Sam & Max 205: What's New, Beelzebub? -- Now Available!



  • edited April 2008
    Helstrom wrote: »
    Mine's only 167 MB?

    So this time, instead of a slow server, the little Dutch boy gets 25% less goodness... :p

    She downloads like a bat out of hell though!

    OK, I'm off to play the game - where did I put that booze...

    I said ALMOST 200 MB.
  • edited April 2008
    yeah, some people are really when i said "roughly a half year" and it was three months...tzz.:rolleyes:

    :D btw, i just finished downloading, regardless how big it is...
  • edited April 2008
    Quess I won't be sleeping tonight...
    Well, it's almost 9PM now. Let's see when I get this thing done with :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Morden wrote: »
    Thank You Telltale - You Californian sleepy heads you. Downloading the episode now and I know it will be a good one. Now all I want is the case file and the soundtrack. Oh, and the disc version.

    Haha I enjoy that you're calling us sleepyheads, after tabacco was here at 5:30 am our time two mornings in a row -- for Strong Bad and for Sam & Max!

    I just got up after sleeping for 14 hours straight, after pulling an all-nighter and two nearly-seeing-daylight-before-going-to-bed nights before that, prepping for these two launches. Woooooooooooooo!!!!!

    Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying 205, and all the other crazy things we've got going on around here this week!
  • edited April 2008
    just downloading now. How long is it in comparison to the other episodes?
  • edited April 2008
    Yes! Its installing! My computer freezed about two times when i was downloading it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Masta23 wrote: »
    just downloading now. How long is it in comparison to the other episodes?

    It's got more stuff in it, for sure. How long it is probably depends on the player. Some people will blast through a particular episode, only to come to the forums to see that other people found it to be the longest one of the season.
  • edited April 2008
    Just popped in for a quick message - this episode puts the "awesome" in, well, erm, "awesome"!

    And was that a Leisure Suit Larry reference I spotted there on the Lust poster?

    I need to get back to gaming. It's not like I can't catch an extra hour of sleep or two at the office tomorrow. Bye!
  • edited April 2008
    Thanks for that ending. It was good to finally see that happen.
  • edited April 2008
    haha loved it
  • edited April 2008
    That was well worth not sleeping to play. :D
  • edited April 2008 recurring villains.:D you made a lot of people veeery happy today.

    ...and yesterday, i guess.:rolleyes:
  • edited April 2008
    I wasn't sure that episode 204 could be topped, and for me 205 definitely has. Awesome job Telltale.
  • edited April 2008
    I actualy disagree. A nice wrap up with loads of witty jokes, but for some reason, I had more fun with 204.
    Altough, this one did make me go "LOL WUT" a few more times than usual.
  • edited April 2008
    Arthur9 wrote: »
    I said ALMOST 200 MB.

    It is the largest episode. Uncompressed, it is about 500 Megabytes. Episode 204 and 203 were around 300 megabytes each.
  • edited April 2008

    That was BRILLIANT. I can't believe how much stuff you guys wrapped up in this episode!
    You even wrapped up stuff from the FIRST season!

    I think Season 2 just scored a place on my list of favorite games. It was a treat from beginning to end. Oh, and you guys are still mad geniuses! :D
  • edited April 2008
    Eee, I only just finished downloading it. Slowby computer. This is expletiving EXCRUTIATING, waiting and trying not to have it spoiled! Like... for all I know wefeelgroove has a massive plot twist under that spoilertag that I'm one mouse click away from. I'd better go play now before I cave under pressure.
  • edited April 2008
    I'm just floored. 'Epic' is much too puny a word to use. Telltale really has topped itself, what with the new characters, the in-jokes, the absurdities piled on absurdities, the sheer amount of stuff crammed into each game. Just... wow.
  • edited April 2008
    Fantastic episode. Just one thing that was left unanswered though:
    Who is Superball working for in 204?
  • edited April 2008
    Who indeed... :)
  • edited April 2008
    I like the sound of that.

    Looking forward to Season 3!
    And honestly, I hope we do see some of the dead characters again, even the Soda Poppers. Anything's possible, as this episode has shown.

    More thoughts:

    I loved the music in the tunnels. Had a Monkey Island vibe to it.
    I'm a little disappointed that the devil designs in the second piece of concept art didn't make it into the game. That's some of the best concept art I've seen. But Satan was handled great nevertheless. The voice was perfect.
  • edited April 2008
    What happened to neckless Satan from the trailer?

    Anyways, great episode. First one I was able to get through on my own, and it was totally worth it.
  • edited April 2008
    I just finished playing, and my GOD!! You really surprised me at the end!

