I was wrote earlier, that those scientists who knowed the formula of the vaccine, and their subjects, and all the people on the military base are dead.
So if everyone is dead at that military base, what makes the next one safe and the hope for humanity? If they can fall from a heard of walkers just the same, who is to say the new base wouldnt be overrun just as easily and kill everyone, even the vaccinated babies?
So if everyone is dead at that military base, what makes the next one safe and the hope for humanity? If they can fall from a heard of walkers just the same, who is to say the new base wouldnt be overrun just as easily and kill everyone, even the vaccinated babies?
True. There is no guarantee that will be able to use the vaccine, to begin a slow recovery of civilization.
Let's see what is Clementine as a character, what is she represent? Clementine - is the personification of hope and all the good that's left in the world, like Lee said. If she dies, then along with she die the death of hope.
What is a vaccine? The vaccine is real hope in the hands of "Steve". He (we) are keeping in the hands of two kinds of hope, but what he should to save?
True. There is no guarantee that will be able to use the vaccine, to begin a slow recovery of civilization.
Let's see what is Clementine as a character, what is she represent? Clementine - is the personification of hope and all the good that's left in the world, like Lee said. If she dies, then along with she die the death of hope.
What is a vaccine? The vaccine is real hope in the hands of "Steve". He (we) are keeping in the hands of two kinds of hope, but what he should to save?
I will admit you are a good devils advocate on this topic. And you really make me think.
I am going to stick to my statistical point of view tho.
Lets say we can choose between hope that is around 50+ percent likely to survive, or we can choose a hope that is around 1% likely to survive.
What would the smart and most realistic choice be to maintain hope? Obviously the 50+ right? Well Clem is equal to the 50+ percent and the likelihood of the vaccine actually working the way it needs to is the 1%.
What would the smart and most realistic choice be to maintain hope? Obviously the 50+ right? Well Clem is equal to the 50+ percent and the likelihood of the vaccine actually working the way it needs to is the 1%.
Maybe the slow choice should start only after failing a QTE. It could be like the QTE of choking the stranger, but much, MUCH harder to do. This makes it possible for players to save both, but only those players who are really, REALLY determined.
Maybe the slow choice should start only after failing a QTE. It could be like the QTE of choking the stranger, but much, MUCH harder to do. This makes it possible for players to save both, but only those players who are really, REALLY determined.
No, I imagine this moment without QTE. You will need to either just simply click on the ampule who falling out of pocket, or by Clementine's hand. If we needing to pressing qqqqqqqqqqqq there will be no time to make a decision.
likelihood of the vaccine actually working the way it needs to is the 1%.
To end the ZA we first must kill off all walkers, then all old and sick people, so they don't get more, everyone over 60 dies, everyone over 40 who's in bad shape too, then we need to get every women there is left pregnant and with the vaccine we need to get sure the babies won't be infected anymore, then we need to raise the babies to the age of 20, teach them everything about survival and old world's knowledge as good as we remember it, then everybody who carries the infection has to die, and only THEN the ZA is over, and the vaccine fullfilled it's purpose, and I don't see any way this will work out, since there are over 7,5 thousand millions of people on our beautiful planet who could as well be 7,5 thousand millions of walkers :eek: .
Seems pretty much like a longshot to me, so I'm for saving Clem, since mankind needs as many children as possible, because they potentially will live longer, so we'd need to protect them, besides that she can keep the spirit of a group up, that will help people to survive.
No, I imagine this moment without QTE. You will need to either just simply click on the ampule who falling out of pocket, or by Clementine's hand. If we needing to pressing qqqqqqqqqqqq there will be no time to make a decision.
You didn't understand. I meant like you grab her just before she falls out of the plane and before she grabs the handle and have a chance to pull her in if you have ridiculous QTE endurance. If you fail, and you almost definitely will, she will fall out and grab the handle, and then things proceed as normal. If you succeed, you don't need to make the choice.
