I agree 100% Telltale blatently lied. The game was good any way they didn't need to lie to sell the game. The TV show will sell this game and fans of the comic will buy this game. Telltale stated quite clearly that your going to have a complete different set of characters by the end of the game based on your choices from someone else's play through. That is a an out right lie. There is no way to have anyone other than Omid and Christa survive episode 5 assuming the silhouettes we see are of them in the first place. The game was good but would have been great if the survivors we had at the end of the game varied based on what we did as originally stated when episode 1 debuted.
This is also my problem with the game. I still loved it and loved the story. But they lied by claiming the story is tailored to my choices. It's nothing more than a linear interactive game and nothing more. they really should have taken cues from Bioware...not with mass Effect 3 but with Mass Effect 2. I've played ME2 more times than I can count because no matter what I always end up with different results. Everyone could survive the suicide mission, certain members can die based on your decisions, or heck everyone could die including the main character based on the things you do. That is a story tailored to the choices I've made. TWD game only pretends with their "[Insert character here] will remember that." et al. In the end it was all pointless and now I really have no need or desire to replay this game because it's just going to turn out the same no matter what. It's still a good game but certainly not 'game of the year' material.
The episode was short and rushed, too much of it was spent on rooftops, and the confrontation with Campman was....it started out get and then....a struggle......srsly TT! SRSLY? We had a struggle with the st johns, they couldnt think of anything so "lol another struggle"
How convienant that clem got out of the closet at that percise moment. Srsly what a load of bs
I kind of laughed when I stuck up for Carley when Lily accused her after the RV stopped on the side of the road.
When I did, the game told me "Carley will remember that."
Exactly a minute after, her brains get scattered on the streets. I was shocked. My response to "X will remember that" when they die 5 minutes later, "For what?"
-The people trying to defend the game - stop. It's become clear that most of these people aren't going to listen to reason.
-As explained in the title, this is a venting thread. Please respect other people's opinions about the game. Some people were disappointed, and that's ok. Some people thought it was brilliant (Like me) and that's ok too!
- We're all complaining about the "ending" of the game when it's not the end.
Nuff said
I don't think the people venting here are refusing to listen to "reason" and it has been stated more than once that the ending isn't the major issue here. The problem is the realization that telltale games just simply lied about the content of their game. It is not a story tailored to my choices, it is an interactive story game that is all and there is nothing wrong with them advertising it as such. I loved Lee and if my choices killed him then so be it, if my choices killed any other character in the story then so be it. But in a game supposedly "tailored" to MY choices then I want it to be MY choices. Not someone else's script where I just pick the dialogue I want. Telltale games wanted to tell their own story with their own end, that is fine, but why pretend it is something that its clearly not?
yeah me1-3 is amazing and should not be compared with a " arcade" game.js
What? No...ME1 was amazing. ME2 was good. ME3 was okay.
It doesn't really better since telltale was able to create better characters/and have a better script and narrative than any of the mass effect games (at least 1)
First off I'd like to say, the story was fantastic I really enjoyed it.
But I'd like to vent what I didn't like in the hope that if any future games are created they're addressed.
#1 Choices don't matter: Throughout the entire game I was given a lot of choices, problem was none of them mattered. (Besides ones that kept you alive until you were supposed to die) Pretty much every single person either dies or leaves no matter what choices you make throughout the game. This is a huge problem. If you're going to give the player choices make them actually matter. Alternative endings are a must. (I wouldn't even have cared if Lee died in all of them, but at least make it feel like I could replay the game and some other people would live/die) This game had almost 0 replay-ability. I understand it's hard to create multiple story lines when different people live and die but THAT'S what you were advertising to your players. The ability to make choices that MATTERED.
#2 Plot holes/broken saves: I saved Doug in episode one. Once i started up episode 2 he was dead and Carley was alive... I was like wtf? But just kept playing instead of having to replay chapter 1 all over again in hopes of it not bugging out. Other than that bug, the plot holes I ran into were mainly in the last episode.
-Kenny sacrificing himself when he only had 1 bullet.... huh? Yea it's horrible to leave a kid to die like that, but you shot him anyway, you could've just shot him and walked away no need to get eaten by walkers.
-The broken sign. Huh? I was still hanging onto it, I could've just pulled myself onto the roof no need to go on a walker killing spree. (but It was kinda fun)
-The stranger. Really the radio was transmitting the entire time? Or you mean Clem told this guy everything and noone noticed? His wife and kid died after I took the supplies, yet he knew about things I did before then? This dude just seems way too far fetched.
