece of candy. The words to describe the feeling of neglect are too extreme.
Can we expect this kind of treatment from you for episodes 4 and 5?
The lack of information has been shocking.
I'm glad to say that Im wrong. Well not completly, they did spend a large part of the day retweeting gamers. And they haven't said anything about the delay there. And the forums is indeed flooded with spoilers.
They have how ever blamed Sony for the delay and now want to keep us in the loop.
They updated the last blog post and as a side notes metions the delay:
The title is in submission with our international partners at SCEE, and as soon as Telltale Games receives a release confirmation, a date will be announced.
This is in now way good enough. This is just stalling and a bad attempt at that.
May I make a request, moderators? Will you sticky this thread as well as folding duplicates into it like you apparently have already started? The first post or the title isn't an ideal starting point (If you fancied messing around, clone a post from a few weeks ago and move it into this thread so it can be the new first post to edit freely, I'm sure you can do that with vBulletin) and there's definitely going to be alot of complaining, but I'd like to be able to keep one thread bookmarked so other PSN EU players can chip in with any updates and such without having to find this thread in the first place amongst all the other threads discussing Ep.3 and getting very close to giving up plot points in the titles. Would be appreciated.
Now we have to wait for each episode with painfully little feedback. I love Telltale but there PR team needs a serious kick in the pants. Currently tens of thousands of players can't play their game but all they post on Facebook are spoiler rich reviews with high scores.
I am starting to lose interest in the game now, and can't even remember what i did in the last games doubt i will be buying the next episodes.
"It’s in QA right now and coming soon."
And when asked to clear out the situation he replied:
"Yep, see above. It’s in QA now – if that goes to plan, it will be out in the next couple of weeks."
You can check it here . Posts № 808 and 810
Next couple of weeks???? ARE THEY INSANE?
brb taking my life.
When the F**K did telltale submit the game, one day after NA psn got it:mad:
Actually I bet it was submitted at the same time.
do u happen to know when that was?
Just noticed if you go onto the Walking Dead game the scolling banner at the top says "Episode 3: Long Road Ahead Now Available!" Nice stab in the heart and a big ol' twist eh?
I for one have already read lots of spoilers by accident. Now Everyone has moved on and looking towards episode 4 when we are left in the dust again. By the time we can play ep 3 and join in conversations the hype would of died and everyone would of moved on.... Its kind of disheartening as a gamer. I cant join in with the hype and excitement of it
couldnt agree more:)
Anything else would_not_make_sense.
We know that this episode - according to the blog - was only just submitted to the partners mid-month, probably more 18th than 15th. That means that the certification process wasn't those projected "a couple of weeks" for any of the other partners, neither for PSN NA nor Xbox (and least of all Steam). So even if Telltale had only just submitted to SCEE, the certification process as announced on the PS blog would be longer than anyone else's.
In only-PC times, everyone REALLY got the episode at the same time (errrr... mostly. Some exclusivity deals were struck back then). You can imagine that waters were a lot calmer here.
I f**kin' paid for it! Give me the game or give me my money back!
Or better give the people who bought season pass on EU PSN store a promo-code to download it from US PSN store! That would be at least fair!
You charge us more than americans and deliver a game to us with a huge delay without an explanation or apology!!
19.99$ < 19.99 euros!
How the hell has the wait gotten worse? I thought they would have learned from episode 2 and the wait would have been shorter if anything else.
I will wait for my 5 episodes of TWD, and probably never look at another TTG product again. I'm very sorry to say that, since TWD is a great game and concept, but TTG's communication has been absolutely awful and I don't wan't to go through all this anguish over and over again.
It ruined ep 2 and now ep 3. People dont understand that we havent got the game yet! And by this rate wont get it for a week or two.
Its like waiting in line for the next viewing of a movie, people coming out from the same title as you want to watch and in loud voices discussing the plot twists >.<
Its ridiculous!
Id hate to see this guys twitter I'm sure his having lots of heat at the moment on it.