To end the ZA we first must kill off all walkers, then all old and sick people, so they don't get more, everyone over 60 dies, everyone over 40 who's in bad shape too, then we need to get every women there is left pregnant and with the vaccine we need to get sure the babies won't be infected anymore, then we need to raise the babies to the age of 20, teach them everything about survival and old world's knowledge as good as we remember it, then everybody who carries the infection has to die, and only THEN the ZA is over, and the vaccine fullfilled it's purpose, and I don't see any way this will work out, since there are over 7,5 thousand millions of people on our beautiful planet who could as well be 7,5 thousand millions of walkers :eek: .
Seems pretty much like a longshot to me, so I'm for saving Clem, since mankind needs as many children as possible, because they potentially will live longer, so we'd need to protect them, besides that she can keep the spirit of a group up, that will help people to survive.
So you are agreeing with me? You should have made this a reply to Nuked. lol He is the driving force being killing an innocent kid for a pipe dream.
You didn't understand. I meant like you grab her just before she falls out of the plane and before she grabs the handle and have a chance to pull her in if you have ridiculous QTE endurance. If you fail, and you almost definitely will, she will fall out and grab the handle, and then things proceed as normal. If you succeed, you don't need to make the choice.
No. At the moment, when the last walker grabs her by the leg, and Clem hold of the handle, "Steve" still sits on the site of the second pilot. I mean that you cannot be avoided of this choosing.
No. At the moment, when the last walker grabs her by the leg, and Clem hold of the handle, "Steve" still sits on the site of the second pilot. I mean that you cannot be avoided of this choosing.
You can shoot the walker while holding onto her.
The choice doesn't need to be so absolute. As I said earlier, one could easily pull her 60 pound body back into the plane with one hand, especially with adrenaline.
The choice doesn't need to be so absolute. As I said earlier, one could easily pull her 60 pound body back into the plane with one hand, especially with adrenaline.
The plane began to quickly gain height, and leaned forward up. The last walker are grab Clementine by the leg, she had grab up one hand on the handle of the door before she fall out of the plane. Her baseball cap are falling.
- You: "HOLD ON CLEM!" *shoot the walker, and caught her by her hand, you hold her in two hands*.
-Clementine: HELP! HOLD ME!
The plane began to quickly gain height, and leaned forward up. The last walker are grab Clementine by the leg, she had grab up one hand on the handle of the door before she fall out of the plane. Her baseball cap are falling.
- You: "HOLD ON CLEM!" *shoot the walker, and caught her by her hand, you hold her in two hands*.
-Clementine: HELP! HOLD ME!
I'm proposing the addition of a sort of "hidden choice", your original scenario is incredibly restrictive.
The choice doesn't need to be so absolute. As I said earlier, one could easily pull her 60 pound body back into the plane with one hand, especially with adrenaline.
Ok. Why Lee could not save Shawn? Why Lee could not pull Larry from the place where he had fallen block of salt? I'll tell you why. Because the script is not provided
Yeah I am, was just showing how right you are, with the point of the vaccine being (almost) useless
Gotcha! Yeah I dont understand how people think a vaccine that is so limited in its uses could turn the tides for the human species in such a messed up world as TWD universe is. At least we would have made the right choice! haha
I wrote a revised version of the original post if you want to edit the original post to use it. I added a bit more detail and attempted to close the language barrier.
Read this before voting:
Here is a fictional scenario I came up with for the final season (the ending of Clementine's story).
The player has found a vaccine (ignoring the fact that Robert Kirkman said that this would never happen in TWD's world), and it is now in his equipment. This vaccine has the ability to neutralize the zombie virus from newborn children, preventing them from reanimating after death and effictively curing them of the zombie virus.
