I was obviously addicted to this great game, but was very let down by the end of episode 5. Lee better survive, I can't imagine playing as Clem in season 2. Plus the main gripe I have is i chose to have Lee's arm hacked off this is SUPPOST to SAVE HIM! In the TV show hershel greene gets his leg hacked off to stop him from turning. Please dont let lee go out this way. I thought if u removed area u were bit in you could survive, and dont give me he died from infection or someother answer.
PLZ dont let lee die. The least you all could do is have lee meet some random mad scientist, who make's some awesom robatic WALKER killer arm and let's lee keep on walking! lee deserves this much damn it!
All it says in the end was "Kenny was lost in the herd of walkers" not actually confirmed that he died. Hopefully he makes a come back in Season 2, but it's very unlikely
I was obviously addicted to this great game, but was very let down by the end of episode 5. Lee better survive, I can't imagine playing as Clem in season 2. Plus the main gripe I have is i chose to have Lee's arm hacked off this is SUPPOST to SAVE HIM! In the TV show hershel greene gets his leg hacked off to stop him from turning. Please dont let lee go out this way. I thought if u removed area u were bit in you could survive, and dont give me he died from infection or someother answer.
PLZ dont let lee die. The least you all could do is have lee meet some random mad scientist, who make's some awesom robatic WALKER killer arm and let's lee keep on walking! lee deserves this much damn it!
I agree with what most people are saying. They should have a true ending where, if you pick all the right choices, you survive. The whole game Lee can handle everything they dish out at him and at the last second of the 4th season they give him a death sentence. Stop trying to justify Lee's death with, OH IT WAS A GOOD ENDING. No it wasn't. It was a terrible ending for Lee. Think about that moment when Clementine is crying and you're sitting there trying to explain and help her through your last moments. Plus if you play the game where you're a dick to her or something, the ending wouldn't match up. I would gladly pay money for an extra dlc of sorts where they threw in some alt endings. One where Clementine wants to stay with the one guy on the radio perhaps, another where Lee obviously survives like he should, and maybe another where you find Vernon and them and get away on the boat or something. Idk, I've gone all night without sleep to finish this game. The ending made me cry like a bitch, then I watched the last episode with PewDiePie that I wanted to wait to watch, until after I had beaten the game and I cried even harder.
It's not about happy endings. (well some people want them. Not me.)
For me I wouldn't mind if lee died in every single possible alternative ending. Cause that ending was pretty epic.
The thing I have a problem with is that the game marketed itself as not being linear and your choices mattered, but in reality, your choices didn't matter, same people left and died no matter what options you picked.
A game like this must have alternative endings otherwise what's the point of giving us options? Just make your own little Walking Dead series spin off web episodes if you want to just tell your own version of the story and give the players no meaningful choices.
The best example of this is when Lilly kills Carly/Doug. You're given like 12 dialogue options in a row with like 4 choices each. When there should've been just 1 dialogue option and 1 choice. "Who cares, you're going to kill him/her anyway."
It's cracking me up that people are using their subjective opinions of how this game ends to label it as a disappointing game. Everyone's learned so much about entitlement from the Mass Effect 3 situation!
Sorry people don't like the ending, but that's how Lee's story ends. Should I give David Chase a call so he can re-shoot the final episode of the Sopranos?
It's cracking me up that people are using their subjective opinions of how this game ends to label it as a disappointing game. Everyone's learned so much about entitlement from the Mass Effect 3 situation!
Sorry people don't like the ending, but that's how Lee's story ends. Should I give David Chase a call so he can re-shoot the final episode of the Sopranos?
The fact you compare it about feeling 'entitled' during the ME3 fiasco renders your opinion moot.
If those characters are ever reintroduced they are likely to die. Some characters are written out and their fates are unknown. But if they are within the vicinity of the main character it is inevitable.
The point remains that no character is permanent.
If Omid and Christa do return, since they only members of the group that were not killed or went MIA; they might not die. Clementine still needs a protector no matter how well Lee trained her, she's still small like she said and can't do a lot of the things that an older person can do.
I'm just curious how season 2 is going to play out. Is Lee going to wake up and keep on going? Are we going to take over Clem? Or will we control some new character in season 2? Most importantly anyone know when season 2 episode 1 is even going to be released?
I'm just curious how season 2 is going to play out. Is Lee going to wake up and keep on going? Are we going to take over Clem? Or will we control some new character in season 2? Most importantly anyone know when season 2 episode 1 is even going to be released?
It sounds like you're socially inept, too. You didn't have a lot of friends growing up, did you?
I...had lots? Still do? I'm confused. Are you trying to make a personal attack on someone you don't know on the Internet, like you did with your first post? Or are you just now realizing that you misunderstood my initial post and are now trying to deflect things?
Just curious. If you have any tips on how to make friends, hit me up, brah! With your personality, I'm sure people are knocking down the proverbial door to spend time with you!
