Also feel like 25 million a film is undervaluing him a bit - he's very much the big frontline man of the Fox universe like Robert Downey Jr is for the Marvel universe - and RDJ is being paid three times as much for what is likely a much less important role!
I do really like that Days of Future Past allows for the series to continue, in 2016, with another film with Young Xavier and co. (possibly introducing young Cyclops?) and another film to continue on in the "present".
I am not looking forward to seeing Fantastic Four crammed into the universe, tho.
Wolverine is a number of Marvel Comics comic book series starring the X-Men member Wolverine. As of April 2013, 323 issues and 11 annuals have been published.
That's only counting his solo series that are specifically called "Wolverine", and not other series like Savage Wolverine.
Also feel like 25 million a film is undervaluing him a bit - he's very much the big frontline man of the Fox universe like Robert Downey Jr is for the Marvel universe - and RDJ is being paid three times as much for what is likely a much less important role!
Origins: Wolverine made $200 million less than Iron Man 2.
Iron Man 3 made over a billion worldwide, no X-Men film to date(let alone Hugh Jackman-focused films) have surpassed $500 million.
There is NO WAY that Hugh Jackman is worth more to the studios than Robert Downey Jr.
OK, I'm prepared to admit when I could well be wrong.
So. In your expert opinion, what 4 Wolverine stories from the comics do you think could work as live-action films? Genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on this one.
Also: loved the film. The science of it made my brain hurt, but it was still a lot of fun.
I have no doubt that there are plenty of great Wolverine stories out there, but it is a bit hard to picture four in a row going through the studio system and not coming out terrible. It just feels like a law of math that they'll be more and more likely to be terrible as they go along.... even if they're all good there's still a chance of people just getting sick of the character. Like, Wolverine the character certainly has plenty of great stories, but Wolverine the movie character I'm less sure about. But it does seem like Hollywood overall is getting better at handling superhero movies (mooostly) so it could be okay.
So. In your expert opinion, what 4 Wolverine stories from the comics do you think could work as live-action films? Genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on this one.
It's true they used up the most iconic storylines, Weapon X in the awful "Origins" and the Japan arc in the apparently "good enough" new movie. However, here are ten good stories that would adapt well into live action:
1. Origin(they'd have to change that name)
2. Wolverine: Logan
3. Old Man Logan, if they ripped out the bits that aren't Fox-owned(Hulk, symbiotes, Red Skull as President) If I were adapting it I'd swap Magneto out for Red Skull.
4. Not Dead Yet
5. The Brotherhood
6. Blood Debt
7. Coyote Crossing
8. Wounded Wolf
9. Enemy of the State
10. the Gangster Saga
Also, at some point they need to adapt that moment from Fatal Attraction. There are some great stories that just wouldn't work as films, things like The Man in the Pit and The Death Song Of J. Patrick Smitty, but the core elements of those stories really should be put into a larger film.
even if they're all good there's still a chance of people just getting sick of the character.
Yeah, that was one of my main concerns as well. But hey, maybe if they staggered them, say by alternating between solo and X-Men movies (and not making him the star of the X-Men ones), then maybe they could avoid that problem. Who knows.
What's the current Xavier status? I forget, is he dead or something in the movies yet? I'm not sure if they're able to adapt that he's the head of the Xavier school right now or not, if they decide to go the route of creating a split Xavier/Jean Grey school without including the Avengers.
What's the current Xavier status? I forget, is he dead or something in the movies yet? I'm not sure if they're able to adapt that he's the head of the Xavier school right now or not, if they decide to go the route of creating a split Xavier/Jean Grey school without including the Avengers.
alive at the end of The Wolverine Magneto asked Wolverine for his help Logan said why would I trust you and Magneto said you wouldn't then everyone stopped moving and Charles wheeled in.
Origins: Wolverine made $200 million less than Iron Man 2.
Iron Man 3 made over a billion worldwide, no X-Men film to date(let alone Hugh Jackman-focused films) have surpassed $500 million.
There is NO WAY that Hugh Jackman is worth more to the studios than Robert Downey Jr.
My point was more that he should be paid more, not that he should be the same. A X-men franchise without Jackman would do far worse then a Marvel franchise without Downey Jr.
What's the current Xavier status? I forget, is he dead or something in the movies yet? I'm not sure if they're able to adapt that he's the head of the Xavier school right now or not, if they decide to go the route of creating a split Xavier/Jean Grey school without including the Avengers.
revealed to be a separate set of transvestite body parts, that reassemble into a transvestite flesh mech which proceeds to get Wolvie to agree to help save the world in exchange for the best night of carnal pleasure he's ever had. The things that bald forehead can do! Personally, I'm impressed they took such a risky direction.