In a large cargo plane, you are escaping from a military base, which was attacked by a large horde of walkers. The pilot of this plane is a pregnant woman (this could, for example, be Lilly, who is carrying your unborn child of 1-month). The plane has just begun to take off when you notice that the cargo department is flooded with walkers. You, Clementine, and the pilot reside in the cockpit, and you quickly close the cockpit door upon noticing the large number of walkers in the cargo department. You sit in the copilot seat, and with your help, the plane slowly begins its ascent. In an attempt to eliminate the walker threat, the pregnant pilot opens the cargo bay door, causing most of the walkers to fall from the plane. Unfortunately, this also causes the cockpit door bust open, and a few remaining walkers are able to enter. Upon seeing the approaching walkers, Clementine pulls out a gun and says:
Clem: "Don't worry, I can keep them from getting in!"
You: "What? That's dangerous, you can't do that!"
Clem: "Of course I can, I'm ten years old, remember?" *Nervous smile*
The plane quickly begins to gain in height, and is tilted upward at a sharp angle. The last walker to enter the cockpit grabs Clementine by the leg, nearly launching her out of the plane. In a frantic moment, she grabs the handle to the cockpit door in a desperate attempt to stay alive, but not before forever losing her precious baseball cap to the current.
You abandon the copilot seat in a desperate attempt to save Clementine, shooting the walker and catching her hand with both arms.
Clem (nearly crying): "PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T LET ME GO!"
The ampoule holding the vaccine begins to fall out of your pocket.
If you attempt to catch the ampoule with one hand, you are unable to hold onto Clementine, and your precious symbol of innocence is lost forever.
If you continue to hold Clementine, the ampoule containing the vaccine falls out of the plane, effectively dooming the human race to a continuous cycle of infection.
I wrote a revised version of the original post if you want to edit the original post to use it. I added a bit more detail and attempted to close the language barrier.
Read this before voting:
Here is a fictional scenario I came up with for the final season (the ending of Clementine's story).
The player has found a vaccine (ignoring the fact that Robert Kirkman said that this would never happen in TWD's world), and it is now in his equipment. This vaccine has the ability to neutralize the zombie virus from newborn children, preventing them from reanimating after death and effictively curing them of the zombie virus.
In a large cargo plane, you are escaping from a military base, which was attacked by a large horde of walkers. The pilot of this plane is a pregnant woman (this could, for example, be Lilly, who is carrying your unborn child of 1-month). The plane has just begun to take off when you notice that the cargo department is flooded with walkers. You, Clementine, and the pilot reside in the cockpit, and you quickly close the cockpit door upon noticing the large number of walkers in the cargo department. You sit in the copilot seat, and with your help, the plane slowly begins its ascent. In an attempt to eliminate the walker threat, the pregnant pilot opens the cargo bay door, causing most of the walkers to fall from the plane. Unfortunately, this also causes the cockpit door bust open, and a few remaining walkers are able to enter. Upon seeing the approaching walkers, Clementine pulls out a gun and says:
Clem: "Don't worry, I can keep them from getting in!"
You: "What? That's dangerous, you can't do that!"
Clem: "Of course I can, I'm ten years old, remember?" *Nervous smile*
The plane quickly begins to gain in height, and is tilted upward at a sharp angle. The last walker to enter the cockpit grabs Clementine by the leg, nearly launching her out of the plane. In a frantic moment, she grabs the handle to the cockpit door in a desperate attempt to stay alive, but not before forever losing her precious baseball cap to the current.
You abandon the copilot seat in a desperate attempt to save Clementine, shooting the walker and catching her hand with both arms.
Clem (nearly crying): "PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T LET ME GO!"
The ampoule holding the vaccine begins to fall out of your pocket.
If you attempt to catch the ampoule with one hand, you are unable to hold onto Clementine, and your precious symbol of innocence is lost forever.
If you continue to hold Clementine, the ampoule containing the vaccine falls out of the plane, effectively dooming the human race to a continuous cycle of infection.
Tell me how he kills anyone by not saving the vaccine? If he drops Clem, He is killing her, RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Now that is a LIFE you are holding in your hands. That is a living breathing 9 year old girl.
