PSN Europe left out again



  • edited September 2012
    fuck guys im so stupid...

    i couldnt wait to play episode 3, but im in europe so my great idea earlier today was this

    i bought a us psn card from ebay and they sent me the code by email

    i went to the psn store with a fake us account, used the code to get 10dollars in it, downloaded the game, installed it .

    but can't play it...and in information (when u press triangle) it says "prohibited copy)

    fuck this shit, i wasted 10$ and i still wont play the game ? :(
  • edited September 2012
    fuck guys im so stupid...

    i couldnt wait to play episode 3, but im in europe so my great idea earlier today was this

    i bought a us psn card from ebay and they sent me the code by email

    i went to the psn store with a fake us account, used the code to get 10dollars in it, downloaded the game, installed it .

    but can't play it...and in information (when u press triangle) it says "prohibited copy)

    fuck this shit, i wasted 10$ and i still wont play the game ? :(
    That's unfortunate =(
  • edited September 2012
    This is terrible... But maybe the SCEE will put the third episode online with the next PSN update... Maybe...
  • edited September 2012
    I've tried to be patient.. and not complaining THAT much.

    But enough is fuckin' enough. If we don't get it by the end of this week.. Maaaaaaaan.. Then I'll be so f'ing PISSED!!

    I KNOW it's just a game. But the story is so good. I almost look more forward to playing the next episode of the game than watching the season premiere of the show(I do LOVE the show though).

    But when these small things in life are delayed, without any sort of an update and everyone else (besides the IOSguys!!) has the game.. we do have the right to complain, act like jerks and talk shit about TellTale. If they treat US like shit, you betcha we'll talk shit about them!! ;)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2012
    sondrman wrote: »
    we do have the right to complain

    sondrman wrote: »
    act like jerks and talk shit about TellTale.


    At least not in here. Our community tries to get rid of jerks. I'd advise against acting like one.
  • edited September 2012
    Someone will pay for this...
  • edited September 2012
    Pizzi116 wrote: »
    Someone will pay for this...
    No one will pay for this, because majority has the game. We are nothing to them and we can't do anything about that, aside ranting on the internet =( That's the sad truth I'm afraid =(
  • edited September 2012
    Guys sony are to blame here, not Telltale. It's hardly Telltale's fault that sony EU is so slow with certification.
  • edited September 2012
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Guys sony are to blame here, not Telltale. It's hardly Telltale's fault that sony EU is so slow with certification.

    Its quite simple to blame Sony since they are the only ones we can see holding up the content. But with what we have, we know nothing about the Sony's Certification process, and any time we inquire (see the poster with the blog link) we are told about Legal obligations between the two companies meaning no information can be brought to light.

    So don't blame one party yet.
  • edited September 2012
    The funny thing is that cuz of my "brilliant" plan, now i still have to wait and when the episode comes out i have wasted 15euros to get it instead of 5 :(
  • edited September 2012
    The funny thing is that cuz of my "brilliant" plan, now i still have to wait and when the episode comes out i have wasted 15euros to get it instead of 5 :(

    Ahhh... i have to tank you! You saved my wallet! I had your same idea! :D
  • edited September 2012
    Y'know what?

    Us guys from Europe should get a 50% discount on the next TWD-game from TTG!

    I know it's not going to happen and all.. but we deserve it! :p
  • edited September 2012
    Pizzi116 wrote: »
    Ahhh... i have to tank you! You saved my wallet! I had your same idea! :D (not) glad i could help :)
  • alcalc
    edited September 2012 (not) glad i could help :)

    Haha, i've gotta thank you as well. I was SO CLOSE to try this trick out myself.. Only reason i didnt try it was that i didnt have a gift card and i couldnt deliver a legitit US adress to go with my VISA information :P
  • edited September 2012
    Guys, i was thinking... episode 2 was suddenly released a week after the "international" release for all the others platforms, without any announce by telltale or SCEE . So, maybe we have just to wait for the next PSN update this wednesday...
  • edited September 2012
    Pizzi116 wrote: »
    episode 2 was suddenly released a week after the "international" release for all the others platforms, without any announce by telltale or SCEE
    Yeah and without an explanation or an apology to EU PSN users :mad:
  • edited September 2012
    GraM1991 wrote: »
    Yeah and without an explanation or an apology to EU PSN users :mad:

    Apology? From Telltale? For us, poor european PS3 users? That's hilarious! They just pretend that we don't even exist! :mad:
  • edited September 2012
    no dawnguard, no rocksmith, the only thing us europeans get is a longer wait for every game that comes out , if it comes out at all.

    i hate being in europe
  • edited September 2012

    i hate being in europe[/QUOTE]

    No man... don't say that... We must be proud of our countries! Italy, UK, France or Germany... it doesn't matter! We have to stick together to obtain our third episode of TWD! ;)
  • edited September 2012
    Pizzi116 wrote: »
    No man... don't say that... We must be proud of our countries! Italy, UK, France or Germany... it doesn't matter! We have to stick together to obtain our third episode of TWD! ;)

