If/When Coolsome comes back, here's another Wolverine trailer for him. It's the Japanese trailer, and it's essentially the same as the one that came before, but there's enough subtle differences to make me think that it flows a tad better.
Also: hyped for that train scene. LOVE me a good train scene.
Oh, and there was a Thor: The Dark World trailer as well. Natalie Portman looks... well, not as cute. Or is that just me?
Well I went to the midnight release for Iron Man 3 last night and it was my favourite of the trilogy due to the higher focus on Tony being forced to defend himself without the suit. The main villain had managed to
capture both Pepper and War Machine (Now Iron Patriot), starts injecting Pepper with something that gives people powers and using these people he uses them to hunt Tony. He attempts to turn Pepper against Tony and I did like this due to Tony needing to spent his time trying to save Pepper and fix the Iron man suit mark 42. War Machine is tricked and captured and has his suit taken from him. Tony does actually storm the villains hideout at one point to save Pepper and stop the villain but there is a pretty funny twist.
But I liked how the characters develope. Tony after the events of Avengers Assemble is having nightmares of when he
almost died flying the nuke into the portal
He goes into a panic every time someone mentions the events of Avengers and this leaves him unable to sleep causing him to keep building suits with the spare time. But the film is not without its flaws. First the ending sorta bugged me a little due to
Tony destroying most if not all his Iron Man suits after the battle and then gets the armour thing he had from Iron man 1 that kept him alive removed. Then the movie after the credits says Tony Stark will return which I think everyone knows that since he needs to come back for Avengers 2. But there is a pretty funny after credits scene where it's revealed that Tony was telling this to Bruce Banner and it turns out Bruce just fell asleep right at the start of the movie.
If I had to give it a rating I would say Iron Man 3 gets a 9/10
I downloaded the beta for the Marvel Heroes this evening.
It's not that great.
It's very Diablo-esque, in that you see a thug/Hydra soldier/Hand ninja/etc. and you click on him until he dies. The boss fights are a little more interesting in that you have to dodge and stuff but so far there hasn't been much my pal Colossus can't do by just punching... and punching... and punching...
They also have founder packs you can buy to unlock all the characters and skins right away when the game launches. That's fine, a lot of free-to-play games are doing that, but the one to unlock everything is TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS.
As I understand it, the Ten Rings terrorists were originally intended to be closer to the comic's version of the Mandarin, but they decided to wait and see how the idea of magic and such panned out in Thor before doing it in Iron Man, and then they decided to go in a rather different direction with Iron Man Three.
I use them interchangeably. But it feels weird calling them by their first names. I usually go with Stark, Banner, Rogers, Coulson, Fury, etc... when I'm talking about them.
It just seems weird going by first names. I use the latest presidential elections on how the vice president debate would be between "Paul and Joe" if we just used first names.
Yeah but at least Tony was funny when he acted like that...Malfoy is just an annoying asshole that in my opinion is a pain in the ass to listen too in the movies.
And so is Banner... in the comics. And really, if you wanted to call him by his "actual" first name, you'd be calling him Robert. Because Bruce is his middle name.
I'm slightly ashamed that I know this.
Actually, most of the Marvel superheroes are assholes. Thor definitely is. Captain America is.
I like how Thor is an ass and acts on emotion but does apologies when he knows hes done wrong and does try to be a good guy but pretty much ruled by god testosterone. (also this is purely movie knowledge idk how he acts in comics.)
It's a lot cheaper for animation to just use sound-alikes and different takes. Major film actors doing animated film voices only really happens for Disney movies when a major actor gets kids and starts going through that "OH GOD I NEED TO DO SOMETHING MY KIDS WILL SEE" phase.
Oh yh by cast I ment the movie team I know the actors (especialy Robert Downey Jr) wouldn,t be involved. It would just be a nice way to tide us over till Avengers 2.