What is falling from your pocket? A small amount of bacterial liquid that has been proven on maybe, MAYBE, one child. Who ultimately died anyways because not even the secret military base can hold off walkers.
Tell me, what Happens if you drop Clem, get that vaccine to a military base and start duplicating the vaccine. But suddenly a heard much like the one that attacked the first military base breaks through the defenses and kills every last soul in the military base, except you. Yeah your wife-pilot was caught off guard because this place was supposed to be safe and the answer for all the horror that is going on outside. Failing to get the vaccine where it needs and saving humanity is the most probable end result. So you sacrificed Clem for no Fricking reason. Now you have a 9 year old's who trusted you blood on your hands and nothing to say you did the right thing.
I would rather trust in the hope of innocence and love by saving Clem than trust in the false hope of a vaccine that will end our suffering like a Disney movie. Your false notion of hope means nothing in the end. Clem means everything.
Tell me how he kills anyone by not saving the vaccine? If he drops Clem, He is killing her, RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Now that is a LIFE you are holding in your hands. That is a living breathing 9 year old girl.
What is falling from your pocket? A small amount of bacterial liquid that has been proven on maybe, MAYBE, one child. Who ultimately died anyways because not even the secret military base can hold off walkers.
Tell me, what Happens if you drop Clem, get that vaccine to a military base and start duplicating the vaccine. But suddenly a heard much like the one that attacked the first military base breaks through the defenses and kills every last soul in the military base, except you. Yeah your wife-pilot was caught off guard because this place was supposed to be safe and the answer for all the horror that is going on outside. Failing to get the vaccine where it needs and saving humanity is the most probable end result. So you sacrificed Clem for no Fricking reason. Now you have a 9 year old's who trusted you blood on your hands and nothing to say you did the right thing.
I would rather trust in the hope of innocence and love by saving Clem than trust in the false hope of a vaccine that will end our suffering like a Disney movie. Your false notion of hope means nothing in the end. Clem means everything.
Tell me how he kills anyone by not saving the vaccine? If he drops Clem, He is killing her, RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Now that is a LIFE you are holding in your hands. That is a living breathing 9 year old girl.
What is falling from your pocket? A small amount of bacterial liquid that has been proven on maybe, MAYBE, one child. Who ultimately died anyways because not even the secret military base can hold off walkers.
Tell me, what Happens if you drop Clem, get that vaccine to a military base and start duplicating the vaccine. But suddenly a heard much like the one that attacked the first military base breaks through the defenses and kills every last soul in the military base, except you. Yeah your wife-pilot was caught off guard because this place was supposed to be safe and the answer for all the horror that is going on outside. Failing to get the vaccine where it needs and saving humanity is the most probable end result. So you sacrificed Clem for no Fricking reason. Now you have a 9 year old's who trusted you blood on your hands and nothing to say you did the right thing.
I would rather trust in the hope of innocence and love by saving Clem than trust in the false hope of a vaccine that will end our suffering like a Disney movie. Your false notion of hope means nothing in the end. Clem means everything.
That was exactly what I mean. You are awesome. I wish I could upvote you or something.
Tell me how he kills anyone by not saving the vaccine? If he drops Clem, He is killing her, RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Now that is a LIFE you are holding in your hands. That is a living breathing 9 year old girl.
What is falling from your pocket? A small amount of bacterial liquid that has been proven on maybe, MAYBE, one child. Who ultimately died anyways because not even the secret military base can hold off walkers.
Tell me, what Happens if you drop Clem, get that vaccine to a military base and start duplicating the vaccine. But suddenly a heard much like the one that attacked the first military base breaks through the defenses and kills every last soul in the military base, except you. Yeah your wife-pilot was caught off guard because this place was supposed to be safe and the answer for all the horror that is going on outside. Failing to get the vaccine where it needs and saving humanity is the most probable end result. So you sacrificed Clem for no Fricking reason. Now you have a 9 year old's who trusted you blood on your hands and nothing to say you did the right thing.
