Race in TWD universe



  • edited December 2012
    So you want a Walking Dead that's like the comics? Why not just put it on HBO then?

    i wish it were on HBO instead of AMC.
  • edited December 2012
    All the white people in the game died.
  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    honorable? he's a murderer, give me a break

    Domestic violence is not divided along racial lines and the game goes to great lengths to depict him as regretful of what he did. Serious question: Are you trolling or do you have a legitimate problem with how race is treated in this game?
  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    clementines voice actress:


    dianas (clementines mother) voice actress:


    yeah, they really look & sound black to me

    I'm curious, did you make this much noise about the voice actress for Ashley Williams in Mass Effect?
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    I'm curious, did you make this much noise about the voice actress for Ashley Williams in Mass Effect?

    i wasn't aware the voice actress was black until this thread.
  • edited December 2012
    Well, now that you know, I'm curious about your feelings on the matter. (unless I missed it in the previous pages, which I suppose is possible)
  • edited December 2012
    I am starting to think Marcu5 is just a racist...
  • edited December 2012
    I am starting to think Marcu5 is just a racist...
    Gee, what was your first clue?
  • edited December 2012
    You can not reason with him, apperantly!
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    Well, now that you know, I'm curious about your feelings on the matter. (unless I missed it in the previous pages, which I suppose is possible)

    i think they should have hired a white woman to do the voice work of a white character.

    although to be fair, i couldn't tell the difference. ashley williams sounds white to me. unlike clem or diana, who clearly sound white.
  • edited December 2012
    Well, he's clearly passionate about his viewpoint.

    I think it'd be unfair to disregard him.

    The fact T-Dog was the TV shows Red Shirt, and a black man, is at the very minimum piss poor development on the show's part. While I'm unsure if it's racially motivated, it is extremely poor and stereotypical character design.
  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    i think they should have hired a white woman to do the voice work of a white character.

    although to be fair, i couldn't tell the difference. ashley williams sounds white to me. unlike clem or diana, who clearly sound white.

    And how exactly does "white" sound? Remember, you are trying to prove you are not a racist.
  • edited December 2012
    And how exactly does "white" sound? Remember, you are trying to prove you are not a racist.

    i don't care if you guys think i'm racist. frankly, you display your lack of understanding of what racism is when you insinuate that.

    if you want to pretend you there's no tonal difference between races, so be it.
  • edited December 2012
    you're cute, teheh.
  • edited December 2012
    There is a difference.
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    There is a difference.

    of course there is

    it's like im dealing with a bunch of ultra PC oblivious sheep
  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    i think they should have hired a white woman to do the voice work of a white character.

    although to be fair, i couldn't tell the difference. ashley williams sounds white to me. unlike clem or diana, who clearly sound white.

    Lol, what does a white guy sound like?

  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    of course there is

    it's like im dealing with a bunch of ultra PC oblivious sheep

    Well, you need to realize that most people have grown up under the "racism is bad and we're all the same" mentality that gets forced on everyone these days.

    Now, racism "is" bad - but we're not all the same.

    The problem, in my opinion, is that most see difference as weakness. I've always seen it as a strength. (As in a strength in the human race as a whole, mind you)
  • edited December 2012
    Tyrant wrote: »
    Lol, what does a white guy sound like?


    that sounds like dave chappelle making fun of white people.
  • edited December 2012
    Of course, difference is not a weakness. But what Marcu5 does is just plain bullshit. There are asians who sound like caucasians and they are arabic people who sound like "black" people, altough they are, strictly seen, not "black". How you "sound" differs on how you are raised, and not where you are from.
  • edited December 2012
    Umm... Isn't this getting kind of out of hand?
  • edited December 2012
    Of course, difference is not a weakness. But what Marcu5 does is just plain bullshit. There are asians who sound like caucasians and they are arabic people who sound like "black" people, altough they are, strictly seen, not "black". How you "sound" differs on how you are raised, and not where you are from.

    Actually there are a lot of factors, some genetic, and some not.

    The cool thing about the human vocal apparatus is that it's very flexible, allowing people to train it to operate outside of it's "defaults".
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    The problem, in my opinion, is that most see difference as weakness. I've always seen it as a strength. (As in a strength in the human race as a whole, mind you)

    Well said.

    Good point made too about most people being raised with a "racism sucks" mentality. I'd like to think most people feel that way nowadays.
  • edited December 2012
    Race as nothing to do with people's personality. Many black people have problems with the law because they have less opportunities. Lee had more than average, and he ended up teaching in the UGA. The same thing happens in poor rural areas, where the majority of racists come from.
  • edited December 2012
    That1Guy wrote: »
    Umm... Isn't this getting kind of out of hand?

    not even close, bro
  • edited December 2012
    "Racists" don't just come, majority or otherwise, from "rural" areas. Racism, at it's core, springs from ignorance and fear. Not geography.
  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    i don't care if you guys think i'm racist. frankly, you display your lack of understanding of what racism is when you insinuate that.

    if you want to pretend you there's no tonal difference between races, so be it.

  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    "Racists" don't just come, majority or otherwise, from "rural" areas. Racism, at it's core, springs from ignorance and fear. Not geography.

    Poor rural areas mean that people have less opportunities to get good education, so yeah, ignorance may come from geography too. But generally speaking your familial background influences it the most.
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    "Racists" don't just come, majority or otherwise, from "rural" areas. Racism, at it's core, springs from ignorance and fear. Not geography.