So, I wonder how many more illiterate posters are going to come into a venting thread to tell everyone...AGAIN that they are only venting because of Lee's death. :rolleyes:
Okay, let's take away Lee's death for a moment.
Defend the kidnapper who just so happens to know all of Lee's "choices" BEFORE they even encounter his car of goods? So the guy was just taking his son hunting during the ZA and lost him, then gathered up supplies with his family to look for him, got into a fight with his wife, went out looking for his wife and kid, cut off her head, and had enough time to watch and pass judgement on Lee?
Oh and why even go through a rundown of Lee's "choices" when most of them were not even the player's choice?
Explain why Clem never meets up with Christa and Omid at the trains although that's where I told them to meet up.
Explain why, whenever I made a choice something always happened that makes that choice moot.
Save Carley, Carley dies. Heck in some games you can save Doug and still end up with Carley alive in the next episode. lol!
Keep Lilly, Lilly escapes any way.
Save Ben, Ben dies
Have Kenny's back no matter what and he'll claim you never had his back.
No matter who all stay at the house, they all get beat up by half dead old cancer patients.
Kenny dies (or lost in the herd) no matter what.
Christa and Omid NEVER die.
The game clearly had one linear storyline path with little loops that just bring you back to the one path they set out for you. That is the major issue. Oh and stop bringing up Lee's death already as a defense. I played through twice and both times I had Clem shoot him in the head to make sure he was down.
I will say that, while I understand why people are annoyed that the Stranger will always find fault with you, the choices can change many players' perspective on him. For those who stole the food, many of them felt bad for the guy because they felt Lee ruined his life (not really the truth, but there it is).
Those who never stole the food and didn't put anyone in harm's way through choice see the Stranger as far more psychotic, selfish, and evil who was simply looking for someone to put his own faults and mistakes on, found Lee to do so, torture and kill him to make himself feel better, and then take Clem in order start his family again and kill the group to gain revenge. Depending on their choices, many people can see the Stranger as either a victim or purely insane with Lee as his victim.
Either way, the Stranger was purely self-serving as all his actions were aimed at making himself feel better through revenge, abducting Clem through deception and manipulation to regain what he lost, and even decapitating his wife's head and keeping it in a bag to have someone to vent to; that's even worse then what Crawford did with the barricade.
Overall, I liked the fact that your thoughts on the Stranger may be different during that whole sequence when he is telling you his story depending on your choices, primarily the whole station wagon decision. Some feel sorry for him because they did steal his food, while others just get more pissed and creeped out at him because they did nothing wrong and see the guy as nothing more than a self loathing and serving villain who was on the prowl for any poor soul to take his anger out on.
I will say that, while I understand why people are annoyed that the Stranger will always find fault with you, the choices can change many players' perspective on him. For those who stole the food, many of them felt bad for the guy because they felt Lee ruined his life (not really the truth, but there it is).
Those who never stole the food and didn't put anyone in harm's way through choice see the Stranger as far more psychotic, selfish, and evil who was simply looking for someone to put his own faults and mistakes on, found Lee to do so, torture and kill him to make himself feel better, and then take Clem in order start his family again and kill the group to gain revenge. Depending on their choices, many people can see the Stranger as either a victim or purely insane with Lee as his victim.
Either way, the Stranger was purely self-serving as all his actions were aimed at making himself feel better through revenge, abducting Clem through deception and manipulation to regain what he lost, and even decapitating his wife's head and keeping it in a bag to have someone to vent to; that's even worse then what Crawford did with the barricade.
Overall, I liked the fact that your thoughts on the Stranger may be different during that whole sequence when he is telling you his story depending on your choices, primarily the whole station wagon decision. Some feel sorry for him because they did steal his food, while others just get more pissed and creeped out at him because they did nothing wrong and see the guy as nothing more than a self loathing and serving villain who was on the prowl for any poor soul to take his anger out on.
If the food hadn't been taken and no one was put in harm's way then the stranger would seem even more out of place.
ive been reading a lot of comments, and im wondering what people expected from a game about zombies and a disease that everyone has? Telltale tried to make the game to be tailored to the choices that we would have made if we were Lee.
What did you all hope to accomplish with "winning" the game? The fact is, people are in our lives for a certain period of time. They give us things that we can learn from that make us better people.
i think the whole point TT was trying to make was that the choices are hopeless.. no matter what you do, who you save or choices you make.
So im wondering what you guys were expecting? Because even though i was sad that Lee died, and i was hoping he could over come it, i was happy of the journey
The writters could have wraped it up in a much more unpredictable way. The fact that so many had figured the end episode out should be a clear sign of just how unoriginal the story ending really was. Im not downing the entire project, I was just expecting more from what seemed a great story telling experience than a ho-hum predictable end.
The writters could have wraped it up in a much more unpredictable way. The fact that so many had figured the end episode out should be a clear sign of just how unoriginal the story ending really was. Im not downing the entire project, I was just expecting more from what seemed a great story telling experience than a ho-hum predictable end.