I would rather trust in the hope of innocence and love by saving Clem than trust in the false hope of a vaccine that will end our suffering like a Disney movie. Your false notion of hope means nothing in the end. Clem means everything.
No y'all are just coming up with lame excuses to put on person before the entire human race. I guess destroying the cure to cancer wouldn't technically be killing someone either though. Hopefully nothing of remote importance is ever put in y'all's greedy hands.
Tell me how he kills anyone by not saving the vaccine? If he drops Clem, He is killing her, RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Now that is a LIFE you are holding in your hands. That is a living breathing 9 year old girl.
What is falling from your pocket? A small amount of bacterial liquid that has been proven on maybe, MAYBE, one child. Who ultimately died anyways because not even the secret military base can hold off walkers.
Tell me, what Happens if you drop Clem, get that vaccine to a military base and start duplicating the vaccine. But suddenly a heard much like the one that attacked the first military base breaks through the defenses and kills every last soul in the military base, except you. Yeah your wife-pilot was caught off guard because this place was supposed to be safe and the answer for all the horror that is going on outside. Failing to get the vaccine where it needs and saving humanity is the most probable end result. So you sacrificed Clem for no Fricking reason. Now you have a 9 year old's who trusted you blood on your hands and nothing to say you did the right thing.
I would rather trust in the hope of innocence and love by saving Clem than trust in the false hope of a vaccine that will end our suffering like a Disney movie. Your false notion of hope means nothing in the end. Clem means everything.
What about your bullshit hope that Clem lives a full life. So many ifs and elaborate scenerios. Say you do choose Clem and she gets bitten the next day. Yell now you fucked humanities best chance at survival. Way to go you greedy son of a bitch.
What about your bullshit hope that Clem lives a full life. So many ifs and elaborate scenerios. Say you do choose Clem and she gets bitten the next day. Yell now you fucked humanities best chance at survival. Way to go you greedy son of a bitch.
You, Sir, are completly unpoilte and obviously not the brightest candle on gods little earth, by not understanding, that one fucking ampule of vaccine won't save the world. Not even a city, probably.
If this were real life and my relationship was similar to what Lee and Clementine's were I'd save Clementine, without a seconds thought. Like I'd pull her up subconsciously, involuntarily. That's what it means to be a parent, or an older sibling, et cetera. My mind wouldn't even reach the thought that the vaccine would mean the survival of humanity, it would just go straight to "must save Clem."
It would probably be best to drop Clementine, for the "greater good" I suppose. But if you were in that situation, in the heat of moment, would you be able to let her go? I don't think I would be. My rational mind would be completely subdued. That's what love does, right?
You, Sir, are completly unpoilte and obviously not the brightest candle on gods little earth, by not understanding, that one fucking ampule of vaccine won't save the world. Not even a city, probably.
If this were real life and my relationship was similar to what Lee and Clementine's were I'd save Clementine, without a seconds thought. Like I'd pull her up subconsciously, involuntarily. That's what it means to be a parent, or an older sibling, et cetera. My mind wouldn't even reach the thought that the vaccine would mean the survival of humanity, it would just go straight to "must save Clem."
It would probably be best to drop Clementine, for the "greater good" I suppose. But if you were in that situation, in the heat of moment, would you be able to let her go? I don't think I would be. My rational mind would be completely subdued. That's what love does, right?
So if everyone is dead at that military base, what makes the next one safe and the hope for humanity? If they can fall from a heard of walkers just the same, who is to say the new base wouldnt be overrun just as easily and kill everyone, even the vaccinated babies?
True. There is no guarantee that will be able to use the vaccine, to begin a slow recovery of civilization.
Let's see what is Clementine as a character, what is she represent? Clementine - is the personification of hope and all the good that's left in the world, like Lee said. If she dies, then along with she die the death of hope.
