Not trying to put a damper on anyones joy, but if we follow suit what happened before Episode 4 will be released within the next week or two, and then it will take SCEE another month to clear it for PSN EU.
I can only hope that TTG has spent the time between Ep 3 and 4 to also work on ep 5.
"If you always believe in the worst case scenario, you'll never get disappointed" - V.D.Viking
I bet all my internet points that steam will screw up again and it will be PS3/Xbox360 day one, day 2 PC (Origin and Telltale), Day three Steam.
Except this hasn't been happening.
In fact, I'd be willing to bet PS3 or X-Box get the same release date as PC. Also didn't PC get the Walking Dead first anyways for episode one? X-Box first for episode 2 and PS3 first for episode 3.
In fact, I'd be willing to bet PS3 or X-Box get the same release date as PC. Also didn't PC get the Walking Dead first anyways for episode one? X-Box first for episode 2 and PS3 first for episode 3.
Uh...were you here for episode three? That is exactly what happened. Steam screwed up and we didn't get it until quite a few hours over telltale and origin uploaded.
Not trying to put a damper on anyones joy, but if we follow suit what happened before Episode 4 will be released within the next week or two, and then it will take SCEE another month to clear it for PSN EU.
The Steam release was first for episode 1, and always the second day of release for episode 2 and 3, so Steam is at the forefront of early releases for this game. Compared to the Telltale store PC/Mac release, the first episode was very very early (as the TTG server seemed to have upload problems), Steam/Telltale release coincided with episode 2 and Steam was a bit later with episode 3.
PSN EU was always and will always be later than the PSN NA release, but has never been "a month", more like 3 to 6 business days for the TWD release. However, this IS a big unknown as SCEE seems to explicitly not know how long their evaluation process actually takes.
Would you please do some research before you just throw made up stuff out there?
actually for episode 3 steam was one day late in the uk, as i was up till about 2 am waiting for it to drop while doing other stuff, then gave up went to bed and after about 5 hours sleep got up and played ep3, so technically for me it was the 30th by the time i got it.
Would you please do some research before you just throw made up stuff out there?
Chill out Vainamoinen, I was merely exagerating a little to make a point, that even if TWD is released early October it will most probably mean that EU will get the game middle to late October, thanks to SCEE procedures. My bad for not using a emoticon to make it clear.
BTW Episode 3 was released for EU 11 days after North America, which is a lot more than 3-6 days as you claimed. But I admit that it is a lot shorter than a month.
Chill out Vainamoinen, I was merely exagerating a little to make a point, that even if TWD is released early October it will most probably mean that EU will get the game middle to late October, thanks to SCEE procedures. My bad for not using a emoticon to make it clear.
BTW Episode 3 was released for EU 11 days after North America, which is a lot more than 3-6 days as you claimed. But I admit that it is a lot shorter than a month.
No problem, I am actually totally chilled. It's just when other users pick up the exaggeration as fact that I know I reacted too slowly or did not state things vehemently enough.
PSN NA release was August 28th; PSN EU release was September 7th. That is eight business days, not eleven; I was a bit off too though.
Yeah. No. We're still counting PST and only PST here. And believe me, I feel your co-European pain also.
No problem, I am actually totally chilled. It's just when other users pick up the exaggeration as fact that I know I reacted too slowly or did not state things vehemently enough.
PSN NA release was August 28th; PSN EU release was September 7th. That is eight business days, not eleven; I was a bit off too though.
Oh Vainamoinen, you get told to chill on these forums about as much as I get told to chill at work, lol.
hey guys i was just wondering, can somebody tell me when the first 3 episodes were released? Like just the dates and maybe day of the week if you guys have that much info.
Any information i'd be grateful for Thank you kind people of the forums
Probably not entirely correct as I don't really have all the console dates with absolute certainty. I'd be thankful for community corrections for future reference (I love my statistics). I'll try to dig up and still correct these dates today and tomorrow.
Episode 1
PSN North America April 24th, 2012
Steam PC/Mac April 24th, 2012
Telltale PC/Mac April 26th, 2012 (server problem)
Xbox live April 25th, 2012
PSN Europe April 25th, 2012
mobile/iOS July 26th, 2012
I think the ep1 Mac versions might have been delayed some days also. Anyone got the real facts here?
Episode 2
Xbox live June 28th, 2012
Steam&Telltale PC/Mac June 29th, 2012
PSN North America June 29th, 2012
PSN Europe July 6th, 2012
mobile/iOS August 29th, 2012
Episode 3
PSN North America August 28th, 2012
Steam&Telltale PC/Mac August 29th, 2012
Xbox live August 29th, 2012
PSN Europe September 7th, 2012
Not saying that an episode release interval pattern has been established.
But if we look at Vainamoinen's dates above, we have a two-month to two-month-plus-three-or-four-days spacing. Projecting forward (and assuming Telltale does not do weekend or Monday releases), we'd have the following:
Episode 4: October 30 - Nov.1
Episode 5: January 1 - 3, 2013
Not saying that an episode release interval pattern has been established.
But if we look at Vainamoinen's dates above, we have a two-month to two-month-plus-three-or-four-days spacing. Projecting forward (and assuming Telltale does not do weekend or Monday releases), we'd have the following:
Episode 4: October 30 - Nov.1
Episode 5: January 1 - 3, 2013
They are planning on releasing a disc with the 5 episodes in dec. 4(not entirely sure bout the exact day but it was in dec).
Probably not entirely correct as I don't really have all the console dates with absolute certainty. I'd be thankful for community corrections for future reference (I love my statistics). I'll try to dig up and still correct these dates today and tomorrow.
