I didn't realize you guys still hadn't received the game. That's pretty bad. It's not much of a consolation, but the wait is totally worth it. In my opinion anyway. Hopefully Sony gets their act together.
It is Sony Europe, this is not the 1st time SCEE has done this with the EU PSN and certainly won't be the last
Telltale submitted the game to be ratified by SCEE to be released and SCEE as usual have dragged there heels and done sweet FA
To blame TTG beggars belief when the episode has been completed and it is Sony who haven't allowed it to be released in Europe yet.
I have the season pass on the PS3, some I know have played ep3 on Xbox and are saying it is brilliant, I can't wait to play it, but I am not going to blame TTG needlessly when it is a situation outwith there control.
Complain to Sony Europe about it, but I doubt it will do any good as I said previously this is not the 1st time they have done this
BUT it doesn't happen all the time so does that mean that smart developers know this will happen so plan release accordingly?
Surely by now TTG must realise the backlash that comes when a new episode is delayed for one segment of their customer base (read revenue stream) and not others.
If they held back all versions (iOS excepted in this case as that was released some months later) until it had cleared certification or whatever it is, nobody would have known there was an issue. Sure there would be complaints, but at least everybody would be in the same boat.
BUT it doesn't happen all the time so does that mean that smart developers know this will happen so plan release accordingly?
Surely by now TTG must realise the backlash that comes when a new episode is delayed for one segment of their customer base (read revenue stream) and not others.
If they held back all versions (iOS excepted in this case as that was released some months later) until it had cleared certification or whatever it is, nobody would have known there was an issue. Sure there would be complaints, but at least everybody would be in the same boat.
This conversation has taken a unfortunate turn imo.
To the people who suggest that we go buy the game on another platform or from another region, you clearly don't get that I/We don't want to pour more money into a company we don't have any trust in. I/We want what we payed for simple as that.
To the people who says that SCEE is the bad guy in this. I don't see it. I'm doing business with TTG, NOT its subcontractors. If TTG gets thiere data corrupted by some error I am not going to blame Oracle. TellTaleGame is the only one accountable for thiere game.
Quite often I've seen responses from game companies, including TTG, and their defenders claiming that there is no need to report "nothing new to report". It is for the sake of the customers.
For example if I had a company that used UPS or DHL to ship my goods to customers and the goods didn't reach the customers I wouldn't sit on my hands waiting for the shipping company to sort it out, and in the meantime say nothing to the waiting customers. I would tell the customers, quite often that I was hounding the shipping company for answers, and I would hound the shipping company for answers. Making sure to forward any answers to the customers, or report any failure to answer to the same. Keeping the customers out of the loop is never a good idea.
This silence from TTG, except for telling us how much fun they had at PAX, will prove bad for their future as a lot of PS3 EU users will boycott them.
Quite often I've seen responses from game companies, including TTG, and their defenders claiming that there is no need to report "nothing new to report". It is for the sake of the customers.
For example if I had a company that used UPS or DHL to ship my goods to customers and the goods didn't reach the customers I wouldn't sit on my hands waiting for the shipping company to sort it out, and in the meantime say nothing to the waiting customers. I would tell the customers, quite often that I was hounding the shipping company for answers, and I would hound the shipping company for answers. Making sure to forward any answers to the customers, or report any failure to answer to the same. Keeping the customers out of the loop is never a good idea.
This silence from TTG, except for telling us how much fun they had at PAX, will prove bad for their future as a lot of PS3 EU users will boycott them.
Damn you TellTaleGames, I had just written a rather long post, hit submit reply, database error..
Just wanted to say other companies know how to communicate with thier fansbase.
By containing the disgruntled customers here on the forum, TTG may avoid getting bad rep. And future investors will be please to see that TTG is active on the blog and social media. They wont know the whole truth since gaming sites aren't reporting on this, they are only banging out reviews praising the game(which is good, don't get me wrong), but the waiting time and the silence from TTG is just a kick in the groin.
Well Telltale, you failed since your communication is even worse this time around.
If you want daily updates from Telltale, well, I am not from Telltale, but still I can give you exactly that, with precisely the amount of information Telltale could deliver on the matter right now.
