Depends on what you want to hear people complain about for the next several months; either GwG is a massive bait-and-switch, or Microsoft is severely out of touch with what people like about PS+.
Can't it be both? 'cause it seems like both right now.
Seriously, someone disable the reverse pedal of the Microsoft bus, they're gonna go over a cliff one of these days.
Of course this is happening, because would you expect different from Microsoft at this point? In the process of removing points, games on XBLA are getting more expensive.
Ugh, weren't they abandoning the crappy "points" system anyway? Or was that even Electronic Arts? I'm not up to date with all the con artists these days.
The higher price thing was an error (their words) and those who paid more than they should have will get refunds of what they shouldn't have paid. Which is something, I suppose. Doesn't excuse it from happening in the first place, of course, but hey ho, that's Microsoft for you.
A single region(the UK) had a pricing issue that arose partially because that region's exchange rate has been giving it an advantage in terms of Xbox downloadable content. This seems like a perfectly reasonable issue to pop up during the beta of a real-money changeover.
I'm still waiting for the story to be fully developed. Still, it amazes me that self-publishing has become an actual issue worth talking about and one that can cause MICROSOFT to budge on a major policy that they've held for the past decade. That, by itself, is a wonderful development.
Good job, gaming press. You did something good for once.
That story is just one of the more recent of dozens. For independent studios, Microsoft has been a nightmare. Self-publishing is great, but again, independents need more streamlined approval, they need better behind the scenes support, they need to be allowed to name their own prices. There's still a long way to go, and if "self-publishing" is the only thing MS has done, it's a massive step but they're still behind.
Okay, Microsoft are apparently actually overhauling approvals. Aiming for a 14-day turnaround between submission and notification of approval. That's pretty major.
What I take from that is that MS is so desperate for positive market perception of the XBone that they will resort to doing a simple Youtube unboxing of their own poduct.
What I take from that is that MS is so desperate for positive market perception of the XBone that they will resort to doing a simple Youtube unboxing of their own poduct.
"Official" unboxing videos are actually depressingly common in the tech space these days. Tech companies have seen the popularity of unboxing videos and basically jumped on the bandwagon by wrapping up an extra system just to open and discard that box. It's a really weird means of trying to tap into the YouTube demographics.
I think a 400 dollar Kinect free bundle might happen, just so Microsoft can compete with Sony on price. However, I'll go one further and say that Microsoft might release a 300-350 dollar subsidized Kinect free bundle.
Well looks like Microsoft were telling bullshit when they said Xbox One would come out everywhere at the same time because now its been delayed in the EU. UK and US and others are still included in the launch.
You know, it's hilarious. They're reprogramming the entire thing because they obviously spent years bringing the thing to do all the things people don't want and to not do all the things people would want. Now suddenly they think "Hey, that's a pretty bad idea isn't it?".
Wait they wanted a "digital content" console and not allow for extra storage. Great idea microsoft. AAA Games are around 12-25GB RIGHT NOW, this generation. I don't even wanna think about how much they will be next gen.
So first Microsoft was telling bs about it coming out at the same time. Now this. Heh and they even lost one of their exclusives (Minecraft which is now coming to PS3,PS4, and Vita as well as XBone)
Even though they got rid of the worst problems with the console, I am still going PS4, it is cheaper and slightly more powerful, I might change my mind once they release but for now I am leaning toward PS4.
Seriously, someone disable the reverse pedal of the Microsoft bus, they're gonna go over a cliff one of these days.
After all, that's exactly what you'd like to spend 499$ for. :rolleyes:
Finally, something that makes me want to spend the extra $100 for this over the PS4!
Items are generally slightly cheaper but you have to buy points in bulk...
Good job, gaming press. You did something good for once.
They are taking steps in pretty unknown waters right now. But a cobbler should stick to his last...
"Sir, the system isn't out yet."
"Well, we can make our own, can't we? We have boxes"
"All right, sir"
No idea who the boss is in this scenario
only in the first edition though.
Well that IS good news. Now just release a version that has no Kinect and is reasonable priced because of that.
Why be mad. This way you will let others buy this thing and if it's shit you are warned.
You know, it's hilarious. They're reprogramming the entire thing because they obviously spent years bringing the thing to do all the things people don't want and to not do all the things people would want. Now suddenly they think "Hey, that's a pretty bad idea isn't it?".
Well guess what? Another XBone feature has been delayed
Even though they got rid of the worst problems with the console, I am still going PS4, it is cheaper and slightly more powerful, I might change my mind once they release but for now I am leaning toward PS4.