Refund from Telltale? Lol good luck with that...
Ha, I'll give you that one, still... it's nice to dream?
I know hate crimes aren't encouraged (DON'T DO THAT), but I am so tempted to go around asking people if they've got it and if they have, just punching them in the face. It's the personification of TT's failure.
Just checked no Walking Dead Listed on the Update for tomorrow. Going to be another week or more!!
Anyone else feeling like this isnt worth it anymore? This game has lost the hook for me
Someone needs to get their finger out their ass. If its out on PC EU then why not PS3 EU. As i said before the regulations do not change by what machine it is played on...
Just checked no Walking Dead Listed on the Update for tomorrow. Going to be another week or more!!
Anyone else feeling like this isnt worth it anymore? This game has lost the hook for me
Someone needs to get their finger out their ass. If its out on PC EU then why not PS3 EU. As i said before the regulations do not change by what machine it is played on...
How did you check the release list for tomorrow? there isn't one yet. Only a PS+ update.
Until mid day tomorrow when the store update 'heads up' goes live on the blog, we don't really know what we're getting. It could arrive, or like last time, it could not go live with the initial update but appear on there later in the day
Just wait til tomorrow has passed before everyone starts screaming bloody murder about it. It's 1 week, yes it's B.S. we didn't get it when we should have but people are acting like tomorrow is already definitely not happening. If it's not up by 8pm GMT tomorrow, then come back and complain more. Give them chance to do the store update first.
Playstion plus has been updated, ie "heads up" Playstation plus has been given the other episodes for free and usually are given the "heads up" if another is coming out to be brought/given away. Though i could be wrong. But i doubt it. They stated it could take weeks to come out.
Yes its only been a week. But it SHOULD NOT have to be a week. Where is the logic? The game was released Before last weeks update. There is no different regualtions on EU laws. It should of come out. As i said YES its only been a week but it shouldnt be 6 days late anyway! Plus its a "Monthly release" game which is already months over due and was 2 weeks over due from their "month and half" estimation for release.
I wouldnt be so pissed if Telltale could control the forums and mod the titles. I by accident have spoiled alot of things like *snip* I mean wth!?
Playstion plus has been updated, ie "heads up" Playstation plus has been given the other episodes for free and usually are given the "heads up" if another is coming out to be brought/given away. Though i could be wrong. But i doubt it. They stated it could take weeks to come out.
Yes its only been a week. But it SHOULD NOT have to be a week. Where is the logic? The game was released Before last weeks update. There is no different regualtions on EU laws. It should of come out. As i said YES its only been a week but it shouldnt be 6 days late anyway! Plus its a "Monthly release" game which is already months over due and was 2 weeks over due from their "month and half" estimation for release.
I wouldnt be so pissed if Telltale could control the forums and mod the titles. I by accident have spoiled alot of things like "Will Lilly come back" I mean wth!?
PS+ in Europe was not given the episodes for free, that was a US thing only. I have PS+, we never got any of the content free... we just got a minor series discount of £1
So the PS+ update gives no indication at all as to what we will get on the main store with regards to TWD.
I agree with what you say, by the way, I'm not trying to defend anyone. I think the treatment of Telltales customers has been atrocious. Their wall of silence is pathetic, and should really be highlighted by big game websites to shame them into some form of action. It's just that we get an update tomorrow, see what the update brings before people act like this week is a definite no. Like i said, last time we heard nothing until it appeared on the store, and people had written that week off as well and there were surprised when it showed up. This may happen again.
Someone asked earlier if anyone has ever received a response from TellTale. I have. For Episode 2, I got an email from them which flat out blamed Sony QA testing. I contacted SCEE, who stated that it was TellTales issue and nothing had been sent to them for release, and when it was it would be released in that weeks update. Sony were right on that occasion, as Telltale supposedly sent it to SCEE the following week, and Sony approved it and put in on the store right away.
Playstion plus has been updated, ie "heads up" Playstation plus has been given the other episodes for free and usually are given the "heads up" if another is coming out to be brought/given away. Though i could be wrong. But i doubt it. They stated it could take weeks to come out.
Yes its only been a week. But it SHOULD NOT have to be a week. Where is the logic? The game was released Before last weeks update. There is no different regualtions on EU laws. It should of come out. As i said YES its only been a week but it shouldnt be 6 days late anyway! Plus its a "Monthly release" game which is already months over due and was 2 weeks over due from their "month and half" estimation for release.
I wouldnt be so pissed if Telltale could control the forums and mod the titles. I by accident have spoiled alot of things like "SPOILER DELETED" I mean wth!?