August 30:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
August 31:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 3:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 4:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 5:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 6:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
Whatever you might complain about, in THIS case TTG's communication is_not_the_problem.
So it would be ok for EU and the rest of the PS3 world to wait say a month extra while PS3 NA (Possibly Canada as well but not sure) and Xbox and PC Users have it? That to me does not seem fair. Granted they should draw a line somewhere but to let us wait even longer then everyone else is a bit ridiculous.
The monthly release schedule is no longer existent. That came as a grave shock to many, many long term Telltale fans. Two months between episodes is_too_long for ANY platform for the episodic model to still work (that is my personal opinion, of course). Of course it's not fair that some people wait longer than others. The history of video games is full of unfair gaps between game releases for different platforms. But letting other platforms wait far more than two months, that would mean impending doom for the episodic model. If this was the norm, who would even buy an episodic game before all episodes were out? What if Telltale decided to pull all releases back until iOS caught up??
It's ridiculous, I'll give you that for sure. But from the look of things, it's ridiculous because SCEE could never ever do monthly releases if their certification process takes "a couple of weeks". To put it as bluntly as humanly possible: At the time, SCEE's certification performance and Telltale's business model seem to be incompatible.
Not quite true. They could be more open about why the delay (e.g. SCEE take longer to approve games, it's more difficult due to language etc...) or about what they will do in future to avoid delays to one console or region.
It would also be nice if they avoided their own forums, twitter feed and facebook advertising being so spoiler filled.
I'm far from the most angry or aggressive person here but blindly being a company toady isn't a particularly useful position by comparison to the angry shouters. The mods make a lot of noise about not working for Telltale but do seem fairly sycophantic about the company when negatives are raised.
If you want daily updates from Telltale, well, I am not from Telltale, but still I can give you exactly that, with precisely the amount of information Telltale could deliver on the matter right now.
August 30:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe" ..... shortend for my sanity
Okey, well we would like the game release simultaneously across platform and region. We don't want to get a earfull about how subcontractors/scee is to blame. Enought with the scapgoating, I deal with TellTaleGames, how ttg gets the game to me isn't relevant I just want to play the game.
Since the above apparently is too much to ask
What I would like is
Aug 30: We are now in que as number 245.
Aug 31: We are now in que as number 165.
And a apologi. I don't want to hear them thanking me for my patience.. I haven't had patience since episode 2.
If you want daily updates from Telltale, well, I am not from Telltale, but still I can give you exactly that, with precisely the amount of information Telltale could deliver on the matter right now.
August 30:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
August 31:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 3:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 4:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 5:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 6:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
Again, whatever you might complain about, in THIS case TTG's communication is_not_the_problem.
You're wrong. TTG's communication IS the problem. As said earlier on, the delay itself wouldnt be so bad if there was some sort of communication to take the top off the frustration. I dont mind that the news isnt "new" as long as i know the issue is on their top of mind and that they are eagerly trying to get it out. With the total lack of communication, im not sure this issue even IS an issue at all to TTG..
Whatever you might complain about, in THIS case TTG's communication is_not_the_problem.
But they haven't even taken the time to go onto the blog (or why not the forums?) and write even that. That makes TTG's lack of communication a problem for us in the EU. We're kept in knowledge limbo not even knowing if TTG are trying or are just sitting on their arses (or partying at PAX) while they should try to fix the problem.
We don't know anything because we're not told anything, not even a "no news today, but we're working on it", and that is why people get frustrated.
I am sure SCEE would be thrilled about Telltale releasing their internal status notes.
But they'd be even more thrilled about Telltale "officially" attributing blame for the delay to their business partners. You must understand that this will never, never ever happen. I was shocked to see that they even came close to doing that already (by making the submission status official. This was NEVER DONE BEFORE, IIRC).
Alienate your partners, goodbye business. This is not something you can look forward to.
The mods make a lot of noise about not working for Telltale but do seem fairly sycophantic about the company when negatives are raised.