Major film actors doing animated film voices only really happens for Disney movies when a major actor gets kids and starts going through that "OH GOD I NEED TO DO SOMETHING MY KIDS WILL SEE" phase.
So... what you're saying is that we need to arrange for all the actors in Avengers to have kids? Suddenly and inexplicably? A tiny baby boom?
Just to clarify what I meant because I wasn't very clear you know how DC release animated movies every year with there charecters who are going to be in movies. IE Dark Knight Returns part 1 came out the same-ish time as Dark Knight Rises an the same with Man of Steel and the Braniac film.
I think Marvel should make an animated feature of the Avengers team from the movies fighting some alien or whatever to appeal to comic fans and not alienating ones who never read the comics so wouldn't know who the shit loads of memebers are that are in the comics.
I don't think they're all in the Avengers at the same time (save for 'events'). But yeah, the list of everyone who is or has been in the group is pretty damn big. With as many characters as Marvel has, you'd expect nothing less.
Well, I dunno. I kinda prefer the Avengers to be a smaller, more exclusive group. I really liked the movie group. That seemed to be the best balance. I mean, you've got the power to deal with most threats, but if any one of the group goes rogue or gets taken out of the fight, you've got a big problem. Unless it's Hawkeye or Black Widow, but let's be honest, fighting wars really isn't their forte.
When the team starts getting bigger than that, then there's hardly any suspense at all. Also, there's very few members of the extended Avengers who are... interesting. I mean, Pym and Dr. Strange I'd be okay with entering because they bring new things to the table, but past that, the rest of the heroes that join seem to fall into categories already covered by the other members.
Also: hyped for that train scene. LOVE me a good train scene.
Oh, and there was a Thor: The Dark World trailer as well. Natalie Portman looks... well, not as cute. Or is that just me?
Yeahhh...I'm waiting at LEAST a week...let the crowd die down...
Only movie I'm seeing opening weekend this year is Star Trek Into Darkness.
Loved it. Solid 9/10 from me.
New Guardians concept art of Peter Quill aka Star Lord from Entertainment Weekly.
It's not that great.
It's very Diablo-esque, in that you see a thug/Hydra soldier/Hand ninja/etc. and you click on him until he dies. The boss fights are a little more interesting in that you have to dodge and stuff but so far there hasn't been much my pal Colossus can't do by just punching... and punching... and punching...
They also have founder packs you can buy to unlock all the characters and skins right away when the game launches. That's fine, a lot of free-to-play games are doing that, but the one to unlock everything is TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS.
Same reason everyone says Quagmire isnted of Glenn or Malfoy not Draco.
I dunno. It feels more natural.
I bet "The" was used for a lot of villains in the debate.
Man..Daren get your shit together!
I don't got a reason for Quagmire but i assumed people called Malfoy by his last name because he is a asshole.
And so is Stark..
Yeah but at least Tony was funny when he acted like that...Malfoy is just an annoying asshole that in my opinion is a pain in the ass to listen too in the movies.
I'm slightly ashamed that I know this.
Actually, most of the Marvel superheroes are assholes. Thor definitely is. Captain America is.
It's Antman's house!
A nightmare to keep in canon (anyone remember the CGI Spider-Man cartoon?), but still.
So... what you're saying is that we need to arrange for all the actors in Avengers to have kids? Suddenly and inexplicably? A tiny baby boom?
I think we can do that...
I think Marvel should make an animated feature of the Avengers team from the movies fighting some alien or whatever to appeal to comic fans and not alienating ones who never read the comics so wouldn't know who the shit loads of memebers are that are in the comics.
I saw the lineup and I was amazed how many Avengers there are. I started feeling bad for the villains.
When the team starts getting bigger than that, then there's hardly any suspense at all. Also, there's very few members of the extended Avengers who are... interesting. I mean, Pym and Dr. Strange I'd be okay with entering because they bring new things to the table, but past that, the rest of the heroes that join seem to fall into categories already covered by the other members.