So now you make spoilers for the rest of us? Wtf mate?!
I totally feel your pain. I'm in NZ and as such we don't have it at all on either console due the well documented lack of submission to Australia by TTG. So in the end the only way I could buy it was on iOS. And because of that I'm still waiting too
I have now reached the point that I don't even know I'm going to enjoy the game.
First that idiot spoiled a huuuuge thing, and we have to wait so fucking long? I don't even know if I'm going to be glad when I get the game 'cause I'm so frustrated right now.. they haven't communicated with us for a week. Aaaaaa whoooole WEEK without anything!! We get nothing. Gaaah..
Ok... is 1.35am here in italy... the last hope of getting the third episode this week has come... let's all pray togheter that the SCEE did his job properly! Otherwise... they will have to face our fury!:mad:
Ok... is 1.35am here in italy... the last hope of getting the third episode this week has come... let's all pray togheter that the SCEE did his job properly! Otherwise... they will have to face our fury!:mad:
Good job I'm in School all day, will be checking later though.
I have now decided to not play the episode when it arrives for EU. First of all i have read tons of spoilers allready so i wont be able to enjoy the game. I will most likely wait untill all the episodes have been released. Which seems to be sometime in march next year...
"We thank our fans so much for their patience and support. As soon as we know the PSN EU date, we’ll be able to confirm!"
From their Twitter-page. At least they are saying something!
Last time they said something like this on their Twitter regarding EP2, it was released one or two days later I think.
Let's just hope it's a matter of hours!
First they twittered - Ep 3 of TWD was submitted to SCEE at the same time as SCEA. We will update as soon as we can confirm an impending release date on PSN EU - obviously trying to put the blame on SCEE.
I have now decided to not play the episode when it arrives for EU. First of all i have read tons of spoilers allready so i wont be able to enjoy the game. I will most likely wait untill all the episodes have been released. Which seems to be sometime in march next year...
First they twittered - Ep 3 of TWD was submitted to SCEE at the same time as SCEA. We will update as soon as we can confirm an impending release date on PSN EU - obviously trying to put the blame on SCEE.
Wow, I haven't checked this thread in a while. I'm glad that you guys are voiceing your frustrations.
We have still to get any infomation about the release. Since this has gotten some exposure in the media. I hope that we'll see a swift update later this week.
All we can do is push ttg enough so that they realise, that they need to release the game simultaneously across platform and area code. Even if this means that they have to hold a ready game back a week or two in the US.
this is so frustrating telltale, a situation made even worse by your poor communications towards a certain part of your customer base.
why on earth should PS3 users in the EU be let down every time? only for us to risk having the game spoilt by hearing from friends/forums etc.
you really should hold back the release date on the other formats so it matches the release date for the PS3 in all regions, but i guess those users being butthurt isnt your concern but youre happy to ,l,, towards eu PS3 users!
Thats how I got started on this forum aswell. I got frustrated with the delay on the 2nd episode.
It is great to blow of some steam this way, but I doubt that TellTaleGames will be taking any of this very serious, I guessing they are still seeing us who actually post as a loud minority. They still have a rather large fan base that put up with this.
I feel like they keep playing the "Small game dev company" card to get goodwill from us.
So far they haven't once apologised for the delay, they just thank us for our patience. Any/most negative responses via twitter or facebook is being ignored.
Untill they make amends for the delay I'm going to rate the game 0/* everywhere I can. I wont recommed anyone any of thiere games.
If I in any way, shape or form seem buthurt, well it is because I am.
I've made a transaction with TTG and so far they haven't held thiere end of the deal. Even worse, they won't fully admit it. Freaking man up already.
Ok, the twitter post of Telltale is probably a signal that our episode is not too far from the release... but they'll have to apology someway, maybe with a bonus with their future games or something!:mad:
Ok, the twitter post of Telltale is probably a signal that our episode is not too far from the release... but they'll have to apology someway, maybe with a bonus with their future games or something!:mad:
Thats just it, I'm not sure that I want to do business with the company anymore. I can't get behind a company that has let me down time and time again. This is easy to say on the web and can only come of as a empty threat. I don't know what games they'll work on in the future. All I know is that I won't buy a Episodic games, thanks for spoiling that ttg.
I don't think we will get anything out of them. Mostly because this will make the gamers in US or on other platforms mad, that they now are left out. This is a lose/lose situation for us(And to some degree TTG).
TWD is a great game, and I might by another episodic game by TTG later on. But I will NEVER again buy any of their games in advance, giving them money for development and such, I'll wait for the games to be finished in the future.