Please understand why such a quote makes me a bit aggressive. Just because I don't share your view on this matter doesn't mean that I always take Telltale's side. Had you taken the time to gather a slight bit more detail on what the mods write or do not write on this forum, you would have seen many a negative comment (at least by yours truly to begin with). Concerning the communication between episodes 1 and 2, concerning the save system, concerning PC download problems, concerning bugs, concerning a plethora of story developments in the game. On the grounds you have presented, I take your argument invalidation attempt and put it safely on the ha-ha shelf, I'm sorry.
Heck, in my last post I even said out loud that I consider a two month release schedule nonfunctional. What more negativity do you want, or is the only thing THAT you want an 180° turn in this particular matter?
I must admit to being hugely disappointed. I love the Walking Dead, so this was my first time dealing with TellTale Games, but the demo was good enough that I felt buying the season pass was a sound plan. I figured an episode a month wasn't too long to wait...and if all went well I could grab Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island (I loved the originals) and the Wallace and Gromit game (for my kids).
Between not sticking to any kind of reasonable update schedule, a distinct lack of communications and the piss poor response with Europe...yeah. I won't be buying further TellTale products. If I have any problems I know full well customer support will be non-existent. Which is a shame. I like those three franchises.
Maybe I can buy them second hand or something...at least then if it all goes to hell I won't have paid retail.
Still, I find the lack of communication frustrating. I don't want my money back. If needs must, I wouldn't even mind them switching my stuff over to the X-box or Steam, since I'm fortunate enough to have both, and don't object to playing again...although of course there is no chance of that. I just want to play the game. My lodger, who was wise enough to decide that the X-Box version was a safer bet has already played it (and warned me I probably don't want to bother, but such is life) and it's frustrating that just because I bought it on PSN I have to wait two, three, four weeks extra...
I mean, it's late enough already!
I don't know if it's Sony's fault or TellTale's, although I find it difficult to believe that TellTale would submit it late to SCEE, knowing how big a stink it raised for Episode 2. Then again, other companies manage multiple platform releases, so...
Question - was Episode 1 delayed on the EU PSN? And if it wasn't, what can be the possible reason for the delays to two and three? It would be nice of TellTale to explain, but that's not likely to happen...and why I won't be buying three of there released games or any of there future titles.
I must admit to being hugely disappointed. I love the Walking Dead, so this was my first time dealing with TellTale Games, but the demo was good enough that I felt buying the season pass was a sound plan. I figured an episode a month wasn't too long to wait...and if all went well I could grab Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island (I loved the originals) and the Wallace and Gromit game (for my kids).
Between not sticking to any kind of reasonable update schedule, a distinct lack of communications and the piss poor response with Europe...yeah. I won't be buying further TellTale products. If I have any problems I know full well customer support will be non-existent. Which is a shame. I like those three franchises.
Maybe I can buy them second hand or something...at least then if it all goes to hell I won't have paid retail.
Still, I find the lack of communication frustrating. I don't want my money back. If needs must, I wouldn't even mind them switching my stuff over to the X-box or Steam, since I'm fortunate enough to have both, and don't object to playing again...although of course there is no chance of that. I just want to play the game. My lodger, who was wise enough to decide that the X-Box version was a safer bet has already played it (and warned me I probably don't want to bother, but such is life) and it's frustrating that just because I bought it on PSN I have to wait two, three, four weeks extra...
I mean, it's late enough already!
I don't know if it's Sony's fault or TellTale's, although I find it difficult to believe that TellTale would submit it late to SCEE, knowing how big a stink it raised for Episode 2. Then again, other companies manage multiple platform releases, so...
Question - was Episode 1 delayed on the EU PSN? And if it wasn't, what can be the possible reason for the delays to two and three? It would be nice of TellTale to explain, but that's not likely to happen...and why I won't be buying three of there released games or any of there future titles.
The Walking Dead was my first TTG aswell. I was hooked after playing the demo and ofcourse I bought the season pass with out hesitating. Why should I the first 3 episodes had a release date(of sorts).
Everyone in this thread is feeling frustrated and neglected over the lack of information. There was a tweet from ttg about how this was all SCEE's fault, but that was deleted rather fast. And we can't know for sure if that was the truth or if they was wanted a scap goat.
Episode 1 was released 24th of april so far this has been the only release date we have shared with the rest of the world.
