Sam & Max 205: What's New, Beelzebub? -- Now Available!



  • edited April 2008
    Yeah the music down in the tunnel with the train was very very good :) more like that would be so sweet
  • edited April 2008
    From Santa's workshop, to a Maoi Island to Stuchgard to a time traveling UFO to hell. Boy, you guys are going to have a really hard time topping yourselves.

    This episode was fantastic. Last episode maybe a bit more rewarding, but the whole game just pulled through for the entire series.
    I was really not expecting the Soda Poppers to even take over hell. Crazy!

    Now, I wonder what will happen with Sybil and the possessed Desoto. *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN*
  • jmmjmm
    edited April 2008
    Ryusuke wrote: »
    Boy, you guys are going to have a really hard time topping yourselves.

    That's something I keep reading at the forum and in reviews after every new episode....and TT keeps delivering... amazing.
  • edited April 2008
    well... I was wrong about "Nixon in Hell" but however Max brought funny rumors about Stalin's afterlife... flattered!
  • edited April 2008
    F_Slim wrote: »
    I'm still playing, but I really laughed about that little "2001 - A Space Odyssey"-homage in the intro :D
    Well done!

    What was the homage?
  • edited April 2008
    What was the homage?

    I would assume the computer's
    "Ship destroyed, but I still have the greatest confidence in the mission."

    Though, I'm still bugged by presence of missing time between 204 and 205, who put the
    in there office. Mayhaps,
    Superball is in the employ of the protectors of the time stream.
  • edited April 2008
    Avel wrote: »
    Though, I'm still bugged by presence of missing time between 204 and 205, who put the
    in there office. Mayhaps,
    Superball is in the employ of the protectors of the time stream.
    I don't think we're supposed to think about it too much, as it basically will serve as a useless item from now on (but it needs to be there, for it must be there in the distant future, according to 204). If you want a rational explanation how it got there, then just say "present" Sam and Max put it there on their second trip through the past year (which we didn't experience) when "past" Sam and Max stole the time machine. Things certainly could have changed a bit when they had to redo everything. Maybe they felt like taking a volcano and throwing it in their office before causing another big explosion. Keep in mind that the Superball scene (where he guards the closet door) takes place during the time of 205, even though you might visit it first in 204.
  • edited April 2008
    i love how people over analyze stuff... remember back in 202 how they were arriving back from the north pole as the episode was beginning, but yet... there was all kinda of new junk in that office

    personally i think the office is alive and has a mind of its own, collecting useless junk without sam and max's knowing (but its not like they care either)
  • edited April 2008
    Well, remember they were supposed to take care of Christmas, so a lot of time probably took place between 201 and 202.
  • edited April 2008
    Wow, didn't notice Superball in the trailer until just now when I downloaded the Hi-Def trailer.

    Looks like TTG pulled a Cloverfield. :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Its Chuckles, actually. It can be Superball if you want, though.
  • edited April 2008
    *replays trailer*

  • edited April 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Its Chuckles, actually. It can be Superball if you want, though.

    Must be the fuzziness of the VHS filter you guys put over it. Didn't see the gray hair until you said something.
  • edited April 2008
    VHS filter...thehe..
  • edited May 2008
    When is the "Did you try..." list for 205 going to be released?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Must be the fuzziness of the VHS filter you guys put over it. Didn't see the gray hair until you said something.

    "It's not a filter." - Arnold Schwarzenegger (attr)
  • edited May 2008
    Yeah, I forgot you guys said you had a VHS player that helped you do that when I posted that.
  • edited May 2008
    They'll probably wait a while before releasing the 205 list... most of the other lists came out after the episode was around for a month or so, 205 is still at least a week away from its one month birthday...

    And if anyone pulls a mariachi, or starts talking to the episode in a baby-like voice... I'm going to loose it.
  • edited May 2008
    baby-like voice?
  • edited May 2008
    You know, highpitched "Ah goo goo goo!" stuff.
  • edited May 2008
    Ah, just finished the last episode. Seeing
    the Soda Poppers get killed in a river of lava
    made laugh out heartily :) Good luck making season 3 just as enjoyable, this season was incredible.
  • edited March 2010
    So, where's Chuckles in Hell? I don't see him.

    Another question is, how do you do those spoilers thing when you hide stuff you don't want folks to know about until they either play the game or they just do the usual?
  • edited March 2010
    JusSonic wrote: »
    So, where's Chuckles in Hell? I don't see him.

    Another question is, how do you do those spoilers thing when you hide stuff you don't want folks to know about until they either play the game or they just do the usual?

    Wow, bringing up a dead thread or WHAT?
    Anyway, to use spoiler tags, just write "[" (without the "s) and then write "SPOILER", then a "]" and then type your stuff. Then, to get rid of it, type [/SPOILER].

    Example is
    This is in a spoiler tag

    Just press the QUOTE button and look at the part that says this is in a spoiler tag. That's how to do it.
  • edited March 2010
    Finally! The final episode of series 2 is out! Woo!
  • edited March 2010
    JusSonic wrote: »
    So, where's Chuckles in Hell? I don't see him.
    You can see him get up for coffee when Satan is talking to either Brady Culture or Hugh Bliss, I don't remember.
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