What is a vaccine? The vaccine is real hope in the hands of "Steve". He (we) are keeping in the hands of two kinds of hope, but what he should to save?
If not, Clem.
I will admit you are a good devils advocate on this topic. And you really make me think.
I am going to stick to my statistical point of view tho.
Lets say we can choose between hope that is around 50+ percent likely to survive, or we can choose a hope that is around 1% likely to survive.
What would the smart and most realistic choice be to maintain hope? Obviously the 50+ right? Well Clem is equal to the 50+ percent and the likelihood of the vaccine actually working the way it needs to is the 1%.
Did you save Clementine against vaccine?
No, I imagine this moment without QTE. You will need to either just simply click on the ampule who falling out of pocket, or by Clementine's hand. If we needing to pressing qqqqqqqqqqqq there will be no time to make a decision.
To end the ZA we first must kill off all walkers, then all old and sick people, so they don't get more, everyone over 60 dies, everyone over 40 who's in bad shape too, then we need to get every women there is left pregnant and with the vaccine we need to get sure the babies won't be infected anymore, then we need to raise the babies to the age of 20, teach them everything about survival and old world's knowledge as good as we remember it, then everybody who carries the infection has to die, and only THEN the ZA is over, and the vaccine fullfilled it's purpose, and I don't see any way this will work out, since there are over 7,5 thousand millions of people on our beautiful planet who could as well be 7,5 thousand millions of walkers :eek: .
Seems pretty much like a longshot to me, so I'm for saving Clem, since mankind needs as many children as possible, because they potentially will live longer, so we'd need to protect them, besides that she can keep the spirit of a group up, that will help people to survive.
You didn't understand. I meant like you grab her just before she falls out of the plane and before she grabs the handle and have a chance to pull her in if you have ridiculous QTE endurance. If you fail, and you almost definitely will, she will fall out and grab the handle, and then things proceed as normal. If you succeed, you don't need to make the choice.
So you are agreeing with me? You should have made this a reply to Nuked. lol He is the driving force being killing an innocent kid for a pipe dream.
Yeah I am, was just showing how right you are, with the point of the vaccine being (almost) useless
No. At the moment, when the last walker grabs her by the leg, and Clem hold of the handle, "Steve" still sits on the site of the second pilot. I mean that you cannot be avoided of this choosing.
You can shoot the walker while holding onto her.
The choice doesn't need to be so absolute. As I said earlier, one could easily pull her 60 pound body back into the plane with one hand, especially with adrenaline.
The plane began to quickly gain height, and leaned forward up. The last walker are grab Clementine by the leg, she had grab up one hand on the handle of the door before she fall out of the plane. Her baseball cap are falling.
- You: "HOLD ON CLEM!" *shoot the walker, and caught her by her hand, you hold her in two hands*.
-Clementine: HELP! HOLD ME!
I'm proposing the addition of a sort of "hidden choice", your original scenario is incredibly restrictive.
Ok. Why Lee could not save Shawn? Why Lee could not pull Larry from the place where he had fallen block of salt? I'll tell you why. Because the script is not provided
Have you noticed that the whole game's script are incredibly restrictive?
Gotcha! Yeah I dont understand how people think a vaccine that is so limited in its uses could turn the tides for the human species in such a messed up world as TWD universe is. At least we would have made the right choice! haha
Even then, I would not do it, to be honest.
Read this before voting:
Here is a fictional scenario I came up with for the final season (the ending of Clementine's story).
The player has found a vaccine (ignoring the fact that Robert Kirkman said that this would never happen in TWD's world), and it is now in his equipment. This vaccine has the ability to neutralize the zombie virus from newborn children, preventing them from reanimating after death and effictively curing them of the zombie virus.