It was predictable because everyone knows what happens when you get bit. If they did a cheap cop out and ended it with Lee being "immune" or finding a cure, it would have been disappointing.
They could have had the arm cutting thing work i suppose, but that would have been predictable as well.
first of all, many thanks to Telltale that made a very good adventure game with a deep story inside. Nothing to say.
But on the other hand, i cryed when Lee dead. I mean, it's not a good fair. Too much way to walk, 5 episode, a lot of players that play the game with wishes, emotions, fear and lot of decision, good or bad, to make the story themselves.
So, I really PRAY the developer of TellTale to try to "resurrect" Lee, even if he will be a PNG or even if Clem leave or shoot him or even if he did cutted off the arm. Try to find a way, PLEASE! I could not see an "episode 6" with another protagonist, another story of love, that will go to the final with a death.
It feels like I'm the only person who kept his arm, I knew in the end it wasn't going to help him. I wish he never got bitten to begin with but then it wouldn't have been such a huge driving force for him to find Clem.
Because, otherwise you would have slept in while your daughter manque was in the hands of a madman?
I'm okay with Lee's death. I went into this game prepared to do anything to keep Clem and the characters I care about safe. I just wish I had just a little more info on Clem's fate.
Yup. The lack of any sort of closure in that regard was clearly the result of bad planning and a deadline. Weak sauce.
I'm just curious how season 2 is going to play out. Is Lee going to wake up and keep on going? Are we going to take over Clem? Or will we control some new character in season 2? Most importantly anyone know when season 2 episode 1 is even going to be released?
This is great. He's going to pull a Merle, chop his hand off, be the first to survive a zombie bite, and stagger off into the sunset, happily ever after.
I was excited when I saw that Episode 5 was out. I bought it and went to go load up my game and finally finish this masterpiece....but then I realized that I had reformatted and lost my save game file.
So I had to play the first 4 episodes all over again, which was fine (although the lack of actual choice in the game is even more obvious). After 8 or so hours of replaying the game I was finally ready and excited to see what would happen.
Will Clem be found? Who was the guy on the radio? Would they get on the boat? What will happen to Lee and what will he do to ensure Clem's safety (if saved)? Little did I know that all of those questions would be answered in the shortest and most boring way possible.
Would they get on the boat?
The time spent during the last three episodes talking about a boat, finding a boat, risking everything to find parts for the boat, and fixing the boat is more or less killed 15 minutes into Episode 5. Not in any dramatic way mind you. Ben tells the group that Vernon's group came and took the boat. That's it. Vernon isn't seen taking the boat, and isn't seen any time after. Three episodes worth of conversation and gameplay is negated by a secondary character just saying that the boat is gone......ridiculous. Imagine the battle in the final Lord of the Rings movie just being Aragorn telling people that they won the battle without showing it at all.
Will Clem be found?/Who was the guy on the radio?
She's taken without anyone noticing. Lee falls asleep in the same room as Clem only to wake up a few hours later to find her gone and no one even saw or heard her being taken. After a mysterious talk over the radio with a dangerous sounding man who seems to have been ingeniously observing and involving himself in the group even before they boarded the train Lee and the group prepares to find and defeat this mysterious figure....
....After being a mystery for multiple episodes. After seeming like a figure that involves Clem and Lee in something much larger than just surviving. After all that.....he is just the dude who's mad that you stole food out of his car and simply takes Clem to a hotel room. Not only is he not a mysterious figure, but his powerful aura he portrayed by unnerving the group through messages and stealing Clem like a shadow is completely ruined. He get's hit in the head with a wine bottle by the 9 year old he kidnapped because he didn't lock the door to the room he was keeping her in. A 9 year old with a glass bottle more or less thwarts the main antagonist of the past 3 episodes....
What will happen to Lee and what will he do to ensure Clem's safety (if saved)?
Throughout the whole game Lee is constantly looking out for Clem. He grows to love her and realizes that he will do anything to protect her. He's gone through multiple dangerous situations and killed plenty of walkers just to protect this girl he has grown to care for. At the end of Episode 4 he is bitten and we see that our Hero is not invincible, but Lee has had plenty of setbacks and always comes out of them. If anything, he thrives during these moments.
....So what happens? He rooftop hops a few blocks, and easily retrieves Clem from the worst Villain the Apocalypse has ever seen in a hotel room. Then, just as he is starting to show that trademark Lee-ness (new word) by guiding Clem through the horde of zombies, he passes out and has to be saved by the 9 year old girl. Surely when he recovers he'll do something to help Clem right? Nope, he wakes up only to die a few minutes later next to a radiator. He doesn't pull through and guide Clem to ensured future safety. He doesn't die in an action packed heroic moment saving Clementine. Nope, he lays down on the ground and says he can't get up....then he dies. The end.