I agree with most of you, TTG communication sucks (The blog still says "Join us at PAX"), but still can't understand who we have to blame. If it's SCEE's fault I think we should be worried because when ep2 came out it took only 2 days for the european certification, now 2 weeks??? Why??? Something wrong? No problems, sh*t happens, but let us (paying customers) know!!
Someone wrote it could be longer for europe to get the certification because of the many different languages, but TWD has no translation, so can't be the problem... :rolleyes:
I'm a patient person, been lurking here since ep1 release and never said a word of complaint, but this responsibility bounce between TTG and SCEE looks quite ridicolous to me.
I wonder how many EU PSN users have pirated episode 3 so far.. I know im tempted to do so myself..
It's a fair musing but sadly it's not right. I know I've found other means of getting things rather than wait for an extended release date (more so with TV though in the EU being a long way behind US).
I am sure SCEE would be thrilled about Telltale releasing their internal status notes.
But they'd be even more thrilled about Telltale "officially" attributing blame for the delay to their business partners. You must understand that this will never, never ever happen. I was shocked to see that they even came close to doing that already (by making the submission status official. This was NEVER DONE BEFORE, IIRC).
Alienate your partners, goodbye business. This is not something you can look forward to.
Please understand why such a quote makes me a bit aggressive. Just because I don't share your view on this matter doesn't mean that I always take Telltale's side. Had you taken the time to gather a slight bit more detail on what the mods write or do not write on this forum, you would have seen many a negative comment (at least by yours truly to begin with). Concerning the communication between episodes 1 and 2, concerning the save system, concerning PC download problems, concerning bugs, concerning a plethora of story developments in the game. On the grounds you have presented, I take your argument invalidation attempt and put it safely on the ha-ha shelf, I'm sorry.
Heck, in my last post I even said out loud that I consider a two month release schedule nonfunctional. What more negativity do you want, or is the only thing THAT you want an 180° turn in this particular matter?
Firstly, alienating your business partners is roughly as good a practice as alienating your customers.
Secondly, I wrote what I did because I found the message about 'What Telltale would say' facile at best. Telltale can make their customers more aware with more regularity without annoying Sony. They have the means as I manage to see dozens of great review scores and spoilers in my Twitter and Facebook feeds.
I am sure SCEE would be thrilled about Telltale releasing their internal status notes.
But they'd be even more thrilled about Telltale "officially" attributing blame for the delay to their business partners. You must understand that this will never, never ever happen. I was shocked to see that they even came close to doing that already (by making the submission status official. This was NEVER DONE BEFORE, IIRC).
Alienate your partners, goodbye business. This is not something you can look forward to.
Please understand why such a quote makes me a bit aggressive. Just because I don't share your view on this matter doesn't mean that I always take Telltale's side. Had you taken the time to gather a slight bit more detail on what the mods write or do not write on this forum, you would have seen many a negative comment (at least by yours truly to begin with). Concerning the communication between episodes 1 and 2, concerning the save system, concerning PC download problems, concerning bugs, concerning a plethora of story developments in the game. On the grounds you have presented, I take your argument invalidation attempt and put it safely on the ha-ha shelf, I'm sorry.
Heck, in my last post I even said out loud that I consider a two month release schedule nonfunctional. What more negativity do you want, or is the only thing THAT you want an 180° turn in this particular matter?
Stop defending the *snip*! *snip*... I bought season pass.... And what do they do? *snip*! :mad:
A friendly reminder. This is an official forum. If you're upset about stuff, you can write about and make this clear here, state your arguments and discuss (and a discussion, by definition, only occurs with less like minded people).
What you can not do is walk around insulting anyone with a differing opinion, and while cursing is allowed in principle, you can not insult the company, the moderators or other community members directly.
I see that most people in this thread have no problem abiding by these rules.
So far we have hade 226 replies and more than 16,500 views on this thread alone. This alone should send a pretty clear message to TellTaleGame that we would like some answers. Jake from ttg said in a post that he views the forums daily and that when he has something to contribute with he does. Well we'll see.
I've got a feeling that Godwin's Rule is soon applied to the thread. I sincerely hope it doesn't (thanks to the good and ever present mods). So lets keep the thread civilised and see if we can find a way to get a answer from TTG.