-The ending. I would've preferred just black screen after Lee died rather than seeing Clem see 2 figures who kinda look like the unkillable couple. Foreshadowing is cool when you're watching a TV series and you know there's going to be another episode eventually but with a video game series, when you end it, end it. You can always pick it up from wherever you want with your sequel. Well, the way you released the episodes, you could foreshadow in 4 of them, that's a lot of opportunities to foreshadow, no need to do it EVERY TIME, give people closure in the last one.
That's my main problems with it. I hope they're addressed.
No one has any confirmation that TTG has the rights to the Walking dead series? The people who are pro with the ending are all on the asumption that there will be anouther, where is your source for this?
Edit: Found something that has them saying this won't be the last season they'll make but nothing has been confirmed.
It's still quite a big possibility and if i'm honest I hope they make one more and end the entire series and not pull a Heroes/Lost on us.
I get the feeling that this game will end up being yet anouther series that gets really popular and streched thin then dropped like a ton of bricks when it gets unpopular, giving us a rushed crappy ending, lost, anyone?
It has been announced, that there will be season 2.
The producers(or whatever) from TTL have stated that its about the journey. Ending(outcome) will basically be the same, but its the choices along the road that gives you the feeling of making your own story. I believe that it was discussed on "Playing dead", so I don't feel like they've mislead us. Of course I would have loved if there were more freedom and choices had more impact, but I think that they just didn't have time/resources for that this time and hope that for season 2 they will fix this.
One thing I didn't like was plot holes, that's just bad writing and needs to be addressed in the future big time.
Lastly did I miss the part where Christa tells Lee that she's pregnant? I can't understand how Lee knew she was. The "You're walking for two" thing.
In the end for me it was the story and characters that mattered and they were so powerful that I kinda forgot about the flaws of the game, but I hope that they will be fixed in season 2 for even better experience.
"I don't care how good the story is. If you say the consequences are going to matter and then they matter about as much as deciding whether to wear the blue tie or the red tie to work then you have failed to make the game you set out to make . I'm not saying it's not a good game but it's certainly not the game that they said it was going to be.
If you sell someone a waffle iron that can't make waffles, but ends up making a pretty good paperweight people are going to be pissed that the thing they bought to make waffles is failing to make waffles.
I can understand people liking the game but if you truly like it and consider yourself a fan then you should want it to get better and if you want it to get better you have to be honest with it. Did it do what it set out to do? Not really... Was it a terrible piece of crap? Certainly not. How could it be improved? By making the decisions more consequential in Season 2 and delivering a better final payoff."
I like Telltales ability to create a story but for Season 2 I want to see them do something truly innovative and make it the players story... Not Telltales... Make our decisions ACTUALLY matter!
They kinda had to kill Lee to make a second season fresh I suppose... but i dunno. Like a lot of people.. I was and am pretty devastated about it... as much for Clementine's loss as Lee's. Whoever wrote that she would finally see her undead parents (thus destroying her admittedly, naive wild hopes) and then half an hour later have to shoot her last source of love and affection in the face is one cold-hearted SOB....
I kinda think it'd be nice if TTG made a sort of alternate reality DLC episode where Clem doesn't run off, Lee doesn't get bitten, and they use the boat to get away. It'd be schmalzy as hell... and it wouldn't have to be part of the canon of the main story. I dunno... maybe it could be an unlock for beating the game with the regular kick-in-the-guts ending... you could select a "happy ending" play-through at the start and do it all again.
It has been announced, that there will be season 2.
The producers(or whatever) from TTL have stated that its about the journey. Ending(outcome) will basically be the same, but its the choices along the road that gives you the feeling of making your own story. I believe that it was discussed on "Playing dead", so I don't feel like they've mislead us. Of course I would have loved if there were more freedom and choices had more impact, but I think that they just didn't have time/resources for that this time and hope that for season 2 they will fix this..
The problem with that is not all of us followed every single meeting because we didn't want to know anything about it, I know I certainly didn't. The game stated every single time I loaded up a chaptor that my choices tailor the story, that's what I see each time I play, nothing about some pretentious "Journey".
The next season has to be more clear on what we're getting ourselves in for, it's a great game there is no denying that but it was still very disapointing that for those of us who didn't watch interviews, got mislead.
Most of the cringy moments in the game came from the writer clearly wanting the player to do certain things, but us not doing it.
The main villan is proof of that, he was picking straws with reasons to hate my Lee, the fact they make him say "Yeah, well...you lead her to that canibal place! HA! GOT YOU!" was stupid as I had no power over that, I didn't have the option to tell Clementine to go back and I don't think Clementine would be the type to say "Oh, Lee didn't ASK me to go back..."