Actually, the end of The Wolverine was practically begging for a Prof. X/Magneto movie. I'd like to go on the record (listen up NSA) as saying I would watch the fuck out of that.
revealed to be a separate set of transvestite body parts, that reassemble into a transvestite flesh mech which proceeds to get Wolvie to agree to help save the world in exchange for the best night of carnal pleasure he's ever had. The things that bald forehead can do! Personally, I'm impressed they took such a risky direction.
Actually, the end of The Wolverine was practically begging for a Prof. X/Magneto movie. I'd like to go on the record (listen up NSA) as saying I would watch the fuck out of that.
Well, that's heartening. I looked at the wikipedia blurb and I couldn't remember any of that stuff, so I suppose that's an indication that I missed it somehow or have a terrible memory. Possibly both.
Last I heard, Kitty was stuck in a giant bullet cruising through the universe having lots of fun, here comes Earthworm Jim you know that he's the mighty one LOOK OUT., am I drunk.
According to Wikipedia,
she's seeing Bobby Drake, aka Iceman. That's in the comics as well as the films.
The best Spider-Man cartoon IMO, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Hell, it may not even be in the top 10.
It's cute that it tries to adapt a lot of Ditko-era things that aren't normally adapted in adaptations(The Enforcers, Gwen Stacy, the Spider Signal), but it does it in the most obnoxious High School Problems format available, with ugly-as-sin character designs to boot.
Last I heard, Kitty was stuck in a giant bullet cruising through the universe having lots of fun, here comes Earthworm Jim you know that he's the mighty one LOOK OUT.
I saw her get put into there but didn't see how she escaped but it can't be that hard.
It's cute that it tries to adapt a lot of Ditko-era things that aren't normally adapted in adaptations(The Enforcers, Gwen Stacy, the Spider Signal), but it does it in the most obnoxious High School Problems format available, with ugly-as-sin character designs to boot.
^Best Spider-Man cartoon.
I just said in my opinion. I wasn't speaking for everyone.
Going to see The Wolverine tomorrow. Could you guys let me know if the train fight is really awesome, super awesome, or just plain awesome?
(Not sure why, I just like film set-pieces with trains in them. It's why I still want to see The Lone Ranger.)
I thought it was super awesome especially since we have been waiting for a moment like this from live Wolverine.
I do really like that Days of Future Past allows for the series to continue, in 2016, with another film with Young Xavier and co. (possibly introducing young Cyclops?) and another film to continue on in the "present".
I am not looking forward to seeing Fantastic Four crammed into the universe, tho.
This is a really, really stupid thing to say.
I'm surprised you could say something so stupid.
That's only counting his solo series that are specifically called "Wolverine", and not other series like Savage Wolverine.
Origins: Wolverine made $200 million less than Iron Man 2.
Iron Man 3 made over a billion worldwide, no X-Men film to date(let alone Hugh Jackman-focused films) have surpassed $500 million.
There is NO WAY that Hugh Jackman is worth more to the studios than Robert Downey Jr.
So. In your expert opinion, what 4 Wolverine stories from the comics do you think could work as live-action films? Genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on this one.
Also: loved the film. The science of it made my brain hurt, but it was still a lot of fun.
1. Origin(they'd have to change that name)
2. Wolverine: Logan
3. Old Man Logan, if they ripped out the bits that aren't Fox-owned(Hulk, symbiotes, Red Skull as President) If I were adapting it I'd swap Magneto out for Red Skull.
4. Not Dead Yet
5. The Brotherhood
6. Blood Debt
7. Coyote Crossing
8. Wounded Wolf
9. Enemy of the State
10. the Gangster Saga
Also, at some point they need to adapt that moment from Fatal Attraction. There are some great stories that just wouldn't work as films, things like The Man in the Pit and The Death Song Of J. Patrick Smitty, but the core elements of those stories really should be put into a larger film.
My point was more that he should be paid more, not that he should be the same. A X-men franchise without Jackman would do far worse then a Marvel franchise without Downey Jr.
Good news - it came out in 2011
I honestly can't remember if I've seen this or not. But I suppose I can just watch it to find out.
It's so good! There are scenes in it right out of a Tarantino/Leone film, too.
I love Kevin Bacon so much! He was the reason I went to see the movie., am I drunk.
According to Wikipedia,
Hell, it may not even be in the top 10.
It's cute that it tries to adapt a lot of Ditko-era things that aren't normally adapted in adaptations(The Enforcers, Gwen Stacy, the Spider Signal), but it does it in the most obnoxious High School Problems format available, with ugly-as-sin character designs to boot.
^Best Spider-Man cartoon.
I saw her get put into there but didn't see how she escaped but it can't be that hard.
Well its a giant bullet. If it was a giant tree I'd go to Woodneto.
I just said in my opinion. I wasn't speaking for everyone.
Seriously, brings a smile to my face every time.
I have been looking for those for so long! XD