Personaly i've mailed them today, I'm not sure that i'll get a response any time soon. I mean they are busy people and I'm pretty sure they get a lot of mail.
I don't know if we can make a petition or something to let them know how many disgruntled gamers we are. And how badly we want a global release for the last two episodes. I've stumbled on hints and spoilers trying to get some info about the release date and I really don't want that to happen again.
I've got a feeling that Godwin's Rule is soon applied to the thread. I sincerely hope it doesn't (thanks to the good and ever present mods). So lets keep the thread civilised and see if we can find a way to get a answer from TTG.
You must be clairvoyant...
And to make this absolutely clear: Without doubt, I wish my fellow Europeans a really swift PSN episode 3. And at least a set date "in the [actual] very near future". You waited long enough, no one will disagree there.
Telltale staff has been keeping their posts out of the forum for most of the Season. I see the reason, but I hate it nonetheless. It's only been a few months when they were communicating to us on a daily basis, and I want that back. But you can be sure that they're very very aware of the situation and they do read the forums every day (especially Jake, in whom I still confide a lot of trust).
So far we have hade 226 replies and more than 16,500 views on this thread alone. This alone should send a pretty clear message to TellTaleGame that we would like some answers. Jake from ttg said in a post that he views the forums daily and that when he has something to contribute with he does. Well we'll see.
I've got a feeling that Godwin's Rule is soon applied to the thread. I sincerely hope it doesn't (thanks to the good and ever present mods). So lets keep the thread civilised and see if we can find a way to get a answer from TTG.
Personaly i've mailed them today, I'm not sure that i'll get a response any time soon. I mean they are busy people and I'm pretty sure they get a lot of mail.
I don't know if we can make a petition or something to let them know how many disgruntled gamers we are. And how badly we want a global release for the last two episodes. I've stumbled on hints and spoilers trying to get some info about the release date and I really don't want that to happen again.
Well said. Be sure to keep us in the loop regarding your mail, if you ever receive a reply
So far we have hade 226 replies and more than 16,500 views on this thread alone. This alone should send a pretty clear message to TellTaleGame that we would like some answers. Jake from ttg said in a post that he views the forums daily and that when he has something to contribute with he does. Well we'll see.
I've got a feeling that Godwin's Rule is soon applied to the thread. I sincerely hope it doesn't (thanks to the good and ever present mods). So lets keep the thread civilised and see if we can find a way to get a answer from TTG.
Personaly i've mailed them today, I'm not sure that i'll get a response any time soon. I mean they are busy people and I'm pretty sure they get a lot of mail.
I don't know if we can make a petition or something to let them know how many disgruntled gamers we are. And how badly we want a global release for the last two episodes. I've stumbled on hints and spoilers trying to get some info about the release date and I really don't want that to happen again.
I went to wikipedia to see if the first episode was released significantly aparrt (it wasn't - the EU got it the next day) and pretty much got the whole episode spoiled. Which is...frustrating.
It really wouldn't be that hard to post something like, 'Due to special circumstances it's taking longer to get the certification through on the EU PSN - we'll give you an update when we can.' No blame for TellTale, no blame for Sony, but we know what's happening and they at least give a damn that we're out in the cold. Right now it feels like they're dancing around, yelling, 'I'm sorry, we can't hear your complaints over this pile of money from EU Season Passes.'
Putting the Season Pass on sale recently did not make me feel any better, either.
I dont think anyone here will buy TWD season 2 pass. I will never support TTG again at least.
That's what I meant. I agree with you but I can't say I will never buy a TTG product again. For sure no more season passes, I will wait since all ep are out.
Waiting doesn't piss me off, but beeing "discriminated" just because I'm european does.
That's what I meant. I agree with you but I can't say I will never buy a TTG product again. For sure no more season passes, I will wait since all ep are out.
Waiting doesn't piss me off, but beeing "discriminated" just because I'm european does.
true. i can't say that i'm never going to buy a ttg game again. but a season pass? hell no!
i still hope episode 3 will be available to download in the next few days. episode 2 wasn't released within the normal psn eu update either, was it?
i still hope episode 3 will be available to download in the next few days. episode 2 wasn't released within the normal psn eu update either, was it?