Although I think they are no longer unique and are borderline cliche now within the genre, I'm completely fine with tragic endings. I'm fine with Lee dying. I'm even fine with Clem being left alone. The problem is the incredibly lackluster way it's done. Lee finds out where Clem is, gets across town to the hotel, "defeats" the bad guy, "rescues" clem, and escapes in about the same time it took to leave the Motor Inn and get the train started........and was less exciting than the train startup sequence.
The game also displays a message before every episode claiming that your choices and gameplay affect and change the story. So why is there only one ending? It's obvious that in other episodes your choices don't affect the story at all, but couldn't they at least try to make that beginning message a little bit true? I've played side scrolling platform games with 3-4 endings, yet the adventure story based game who's major selling point is choice and player involvement in the story can't even make 2.
Telltalle phoned this one in. It's that simple. Instead of creating an actual final episode, they created the intro sequence/back-story to season 2. I suspect that they had a real ending thought up, but once the sequels were approved they had to toss it and change it from a finale to a short transition.
This is probably the most disappointing "sequel" (kind of) I've ever played.
Episodes 1 through 4 are Brilliant.
Episode 5 is to the first 4 as Crystal Skull is to the Original Indiana Jones Trilogy.
Would they get on the boat?
The time spent during the last three episodes talking about a boat, finding a boat, risking everything to find parts for the boat, and fixing the boat is more or less killed 15 minutes into Episode 5. Not in any dramatic way mind you. Ben tells the group that Vernon's group came and took the boat. That's it. Vernon isn't seen taking the boat, and isn't seen any time after. Three episodes worth of conversation and gameplay is negated by a secondary character just saying that the boat is gone......ridiculous. Imagine the battle in the final Lord of the Rings movie just being Aragorn telling people that they won the battle without showing it at all.
How is that ridiculous? In real life you wouldn't see everything happen. They took the boat while you were not there. I know that it must be shocking to know that not everything happens in front of you. Your analogy is not a good one since you are comparing two different types of stories. Lord of the Rings is a big epic story, while the walking dead is a more contained and grounded story despite having zombies in it. It would be less realistic to have them try to steal the boat when everyone was there. Would you steal a boat when there were more or less people? It also does not negate anything, the plan was to get the boat. The fact that they were close to getting the boat and using it and then having it all taken away adds to the overall feeling of sorrow and helplessness. The boat also served as to give a goal and hope for the group. It doesn't have to be used to have a purpose in the story. Not everything in the story need to have a video game style of goals and accomplishment.
Will Clem be found?/Who was the guy on the radio?
She's taken without anyone noticing. Lee falls asleep in the same room as Clem only to wake up a few hours later to find her gone and no one even saw or heard her being taken. After a mysterious talk over the radio with a dangerous sounding man who seems to have been ingeniously observing and involving himself in the group even before they boarded the train Lee and the group prepares to find and defeat this mysterious figure....
....After being a mystery for multiple episodes. After seeming like a figure that involves Clem and Lee in something much larger than just surviving. After all that.....he is just the dude who's mad that you stole food out of his car and simply takes Clem to a hotel room. Not only is he not a mysterious figure, but his powerful aura he portrayed by unnerving the group through messages and stealing Clem like a shadow is completely ruined. He get's hit in the head with a wine bottle by the 9 year old he kidnapped because he didn't lock the door to the room he was keeping her in. A 9 year old with a glass bottle more or less thwarts the main antagonist of the past 3 episodes....
I was not aware that the antagonist had superpowers and could not be hurt be bottles. He was a crazy guy, but he still has weakness like any other human. He didn't lock her in because he didn't view it as a kidnapping, he viewed it as a rescue. In his mind there was no reason to lock her up. He also believed that she could not hut anyone. The fact that a crazy man who talks to a zombie head of his wife would not be thinking straight should not be that surprising.
What will happen to Lee and what will he do to ensure Clem's safety (if saved)?
Throughout the whole game Lee is constantly looking out for Clem. He grows to love her and realizes that he will do anything to protect her. He's gone through multiple dangerous situations and killed plenty of walkers just to protect this girl he has grown to care for. At the end of Episode 4 he is bitten and we see that our Hero is not invincible, but Lee has had plenty of setbacks and always comes out of them. If anything, he thrives during these moments.
....So what happens? He rooftop hops a few blocks, and easily retrieves Clem from the worst Villain the Apocalypse has ever seen in a hotel room. Then, just as he is starting to show that trademark Lee-ness (new word) by guiding Clem through the horde of zombies, he passes out and has to be saved by the 9 year old girl. Surely when he recovers he'll do something to help Clem right? Nope, he wakes up only to die a few minutes later next to a radiator. He doesn't pull through and guide Clem to ensured future safety. He doesn't die in an action packed heroic moment saving Clementine. Nope, he lays down on the ground and says he can't get up....then he dies. The end.
So you disappointed that it was a sad ending? Exactly how did you want it to end? Lee somehow get over an illness that has now cure? Lee is not superman, and there was no way he was not going to die by the end of this episode. There was no recovering, if you payed close attention you could see that there were gradual changes in his eyes and skin as the episode and the virus progressed.