PSN Europe April 25th, 2012 (is this correct??)
According to the Store on PSN EU the upload date was in fact April 25th. Which was a Wednesday.
They are planning on releasing a disc with the 5 episodes in dec. 4(not entirely sure bout the exact day but it was in dec).
So yea
They also planned to release the episodes one month at a time, and I think we all know how that turned out. They're just digging themselves deeper with this whole Dec. 4th thing.
They also planned to release the episodes one month at a time, and I think we all know how that turned out. They're just digging themselves deeper with this whole Dec. 4th thing.
i think you are wayyyy off with the dates. since season 1 is coming to an end (and since they already have the ending planned) it won't take as long as the other Episodes. Episode 4 will probably be out by October 28th (maybe earlier) and Episode 5 sometime in November (im guessing late November)
Guys, this isnt a book. They know how the season ends, that dosnt mean anything. They´ve known how it ends since the beginning.
This is a videogame, you know, they have to make a game around the story. The game won´t create itself, just because they know how it ends
i think you are wayyyy off with the dates. since season 1 is coming to an end (and since they already have the ending planned) it won't take as long as the other Episodes. Episode 4 will probably be out by October 28th (maybe earlier) and Episode 5 sometime in November (im guessing late November)
What dates am I off on? I never even gave any dates.
I can only hope that TTG has spent the time between Ep 3 and 4 to also work on ep 5.
"If you always believe in the worst case scenario, you'll never get disappointed" - V.D.Viking
Except this hasn't been happening.
In fact, I'd be willing to bet PS3 or X-Box get the same release date as PC. Also didn't PC get the Walking Dead first anyways for episode one? X-Box first for episode 2 and PS3 first for episode 3.
Uh...were you here for episode three? That is exactly what happened. Steam screwed up and we didn't get it until quite a few hours over telltale and origin uploaded.
The Steam release was first for episode 1, and always the second day of release for episode 2 and 3, so Steam is at the forefront of early releases for this game. Compared to the Telltale store PC/Mac release, the first episode was very very early (as the TTG server seemed to have upload problems), Steam/Telltale release coincided with episode 2 and Steam was a bit later with episode 3.
PSN EU was always and will always be later than the PSN NA release, but has never been "a month", more like 3 to 6 business days for the TWD release. However, this IS a big unknown as SCEE seems to explicitly not know how long their evaluation process actually takes.
Would you please do some research before you just throw made up stuff out there?
But isn't that the easier and more fun option?? Hehehe
Chill out Vainamoinen, I was merely exagerating a little to make a point, that even if TWD is released early October it will most probably mean that EU will get the game middle to late October, thanks to SCEE procedures. My bad for not using a emoticon to make it clear.
BTW Episode 3 was released for EU 11 days after North America, which is a lot more than 3-6 days as you claimed. But I admit that it is a lot shorter than a month.
Yeah. No. We're still counting PST and only PST here. And believe me, I feel your co-European pain also.
No problem, I am actually totally chilled.
PSN NA release was August 28th; PSN EU release was September 7th. That is eight business days, not eleven; I was a bit off too though.
Oh Vainamoinen, you get told to chill on these forums about as much as I get told to chill at work, lol.
Nope, I always wait for all you buggers to go first & safety test for me
Do we know anyhing about EP 4 besides the very very soon part?
Early or late October?
If they want to make sure, that it is out in october, they will have to submit no later than october 12th.
No info, just rumors. But I guess we'll find out via IGN tomorrow.
Any information i'd be grateful for
Episode 1
PSN North America April 24th, 2012
Steam PC/Mac April 24th, 2012
Telltale PC/Mac April 26th, 2012 (server problem)
Xbox live April 25th, 2012
PSN Europe April 25th, 2012
mobile/iOS July 26th, 2012
I think the ep1 Mac versions might have been delayed some days also. Anyone got the real facts here?
Episode 2
Xbox live June 28th, 2012
Steam&Telltale PC/Mac June 29th, 2012
PSN North America June 29th, 2012
PSN Europe July 6th, 2012
mobile/iOS August 29th, 2012
Episode 3
PSN North America August 28th, 2012
Steam&Telltale PC/Mac August 29th, 2012
Xbox live August 29th, 2012
PSN Europe September 7th, 2012
mobile/iOs pending
But if we look at Vainamoinen's dates above, we have a two-month to two-month-plus-three-or-four-days spacing. Projecting forward (and assuming Telltale does not do weekend or Monday releases), we'd have the following:
Episode 4: October 30 - Nov.1
Episode 5: January 1 - 3, 2013
They are planning on releasing a disc with the 5 episodes in dec. 4(not entirely sure bout the exact day but it was in dec).
So yea
According to the Store on PSN EU the upload date was in fact April 25th. Which was a Wednesday.
They also planned to release the episodes one month at a time, and I think we all know how that turned out. They're just digging themselves deeper with this whole Dec. 4th thing.
i think you are wayyyy off with the dates. since season 1 is coming to an end (and since they already have the ending planned) it won't take as long as the other Episodes. Episode 4 will probably be out by October 28th (maybe earlier) and Episode 5 sometime in November (im guessing late November)
This is a videogame, you know, they have to make a game around the story. The game won´t create itself, just because they know how it ends
saying they don't know means end of the month imo lol
What dates am I off on? I never even gave any dates.
"Very very soon. Perhaps even sooner than you think"
TT, you make amazing games but i REALLY hate you sometimes :P
Epic trailer though
Kenny goes drunk nuts....
New white guy....
Video recording.... of clems parents maybe?
Ben is a pussy....
Crazy bitch with a hatchet...
Also I want that painting! tolls for thee."
Nuff said!