I can't remeber the others but to sum them up it was as if he was picking straws to hate Lee, he had no motives to work with because my choices had lead him to that.
It's coming up to Christmas and more importantly, the steam sales. They obviously rushed this game out to meet demands and for the most part they did a good job, if they had cut out the epilogue and just blacked out the screen when Lee died, that would've been fine.
I still think it's bad game design to give the player an option that means nothing, why chop off the arm if it does nothing? Why save ben if he dies anyway? Just feels pointless, sure, we get some extra dialogue but it mounts to nothing, it feels like it mounted to nothing.
Yeah I save Clementine but why was I asked over and over "Hey, do you want the invincible couple to take care of her?" only for the writer to go "No. MY STORY MY ENDING!:mad:" what was the point?
You can try and tell me this was for the journey but why would I take this journey again when the last time it lead to disapointment and frustration? Sure, it was a good game, it is an accomplishment in many many ways but this is the wrong way of ending such a great game, it deserves better.
In the only way that episode 5 was a disappointment to me is that Lee died. Otherwise, Telltale has made an amazing game that will likely win many goty awards.
They promised your choices would matter and drastically affect the ending of Mass Effect 3... it didn't.
They called Mass Effect 'hard sci-fi.'
The ending forces Shepard to act out of character and drastically alters established lore (in a bad way.)
Yeah, I'd say it's more than just Shepard dying.
True, plus there is an ending where Shepard does live. You just have to have an EMS score of 5000 I believe to get it. Which forces you to play multiplayer. i don't why telltale defenders are trying to make it seem like it's all about Lee dying in the end. It's about the company promising something they didn't bother to deliver.
Look guys, I'm going to be blunt. If you came into this game expecting to find a sense of accomplishment from beating it, you were sorely mistaken. zif you even thought you'd get a bittersweet ending you were also mistaken.
I've read every Walking Dead comic, watched every show, and now played every game this series has to offer, I love it. And I feel as though this ending does the series and what it's trying to convey justice.
The television show, Comics and games may be different mediums, but they all have one thing in common: Everybody dies. No matter how attached you get to a character, no matter how significant you think they are to the plot, they will inevitably die. Clementine? She too will eventually bite the dust, hell it may even be in season two. No character is ever safe. So I'll say it again, everybody dies.
If you can't accept this fact, and if you can't accept the fact that this series will never, ever make you feel triumphant at the end, then the walking dead is not for you. Because this series bases itself around the concept of Death and loss.
It wasnt a bad ending, u have to understand that this is the apocalypse and not Disney land.
People aren't upset about the quality of the ending. People are upset because you could be a terrible person who let Clementine eat human flesh, kills people infront of her, didn't feed her, lied to her and she still tearfully hugs you at the end while you die...
People are upset because you Kenny uncharacteristically commits suicide against a wave of zombies with one bullet flying in the face of everything that Kenny was built up to be from day one... A pragmatist... Someone who was willing to let a stranger get mauled by zombies in episode two so he could score an extra can of beans.
People are upset because even if you didn't steal from the car Clementine still gets kidnapped...
People are upset because even if the entire group gets left with the boat VERNON STILL MANAGES TO TAKE IT WITH A BUNCH OF TERMINALLY ILL PATIENTS in direct contradiction to his supposesedly helpful nature.
People are upset because their decisions didn't matter at all and Telltale misled us into thinking our decisions would have "lasting consequences". What lasting consequences? Was your ending any different to mine? No? Then where are the lasting consequences... I might as well have bought the comics... Nothing I did mattered at all. And that fact shattered the illusion at the end of the story that any of it mattered more than shooting a guy in an FPS only for him to respawn two seconds later.
Was it a bad game? No. Was it everything it could have been and suggested it would be? No? Should it be improved to be more open ended for season two? Yes.
yeah i see ur point, i respect that but honestly most people on the internet are angry due to the fact that Lee doesn't make it through the end, this make me more mad because they already knew that Lee was already bitten in ep 4....
I know its annoying how your choices doesn't matter at the end but if you were to really be upset because of this then sorry, but in my opinion as long as Telltale deliver a solid story line then i wouldn't mind, my only small complaint was the same as yours, it wasn't open ended but I wouldn't blame for that because without them this thread wouldn't exist to begin with...
But let me wrap this up, I myself am not one to have high expectations and standards, and plus its a game, even movies and books can make mistakes so in the end i don't really care. I don't play a game to solely criticise and nit pick, i sit back, let my thoughts and emotions flow with the game and enjoy. But with that being said, have a nice day
The problem with that is not all of us followed every single meeting because we didn't want to know anything about it, I know I certainly didn't. The game stated every single time I loaded up a chaptor that my choices tailor the story, that's what I see each time I play, nothing about some pretentious "Journey".