Although I think they are no longer unique and are borderline cliche now within the genre, I'm completely fine with tragic endings. I'm fine with Lee dying. I'm even fine with Clem being left alone. The problem is the incredibly lackluster way it's done. Lee finds out where Clem is, gets across town to the hotel, "defeats" the bad guy, "rescues" clem, and escapes in about the same time it took to leave the Motor Inn and get the train started........and was less exciting than the train startup sequence.
And yet you find that somehow dieing in some heroic way less cliche? The ending is not suppose to make you feel good. Heroic deaths are never as sad as ones that happen just because unfortunate circumstances. This is not a superhero story. It is suppose show a realistic and very human way people survive and die in an apocalyptic setting. This not a "save the world" type of story that you seem to implying that you want.
The game also displays a message before every episode claiming that your choices and gameplay affect and change the story. So why is there only one ending? It's obvious that in other episodes your choices don't affect the story at all, but couldn't they at least try to make that beginning message a little bit true? I've played side scrolling platform games with 3-4 endings, yet the adventure story based game who's major selling point is choice and player involvement in the story can't even make 2.
I hate it when people think that the only way that a game can have change in a story is if it branches out or if the game has multiple endings. The changes in this game are how people interact with you. One person can have Kenny be your friend while another can have him as someone who hates you. It changes the experience of the story.
I hate it when people think that the only way that a game can have change in a story is if it branches out or if the game has multiple endings. The changes in this game are how people interact with you. One person can have Kenny be your friend while another can have him as someone who hates you. It changes the experience of the story.
No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't "change the experience" because the experience is exactly the same no-matter what choices you make... Whether Kenny hates you or not does not stop him dying... Whether you steal from the car or not does not stop Clementine being kidnapped... What will it take for you people to actually get it?
If I paint a pineapple red or blue or green or yellow does it stop being a pineapple? Does it "change the experience"? No. Because it's still a freaking pineapple. It's still spiky and filled with delicious fruit... Stop trying to pretend that it's something different. Like somehow by painting the pineapple red it becomes something far more interesting and meaningful than the pineapple that it was before...
No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't "change the experience" because the experience is exactly the same no-matter what choices you make... Whether Kenny hates you or not does not stop him dying... Whether you steal from the car or not does not stop Clementine being kidnapped... What will it take for you people to actually get it?
If I paint a pineapple red or blue or green or yellow does it stop being a pineapple? Does it "change the experience"? No. Because it's still a freaking pineapple. It's still spiky and filled with delicious fruit... Stop trying to pretend that it's something different.
Why does it have to? Again it changes the way characters react to you. The way characters does change the experience, whether or not you like that kind of change is a different matter. If you paint a pineapple in different colors, then the way I view that pineapple is different from how I would view the other colors of pineapple. Not everything need to have physical and drastic changes in the story for it to be change.
No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't "change the experience" because the experience is exactly the same no-matter what choices you make... Whether Kenny hates you or not does not stop him dying... Whether you steal from the car or not does not stop Clementine being kidnapped... What will it take for you people to actually get it?
If I paint a pineapple red or blue or green or yellow does it stop being a pineapple? Does it "change the experience"? No. Because it's still a freaking pineapple. It's still spiky and filled with delicious fruit... Stop trying to pretend that it's something different. Like somehow by painting the pineapple red it becomes something far more interesting and meaningful than the pineapple that it was before...
lol dat analogy
but it is true. This game had mass effect syndrome pretty hard. ending is just different colors of the same plot
No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't "change the experience" because the experience is exactly the same no-matter what choices you make... Whether Kenny hates you or not does not stop him dying... Whether you steal from the car or not does not stop Clementine being kidnapped... What will it take for you people to actually get it?
If I paint a pineapple red or blue or green or yellow does it stop being a pineapple? Does it "change the experience"? No. Because it's still a freaking pineapple. It's still spiky and filled with delicious fruit... Stop trying to pretend that it's something different. Like somehow by painting the pineapple red it becomes something far more interesting and meaningful than the pineapple that it was before...
i get were you are coming from, i in fact joined the forum (after episode 2) to complain that i didn't feel like it was tailored by my play or that the choices mattered (the issue had already been raised so i decided not to go on about it) ,
but that is because when i heard about a zombie adventure game that was tailored by how i play where choices mattered, i imagined that the choices and tailored game play would be about choosing where i go, what vehicle i choose and what survivors i find and save etc. i didn't even consider dialogue choices and relationships as an important a part of a game, but that is what the tailored gameplay and choices are, and TWD games most important parts are the dialogue choices you make and the relationships you build and that the goal of the game is not to save the world but just to make moral choices that you are happy with.
i dont think you could claim they lied by advertising it the way they did, i just think its hard to describe what TDW game is, i dont know if i would consider TWD game to be a new genre but i would say it is different to most adventure games you will play, so calling it a point and click adventure game just doesn't describe it properly.