Ep2 came out on friday, outside the scheduled wednesday PSN update.
There' still a little hope, but no illusions.
Still wondering why a certification process takes 2 weeks... Ep 2 EU came out 2 days after NA release, cases are 3: 1 - ep2 delay was SCEA and SCEE fault, and TTG submitted both on time. 2 - TTG submitted the game just a few days ago not weeks. (but i want to believe TTG's word so I don't think is this the case) 3 - Problems during certification process, meaning that the game could be sent back to TTG or waiting to be reviewed or god only knows. (Honestly can't understand all this CIA-style secret around submissions and certifications... )
Not trying to blame someone, just curious, trying to pass the time waiting for ep3, didn't mean to offend any person or company.
BUT it doesn't happen all the time so does that mean that smart developers know this will happen so plan release accordingly?
Surely by now TTG must realise the backlash that comes when a new episode is delayed for one segment of their customer base (read revenue stream) and not others.
If they held back all versions (iOS excepted in this case as that was released some months later) until it had cleared certification or whatever it is, nobody would have known there was an issue. Sure there would be complaints, but at least everybody would be in the same boat.
I think spoilers are the least of your worries.
(It's a Sinbad and the Seven Seas reference.)
It was actually Red Panda that coined 'I think spoilers are the least of your worries.' first though. I just kept on throwing it back at him!
EDIT. Unfortunately TWD is my first TTG game experience though so the reference passes me by
To the people who suggest that we go buy the game on another platform or from another region, you clearly don't get that I/We don't want to pour more money into a company we don't have any trust in. I/We want what we payed for simple as that.
To the people who says that SCEE is the bad guy in this. I don't see it. I'm doing business with TTG, NOT its subcontractors. If TTG gets thiere data corrupted by some error I am not going to blame Oracle. TellTaleGame is the only one accountable for thiere game.
For example if I had a company that used UPS or DHL to ship my goods to customers and the goods didn't reach the customers I wouldn't sit on my hands waiting for the shipping company to sort it out, and in the meantime say nothing to the waiting customers. I would tell the customers, quite often that I was hounding the shipping company for answers, and I would hound the shipping company for answers. Making sure to forward any answers to the customers, or report any failure to answer to the same. Keeping the customers out of the loop is never a good idea.
This silence from TTG, except for telling us how much fun they had at PAX, will prove bad for their future as a lot of PS3 EU users will boycott them.
Damn you TellTaleGames, I had just written a rather long post, hit submit reply, database error..
Just wanted to say other companies know how to communicate with thier fansbase.
By containing the disgruntled customers here on the forum, TTG may avoid getting bad rep. And future investors will be please to see that TTG is active on the blog and social media. They wont know the whole truth since gaming sites aren't reporting on this, they are only banging out reviews praising the game(which is good, don't get me wrong), but the waiting time and the silence from TTG is just a kick in the groin.
If you want daily updates from Telltale, well, I am not from Telltale, but still I can give you exactly that, with precisely the amount of information Telltale could deliver on the matter right now.
August 30:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
August 31:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 3:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 4:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 5:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
September 6:
"We're eagerly waiting to hear back from our partners at SCEE as to when episode 3 will release in Europe"
Whatever you might complain about, in THIS case TTG's communication is_not_the_problem.
The monthly release schedule is no longer existent. That came as a grave shock to many, many long term Telltale fans. Two months between episodes is_too_long for ANY platform for the episodic model to still work (that is my personal opinion, of course). Of course it's not fair that some people wait longer than others. The history of video games is full of unfair gaps between game releases for different platforms. But letting other platforms wait far more than two months, that would mean impending doom for the episodic model. If this was the norm, who would even buy an episodic game before all episodes were out? What if Telltale decided to pull all releases back until iOS caught up??
It's ridiculous, I'll give you that for sure. But from the look of things, it's ridiculous because SCEE could never ever do monthly releases if their certification process takes "a couple of weeks". To put it as bluntly as humanly possible: At the time, SCEE's certification performance and Telltale's business model seem to be incompatible.
:rolleyes: Make it two weeks now...
It would also be nice if they avoided their own forums, twitter feed and facebook advertising being so spoiler filled.