I, and many others, have given them perhaps well needed money to develop their product, but all they have done is to neglect us. Really bad business behaviour from TTG, especially if they count any future support from so called loyal customers. I'm no longer one of them.
ttg have got to be kidding me.
i really didn't want to complain again but i'm really annoyed by their release policy. why on earth are we - the psn eu users - the screwed one's, again?!
i still hope it comes out soon enough. it can't be that hard. and it's definitely not only sony's fault.
TWD is a great game, and I might by another episodic game by TTG later on. But I will NEVER again buy any of their games in advance, giving them money for development and such, I'll wait for the games to be finished in the future.
I, and many others, have given them perhaps well needed money to develop their product, but all they have done is to neglect us. Really bad business behaviour from TTG, especially if they count any future support from so called loyal customers. I'm no longer one of them.
I feel like shouting "Church!" cus, you are preaching to the choir. Thats why i said, I'm not 100% sure that I wont buy a game from ttg, but I am sure that i'll never buy a season pass again.
I feel like shouting "Church!" cus, you are preaching to the choir. Thats why i said, I'm not 100% sure that I wont buy a game from ttg, but I am sure that i'll never buy a season pass again.
Thats how I got started on this forum aswell. I got frustrated with the delay on the 2nd episode.
It is great to blow of some steam this way, but I doubt that TellTaleGames will be taking any of this very serious, I guessing they are still seeing us who actually post as a loud minority. They still have a rather large fan base that put up with this.
I feel like they keep playing the "Small game dev company" card to get goodwill from us.
So far they haven't once apologised for the delay, they just thank us for our patience. Any/most negative responses via twitter or facebook is being ignored.
Untill they make amends for the delay I'm going to rate the game 0/* everywhere I can. I wont recommed anyone any of thiere games.
If I in any way, shape or form seem buthurt, well it is because I am.
I've made a transaction with TTG and so far they haven't held thiere end of the deal. Even worse, they won't fully admit it. Freaking man up already.
i know what you mean, and the fact they seem to be putting all the blame on Sony is a joke. together with them running this forum but are unwilling to post is pathetic.
it'll take alot for me to even think about buying another game from these cowboys which is a shame as the first episode of this game was great then the shenanigans begin like now...
i know what you mean, and the fact they seem to be putting all the blame on Sony is a joke. together with them running this forum but are unwilling to post is pathetic.
it'll take alot for me to even think about buying another game from these cowboys which is a shame as the first episode of this game was great then the shenanigans begin like now...
exactly. it just simply can't be only sony's fault. ttg screws up too.
i'd really like to get an apology from them. i just don't get it why they can't bring out the game everywhere on the same date. if the verification process with scee takes that long, why not wait with the north american release? so no one would be upset. but now, god i'm really quite angry.
strange thing is that i really start to lose interest in the game. the time between the releases of the episodes is just too damn long.
"We thank our fans so much for their patience and support. As soon as we know the PSN EU date, we’ll be able to confirm!"
From their Twitter-page. At least they are saying something!
Last time they said something like this on their Twitter regarding EP2, it was released one or two days later I think.
Let's just hope it's a matter of hours!
I hope so too. But I still think they should have learned from last time and done one of the following:
A) Keep the release dates back so they can be released on all systems at the same time like they promised.
Put it in for QA for SCEE first then SCEA and Xbox and PC after it so they all get approved at around the same time so they can be released at the same time.
Just my thoughts on the matter. Yes I am angry but unless they do not give us Episode 3 then I will not be as angry as I am with Bethesda who have turned round and said Dawnguard might not ever make it to PS3 at all but Xbox and PC can get it no problem. Though they said the same thing with the Fallout 3 DLC then after Xbox and PC got all of that the problems with the PS3 versions "magically" disappeared and they finally released it. So for that "problem" from Bethesda I guess I will just have to wait even longer.
Put it in for QA for SCEE first then SCEA and Xbox and PC after it so they all get approved at around the same time so they can be released at the same time.
If SCEE REALLY needs those announced "couple of weeks" for their validation process, we're looking at three+ months between episodes. The line has to be drawn somewhere.
If SCEE REALLY needs those announced "couple of weeks" for their validation process, we're looking at three+ months between episodes. The line has to be drawn somewhere.
Yea.. Let EU get all the spoilers when they look for a release date. That the most fair solution to this.
Favoritism at its finest. One of the arguments on buying a season pass was that we would have regular releases. The releases have been far from that. Furthermore the continued delays for me is just a kick in the groin.