    Don't forget Norway! :p

    PS: From a Norwegian guy.. who hates waiting on TTG's game, but still love to live in Europe! :D
  • edited September 2012
    I still can't believe its not out on the ps3 :( I wonder what's happened for them to do this
  • edited September 2012
    I still can't believe its not out on the ps3

    I was just thinking this exact thing. I worry that it's Monday evening in the UK and we might not see it in this week's update.
  • alcalc
    edited September 2012
    I cant believe Telltale is so careless about this issue.. Cant they see they are pushing people towards piracy? Knowing i could get episode 3 in a snap on som torrent site haunts me, but i still dont like to think of losing my save, so thats that. But come on! Worst thing is the TOTAL SILENCE. If they could just tell it straight: Its released at xx/ yy date, that would be ok. Then we wouldnt have to roam the boards and the facebook page for answers of a release date, spoiling the game for us selves in the proces.
  • edited September 2012
    Decided to register on here finally.

    While typing this, i can see an advertisement for Episode 3 'Available Now' on PC, Mac, PS3 and 360. Its like they are purposely tormenting me.

    I really don't know why there is such a big silence. I follow Telltale Games on Twitter and saw them re-tweeting so many mini reviews, but my comment on the delay... ignored. They were there though. They kept posting for a while afterwards.

    Annoyingly i purchased the season pass the moment it became available on the Playstation Store and I feel like an idiot now. There is no chance that I'm going to purchase another Telltale game until they have finished the series.

    The worst thing is that im the only person out of my friends not to have played it now. Everyone else completed it on 360 and now waiting for Episode 4 and I've had to go out of my way to avoid spoilers.

    If its not out by Friday, then I may have to get it via a torrent. I have already paid for it after all
  • edited September 2012
    Doesn't SCEA handle only North America and Canada or something? While SCEE handles almost everything else? Not to mention all the different laws for the different countries and all that, Telltale should consider this when sending the game out.
  • edited September 2012
    Ja1862 wrote: »
    Telltale should consider this when sending the game out.
    Lets face it, since the majority is happy they don't give a f**k about us...
  • edited September 2012
    Ok folks, maybe we have just to wait the next PSN update, tomorrow, wednesday 5th.
    Do you remember episode 2? We had to wait 7 days...
  • edited September 2012
    When are the PSN updates? Is it every wednesday?

    'cause EP2 was released on a friday.

    Sorry for asking stupid questions :p
  • edited September 2012
    It has already gone 7 days since the american PS-gamers got the episode?
  • edited September 2012
    sondrman wrote: »
    It has already gone 7 days since the american PS-gamers got the episode?
    Last time xbox gamers got Episode 2 first and it was on june 26, psn eu got it on 6 of july.
  • edited September 2012
    KatVonLee wrote: »
    Well the game must of been given out to the platforms BEFORE PSN EU Update. As Everyone got to download it the night before Updates were meant to happen : / Lets face it an already late game is getting later. I dont know what the hold up is. If its good enough for EU platforms why not PSN EU, surely the regulations dont change depending what machine you run it on?

    Just noticed if you go onto the Walking Dead game the scolling banner at the top says "Episode 3: Long Road Ahead Now Available!" Nice stab in the heart and a big ol' twist eh?

    I for one have already read lots of spoilers by accident. Now Everyone has moved on and looking towards episode 4 when we are left in the dust again. By the time we can play ep 3 and join in conversations the hype would of died and everyone would of moved on.... Its kind of disheartening as a gamer. I cant join in with the hype and excitement of it :( Where is the fun of playing a game and not being able to to discuss it with other people and friends?
    My thoughts exactly. If they do a second season of this game as they have stated they would be doing I will wait until it is available on disc. I understand that Telltale are planning to release the first season on disc after episode 5 is launched. Had they had said so before I would not have bothered to download the digital version of the game.

    My main issue with Telltale here is that they said that they would release the game on all platforms and regions simultaneously in their apology for the delay of episode 2 and again they have proved unreliable.

    The game is good but I wouldn't recommend anyone buying it until the disc version is released or episode 5 is available for download.
  • edited September 2012
    Answer: Sony Europe's certification process is taking too long, complain to them.
    I hold Telltale responsible not Sony. Sony did not announce that they would release episode 3 simultaneously on all platforms and regions in their apology for episode 2's delay, it was Telltale. Telltale were the ones feeding false hope about episode 3 being available mid august after episode 2 was released on EU PSN early July. After the last debacle I would have expected Telltale to have ensured there was no repeat in delays for the sake of their own reputation following the negative, slamming reviews they had about their lackadaisy attitude, given that they assured they would work closely with the partners so releases would go smoother. It would have been better for them not to have said they would bring episode 3 out sooner than they could and to have just apologised for episode 2's delay and thank us for our patience. On the 4th September there is still no word from Telltale about the EU PSN release date for episode 3 or an apology. Telltale received the money from the EU PSN customers just as quick as they received the money from US PSN customers. Now EU PSN customers can't even go on a discussion site to find out when the game is being released without finding major spoilers from those that have completed the game from other regions and uploaded walkthroughs already. This is a world wide business yet EU PSN customers are having to wait like hounds getting scraps from a table. To say this is unfair is understatement. The way Telltale have conducted themselves is a poor advertisement for their company. I for one will wait, in future for Telltale to release their games on disc then buy a pre-owned copy since they have now stated that the walking dead is not a download only game and will be getting a disc version release and a second season for the game.