The next season has to be more clear on what we're getting ourselves in for, it's a great game there is no denying that but it was still very disapointing that for those of us who didn't watch interviews, got mislead.
Most of the cringy moments in the game came from the writer clearly wanting the player to do certain things, but us not doing it.
The main villan is proof of that, he was picking straws with reasons to hate my Lee, the fact they make him say "Yeah, well...you lead her to that canibal place! HA! GOT YOU!" was stupid as I had no power over that, I didn't have the option to tell Clementine to go back and I don't think Clementine would be the type to say "Oh, Lee didn't ASK me to go back..."
I can't remeber the others but to sum them up it was as if he was picking straws to hate Lee, he had no motives to work with because my choices had lead him to that.
It's coming up to Christmas and more importantly, the steam sales. They obviously rushed this game out to meet demands and for the most part they did a good job, if they had cut out the epilogue and just blacked out the screen when Lee died, that would've been fine.
I still think it's bad game design to give the player an option that means nothing, why chop off the arm if it does nothing? Why save ben if he dies anyway? Just feels pointless, sure, we get some extra dialogue but it mounts to nothing, it feels like it mounted to nothing.
Yeah I save Clementine but why was I asked over and over "Hey, do you want the invincible couple to take care of her?" only for the writer to go "No. MY STORY MY ENDING!:mad:" what was the point?
You can try and tell me this was for the journey but why would I take this journey again when the last time it lead to disapointment and frustration? Sure, it was a good game, it is an accomplishment in many many ways but this is the wrong way of ending such a great game, it deserves better.
yeah i see ur point, i respect that but honestly most people on the internet are angry due to the fact that Lee doesn't make it through the end, this make me more mad because they already knew that Lee was already bitten in ep 4....
I know its annoying how your choices doesn't matter at the end but if you were to really be upset because of this then sorry, but in my opinion as long as Telltale deliver a solid story line then i wouldn't mind, my only small complaint was the same as yours, it wasn't open ended but I wouldn't blame for that because without them this thread wouldn't exist to begin with...
But let me wrap this up, I myself am not one to have high expectations and standards, and plus its a game, even movies and books can make mistakes so in the end i don't really care. I don't play a game to solely criticise and nit pick, i sit back, let my thoughts and emotions flow with the game and enjoy. But with that being said, have a nice day
I can respect that point of view and especially the eloquent and non-ranty way it was delivered.
I didn't have so much a problem with Lee dying. I suppose they needed to make room for a new protagonist in Season 2 and I can understand that.
I generally liked the ending minus some of the other charcters dying (which I thought was a bit too forced) and the fact that we got no proper epilogue on how Clementine turned out. I guess because she'll return for season 2 as well.
yeah i see ur point, i respect that but honestly most people on the internet are angry due to the fact that Lee doesn't make it through the end, this make me more mad because they already knew that Lee was already bitten in ep 4....
I think the biggest problem with having Lee die is when the writers give players a bogus opt out "choice" by having him get his arm cut off. I'm sure the creators thought they were trying to send some profound TWD message of no hope and everyone dies, and it was their way of giving some players hope only to dash them blah blah. But the message gets wasted when it becomes just one more thing the player had zero control over. If I had more control over the rest of the game's outcome and Lee STILL bites it even if you cut off his arm, then so be it but I just saw it as yet another reminder that the story really just is not tailored to my actions like I was told it would be. And just before Lee dies I'm given more reminders that my choices mean nothing with that ridiculous Kidnapper who brings up all the "choices" I've made throughout the game, only problem is, none of those choices were even mine and he just so happens to know about the "choices" made long before Lee encounters his car full of goods.
As for "everyone dies" on TWD. Does Rick die? I just want to know, I don't read the comics.
Look guys, I'm going to be blunt. If you came into this game expecting to find a sense of accomplishment from beating it, you were sorely mistaken. zif you even thought you'd get a bittersweet ending you were also mistaken.
I've read every Walking Dead comic, watched every show, and now played every game this series has to offer, I love it. And I feel as though this ending does the series and what it's trying to convey justice.
The television show, Comics and games may be different mediums, but they all have one thing in common: Everybody dies. No matter how attached you get to a character, no matter how significant you think they are to the plot, they will inevitably die. Clementine? She too will eventually bite the dust, hell it may even be in season two. No character is ever safe. So I'll say it again, everybody dies.