Note again, I really appreciate the effort you are putting into modding the forum.
If SCEE REALLY needs those announced "couple of weeks" for their validation process, we're looking at three+ months between episodes. The line has to be drawn somewhere.
I agree
however the line isn't being drawn we in the UK ps3 ARE waiting three months and it seems there is a complete lack of acceptance of culpability on Telltales part, we're ignored largely and fobbed of with excuses no one is being straight with us
the worst part is is going to happen with the next episode on and on because no one is willing to take any action to break the cycle
Refund from Telltale? Lol good luck with that...
Ha, I'll give you that one, still... it's nice to dream?
I know hate crimes aren't encouraged (DON'T DO THAT), but I am so tempted to go around asking people if they've got it and if they have, just punching them in the face. It's the personification of TT's failure.
I expected to get what I bought when it's release date is announced.
Been waiting nearly 3 months now, Telltale! ¬___¬
Anyone else feeling like this isnt worth it anymore? This game has lost the hook for me
Someone needs to get their finger out their ass. If its out on PC EU then why not PS3 EU. As i said before the regulations do not change by what machine it is played on...
How did you check the release list for tomorrow? there isn't one yet. Only a PS+ update.
Until mid day tomorrow when the store update 'heads up' goes live on the blog, we don't really know what we're getting. It could arrive, or like last time, it could not go live with the initial update but appear on there later in the day
Just wait til tomorrow has passed before everyone starts screaming bloody murder about it. It's 1 week, yes it's B.S. we didn't get it when we should have but people are acting like tomorrow is already definitely not happening. If it's not up by 8pm GMT tomorrow, then come back and complain more. Give them chance to do the store update first.
I'm glad I stopped buying after ep1 if this is how they treat costumers.
Yes its only been a week. But it SHOULD NOT have to be a week. Where is the logic? The game was released Before last weeks update. There is no different regualtions on EU laws. It should of come out. As i said YES its only been a week but it shouldnt be 6 days late anyway! Plus its a "Monthly release" game which is already months over due and was 2 weeks over due from their "month and half" estimation for release.
I wouldnt be so pissed if Telltale could control the forums and mod the titles. I by accident have spoiled alot of things like *snip* I mean wth!?
PS+ in Europe was not given the episodes for free, that was a US thing only. I have PS+, we never got any of the content free... we just got a minor series discount of £1
So the PS+ update gives no indication at all as to what we will get on the main store with regards to TWD.
I agree with what you say, by the way, I'm not trying to defend anyone. I think the treatment of Telltales customers has been atrocious. Their wall of silence is pathetic, and should really be highlighted by big game websites to shame them into some form of action. It's just that we get an update tomorrow, see what the update brings before people act like this week is a definite no. Like i said, last time we heard nothing until it appeared on the store, and people had written that week off as well and there were surprised when it showed up. This may happen again.
Someone asked earlier if anyone has ever received a response from TellTale. I have. For Episode 2, I got an email from them which flat out blamed Sony QA testing. I contacted SCEE, who stated that it was TellTales issue and nothing had been sent to them for release, and when it was it would be released in that weeks update. Sony were right on that occasion, as Telltale supposedly sent it to SCEE the following week, and Sony approved it and put in on the store right away.
So now you make spoilers for the rest of us? Wtf mate?!
"I read spoilers by mistake. The spoilers was: this, this, this and that".. Why?!
I totally feel your pain. I'm in NZ and as such we don't have it at all on either console due the well documented lack of submission to Australia by TTG. So in the end the only way I could buy it was on iOS. And because of that I'm still waiting too
First that idiot spoiled a huuuuge thing, and we have to wait so fucking long? I don't even know if I'm going to be glad when I get the game 'cause I'm so frustrated right now.. they haven't communicated with us for a week. Aaaaaa whoooole WEEK without anything!! We get nothing. Gaaah..
I hate TTG..
Bets that we won't get the last episode before the retail version comes out :P
Good job I'm in School all day, will be checking later though.
From their Twitter-page. At least they are saying something!
Last time they said something like this on their Twitter regarding EP2, it was released one or two days later I think.
Let's just hope it's a matter of hours!
First they twittered - Ep 3 of TWD was submitted to SCEE at the same time as SCEA. We will update as soon as we can confirm an impending release date on PSN EU - obviously trying to put the blame on SCEE.
This was then deleted and replaced by the above according to - - probably realising that blaming SCEE is bad for business (but not realising screwing us PS3 EU customers is also bad for business).