In a large cargo plane, you are escaping from a military base, which was attacked by a large horde of walkers. The pilot of this plane is a pregnant woman (this could, for example, be Lilly, who is carrying your unborn child of 1-month). The plane has just begun to take off when you notice that the cargo department is flooded with walkers. You, Clementine, and the pilot reside in the cockpit, and you quickly close the cockpit door upon noticing the large number of walkers in the cargo department. You sit in the copilot seat, and with your help, the plane slowly begins its ascent. In an attempt to eliminate the walker threat, the pregnant pilot opens the cargo bay door, causing most of the walkers to fall from the plane. Unfortunately, this also causes the cockpit door bust open, and a few remaining walkers are able to enter. Upon seeing the approaching walkers, Clementine pulls out a gun and says:
Clem: "Don't worry, I can keep them from getting in!"
You: "What? That's dangerous, you can't do that!"
Clem: "Of course I can, I'm ten years old, remember?" *Nervous smile*
The plane quickly begins to gain in height, and is tilted upward at a sharp angle. The last walker to enter the cockpit grabs Clementine by the leg, nearly launching her out of the plane. In a frantic moment, she grabs the handle to the cockpit door in a desperate attempt to stay alive, but not before forever losing her precious baseball cap to the current.
You abandon the copilot seat in a desperate attempt to save Clementine, shooting the walker and catching her hand with both arms.
Clem (nearly crying): "PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T LET ME GO!"
The ampoule holding the vaccine begins to fall out of your pocket.
*Time slows down* (reminiscent of the drug store and the Carley/Doug choice).
*A sad melody begins to play* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iOiBH4xIbg
If you attempt to catch the ampoule with one hand, you are unable to hold onto Clementine, and your precious symbol of innocence is lost forever.
If you continue to hold Clementine, the ampoule containing the vaccine falls out of the plane, effectively dooming the human race to a continuous cycle of infection.
What do you choose?
And many more are you killing by not saving the cure.
Feel free to use it.
No, he doesn't kill anyone with not saving the cure.
You're delusional.
I am not.
Tell me how he kills anyone by not saving the vaccine? If he drops Clem, He is killing her, RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Now that is a LIFE you are holding in your hands. That is a living breathing 9 year old girl.
What is falling from your pocket? A small amount of bacterial liquid that has been proven on maybe, MAYBE, one child. Who ultimately died anyways because not even the secret military base can hold off walkers.
Tell me, what Happens if you drop Clem, get that vaccine to a military base and start duplicating the vaccine. But suddenly a heard much like the one that attacked the first military base breaks through the defenses and kills every last soul in the military base, except you. Yeah your wife-pilot was caught off guard because this place was supposed to be safe and the answer for all the horror that is going on outside. Failing to get the vaccine where it needs and saving humanity is the most probable end result. So you sacrificed Clem for no Fricking reason. Now you have a 9 year old's who trusted you blood on your hands and nothing to say you did the right thing.
I would rather trust in the hope of innocence and love by saving Clem than trust in the false hope of a vaccine that will end our suffering like a Disney movie. Your false notion of hope means nothing in the end. Clem means everything.
Quoted for truth.
That was exactly what I mean. You are awesome. I wish I could upvote you or something.
Haha thanks guys.
No y'all are just coming up with lame excuses to put on person before the entire human race. I guess destroying the cure to cancer wouldn't technically be killing someone either though. Hopefully nothing of remote importance is ever put in y'all's greedy hands.
What about your bullshit hope that Clem lives a full life. So many ifs and elaborate scenerios. Say you do choose Clem and she gets bitten the next day. Yell now you fucked humanities best chance at survival. Way to go you greedy son of a bitch.
You, Sir, are completly unpoilte and obviously not the brightest candle on gods little earth, by not understanding, that one fucking ampule of vaccine won't save the world. Not even a city, probably.
It would probably be best to drop Clementine, for the "greater good" I suppose. But if you were in that situation, in the heat of moment, would you be able to let her go? I don't think I would be. My rational mind would be completely subdued. That's what love does, right?
Insulting someone's intelligence obviously proves your point. You're hopeless. I'm done here:
Finally someone who gets it.
... I am laughing right now.