If you can't accept this fact, and if you can't accept the fact that this series will never, ever make you feel triumphant at the end, then the walking dead is not for you. Because this series bases itself around the concept of Death and loss.
So are wars, but people survive those too. Not everybody dies in this game: Molly, depending upon how your aim is, lives. Vernon and his group are assumed alive. Christa and Omid are alive. So there are some people who make it out.
Oh God, this reminds me of the Mass Effect 3 forums.
"Shepurd didn't live and I am mad!1"
Please, don't become the BSN. Not everything ends happily.
It's not about happy endings. (well some people want them. Not me.)
For me I wouldn't mind if lee died in every single possible alternative ending. Cause that ending was pretty epic.
The thing I have a problem with is that the game marketed itself as not being linear and your choices mattered, but in reality, your choices didn't matter, same people left and died no matter what options you picked.
A game like this must have alternative endings otherwise what's the point of giving us options? Just make your own little Walking Dead series spin off web episodes if you want to just tell your own version of the story and give the players no meaningful choices.
The best example of this is when Lilly kills Carly/Doug. You're given like 12 dialogue options in a row with like 4 choices each. When there should've been just 1 dialogue option and 1 choice. "Who cares, you're going to kill him/her anyway."
As for "everyone dies" on TWD. Does Rick die? I just want to know, I don't read the comics..
Rick is still alive in the comics, the only way I could see them killing him off is if they wanted to end the series for good or have his son take over, but so far his kid is still a kid even if he is a very disturbed kid, so Rick's probably going to be around for awhile in the comics. (Unless they wanted to end it while he was still a kid and have time fast forward to when he's older)
So are wars, but people survive those too. Not everybody dies in this game: Molly, depending upon how your aim is, lives. Vernon and his group are assumed alive. Christa and Omid are alive. So there are some people who make it out.
If those characters are ever reintroduced they are likely to die. Some characters are written out and their fates are unknown. But if they are within the vicinity of the main character it is inevitable.
If you liked the epilogue, that's fine please give me a counter argument to my "It outright says my choices change the story, why didn't it?" but please do yourself a massive favor and don't try and twist our concerns for this series as just being that Lee died, there has been enough people saying "We don't care about that!" to show that it's not that people are niffed out.
Your only wasting your own time, if you have a counter argument to those concerns let us know.
Does anyone know if TTG has posted anything about the ending, lack of choices and the Epilogue?
If you liked the epilogue, that's fine please give me a counter argument to my "It outright says my choices change the story, why didn't it?" but please do yourself a massive favor and don't try and twist our concerns for this series as just being that Lee died, there has been enough people saying "We don't care about that!" to show that it's not that people are niffed out.
Your only wasting your own time, if you have a counter argument to those concerns let us know.
Does anyone know if TTG has posted anything about the ending, lack of choices and the Epilogue?
There was enough variation in the interactions I had with other characters that I was satisfied in the "tailored" experience I had. Then again, I never expected a 25 dollar episodic release to have a massively branching plot. I also assumed there couldn't be much variation in the ending (outside of all the small things) once the second season was announced.
What a dumb reason to be disappointed in episode 5. It was the end of Lee's arc, we all saw it coming. It was a fitting end considering it's the Walking Dead. I don't even think you're disappointed, you're just upset and sad.
I'm extremely happy with this ending, even if it made me extremely sad.
Go and play Mass Effect trilogy, then come back and talk about bad endings. This was great!
I agree. Walking Dead upset me with its sadness, Mass Effect 3 upset me with a lot of things. Doesn't matter now though, but this game had an amazing (though extremely sad) ending.
He centers on Lee because he connects with him as a father. He lost his own kids and now sees a man who, in his eyes, is making all the wrong decisions for another child. He thought he could be a better father for Clementine than Lee was, and that she could be a replacement daughter for him. If Duck had answered the radio, he probably would have fixated on Kenny.
This is also my problem with the game. I still loved it and loved the story. But they lied by claiming the story is tailored to my choices. It's nothing more than a linear interactive game and nothing more. they really should have taken cues from Bioware...not with mass Effect 3 but with Mass Effect 2. I've played ME2 more times than I can count because no matter what I always end up with different results. Everyone could survive the suicide mission, certain members can die based on your decisions, or heck everyone could die including the main character based on the things you do. That is a story tailored to the choices I've made. TWD game only pretends with their "[Insert character here] will remember that." et al. In the end it was all pointless and now I really have no need or desire to replay this game because it's just going to turn out the same no matter what. It's still a good game but certainly not 'game of the year' material.