I'm far from the most angry or aggressive person here but blindly being a company toady isn't a particularly useful position by comparison to the angry shouters. The mods make a lot of noise about not working for Telltale but do seem fairly sycophantic about the company when negatives are raised.
Okey, well we would like the game release simultaneously across platform and region. We don't want to get a earfull about how subcontractors/scee is to blame. Enought with the scapgoating, I deal with TellTaleGames, how ttg gets the game to me isn't relevant I just want to play the game.
Since the above apparently is too much to ask
What I would like is
Aug 30: We are now in que as number 245.
Aug 31: We are now in que as number 165.
And a apologi. I don't want to hear them thanking me for my patience.. I haven't had patience since episode 2.
You're wrong. TTG's communication IS the problem. As said earlier on, the delay itself wouldnt be so bad if there was some sort of communication to take the top off the frustration. I dont mind that the news isnt "new" as long as i know the issue is on their top of mind and that they are eagerly trying to get it out. With the total lack of communication, im not sure this issue even IS an issue at all to TTG..
But they haven't even taken the time to go onto the blog (or why not the forums?) and write even that. That makes TTG's lack of communication a problem for us in the EU. We're kept in knowledge limbo not even knowing if TTG are trying or are just sitting on their arses (or partying at PAX) while they should try to fix the problem.
We don't know anything because we're not told anything, not even a "no news today, but we're working on it", and that is why people get frustrated.
But they'd be even more thrilled about Telltale "officially" attributing blame for the delay to their business partners. You must understand that this will never, never ever happen. I was shocked to see that they even came close to doing that already (by making the submission status official. This was NEVER DONE BEFORE, IIRC).
Alienate your partners, goodbye business. This is not something you can look forward to.
Please understand why such a quote makes me a bit aggressive. Just because I don't share your view on this matter doesn't mean that I always take Telltale's side. Had you taken the time to gather a slight bit more detail on what the mods write or do not write on this forum, you would have seen many a negative comment (at least by yours truly to begin with). Concerning the communication between episodes 1 and 2, concerning the save system, concerning PC download problems, concerning bugs, concerning a plethora of story developments in the game. On the grounds you have presented, I take your argument invalidation attempt and put it safely on the ha-ha shelf, I'm sorry.
Heck, in my last post I even said out loud that I consider a two month release schedule nonfunctional. What more negativity do you want, or is the only thing THAT you want an 180° turn in this particular matter?
Between not sticking to any kind of reasonable update schedule, a distinct lack of communications and the piss poor response with Europe...yeah. I won't be buying further TellTale products. If I have any problems I know full well customer support will be non-existent. Which is a shame. I like those three franchises.
Maybe I can buy them second hand or something...at least then if it all goes to hell I won't have paid retail.
Still, I find the lack of communication frustrating. I don't want my money back. If needs must, I wouldn't even mind them switching my stuff over to the X-box or Steam, since I'm fortunate enough to have both, and don't object to playing again...although of course there is no chance of that. I just want to play the game. My lodger, who was wise enough to decide that the X-Box version was a safer bet has already played it (and warned me I probably don't want to bother, but such is life) and it's frustrating that just because I bought it on PSN I have to wait two, three, four weeks extra...
I mean, it's late enough already!
I don't know if it's Sony's fault or TellTale's, although I find it difficult to believe that TellTale would submit it late to SCEE, knowing how big a stink it raised for Episode 2. Then again, other companies manage multiple platform releases, so...
Question - was Episode 1 delayed on the EU PSN? And if it wasn't, what can be the possible reason for the delays to two and three? It would be nice of TellTale to explain, but that's not likely to happen...and why I won't be buying three of there released games or any of there future titles.
The Walking Dead was my first TTG aswell. I was hooked after playing the demo and ofcourse I bought the season pass with out hesitating. Why should I the first 3 episodes had a release date(of sorts).
Everyone in this thread is feeling frustrated and neglected over the lack of information. There was a tweet from ttg about how this was all SCEE's fault, but that was deleted rather fast. And we can't know for sure if that was the truth or if they was wanted a scap goat.
Episode 1 was released 24th of april so far this has been the only release date we have shared with the rest of the world.