also i cant even decide at what point i would say that choices truly matter, eg. if there were a fork in the train track and we could choose to go somewhere different , would that truly matter? because it would be the same lee just in a different location (different pineapple paint) and if the story drastically changed because of a choice you made would that really matter because it would just be a choice of 2 predefined linear story lines.
i want a game like the games on the holodeck, but unfortunately we just don't have the computing power and programming to have a game that game procedurally generate stories, the best we can get is procedurally generated events that we have to invent patterns and stories for, but they will never (unless out of pure coincidence) have any kind of story craft or moral meaning they are just random events that mean nothing, i prefer that telltale made a story not an event generating machine.
i dont think you could claim they lied by advertising it the way they did, i just think its hard to describe what TDW game is, i dont know if i would consider TWD game to be a new genre but i would say it is different to most adventure games you will play, so calling it a point and click adventure game just doesn't describe it properly.
They claimed that the story adapts and is tailored to how you play. Not the experience is tailored to how you play. There is a difference between experience and story. It was a point and click adventure game but with dialogue options. I'm sure everyone started this game believing that the actual story changed based on their choices. Most of the people defending Telltale just don't want to admit it.
I was obviously addicted to this great game, but was very let down by the end of episode 5. Lee better survive, I can't imagine playing as Clem in season 2. Plus the main gripe I have is i chose to have Lee's arm hacked off this is SUPPOST to SAVE HIM! In the TV show hershel greene gets his leg hacked off to stop him from turning. Please dont let lee go out this way. I thought if u removed area u were bit in you could survive, and dont give me he died from infection or someother answer.
PLZ dont let lee die. The least you all could do is have lee meet some random mad scientist, who make's some awesom robatic WALKER killer arm and let's lee keep on walking! lee deserves this much damn it!
I agree with everything u just wrote
lol, let Lee R.I.P
This ^^^
Sorry people don't like the ending, but that's how Lee's story ends. Should I give David Chase a call so he can re-shoot the final episode of the Sopranos?
The fact you compare it about feeling 'entitled' during the ME3 fiasco renders your opinion moot.
It's like a child sitting at the adults table.
Sounds like you misunderstood my post pretty much completely.
If Omid and Christa do return, since they only members of the group that were not killed or went MIA; they might not die. Clementine still needs a protector no matter how well Lee trained her, she's still small like she said and can't do a lot of the things that an older person can do.
None of this has been announced.
Can you say if any of this will be announced within the year?
When you say within the year, do you mean within 2012? Probably not.
Within a year from now? More likely.
It sounds like you're socially inept, too. You didn't have a lot of friends growing up, did you?
Fair enough, thanks for the response.
I guess ETA is probably at best late next year Early 2014 then. Not that I'm complaining. Take all the time you guys need.
I...had lots? Still do? I'm confused. Are you trying to make a personal attack on someone you don't know on the Internet, like you did with your first post? Or are you just now realizing that you misunderstood my initial post and are now trying to deflect things?
Just curious. If you have any tips on how to make friends, hit me up, brah! With your personality, I'm sure people are knocking down the proverbial door to spend time with you!
Okay, let's take away Lee's death for a moment.
Defend the kidnapper who just so happens to know all of Lee's "choices" BEFORE they even encounter his car of goods? So the guy was just taking his son hunting during the ZA and lost him, then gathered up supplies with his family to look for him, got into a fight with his wife, went out looking for his wife and kid, cut off her head, and had enough time to watch and pass judgement on Lee?
Oh and why even go through a rundown of Lee's "choices" when most of them were not even the player's choice?
Explain why Clem never meets up with Christa and Omid at the trains although that's where I told them to meet up.
Explain why, whenever I made a choice something always happened that makes that choice moot.
Save Carley, Carley dies. Heck in some games you can save Doug and still end up with Carley alive in the next episode. lol!
Keep Lilly, Lilly escapes any way.
Save Ben, Ben dies
Have Kenny's back no matter what and he'll claim you never had his back.
No matter who all stay at the house, they all get beat up by half dead old cancer patients.
Kenny dies (or lost in the herd) no matter what.
Christa and Omid NEVER die.
The game clearly had one linear storyline path with little loops that just bring you back to the one path they set out for you. That is the major issue. Oh and stop bringing up Lee's death already as a defense. I played through twice and both times I had Clem shoot him in the head to make sure he was down.
Those who never stole the food and didn't put anyone in harm's way through choice see the Stranger as far more psychotic, selfish, and evil who was simply looking for someone to put his own faults and mistakes on, found Lee to do so, torture and kill him to make himself feel better, and then take Clem in order start his family again and kill the group to gain revenge. Depending on their choices, many people can see the Stranger as either a victim or purely insane with Lee as his victim.
Either way, the Stranger was purely self-serving as all his actions were aimed at making himself feel better through revenge, abducting Clem through deception and manipulation to regain what he lost, and even decapitating his wife's head and keeping it in a bag to have someone to vent to; that's even worse then what Crawford did with the barricade.