How convienant that clem got out of the closet at that percise moment. Srsly what a load of bs
When I did, the game told me "Carley will remember that."
Exactly a minute after, her brains get scattered on the streets. I was shocked. My response to "X will remember that" when they die 5 minutes later, "For what?"
I don't think the people venting here are refusing to listen to "reason" and it has been stated more than once that the ending isn't the major issue here. The problem is the realization that telltale games just simply lied about the content of their game. It is not a story tailored to my choices, it is an interactive story game that is all and there is nothing wrong with them advertising it as such. I loved Lee and if my choices killed him then so be it, if my choices killed any other character in the story then so be it. But in a game supposedly "tailored" to MY choices then I want it to be MY choices. Not someone else's script where I just pick the dialogue I want. Telltale games wanted to tell their own story with their own end, that is fine, but why pretend it is something that its clearly not?
game's secret ending
What? No...ME1 was amazing. ME2 was good. ME3 was okay.
It doesn't really better since telltale was able to create better characters/and have a better script and narrative than any of the mass effect games (at least 1)
But I'd like to vent what I didn't like in the hope that if any future games are created they're addressed.
#1 Choices don't matter: Throughout the entire game I was given a lot of choices, problem was none of them mattered. (Besides ones that kept you alive until you were supposed to die) Pretty much every single person either dies or leaves no matter what choices you make throughout the game. This is a huge problem. If you're going to give the player choices make them actually matter. Alternative endings are a must. (I wouldn't even have cared if Lee died in all of them, but at least make it feel like I could replay the game and some other people would live/die) This game had almost 0 replay-ability. I understand it's hard to create multiple story lines when different people live and die but THAT'S what you were advertising to your players. The ability to make choices that MATTERED.
#2 Plot holes/broken saves: I saved Doug in episode one. Once i started up episode 2 he was dead and Carley was alive... I was like wtf? But just kept playing instead of having to replay chapter 1 all over again in hopes of it not bugging out. Other than that bug, the plot holes I ran into were mainly in the last episode.
-Kenny sacrificing himself when he only had 1 bullet.... huh? Yea it's horrible to leave a kid to die like that, but you shot him anyway, you could've just shot him and walked away no need to get eaten by walkers.
-The broken sign. Huh? I was still hanging onto it, I could've just pulled myself onto the roof no need to go on a walker killing spree. (but It was kinda fun)
-The stranger. Really the radio was transmitting the entire time? Or you mean Clem told this guy everything and noone noticed? His wife and kid died after I took the supplies, yet he knew about things I did before then? This dude just seems way too far fetched.
-The ending. I would've preferred just black screen after Lee died rather than seeing Clem see 2 figures who kinda look like the unkillable couple. Foreshadowing is cool when you're watching a TV series and you know there's going to be another episode eventually but with a video game series, when you end it, end it. You can always pick it up from wherever you want with your sequel. Well, the way you released the episodes, you could foreshadow in 4 of them, that's a lot of opportunities to foreshadow, no need to do it EVERY TIME, give people closure in the last one.
That's my main problems with it. I hope they're addressed.
Edit: Found something that has them saying this won't be the last season they'll make but nothing has been confirmed.
It's still quite a big possibility and if i'm honest I hope they make one more and end the entire series and not pull a Heroes/Lost on us.
I get the feeling that this game will end up being yet anouther series that gets really popular and streched thin then dropped like a ton of bricks when it gets unpopular, giving us a rushed crappy ending, lost, anyone?
Oh and source: http://dailydead.com/telltale-has-plans-for-the-walking-dead-video-game-season-2-and-boxed-release/
The producers(or whatever) from TTL have stated that its about the journey. Ending(outcome) will basically be the same, but its the choices along the road that gives you the feeling of making your own story. I believe that it was discussed on "Playing dead", so I don't feel like they've mislead us. Of course I would have loved if there were more freedom and choices had more impact, but I think that they just didn't have time/resources for that this time and hope that for season 2 they will fix this.
One thing I didn't like was plot holes, that's just bad writing and needs to be addressed in the future big time.
Lastly did I miss the part where Christa tells Lee that she's pregnant? I can't understand how Lee knew she was. The "You're walking for two" thing.
In the end for me it was the story and characters that mattered and they were so powerful that I kinda forgot about the flaws of the game, but I hope that they will be fixed in season 2 for even better experience.
"I don't care how good the story is. If you say the consequences are going to matter and then they matter about as much as deciding whether to wear the blue tie or the red tie to work then you have failed to make the game you set out to make . I'm not saying it's not a good game but it's certainly not the game that they said it was going to be.