    Telltale's walking dead is a good game but not a good advert for episodic gaming. A better example of episodic gaming would be blood curse siren where you can buy chapters in bundles or choose to buy the whole game and all chapters. It's still episodic and you have the option to buy chapter 1-4 one month then another chapter bundle the next.

    Telltale...Again you disappoint me. As we say in the UK "Pull your finger out." To quote DR Conners from Spiderman 2 "Get it Done!"
  • edited September 2012
    If you take a look at Telltale's former games and the gap between PSN NA and EU releases back then - sometimes several weeks - you'll see that "left out" has nothing to do with reality. Telltale as well as Sony Europe are doing their best to bring this episode to PSN in Europe faster than in games before.

    It's obvious that they're trying damn hard to make this a worldwide simultaneous release to the best of everyone's ability, and I'd say the compromises they've already made to steadily head in this direction are numerous enough.

    All the best to my fellow Europeans, and I'll do my best to slap spoiler warnings left and right while being entirely spoiled myself, but one more week won't kill anyone. Anyone else.
    One week will not kill anyone is easier said by those who have than those who want. It's not a life of death situation. I'ts the principle of the matter. EU PSN customers are not having the same gaming experience as regions fortunate enough to get the game earlier as spoilers are splattered over the net at the mention of Long Road Ahead. If I type a query about it's release I will learn about how good the game is, how sad game is and how many deaths are in the episode. My experience playing the game will not be a good as those that went into the game blind without expectation or preconceptions which is how it should be. The novelty has worn off for those who have accidentally come across spoilers before they have even played the game. This was no way Telltale or Kirkman's intention when this game was first envisaged. It's the delivery of this product that has been disappointing not the content. It seems that secret would be to avoid enquiring about episode 4 and 5 and to just check PSN periodically 2 months after episode 3 is released in the UK. Though this is an option, it shouldn't have to be this way.
  • edited September 2012
    I have clearly stated that Telltale has continued to improve in that area, and I stand by that. You might be used to buy games by companies a hundred times the size of Telltale Games, where worldwide simultaneous releases are a snap, all the Ubisofts, EAs, Rockstars or Blizzards out there. This is a small, US-based company making steps in the right direction. Telltale works hard to get this game halfway simultaneously released. If they could get this done perfectly, they undoubtedly would.

    You try make it sound like a purposeful act because you want to attribute blame, possibly because you think the louder you scream, the better future releases will work out for you. And you quote me completely out of context to get the point across.
    If you can pause the dick riding for just a moment after all Telltale don't need your defending, their big boys. The issue is not the delay it's the lack of communication and the false hope they have given the fans time and time again. "Dont write checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash"(The wise man-Sucker Punch). After the delay of episode 2 Telltale announced that episode 3 would be available by mid august. They then sent out another announcement saying it would be out before the end of August. So even the US customers had their version of the game delayed. Telltale also stated that they would work better with their partners to ensure a simultaneous platform and region release. I see no evidence of this. Back to the communication issue. It is the 4th of September and there is still no word of apology or information of the EU PSN release date. This is not good enough. Where is the improvement of service delivery from the release of episode 2 to the release of episode 3? If you apologise for something and do the same thing you apologised for one has to question how genuine your apology was.
  • edited September 2012
    Wait a second... so we have to wait another week!? WTF! No way... this is not how a professional software house works! They not deserve our money at all! :mad:
  • edited September 2012
    GraM1991 wrote: »
    Lets face it, since the majority is happy they don't give a f**k about us...

    If your not American, they don't care :(
  • edited September 2012
    Pizzi116 wrote: »
    Wait a second... so we have to wait another week!? WTF! No way... this is not how a professional software house works! They not deserve our money at all! :mad:
    Yeah, i am pretty sure we wont get it this week at least. It has been too quiet, Telltale promised to announce a release date for us in EU. We´ll probably get it next week or the week after that.
  • edited September 2012
    Th3Butcher wrote: »
    Yeah, i am pretty sure we wont get it this week at least. It has been too quiet, Telltale promised to announce a release date for us in EU. We´ll probably get it next week or the week after that.

    Jesus Christ.. I'm updating the Facebook-page 30 times every freaking day! Goooooooooood.. I'm tired of waiting!

    We should at least get a little announcment. Just.. something... anything...
  • edited September 2012
    who is telltales new PR manager?
  • edited September 2012
    Has anyone tried e-mailing Telltale about getting a refund or some sort of compensation? I'm interested to know what they've said. Oh wait I mean IF they've said. My 3 year old kid can keep a promise better than they can...
This discussion has been closed.