    After the 2012 election, some online news agency did an interesting article that examined racism on a state-by-state basis on Twitter. They did a Twitter search for certain hot-button racist terms (such as the N word) and traced them geographically. Most of the racist tweets, if I'm remembering the article correctly, came from the deep south.

    I hate to push stereotypes like that, but it looks like most people with racist ideologies do hail from those areas. As for why, I have no idea.
  • edited December 2012
    Kaserkin wrote: »
    Poor rural areas mean that people have less opportunities to get good education, so yeah, ignorance may come from geography too. But generally speaking your familial background influences it the most.

    you can be equally racist living in the city

    region has very little to do with it
  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    you can be equally racist living in the city

    region has very little to do with it

    Read it another time, you'll see my point.
  • edited December 2012
    I wouldn't put much faith in their "study" - all they'd have gotten were the "vocal" types... hardly a solid measure of an entire populace. Unless a vast majority of citizens from those states use Twitter.

    I mean, look at gaming message board users. Clearly we don't represent the "average" gamer.... not when you look at the difference between unique message board posters and overall unique sales.
  • edited December 2012
    These are some strong allegations. I had a very large reply that was going to be posted, but somehow got stuck. So I'm still writing this for the other people here, not you.

    Yes, the show was very neglectful in giving the people of color a backstory. Is it ignorant? Yes. Is it racist? Don't think so. Its just horrible writing... in terms of writing, the game is better than the comic, which is also better than the show. In the comic, the African-American characters were given more of a decent backstory. Plus in the game, Lee might have died, yes. But he didn't die in vain, he did it to save the closest thing he ever had to a daughter. And it doesn't matter what race she was. In the entirety of the game, it was you playing Lee, who did everything in his power to protect Clementine. It was Lee who nurtured Clem, depending on your choices. It was Lee who fought against a family of cannibals in order to protect Clem. It was Lee who waded through a horde of zombies, bitten, in order to rescue her. And even if you might call his backstory stereotypical, he still had his shit together more than the other survivors. There was not even one bit of white savior in this video game. He was morally superior to even the white guy who you had to practically remind that you were there for him and his family in order for him to come with you during your final moments. Lee was someone admirable, someone we all respected. Lee was even a better protagonist than Rick.

    Lee was a character, who for once, wasn't the side character to a white savior. He was the leader, all in all.

    And you're saying that Clem is mixed, even though the writers showed a picture of both of her African American parents to prove those who denied her nationality otherwise. But still you persist that her or her mother doesn't look African-American... do they need to be dark in order to be African-American? That's a little bit of racist thinking you've got there then. Because I'm hispanic but my looks could possibly be passed off as asian. Does that make me asian? I have a sister who is Hispanic, but looks like she's white, even though both our Hispanic parents prove otherwise. Does that make her any less Hispanic? I have an African-American friend and her skin color is light compared to other African-Americans, most likely inheriting it from one or both of her parents. Does that make her any less of an African American?

    But no, you argue that the voice actress for both Clem and her mom are white. So what? For all we know, there hasn't been any African-American voice actors/actresses that have applied to Telltale Games. Hell, the voice actress for Clem is the same voice actress that did the voice of Stinky and Trixie Trotter, so its very obvious that they don't have that many voice actors/actresses on board and they probably don't have the budget to hire one just to be ethically correct. I mean, its voice acting, not live action where painting yourself a certain and opposite skin color to your own is wrong and stupid. Now you're just nitpicking.

    It seems to me you're very insecure, even going to the point of accusing someone of calling you a slave when they called you out as a black supremacist? What's that all about? Go back to Tumblr. :rolleyes:
  • edited December 2012
    It seems to me you're very insecure, even going to the point of accusing someone of calling you a slave when they called you out as a black supremacist? What's that all about? Go back to Tumblr. :rolleyes:

    im going to respond to this first since im on a cellphone, but he called me kuntakinte. if you're not aware of who that is, google it. your message started off strong but degraded immediately to the same ole rhetoric.
  • edited December 2012
    Let me see if I can translate for you.
    marcu5 wrote: »
    im going to respond to this only, because this is the only thing I feel is defensible with a response. your message started off strong but doesn't portray me in a good light, so I will not respond to anything else.
  • edited December 2012
    What i wanna know is why people are making mountains outta molehills in this thread
  • edited December 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    im going to respond to this first since im on a cellphone, but he called me kuntakinte. if you're not aware of who that is, google it. your message started off strong but degraded immediately to the same ole rhetoric.

    You're on the cell phone? You must feel so important.
  • edited December 2012
    Let me see if I can translate for you.

    thank you for the false translation but i'll get to it when i'm at home
  • edited December 2012
    Marcu5 isn't doing a good job arguing, but he's right about the one black man rule being stupid and racist. Rather than debating with everyone on this massively out of control thread, I'm going to summarize.

    The Walking Dead show is poorly written as a whole. It's characters are bland and nothing like their comic counterparts, the plot goes lifelessly from one broadstroke of the canon to another, the changes are uninspired (and when they do something interesting, it's a case of reality interfering (DeMunn leaving, Sophia's aging actor (ooh, nested parentheses!!!))), and they could make better use of their characters.

    Oscar was a red shirt. He was killed to make Woodbury's escape look dangerous. You know how that could have been done better? Have DARYL get shot. He's a fan favorite, and useful to boot. Oscar dying is predictable and stupid. If Daryl gets shot in the escape, everyone would care. He was gonna get caught anyway, why not connect the A to the B and say the reason he was caught was because he got shot in the escape? Then you still have a black character to put to better use and higher stakes with Daryl against Merle.
  • edited December 2012
    The black dude rotation. Is his only valid point.
This discussion has been closed.