If you sell someone a waffle iron that can't make waffles, but ends up making a pretty good paperweight people are going to be pissed that the thing they bought to make waffles is failing to make waffles.
I can understand people liking the game but if you truly like it and consider yourself a fan then you should want it to get better and if you want it to get better you have to be honest with it. Did it do what it set out to do? Not really... Was it a terrible piece of crap? Certainly not. How could it be improved? By making the decisions more consequential in Season 2 and delivering a better final payoff."
I like Telltales ability to create a story but for Season 2 I want to see them do something truly innovative and make it the players story... Not Telltales... Make our decisions ACTUALLY matter!
I kinda think it'd be nice if TTG made a sort of alternate reality DLC episode where Clem doesn't run off, Lee doesn't get bitten, and they use the boat to get away. It'd be schmalzy as hell... and it wouldn't have to be part of the canon of the main story. I dunno... maybe it could be an unlock for beating the game with the regular kick-in-the-guts ending... you could select a "happy ending" play-through at the start and do it all again.
Stupid I know... but I'd pay for it.
The problem with that is not all of us followed every single meeting because we didn't want to know anything about it, I know I certainly didn't. The game stated every single time I loaded up a chaptor that my choices tailor the story, that's what I see each time I play, nothing about some pretentious "Journey".
The next season has to be more clear on what we're getting ourselves in for, it's a great game there is no denying that but it was still very disapointing that for those of us who didn't watch interviews, got mislead.
Most of the cringy moments in the game came from the writer clearly wanting the player to do certain things, but us not doing it.
The main villan is proof of that, he was picking straws with reasons to hate my Lee, the fact they make him say "Yeah, well...you lead her to that canibal place! HA! GOT YOU!" was stupid as I had no power over that, I didn't have the option to tell Clementine to go back and I don't think Clementine would be the type to say "Oh, Lee didn't ASK me to go back..."
I can't remeber the others but to sum them up it was as if he was picking straws to hate Lee, he had no motives to work with because my choices had lead him to that.
It's coming up to Christmas and more importantly, the steam sales. They obviously rushed this game out to meet demands and for the most part they did a good job, if they had cut out the epilogue and just blacked out the screen when Lee died, that would've been fine.
I still think it's bad game design to give the player an option that means nothing, why chop off the arm if it does nothing? Why save ben if he dies anyway? Just feels pointless, sure, we get some extra dialogue but it mounts to nothing, it feels like it mounted to nothing.
Yeah I save Clementine but why was I asked over and over "Hey, do you want the invincible couple to take care of her?" only for the writer to go "No. MY STORY MY ENDING!:mad:" what was the point?
You can try and tell me this was for the journey but why would I take this journey again when the last time it lead to disapointment and frustration? Sure, it was a good game, it is an accomplishment in many many ways but this is the wrong way of ending such a great game, it deserves better.
"Shepurd didn't live and I am mad!1"
Please, don't become the BSN. Not everything ends happily.
True, plus there is an ending where Shepard does live. You just have to have an EMS score of 5000 I believe to get it. Which forces you to play multiplayer. i don't why telltale defenders are trying to make it seem like it's all about Lee dying in the end. It's about the company promising something they didn't bother to deliver.
I've read every Walking Dead comic, watched every show, and now played every game this series has to offer, I love it. And I feel as though this ending does the series and what it's trying to convey justice.
The television show, Comics and games may be different mediums, but they all have one thing in common: Everybody dies. No matter how attached you get to a character, no matter how significant you think they are to the plot, they will inevitably die. Clementine? She too will eventually bite the dust, hell it may even be in season two. No character is ever safe. So I'll say it again, everybody dies.
If you can't accept this fact, and if you can't accept the fact that this series will never, ever make you feel triumphant at the end, then the walking dead is not for you. Because this series bases itself around the concept of Death and loss.
People aren't upset about the quality of the ending. People are upset because you could be a terrible person who let Clementine eat human flesh, kills people infront of her, didn't feed her, lied to her and she still tearfully hugs you at the end while you die...
People are upset because you Kenny uncharacteristically commits suicide against a wave of zombies with one bullet flying in the face of everything that Kenny was built up to be from day one... A pragmatist... Someone who was willing to let a stranger get mauled by zombies in episode two so he could score an extra can of beans.
People are upset because even if you didn't steal from the car Clementine still gets kidnapped...
People are upset because even if the entire group gets left with the boat VERNON STILL MANAGES TO TAKE IT WITH A BUNCH OF TERMINALLY ILL PATIENTS in direct contradiction to his supposesedly helpful nature.