You and me both
Lol really, goodness Telltale are not the smartest bunch.
We have still to get any infomation about the release. Since this has gotten some exposure in the media. I hope that we'll see a swift update later this week.
All we can do is push ttg enough so that they realise, that they need to release the game simultaneously across platform and area code. Even if this means that they have to hold a ready game back a week or two in the US.
this is so frustrating telltale, a situation made even worse by your poor communications towards a certain part of your customer base.
why on earth should PS3 users in the EU be let down every time? only for us to risk having the game spoilt by hearing from friends/forums etc.
you really should hold back the release date on the other formats so it matches the release date for the PS3 in all regions, but i guess those users being butthurt isnt your concern but youre happy to ,l,, towards eu PS3 users!
Thats how I got started on this forum aswell. I got frustrated with the delay on the 2nd episode.
It is great to blow of some steam this way, but I doubt that TellTaleGames will be taking any of this very serious, I guessing they are still seeing us who actually post as a loud minority. They still have a rather large fan base that put up with this.
I feel like they keep playing the "Small game dev company" card to get goodwill from us.
So far they haven't once apologised for the delay, they just thank us for our patience. Any/most negative responses via twitter or facebook is being ignored.
Untill they make amends for the delay I'm going to rate the game 0/* everywhere I can. I wont recommed anyone any of thiere games.
If I in any way, shape or form seem buthurt, well it is because I am.
I've made a transaction with TTG and so far they haven't held thiere end of the deal. Even worse, they won't fully admit it. Freaking man up already.
Thats just it, I'm not sure that I want to do business with the company anymore. I can't get behind a company that has let me down time and time again. This is easy to say on the web and can only come of as a empty threat. I don't know what games they'll work on in the future. All I know is that I won't buy a Episodic games, thanks for spoiling that ttg.
I don't think we will get anything out of them. Mostly because this will make the gamers in US or on other platforms mad, that they now are left out. This is a lose/lose situation for us(And to some degree TTG).
I, and many others, have given them perhaps well needed money to develop their product, but all they have done is to neglect us. Really bad business behaviour from TTG, especially if they count any future support from so called loyal customers. I'm no longer one of them.
i really didn't want to complain again but i'm really annoyed by their release policy. why on earth are we - the psn eu users - the screwed one's, again?!
i still hope it comes out soon enough. it can't be that hard. and it's definitely not only sony's fault.
I feel like shouting "Church!" cus, you are preaching to the choir. Thats why i said, I'm not 100% sure that I wont buy a game from ttg, but I am sure that i'll never buy a season pass again.
i know what you mean, and the fact they seem to be putting all the blame on Sony is a joke. together with them running this forum but are unwilling to post is pathetic.
it'll take alot for me to even think about buying another game from these cowboys which is a shame as the first episode of this game was great then the shenanigans begin like now...
exactly. it just simply can't be only sony's fault. ttg screws up too.
i'd really like to get an apology from them. i just don't get it why they can't bring out the game everywhere on the same date. if the verification process with scee takes that long, why not wait with the north american release? so no one would be upset. but now, god i'm really quite angry.
strange thing is that i really start to lose interest in the game. the time between the releases of the episodes is just too damn long.
I hope so too. But I still think they should have learned from last time and done one of the following:
A) Keep the release dates back so they can be released on all systems at the same time like they promised.
Just my thoughts on the matter. Yes I am angry but unless they do not give us Episode 3 then I will not be as angry as I am with Bethesda who have turned round and said Dawnguard might not ever make it to PS3 at all but Xbox and PC can get it no problem. Though they said the same thing with the Fallout 3 DLC then after Xbox and PC got all of that the problems with the PS3 versions "magically" disappeared and they finally released it. So for that "problem" from Bethesda I guess I will just have to wait even longer.
If SCEE REALLY needs those announced "couple of weeks" for their validation process, we're looking at three+ months between episodes. The line has to be drawn somewhere.
Yea.. Let EU get all the spoilers when they look for a release date. That the most fair solution to this.
Favoritism at its finest. One of the arguments on buying a season pass was that we would have regular releases. The releases have been far from that. Furthermore the continued delays for me is just a kick in the groin.
Note again, I really appreciate the effort you are putting into modding the forum.
I agree
however the line isn't being drawn we in the UK ps3 ARE waiting three months and it seems there is a complete lack of acceptance of culpability on Telltales part, we're ignored largely and fobbed of with excuses no one is being straight with us
the worst part is is going to happen with the next episode on and on because no one is willing to take any action to break the cycle
Rant away!