Overall, I liked the fact that your thoughts on the Stranger may be different during that whole sequence when he is telling you his story depending on your choices, primarily the whole station wagon decision. Some feel sorry for him because they did steal his food, while others just get more pissed and creeped out at him because they did nothing wrong and see the guy as nothing more than a self loathing and serving villain who was on the prowl for any poor soul to take his anger out on.
If the food hadn't been taken and no one was put in harm's way then the stranger would seem even more out of place.
What did you all hope to accomplish with "winning" the game? The fact is, people are in our lives for a certain period of time. They give us things that we can learn from that make us better people.
i think the whole point TT was trying to make was that the choices are hopeless.. no matter what you do, who you save or choices you make.
So im wondering what you guys were expecting? Because even though i was sad that Lee died, and i was hoping he could over come it, i was happy of the journey
no, it's not.
It was predictable because everyone knows what happens when you get bit. If they did a cheap cop out and ended it with Lee being "immune" or finding a cure, it would have been disappointing.
They could have had the arm cutting thing work i suppose, but that would have been predictable as well.
first of all, many thanks to Telltale that made a very good adventure game with a deep story inside. Nothing to say.
But on the other hand, i cryed when Lee dead. I mean, it's not a good fair. Too much way to walk, 5 episode, a lot of players that play the game with wishes, emotions, fear and lot of decision, good or bad, to make the story themselves.
So, I really PRAY the developer of TellTale to try to "resurrect" Lee, even if he will be a PNG or even if Clem leave or shoot him or even if he did cutted off the arm. Try to find a way, PLEASE! I could not see an "episode 6" with another protagonist, another story of love, that will go to the final with a death.
Thank you and sorry for my bad english.
You heartless rotter!
I can't wait.
Oh. Yes I can.
So I had to play the first 4 episodes all over again, which was fine (although the lack of actual choice in the game is even more obvious). After 8 or so hours of replaying the game I was finally ready and excited to see what would happen.
Will Clem be found? Who was the guy on the radio? Would they get on the boat? What will happen to Lee and what will he do to ensure Clem's safety (if saved)? Little did I know that all of those questions would be answered in the shortest and most boring way possible.
Would they get on the boat?
The time spent during the last three episodes talking about a boat, finding a boat, risking everything to find parts for the boat, and fixing the boat is more or less killed 15 minutes into Episode 5. Not in any dramatic way mind you. Ben tells the group that Vernon's group came and took the boat. That's it. Vernon isn't seen taking the boat, and isn't seen any time after. Three episodes worth of conversation and gameplay is negated by a secondary character just saying that the boat is gone......ridiculous. Imagine the battle in the final Lord of the Rings movie just being Aragorn telling people that they won the battle without showing it at all.
Will Clem be found?/Who was the guy on the radio?
She's taken without anyone noticing. Lee falls asleep in the same room as Clem only to wake up a few hours later to find her gone and no one even saw or heard her being taken. After a mysterious talk over the radio with a dangerous sounding man who seems to have been ingeniously observing and involving himself in the group even before they boarded the train Lee and the group prepares to find and defeat this mysterious figure....
....After being a mystery for multiple episodes. After seeming like a figure that involves Clem and Lee in something much larger than just surviving. After all that.....he is just the dude who's mad that you stole food out of his car and simply takes Clem to a hotel room. Not only is he not a mysterious figure, but his powerful aura he portrayed by unnerving the group through messages and stealing Clem like a shadow is completely ruined. He get's hit in the head with a wine bottle by the 9 year old he kidnapped because he didn't lock the door to the room he was keeping her in. A 9 year old with a glass bottle more or less thwarts the main antagonist of the past 3 episodes....
What will happen to Lee and what will he do to ensure Clem's safety (if saved)?
Throughout the whole game Lee is constantly looking out for Clem. He grows to love her and realizes that he will do anything to protect her. He's gone through multiple dangerous situations and killed plenty of walkers just to protect this girl he has grown to care for. At the end of Episode 4 he is bitten and we see that our Hero is not invincible, but Lee has had plenty of setbacks and always comes out of them. If anything, he thrives during these moments.
....So what happens? He rooftop hops a few blocks, and easily retrieves Clem from the worst Villain the Apocalypse has ever seen in a hotel room. Then, just as he is starting to show that trademark Lee-ness (new word) by guiding Clem through the horde of zombies, he passes out and has to be saved by the 9 year old girl. Surely when he recovers he'll do something to help Clem right? Nope, he wakes up only to die a few minutes later next to a radiator. He doesn't pull through and guide Clem to ensured future safety. He doesn't die in an action packed heroic moment saving Clementine. Nope, he lays down on the ground and says he can't get up....then he dies. The end.
Although I think they are no longer unique and are borderline cliche now within the genre, I'm completely fine with tragic endings. I'm fine with Lee dying. I'm even fine with Clem being left alone. The problem is the incredibly lackluster way it's done. Lee finds out where Clem is, gets across town to the hotel, "defeats" the bad guy, "rescues" clem, and escapes in about the same time it took to leave the Motor Inn and get the train started........and was less exciting than the train startup sequence.