Someone wrote it could be longer for europe to get the certification because of the many different languages, but TWD has no translation, so can't be the problem... :rolleyes:
I'm a patient person, been lurking here since ep1 release and never said a word of complaint, but this responsibility bounce between TTG and SCEE looks quite ridicolous to me.
It's a fair musing but sadly it's not right. I know I've found other means of getting things rather than wait for an extended release date (more so with TV though in the EU being a long way behind US).
Firstly, alienating your business partners is roughly as good a practice as alienating your customers.
Secondly, I wrote what I did because I found the message about 'What Telltale would say' facile at best. Telltale can make their customers more aware with more regularity without annoying Sony. They have the means as I manage to see dozens of great review scores and spoilers in my Twitter and Facebook feeds.
Stop defending the *snip*! *snip*... I bought season pass.... And what do they do? *snip*! :mad:
What you can not do is walk around insulting anyone with a differing opinion, and while cursing is allowed in principle, you can not insult the company, the moderators or other community members directly.
I see that most people in this thread have no problem abiding by these rules.
I've got a feeling that Godwin's Rule is soon applied to the thread. I sincerely hope it doesn't (thanks to the good and ever present mods). So lets keep the thread civilised and see if we can find a way to get a answer from TTG.
Personaly i've mailed them today, I'm not sure that i'll get a response any time soon. I mean they are busy people and I'm pretty sure they get a lot of mail.
I don't know if we can make a petition or something to let them know how many disgruntled gamers we are. And how badly we want a global release for the last two episodes. I've stumbled on hints and spoilers trying to get some info about the release date and I really don't want that to happen again.
You must be clairvoyant...
And to make this absolutely clear: Without doubt, I wish my fellow Europeans a really swift PSN episode 3. And at least a set date "in the [actual] very near future". You waited long enough, no one will disagree there.
Telltale staff has been keeping their posts out of the forum for most of the Season. I see the reason, but I hate it nonetheless. It's only been a few months when they were communicating to us on a daily basis, and I want that back. But you can be sure that they're very very aware of the situation and they do read the forums every day (especially Jake, in whom I still confide a lot of trust).
Well said. Be sure to keep us in the loop regarding your mail, if you ever receive a reply
petition sounds good, im in:)
It really wouldn't be that hard to post something like, 'Due to special circumstances it's taking longer to get the certification through on the EU PSN - we'll give you an update when we can.' No blame for TellTale, no blame for Sony, but we know what's happening and they at least give a damn that we're out in the cold. Right now it feels like they're dancing around, yelling, 'I'm sorry, we can't hear your complaints over this pile of money from EU Season Passes.'
Putting the Season Pass on sale recently did not make me feel any better, either.
Made me laugh
Run, tickets are limited!!! :eek:
Of course the release date will be announced right after everybody else in the universe already played and spoiled it for us europeans...
Sarcastic, of course (except the release date part... Sad but true.)
That's what I meant. I agree with you but I can't say I will never buy a TTG product again. For sure no more season passes, I will wait since all ep are out.
Waiting doesn't piss me off, but beeing "discriminated" just because I'm european does.
true. i can't say that i'm never going to buy a ttg game again. but a season pass? hell no!
i still hope episode 3 will be available to download in the next few days. episode 2 wasn't released within the normal psn eu update either, was it?
I think so. IIRC, an episode is considered a patch rather than a new release and could come at any time.
Ep2 came out on friday, outside the scheduled wednesday PSN update.
There' still a little hope, but no illusions.
Still wondering why a certification process takes 2 weeks... Ep 2 EU came out 2 days after NA release, cases are 3: 1 - ep2 delay was SCEA and SCEE fault, and TTG submitted both on time. 2 - TTG submitted the game just a few days ago not weeks. (but i want to believe TTG's word so I don't think is this the case) 3 - Problems during certification process, meaning that the game could be sent back to TTG or waiting to be reviewed or god only knows. (Honestly can't understand all this CIA-style secret around submissions and certifications...
Not trying to blame someone, just curious, trying to pass the time waiting for ep3, didn't mean to offend any person or company.
Any time? That's somehow a good new! Infact, the release could be tomorrow or any day before the weekly PSN store update! !:D