    And the puzzles this time where just insane! I mean, yeah, there have been people asking for harder puzzles, which I don't mind, but the leaps in logic were just... well, let's just say I'm not complaining now, but at the time I really wish I had access to a mini-game to help me think before a NPC hint came up.

    This episode was a nice capstone for the season. I can't wait to read the reviews of it and replay it to catch all the little things I missed.
    I did see Chuckles in the background, though, so knowing he died at the end of 104 makes me a little sad now.
  • edited April 2008
    Who is Superball working for in 204?
    i thought this had to do with season 3, since it's september. i probably still has, but then why is it september in 205? the other episodes played roughly around their release dates.
  • edited April 2008
    + sam refers in the end that the case only took 5 months.

    ps. I liked 204 more but 205 was totally worth it.
  • edited April 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    I did see Chuckles in the background, though, so knowing he died at the end of 104 makes me a little sad now.

    at least he got a nice desk job (with almost no chance of cruise missile fall whatsoever)
    I thought this had to do with season 3
    I don't think season 3 plot has already been written yet. He was probably just working for the*bleeep* poppers.

    tabacco wrote: »
    Who indeed... :)

    ah, i just saw that mysterious comment from jake hinting at
    an answer in season three.
    I stand corrected.
  • edited April 2008
    gotta say, one of the best episodes ive played. pure brilliance!
  • edited April 2008

    X-Play gave it a 4 out of 5, with only two complaints. Difficulty and length.
  • edited April 2008
    Well, I always wait till end of season to buy the package, but I just have and have to say simply awesome.

    205 was easily my favourite though, and worth the season price alone, and also the first Sam And Max game I havn't had to resort to the walkthrough for.
    The only problem I have now is having to wait until 2009 for season 3 :(.
  • edited April 2008
    Nice episode ,I did like 204 more but to be honest that would be hard to top in my opinion.
    I expected the stripper to be Stinky, I got an even nastier surprise when it was the monster
    I've always hated the soda poppers so seeing them get done by the lava was nice :D

    Looking foward to the next series
  • edited April 2008
    Wow. A stunning episode and a fantastic season finale that gave a great feeling of closure. While in 204 I thought all the season's questions had been answered, 205 answers even more.

    As soon as I got the bag of pork rinds, I instantly knew that we'd see the future section from 201. :D It was also nice to be on the other side of the Boxing Betty remote/egg puzzle from 204.

    Also, getting to see the wedding over the credits was a great ending and it was really heartwarming. :)

    Keep up the fantastic work, Telltale. I can't wait for the Strong Bad game and Season 3!
  • edited April 2008
    I thought it had just the right amount of difficulty: Most puzzles were easy, but there a couple that stumped me. But once I increased the Hint frequency, I got the tips I needed.

    Shoot! Nuts! Melon-Farming Fudge Balls!
  • edited April 2008
    Teeth wrote: »
    It was also nice to be on the other side of the Boxing Betty remote/egg puzzle from 204.

    Which does explain why
    scanning it gave you the start of the universe for its birthday when it was, uh, laid
    but it did make me think about how when you
    scan featherley, it gives the same date. Is he his own parents

    ... did someone say Birthday?
  • edited April 2008
    What was the pork rinds for?
  • edited April 2008
    Sammy wrote: »
    What was the pork rinds for?

    Red Harring item. But if you right click on it over the course of the time you have it, you end up finding out that
    Sam has been sneeking into it when you aren't looking.
  • edited April 2008
    I've been waiting for Telltale to make a nice-looking night version of Sam and Max's street ever since Season 1 began. Amazingly, it's taken this long to replicate an effect first seen in screenshots of Freelance Police.

    Now you've finally gotten it right. Stars in the sky, all the windows lit up... The sunset effect from 106 and 202 pales in comparison. Better late than never, eh?
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah, I have to agree that the neighborhood at night was pretty snazzy.
  • edited April 2008
    Sammy wrote: »
    What was the pork rinds for?
    Zeek wrote: »
    Red Harring item. But if you right click on it over the course of the time you have it, you end up finding out that
    Sam has been sneeking into it when you aren't looking.

    I wouldn't call it that. Sure they had no function, but they tied the story together, because of the recurring scene from 201 of
    Sam & Max in hell.
    If we never got the pork rinds in 205, then it
    was weird for Max to ask for them in 201 and say WE'RE DOOMED!
  • edited April 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Red Harring item. But if you right click on it over the course of the time you have it, you end up finding out that
    Sam has been sneeking into it when you aren't looking.
    Holy crap! I had no idea that right-clicking on an item gave a description of it! :eek:
  • edited April 2008
    I'm still playing, but I really laughed about that little "2001 - A Space Odyssey"-homage in the intro :D
    Well done!
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