People are upset because their decisions didn't matter at all and Telltale misled us into thinking our decisions would have "lasting consequences". What lasting consequences? Was your ending any different to mine? No? Then where are the lasting consequences... I might as well have bought the comics... Nothing I did mattered at all. And that fact shattered the illusion at the end of the story that any of it mattered more than shooting a guy in an FPS only for him to respawn two seconds later.
Was it a bad game? No. Was it everything it could have been and suggested it would be? No? Should it be improved to be more open ended for season two? Yes.
I know its annoying how your choices doesn't matter at the end but if you were to really be upset because of this then sorry, but in my opinion as long as Telltale deliver a solid story line then i wouldn't mind, my only small complaint was the same as yours, it wasn't open ended but I wouldn't blame for that because without them this thread wouldn't exist to begin with...
But let me wrap this up, I myself am not one to have high expectations and standards, and plus its a game, even movies and books can make mistakes so in the end i don't really care. I don't play a game to solely criticise and nit pick, i sit back, let my thoughts and emotions flow with the game and enjoy. But with that being said, have a nice day
yeah, I can agree with that.
I can respect that point of view and especially the eloquent and non-ranty way it was delivered.
I didn't have so much a problem with Lee dying. I suppose they needed to make room for a new protagonist in Season 2 and I can understand that.
I generally liked the ending minus some of the other charcters dying (which I thought was a bit too forced) and the fact that we got no proper epilogue on how Clementine turned out. I guess because she'll return for season 2 as well.
You have a nice day too
I think the biggest problem with having Lee die is when the writers give players a bogus opt out "choice" by having him get his arm cut off. I'm sure the creators thought they were trying to send some profound TWD message of no hope and everyone dies, and it was their way of giving some players hope only to dash them blah blah. But the message gets wasted when it becomes just one more thing the player had zero control over. If I had more control over the rest of the game's outcome and Lee STILL bites it even if you cut off his arm, then so be it but I just saw it as yet another reminder that the story really just is not tailored to my actions like I was told it would be. And just before Lee dies I'm given more reminders that my choices mean nothing with that ridiculous Kidnapper who brings up all the "choices" I've made throughout the game, only problem is, none of those choices were even mine and he just so happens to know about the "choices" made long before Lee encounters his car full of goods.
As for "everyone dies" on TWD. Does Rick die? I just want to know, I don't read the comics.
Yeah, Bioware definitely dropped the ball on Mass Effect.....
So are wars, but people survive those too. Not everybody dies in this game: Molly, depending upon how your aim is, lives. Vernon and his group are assumed alive. Christa and Omid are alive. So there are some people who make it out.
It's not about happy endings. (well some people want them. Not me.)
For me I wouldn't mind if lee died in every single possible alternative ending. Cause that ending was pretty epic.
The thing I have a problem with is that the game marketed itself as not being linear and your choices mattered, but in reality, your choices didn't matter, same people left and died no matter what options you picked.
A game like this must have alternative endings otherwise what's the point of giving us options? Just make your own little Walking Dead series spin off web episodes if you want to just tell your own version of the story and give the players no meaningful choices.
The best example of this is when Lilly kills Carly/Doug. You're given like 12 dialogue options in a row with like 4 choices each. When there should've been just 1 dialogue option and 1 choice. "Who cares, you're going to kill him/her anyway."
Rick is still alive in the comics, the only way I could see them killing him off is if they wanted to end the series for good or have his son take over, but so far his kid is still a kid even if he is a very disturbed kid, so Rick's probably going to be around for awhile in the comics. (Unless they wanted to end it while he was still a kid and have time fast forward to when he's older)
If those characters are ever reintroduced they are likely to die. Some characters are written out and their fates are unknown. But if they are within the vicinity of the main character it is inevitable.
The point remains that no character is permanent.
And also how he got owned by a bunch of old cancer survivors.
how are you certain he died
Your only wasting your own time, if you have a counter argument to those concerns let us know.
Does anyone know if TTG has posted anything about the ending, lack of choices and the Epilogue?
It's obvious lol
There was enough variation in the interactions I had with other characters that I was satisfied in the "tailored" experience I had. Then again, I never expected a 25 dollar episodic release to have a massively branching plot. I also assumed there couldn't be much variation in the ending (outside of all the small things) once the second season was announced.
Wow, I wonder how he's gonna go.
I'm extremely happy with this ending, even if it made me extremely sad.
I agree. Walking Dead upset me with its sadness, Mass Effect 3 upset me with a lot of things. Doesn't matter now though, but this game had an amazing (though extremely sad) ending.
^This so much.