The game also displays a message before every episode claiming that your choices and gameplay affect and change the story. So why is there only one ending? It's obvious that in other episodes your choices don't affect the story at all, but couldn't they at least try to make that beginning message a little bit true? I've played side scrolling platform games with 3-4 endings, yet the adventure story based game who's major selling point is choice and player involvement in the story can't even make 2.
Telltalle phoned this one in. It's that simple. Instead of creating an actual final episode, they created the intro sequence/back-story to season 2. I suspect that they had a real ending thought up, but once the sequels were approved they had to toss it and change it from a finale to a short transition.
This is probably the most disappointing "sequel" (kind of) I've ever played.
Episodes 1 through 4 are Brilliant.
Episode 5 is to the first 4 as Crystal Skull is to the Original Indiana Jones Trilogy.
you noticed that too?
I was not aware that the antagonist had superpowers and could not be hurt be bottles. He was a crazy guy, but he still has weakness like any other human. He didn't lock her in because he didn't view it as a kidnapping, he viewed it as a rescue. In his mind there was no reason to lock her up. He also believed that she could not hut anyone. The fact that a crazy man who talks to a zombie head of his wife would not be thinking straight should not be that surprising.
So you disappointed that it was a sad ending? Exactly how did you want it to end? Lee somehow get over an illness that has now cure? Lee is not superman, and there was no way he was not going to die by the end of this episode. There was no recovering, if you payed close attention you could see that there were gradual changes in his eyes and skin as the episode and the virus progressed.
And yet you find that somehow dieing in some heroic way less cliche? The ending is not suppose to make you feel good. Heroic deaths are never as sad as ones that happen just because unfortunate circumstances. This is not a superhero story. It is suppose show a realistic and very human way people survive and die in an apocalyptic setting. This not a "save the world" type of story that you seem to implying that you want.
I hate it when people think that the only way that a game can have change in a story is if it branches out or if the game has multiple endings. The changes in this game are how people interact with you. One person can have Kenny be your friend while another can have him as someone who hates you. It changes the experience of the story.
No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't "change the experience" because the experience is exactly the same no-matter what choices you make... Whether Kenny hates you or not does not stop him dying... Whether you steal from the car or not does not stop Clementine being kidnapped... What will it take for you people to actually get it?
If I paint a pineapple red or blue or green or yellow does it stop being a pineapple? Does it "change the experience"? No. Because it's still a freaking pineapple. It's still spiky and filled with delicious fruit... Stop trying to pretend that it's something different. Like somehow by painting the pineapple red it becomes something far more interesting and meaningful than the pineapple that it was before...
Why does it have to? Again it changes the way characters react to you. The way characters does change the experience, whether or not you like that kind of change is a different matter. If you paint a pineapple in different colors, then the way I view that pineapple is different from how I would view the other colors of pineapple. Not everything need to have physical and drastic changes in the story for it to be change.
lol dat analogy
but it is true. This game had mass effect syndrome pretty hard. ending is just different colors of the same plot
i get were you are coming from, i in fact joined the forum (after episode 2) to complain that i didn't feel like it was tailored by my play or that the choices mattered (the issue had already been raised so i decided not to go on about it) ,
but that is because when i heard about a zombie adventure game that was tailored by how i play where choices mattered, i imagined that the choices and tailored game play would be about choosing where i go, what vehicle i choose and what survivors i find and save etc. i didn't even consider dialogue choices and relationships as an important a part of a game, but that is what the tailored gameplay and choices are, and TWD games most important parts are the dialogue choices you make and the relationships you build and that the goal of the game is not to save the world but just to make moral choices that you are happy with.
i dont think you could claim they lied by advertising it the way they did, i just think its hard to describe what TDW game is, i dont know if i would consider TWD game to be a new genre but i would say it is different to most adventure games you will play, so calling it a point and click adventure game just doesn't describe it properly.
also i cant even decide at what point i would say that choices truly matter, eg. if there were a fork in the train track and we could choose to go somewhere different , would that truly matter? because it would be the same lee just in a different location (different pineapple paint) and if the story drastically changed because of a choice you made would that really matter because it would just be a choice of 2 predefined linear story lines.
i want a game like the games on the holodeck, but unfortunately we just don't have the computing power and programming to have a game that game procedurally generate stories, the best we can get is procedurally generated events that we have to invent patterns and stories for, but they will never (unless out of pure coincidence) have any kind of story craft or moral meaning they are just random events that mean nothing, i prefer that telltale made a story not an event generating machine.
They claimed that the story adapts and is tailored to how you play. Not the experience is tailored to how you play. There is a difference between experience and story. It was a point and click adventure game but with dialogue options. I'm sure everyone started this game believing that the actual story changed based on their choices. Most of the people defending Telltale just don't want to admit it.